The Great Ditherer, Above Reproach [Reader Post]

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barack-obama-26216The AP has found it expedient to unleash the fact checking dogs onto Sarah Palin’s ghost written autobiography, Going Rogue; while conveniently ignoring the dubious inconsistencies in Obama’s book Dreams From My Father. Palin announced that her book was ghost written, while evidence continues to mounts that Obama’s book was in fact not written by him. The imperative choices made by the self anointed Fourth Estate, our ever faithful watchdogs of government who selflessly serve the public interest, seem to patronize the public while considering Obama above and beyond even a pretense of criticism.

While the global economy is recovering from the worst recession since World War II, the United States flounders in the same doldrums of New Dealism that kept America locked in The Great Depression while the rest of the world enjoyed growing prosperity.

Crude is $79.92, Gold is $1,147.72, Platinum is $1,43.10; India has just contracted to buy two metric tons of Gold, China is sucking in most of copper, aluminum, and iron ore on the market; the United States languishes in the doldrums of skim milk Marxism, while other nations are forging into un-before known prosperity, we have economic pundits forecasting hyper inflation; and the AP worries whether Sarah Palin has errors in her new book Going Rogue, rather than examining the integrity and writing skills of the Great Ditherer.

The Great Ditherer has come by his nick name honestly, in the 89-90 school year he was elected by the Law students to be the President of he Harvard Law Review. A position that was to become symbolic, for other than gushing reviews from the New York Times over his “irresistible” writing skills, he contributed nothing and wrote absolutely nothing, other than one ineffectual unsigned case note, and since that brilliant contribution he has not written a legal article in nearly 20 years.

In reality, Obama was probably elected to the position, for much the same reason that he was elected to the Presidency of the United States, to appease White Liberal ambivalent guilt feelings over their wealth and prestige. Thus Obama became their Token Negro in the front office to lessen elite guilt, for how can you be a Liberal without demonstrating your uncompromising fairness without having Negro window dressing. Thus an irresistible writer was elected to a prestigious position and was expected to do… nothing. Thus the role of Great Ditherer was becoming more defined for a talent that thrived on being noted as a mediocrity and reinforced by the Ivy League Liberal Elite of Harvard. A precedent was set that the young Obama could finally grasp, the concept of dithering.

On November 28, 1990, Obama was issued a six figure contract by Poseidon Press, an imprint of Simon and Shuster for a memoir titled In Black and White. A memoir is the easiest of all books to write, there are no references, nor footnotes, the truth can be stretched as long as the writing is at least plausible. The manuscript was to be completed by June 15, 1992, thus Obama had 18 months to complete the manuscript and was advanced $75,000 of a $150,000 contract. A contract that is virtually unheard of unless you are Liberal window dressing. For some reason, the University of Chicago Law School loaned Obama an office to write his manuscript.

On October 20, 1992, after almost two years of earnest dithering, Poseidon terminated the contract for noncompliance.

Obama pleaded with Simon and Shuster that he and Michelle were in debt with student loans and that he had already spent the advance: in effect, he expected a bailout. Again, fate and liberal guilt allowed Obama to skate.

Soon after this debacle, Obama secured a $40,000 advance from Times Books to write the same book. In a fabricated story by the New York Times, Barack and Michelle went to Bali on a romantic interlude for four months so that he could unlock and write the book. The truth has now emerged that Barack went to Bali by himself for one to three months and at the very least spent his time dithering once again, for the sum total of his writing excursion was…. nothing. Thus the behavioral pattern of the Great Ditherer was becoming even more formalized and entrenched.

Of course the discrepancies in the Legend of the Anointed One aren’t as important as the new book of a former Vice Presidential candidate.

In 1993, Michelle realized that the Great Ditherer had once again lived up to his nick name and after having read, To Teach by William Ayers, and approving of the novel like journalistic style she approached their “friend and Hyde Park neighbor, Bill Ayers” about writing the Dreams book.

Christopher Anderson in his new coffee table book that portrays life with the Obamas, Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage succinctly describes how the book Dreams of My Father was written in this quote from Michelle, “[The Obama Family] oral histories, along with his partial manuscript and a trunk load of notes were given to Bill Ayers.”

Thus an admitted and unrepentant terrorist, who told an undercover FBI agent that 20 to 25 million Americans would have to be exterminated in camps to establish a Marxist Utopia here in the United States is the one who actually writes the “irresistible” prose for the President.

While the AP hounds from hell are lunging past one another to shred the slightest variance from fact in Sarah’s ghost written autobiography, the most obvious and foul story of malfeasance is ignored. Thus the MSM contributes to its own demise of intellectual and journalistic integrity.

Jack Cashill, a professor at Purdue and a blogger at American Thinker has written convincing arguments concerning the similarities of Dreams and Ayers’ previous writing, similarities that are like fingerprints for seasoned writers. I follow Dr Cashill’s opinions on this matter and I have drawn most of my notes from his work.

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This is the ultimate upward failure syndrome to the nth degree. Obama has only one talent, and that is reading a TelePrompTer.

I had a great grandfather named Sam who was drunk and a card shark. They found him dead of exposure out by the railroad tracks one day. What kind of payday could I get for an oral history like that.

Davey, short and to the point, like a hard right hand between the running lights, I like that. You may be on to something here; although, most of us if we are honest with ourselves have some genetic history that isn’t all that glamorous. I had two grandfathers who were in a desperate struggle with the bottle in a fight to the death, they both lost. Will that qualify me for double dipping? I need a little double dipping into a cash cow!

Jainphx, I think O wasted his time in law school. With diligent study, he could have been the greatest Teleprompter reader in the world. He is near the top of teleprompter readers now with only a superficial education, an Affirmative Action education designed especially for ditherers.

There is starting to be some word coming out that Obama didn’t write Audacity of Hope either. It is said that his present speech-writer was the one who penned it. Stay tuned, but expect the media to ignore the story no matter how it comes out.

Thanks for the tip PV, this material has significance for me. I am currently reading Dreams with my trusty Magic Marker: it is a despicable job that I do out of a sense of duty. I bought it at a used book store with the satisfaction that I wasn’t contributing to the corruption that is Obama.

“William Ayers?? just a guy from the neighborhood, didn’t know him that well” (semi exact quote)…. the lies become more and more evident!!!

On the one hand I couldn’t care less that either bio was ghost written, but when it comes to Obama it stands out because we’ve been led to believe that he’s both the Earth’s most gifted orator and America’s most intelligent intellectual. Shouldn’t writing a book about his favorite subject be trivially easy for a mind as brilliant as his? Even his most orgasmic sycophants in the media have failed to create a point to his life prior to public office so it’s not like he didn’t have the time to write books about himself. Oh excuse me, I should have written “His”, “His”, “He” and “Himself”.

Steve, books are ghost written all the time, it is widely accepted; however, honesty and integrity require the admission of having employed a ghost writer; otherwise, it is considered fraud. Of course Fearless Reader has never allowed himself to be encumbered by either honesty or integrity nor threatened by implications of fraud.

Thanks for your input, I am just blowing off steam. G-d speed.

Why do I get the feeling the Slitherin’ Ditherin’ One will lay off his decision on Afghanistan onto the same guy who wrote Dreams?