They say C-SPAN will last forever. Naked Emperor News posted a flashback YouTube video showing then minority house speaker Pelosi proclaiming ‘absolute outrage’ over the Republican leadership not allowing members of Congress three days to read a bill.
Money Quote from Pelosi: “A vote for the motion to recommit, is a vote for members to be able to read a bill before they vote on it. IS THAT ASKING TOO MUCH?”
Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat is right.
The funniest thing is how serious they take themselves.
Two faced Bee-Yitch…..
Gotta love it! Better than a way-back machine. Caught by her own words.
And for the record, Nancy, we agree, it is not acceptable NO MATTER WHICH PARTY IS IN POWER.
The Pelosis and Obamas of the world came up telling voters whatever served their purposes, flip-flopping for various audiences as needed to obtain votes and support. Their specious, calculating BS was covered up by their political machines and an obsequious MSM.
But for all the talk about how Obama was so modern with his Blackberry, and David Plouffe/MoveOn web based efforts pretty much put him in the White House… the technology age has some major drawbacks for professional liars like these, and it’s amazing how slow the Dear Leader has been to realize that we’re watching, now more than ever…
Pelosi—“What’s a matter with you guys? You actually wanna’ read this crap before we have a chance to shove it down America’s throat”? “What kinda team players are you”?
An honest politician is an oxymoron…
I think Pelosi is a repugnant witch and can’t wait for her to be in the minority again. Having said that, I have one question that this post does not address: Did the Republicans acquiesce and allow the democRats to read their bills or did they shove them through? Hypocrisy, thy name is politician would be more apropos.
Democrats give hypocrisy a bad name
I’m in favor of another Constitutional amendment:
Congress shall not vote upon any law unless and until it has been posted on the internet for at least 72 hours for the public to read, in its final form prior to the beginning of such a vote.
Pelosi Censors Republicans by Rep. John Carter
To Pelosi – In honor of Rep. Wilson
@ suek
If we go as far as a constitutional amendment, it should also say that congress shall be bound by every law they pass without exception.
Don’t confuse the issue by combining the two. Two separate amendments!!
“All members of Congress shall be bound by any law they pass, and shall be prosecuted for corruption if they attempt to provide themselves with benefits not available to the populace.”
How’s that?