Need More Evidence That The Left Fears Sarah?

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Look no further:

Then you have the AP hiring 11 fact checkers to comb through her book.

Or Newsweek using a photo of Sarah in running shorts, taken for Runners World magazine, for it’s cover in an obvious attempt to minimize her.

And last but not least, a book review of her book by the Washington Post written by someone who didn’t read her book.

As Doctor Zero muses:

Shouldn’t a book review from someone who admits to not reading the book count as letter of resignation by a serious publication?

Most certainly.

The lengths the left is going to drag Sarah through the mud just proves how very scared they are.

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If Sarah leads down a road to tragic circumstances, how will we recognize these tragic circumstances? We seem to be living these tragic circumstances everyday!

How much worse can it get? Unless he resigns because of being too incompetent or his corruption becomes too much for even the Democrat Party, we will have 3 more years to find out just how much worse it can get, by that time the Democrats will be asking for Palin, despite the lunacy and corruption of the MSM.

The fact they cannot leave her alone, OR for that matter, get her OUT OF THEIR MINDS is proof enough that they FEAR the woman!!! I usually dismiss and IGNORE things I find inconsequential, or of little matter. Fact is, it would seem by their apparent INFATUATION with every breath she takes, they think she IS a big deal!! The more they attack, the higher her level of “danger” to them appears to be!!

They couldn’t assign 11 reporters to track down the real story on Obama and the terrorist William Ayers but they can put a team of reporters to work fact checking a book by Sarah Palin!

Can we say MEDIA BIAS? Suuurrrrreeee!

Sarah Palin is so far into their minds she is about to give them an aneurysm.
(Thanks to W. Jacobson who I got this from).

It’s clear they all seem to have a moose in their shorts over at the lamestream media. It’s quite possible Sarah may just make their whole schtick implode.

Wait until she goes after Obama.

The moose in the shorts image is wild. I think when she goes after Obama, he will strip some gears, he almost came unlaced during the campaign with the lipstick on a pig comment. This time she wont have McCain holding her back.

Remember when it came out that Obama would not be scheduled for any interviews with that wing of the GOP, FOXnews, for the rest of the year?

Since Sarah is scheduled to be on O’Reilly, Beck, Hannity and Greta, Obama is interviewing with Brett Beir and Major Garrett. Wonder if he’ll do a segment on Rush? She’s in their heads alright! So funny!!!

i will vote for sarah in 2012! i have read her record in governing alaska and she is right on!

we don’t have anyone on the right that can come close to her. i pray that she runs for president so that i’ll have the priviledge to wittness our first female president.

she is very qualified to be president.

I think it would be a hoot to have ONE person fact-checking the AP… but then… who cares! I have a vision of sending them a (melted) chocolat mousse… ’bout the same color and consistency…


Looks like Sarah decided to come-out on the book tour with the big guns blazing- I love it.

Dear Leader must be freaking out…



Lines form overnight for Sarah Palin ‘Going Rogue’ book signing at Woodland Mall tonight

GRAND RAPIDS — Hundreds of people waited through the night for the chance to meet former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Laura Lomik of Brighton left home at 4 p.m. and ended up being first in line at 9.

Lomik, who was napping on the floor outside of the bookstore, said “Sarah Palin is my role model. I cannot wait to meet her.”

People started to line up at Tuesday night to wait to get a wrist band for access to a Palin’s book-signing at Barnes & Nobel in Woodland Mall.

Barnes & Noble employees expect thousands to gather to meet Palin on her national book tour, which starts in Grand Rapids.

Wristbands to get into the signing were to be distributed starting at 7 a.m. today, but many started lining up Tuesday night make sure they are among the first through the mall doors, which opened at 5 a.m.

I don’t think she’s really going to have to go after O’Bummer. He’s about to implode under his own volition. Every single day his entire adminstration looks more and more ridiculous. It’s getting to look more like a poorly written farce by the moment. Every time I see him or one of his drones on the tube I can’t help wonder what cockamamie new thing are they going to come up with today. I also wonder how can serious people continue to support and even champion this inept baffoon. Are they brain dead or living in a fantasy world? I was willing to give the chump the benefit of a doubt when he was first elected, but this horse hockey is getting serious and it’s costing people their lives. Time to change the “change”.

they say that hate is all consuming, we see that in their treatment of palin and her family. it cracks me up, they get all rabid and freak out, i just laugh. she is everything they are not and that scares them, their masks are about to be ripped off.

I just bought her book and can’t wait to start reading. I just hope the Gop realizes that she is the only viable candidate and IMO would defeat bho. So far they haven’t given her much support.

The GOP as it NOW exists is on life support!! If they do not get a BRAIN TRANSPLANT soon, the patient will DIE!! Need new leadership, new direction, and the OLD platform back….. or they are committing suicide. If those running it now are too STUPID to see the error of THEIR ways, they are no better/brighter than the DEMOCRATS, and then ought to be treated as such!

If you think for ONE minute the left worries about Sarah Palin you are in right wing dreamland.
I am a lefty and I really hope she runs against BHO for his second term. That would be a HOOT!


I know the left worries about Sarah. Look at the Newsleak magazine. The left cannot stop talking about her. THe AP assigned 11 reporters to go over her book looking for things to attack her with. The left cannot stop thinking about her.

It will be a hoot to see her wipe the stage with his incompetence. Democrats have had control of congress for three solid years now. This mess wasn’t from Republicans or Bush. It was not inherited by YoMama. YoMama voted the mess into existence as a senator. THe Community Reinvestment Act is responsible for the current economic crisis and that belongs to Bawny Fwank and Chris Dodd… This unemployment is a result of uncertainty due to YoMama’s promises to bankrupt the energy industries and raise energy costs across the board. And the uncertainty about the government health care takeover and the costs to employers is another question mark. And then there are the efforts to spend us into bankruptcy with the spendulos pork bill. Not to mention the 5% rise in taxes for everyone when the Bush tax cuts expire. And the threats of new taxes on everything from soda pop to energy to oil and gas and taxes on prothetics and other health related taxes.

No wonder no one is hiring. There is no telling how much a single employee will cost in a single years time. YoMama created this unemployment rate with all the uncertainly he has created with every promises he makes.

R A P …… so the left isn’t worried about her you say. Then why don’t YOU explain to us why a day doesn’t go by that the LIBERAL MEDIA doesn’t have at least one “attack” piece on her??? Story after story, slam, insult, MAKE UP “dirt”……. standard fare it seems for the MSM on her… once again, if she DOESN’T matter, WHY does she get 100% of their ATTENTION????
or is it to try and keep the attention AWAY from your guy, Captain F##K Up??????

Sure you’re not worried about her, RAP. That’s why you felt the need to post that you aren’t afraid of her. :rofl:

She is inside the Left’s OODA loop with weapons hot and locked. RAP, that itching sensation on the back of your neck ain’t psoriasis. 😉

RAP: I am not sure what is sadder. The fact that you want Obama to win AGAIN or the fact you are living in denial.

Obama is letting troops die for a war he doesn’t believe in. Why I am sure if Bush were doing that you would be having a conniption fit right about now. Or is it that he is too busy polishing that PEACE prize and too worried about losing it by sending more troops?

If he isn’t in the war, why not pull the troops out and quit letting them die needlessly as Commander spineless-in-chief plays his fiddle.

And RAP, As far as the left being obsessed with her … look no further than at ABC, NBC, CBS, Huffington post and DailyKOS.

AP doin’ “fact” checking? ROTFLMAO! No one sees the irony in this??