Just more evidence that your common criminal is just plain retarded:
On October 1st, 2009 California Attorney General Jerry Brown announced that an investigation had been opened into ACORN’s activities in California, resulting from undercover videos showing employees seemingly offering to assist the undercover film makers with human smuggling, child prostitution and even tax advice to boot.
Although ACORN has denied any wrongdoing, some of the employees involved were terminated, and ACORN has publicly stated that they would fully cooperate with any investigations that followed.
Interestingly, the local head ACORN organizer in California, David Lagstein was caught on tape earlier this month speaking to an East County Democratic Club.
Mr. Lagstein stated: “…the attorney general is a political animal, but certainly every bit of the communication we have had with them has suggested that the fault will be found with the people that did the video and not the people with ACORN.”
Continuing, Mr. Lagstein stated: “…we are fully cooperating, some of the investigators visited our office this morning and I think they really understand what’s going on.”
Shockingly, we now learn that the ACORN office in National City (San Diego County) engaged in a massive document dump on the evening of October 9th, containing thousands upon thousands of sensitive documents, just days prior to the Attorney General’s visit.
BigGovernment.com has learned that not only did this document dump occur, but the documents in question were irresponsibly and brazenly dumped in a public dumpster, without considering laws and regulations as to how sensitive information should be treated.
And Andrew Breitbart has the evidence. All those documents were retrieved and they include personal information belonging to employees and clients of ACORN…..AND
ACORN’s political agenda is also exposed, with thousands upon thousands of documents revealing the depth of the political machine that is ACORN, and its disturbing ties to not only public employee labor unions but some of the most radical leftist organizations.
~~~Over the weeks and months ahead, BigGovernment.com will continue to release information from this shocking document dump by ACORN, slowly revealing the ugly truth of ACORN: the fact that their stated mission of helping the poor and downtrodden is just a ruse and a cover for an organization that is highly partisan and highly political, and thus rotten to the core.
They will keep at this until something is done….my hats off to Andrew and his team. They have done a magnificent job of staying focused and letting ACORN hang themselves with their own stupidity.

See author page
“…hats off to Andrew and his team. They have done a magnificent job of staying focused and letting ACORN hang themselves with their own stupidity.”
There won’t be a need to secure the other end of that hanging rope – they can throw it over a single sturdy tree limb and put one noose around ACORN’s neck and the other around the neck of the MSM. They’ve been standing on their lies and their blinding partisan bias for a long time and Breitbart’s team can just kick those lies away and watch them dangle and twist.
Yes, because we all know that you terminate employees who are doing nothing wrong.
If I were one of those employees, I would turn around and SUE ACORN for illegal termination without evidence.
Without the audio they can’t tell what was said and therefore wrongfully terminated the employees IMHO. I just don’t see how you can have it both ways. Although that seems to be the typical attitude of liberals.
I wouldn’t trust this Moonbat as far as I could throw him. Well half as far. This is the same dork that when this first broke he said he was going to investigate the the “Pimp” and the “ho” for illegal wiretap. I smell a broom and a carpet.
If we turn our backs on this bastard, he will dismiss. He is an attention-hog, so we need to keep up the pressure so he willingly becomes our “ho”. He is for sale, be it attention or votes. If we don’t he will either sweep it under the rug, or press charges against Andy. He is a crooked SOB progressive moonbat that hates all things conservative.
woof… between ID theft and now the potential of fame and bucks from exposing political scandal at the highest levels, it seems the new job of choice for the unemployed with ambitions should be major dumpster diving!
Jerry Brown is a farce. He is so far left he doesn’t know what “right” means. Also, when his dad was Gov of CA, most cars had bumper stickers that read “If it’s brown, flush it”. Very appropriate.
I’ve been following this story at Big Government. Breitbart said he isn’t done yet, not by a long shot. Between this and the climate fraud unveiling, I feel like Christmas came early. Karma has come home to roost for the left.