My friend Jean emailed this request to me and I am asking for your help in bringing Sage safely home. Please donate what you can to help Sage .
I’d like to introduce you to Sage , a photo is attached to this email:
Lance Corporal Alex Werner lives in Milford, PA. He is the 2nd of four children. He joined the Marine Corps right out of high school, and chose to be a combat engineer since he’d always enjoyed construction, as well as destruction – ie bombs and blowing things up with them. One night while on a mission with his platoon in Iraq, Lcpl Werner’s vehicle rounded a corner and a dog ran out in front of them. The dog was killed, leaving behind a puppy who was on the side of the road. Lcpl Werner heard her crying and caught her (not an easy task he says). From that moment on, she has been with Lcpl Werner and the rest of the Marines of his platoon, being loved on by them and, according to Major Kleber’s telling, carried everywhere by them. The men have named the dog Sage. She is being showered with love and affection and toys that have been sent in care packages.
SPCA International has agreed to assist with transporting Sage back to the US from Iraq. Due to operational movements, it may be necessary to bring her home very soon. The cost of bring a dog from Iraq is over $7,000. SPCA International covers the majority of the costs, but requires the service member to provide at least $1,000 towards the cost of his own pup’s transport.
I am asking that everyone consider giving a gift to SPCA International to help get Sage home where she will live with Lcpl Werner upon his return from Iraq. If everyone gives just $10.00-$25.00 each, we can easily raise the $1,000 required to get Sage home and help take that burden off of Lcpl Werner.
Donations can be made multiple ways. Checks can be sent to SPCA International
Operation Baghdad Pups Program
P.O. Box 1230
Washington, DC 20013
The memo line should read “Operation Baghdad Pups – Sage”
Credit card donations can also be made on the website SPCAI
If you would prefer to purchase items that will be used to bring Sage home, such as her crate, please get in touch with me and I will get you a list of items that need to be purchased for her.
From our friends at Flopping Aces, here’s the latest known schedule: Alex will be home by April 30, 2010. Sage is scheduled to ship out NOV 2 to make sure there are no problems. She’ll stay with Alex’s mom until he gets home. (You know this will be the longest six months of his life.) If you’d like to contact him, here’s an address:
Lcpl Alex Werner
CLB-46, Engineer Co., 1st Plt (betchurass he’s a combat engineer)
Unit 72022
FPO AE 09509-2022
UPDATE From Jean:
The good news is that Thanks to Ratdog and crew, we have well exceeded the amount required from Lcpl Werner to get Sage home and are well on the way to paying for half of her trip all on our own – an endeavor I am SURE the SPCA appreciates as it allows them to help even more servicemembers and their dogs. The less good news is that Sage is stuck on a base in Iraq and can’t get to Baghdad in time to make her plane for this particular transport. So, she’s on hold until the January transport and we will continue to coordinate efforts to get her to Baghdad between now and then. As of now, Lcpl Werner has had to leave her to the care of other Marines as he has been relocated. I’m sure he’s missing his girl like crazy right now, but we are sure she’s being taken care of by the boys she is with now. Keep ‘em all in your prayers, one day closer to having our husbands and sons back home…
UPDATE from RatDog:
Another $500 has been donated to this cause!
Clams sent.
“God made dogs, so Marines could have heroes”
Thank you, Patvann!!!!
I know the people involved with Sage and this dog is a lifesaver.
How could I look at those faces and not send a check to SPCAI. I also wrote a note to Corporal Werner, but even if he doesn’t receive it, I’m now reminded to do this more often – to tell those boys that my husband and I are honored by their service.
Dallas, Texas
Donation made. God Bless our troops. Thank you for posting this information. I’ve spread the word to a forum board I belong to, so more donations should be coming in.
How could I look at those faces and not send a check; I also wrote a note to Corporal Werner, and even if he does not receive it, I’m reminded to do it more often – telling the boys how much my husband and I honor their service.
Skye, keep us posted, I’d like to know how it’s going.
Just put this up on Free Republic
This sounds exactly like a part of Army Wives on Lifetime channel where during a bombing, the dog saved Jeremy’s life, he got attached to the dog then the dog was sent to USA, his home on base. Anyway Yes very much need to help and reconnect Sage w/Lcpl Werner when he comes home. God Bless you for forwarding this info to all all.
Thanks kozanne for putting this up on FR, might not have seen it otherwise.
The Lab Girlz and I put a little in the kitty for the puppy.
I want to thank each one of you for donating to this cause. I emailed Jean today informing her of where her message was posted and she replied with this update:
If you have any ideas that you would like to share with Jean, please feel free to post them here or email them to me.
Thanks again for your help in this matter 🙂
Kozanne, could you update your post on FR with this new info?
Will do Skye.
What about some of the other milblogs out there? Like Blackfive? I visit there, it’s a good site. I’d be happy to make contact with Blackfive and see if they would be willing to lend a hand by putting a big fat post on their site.
I’ll go check it out now and get back to you.
ETA: Sent them an email at Blackfive with a link to this article. Keep your fingers crossed!
Just contacted Pat Dollard to see if he will lend his support by posting Sage’s story on his site.
Pray that our donation helps get Sage home. My husband and I appreciate so much the sacrifices already being made, we could not sit by and have this young man lose Sage. God bless you all!
The challenge went out last night and the RatDog Pack is raising money! We’re up around $150 donated with several more of our guys yet to hear from. We’ll get you totals later in the week. Keep it up, FA readers!
Excellent, RatDog! I’ll keep bumping posts I made on other boards!
OMG! You guys are all so amazing! Skye just told me you had been raising support for LCpl Werner and Sage! What an amazing group of people you all are! Thank you so much! I know this means the world to him! If possible, I’m trying to keep track of the donations so we can send an email update out as well as some notes in the future. If you’ve made a donation to Sage, please email me at so we can keep you up to date as she travels home and grows up.
Thank you again to all!
If you would like to send a note to Lcpl Werner, I can ensure it gets to him. Let me know if you want to send by snail mail or you can send to my email and I’ll forward it on.
As of noon Friday our group is up to $330, including a fantastic $100 donation (from a former Marine, wouldn’t you know). I hope to be able to report more this afternoon. TEXANS ROCK (well, there was one from KS and one from CO, too).
Ooooh-rah! We’re at $405 at 2:00 CDT.
RatDog – Fantastic! All of you rock! I will share this with Jean as well. Thank you for stepping up to the plate on this one 🙂
My brother is deployed with LCPL Werner. He sends me pics of Sage. I just want to thank everyone that has sent in a donation. Sage has become part of their Unit, and deserves to come home with the guys!
Thought I would let everyone know that as of 11:00 this morning we hit $480, and I’ve been promised (by a very reliable source) another $20 tonight. So we should be at $500. Ooooh-rah.
THANK YOU!!! I emailed Jean to share the news with her.
With the RatDog pack’s $500 and others we’ve received, we’re over $850 so far, and those are only the ones I’ve been able to keep track of! I can’t send enough “Thank yous!”
Jean and Skye, I just sent you an email — we’re at $650!!!!! I am so proud of the Pack and everyone that has contributed and worked for this noble cause. God bless you all.
Jean and Skye, more news, and this is stunning. I just received word that another one of our “greedy oil men” just gave $1000 to Sage this morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so proud of our folks, and it couldn’t be for a better cause. Please keep us posted on our progress, and of course any news of Sage’s status when you have it.
Skye – The SPCA form wants an honoree’s e-mail address. Can you shoot me an e-mail letting me know what I should fill in the blanks with, please. Honoree: Lance Corporal Alex Werner [?]
Just want to make sure that I have all the information correct so that the donation goes to bringing Sage home.
sabrasstilettos at yahoo dot com
BT in SA:
Just sent your question to Jean, and I’ll let email you the answer.
Thanks for your support!
Outstanding work!!!! I’m so proud of your efforts in helping out our fellow soldiers.
Beautiful! My $50 is in! God Bless ALL of our Troops..human and canine pals! Thank you SO much for letting your readers know how to help!
Skye – Nothing from Jean, yet?
Has anyone else used the SPCA site to donate?
It would take far too long to get a check to you – minimum of two weeks – and that is via air mail.
Let me know.
We had all of our group go to the “Baghdad Pups” section of the SPCAI website and put “Sage and Lcpl Alex Werner” in the “HONOREE” field. I also sent a backup email to SPCAI with the names of our contributors and instructions that they were for SAGE.
Thanks RatDog. Donation made.
Alright, Patriots, we have good news and bad news. The good news is that Thanks to Ratdog and crew, we have well exceeded the amount required from Lcpl Werner to get Sage home and are well on the way to paying for half of her trip all on our own – an endeavor I am SURE the SPCA appreciates as it allows them to help even more servicemembers and their dogs. The less good news is that Sage is stuck on a base in Iraq and can’t get to Baghdad in time to make her plane for this particular transport. So, she’s on hold until the January transport and we will continue to coordinate efforts to get her to Baghdad between now and then. As of now, Lcpl Werner has had to leave her to the care of other Marines as he has been relocated. I’m sure he’s missing his girl like crazy right now, but we are sure she’s being taken care of by the boys she is with now. Keep ’em all in your prayers, one day closer to having our husbands and sons back home…
One of our guys just came through with another $500!
Thanks to all for your supprt!
The Military Channel is broadcasting a “war dogs” special tonight. Check your local listing for times and repeat broadcasts.
I’m sure those Marines will take care of her just fine until January, and bring them some joy as well.
God bless you all.
I’m glad it’s all working out, BUT this shows why we’re so screwed moneywise as a nation!!! It costs 7000.00 bucks for the gov to put a dog in a crate and ship it to the US???? Good GRIEF!! Hope they serve him Filet Mignon on the flight for THAT ticket cost!!! LOL!!!
Fb’d, Tweeted and donated 😉 Come on home Sage !!!
Actually, it costs $7000 bucks for the International SPCA to get a dog treated and transported out of Iraq and Afghanistan. If our government was in charge it would cost at least a cool 7 million and the dogs would still be in country.