Cry “Havoc” and Let Slip the Dogs of War [Reader Post]

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William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar III:1

President Obama, we are at war. The Islamic Terrorists are not cooperating with your transformation of our society into a Politically Correct Utopia with nomenclature that neutralizes the ugliness of war. They do not chant Obama, Obama, they do not faint on cue, they pay no attention to subjective pandering by sexually mis-oriented news journalists like Chris Mathews. Their war is a fanaticism that welcomes death while destroying us, the Infidel. Although you may see yourself whispering Allahu Akbar during your death and accruing your place in heaven, the vast majority have no interest or sympathy with Islamic Terrorism, we seek to destroy it.

This war is no longer about your narcissistic view of yourself and your ratings; it is about us, the American people and the fanatic bastards who want to kill us. No they are not like Christian Fundamentalists or Conservatives or Jews or even Muslims, they are radical Islamic fascists or terrorists and they are at war with us and with you, whether you are your incompetent sycophants posing as advisors care to admit it or not.

At Fort Hood you related this purposely confusing message:

This is a time of war. And yet these Americans did not die on a foreign field of battle. They were killed here, on American soil, in the heart of this great American community. It is this fact that makes the tragedy even more painful and even more incomprehensible.

It may be hard to comprehend the twisted logic that led to this tragedy. But this much we do know – no faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor. And for what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice – in this world, and the next.

These are trying times for our country. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, the same extremists who killed nearly 3,000 Americans continue to endanger America, our allies, and innocent Afghans and Pakistanis. In Iraq, we are working to bring a war to a successful end, as there are still those who would deny the Iraqi people the future that Americans and Iraqis have sacrificed so much for.

Here, at Fort Hood, we pay tribute to thirteen men and women who were not able to escape the horror of war, even in the comfort of home.

You have finally admitted that we are engaged in a war, although we seem reluctant to wage war and regard the opinions of anti-American foreign journalists and the of Third World Dictators, as important in how we conduct our contingency operation. May I, as an American remind you that a war is not a police raid on a DC crack house.

While you weigh General McChrystal’s request for more troops on the political scale of public opinion and claim that victory is not an option you are comfortable with; I ask you to contemplate the works of General MacArthur, “In war there is no substitute for victory.”

And yet these Americans did not die on a foreign field of battle. They were killed here, on American soil, in the heart of this great American community. It is this fact that makes the tragedy even more painful and even more incomprehensible.

It may be hard to comprehend the twisted logic that led to this tragedy. But this much we do know – no faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor.

Yes these Americans like the Americans of 9/11 were killed by Fanatic Islamic Terrorism, like the families of Flight 93, the survivors and families of the victims have no interest in a Muslim Crescent pointing to Mecca being erected on the site of killing.

The tragedy is painful Mr. Obama, but you make it more painful and incomprehensible by refusing to declare this an act of terrorism and by refusing to admit that Mao’s concept of Political Correctness embraced so fervently by the Left is an antiquated idea and is a major component contributing to Major Hasan’s Act of Terrorism against America; thus this heinous act was allowed to happen beneath the watchful eyes of the FBI and Senior Military Officers.

Policies like words have consequences, fear of speaking up and crossing a line of Political Correctness and Diversities Demarcation has guaranteed that this scenario will play out again on your watch President Obama and still we are full steam ahead without a point of direction on a pointless mission, according to you, since you refuse to define our mission, knowing only that Victory makes “you” uncomfortable.

It my be hard to comprehend the twisted logic, but we don’t need to comprehend the logic; it is enough for us to know that our enemy is evil and we must destroy him, not give him our money and love him into submission.

We the American People have stood our ground like the Revolutionary hero General Parker, who told his men before the Battle of Lexington, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here!” President Obama, they have begun this war twice, how long can you deny the existence of the evil psychopathic killers who want to convert us or kill us.

And for what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice – in this world, and the next.

We know that your speeches are written by some Liberal Harpie seekng political advantage in the morgue of Fort Hood, but trying to make you sound Like Maximus in the Coliseum is laughable and a crime against script writers.

“I am the husband of a murdered wife, the father of a murdered son, and will have revenge in this world or the next.” Maximus: Gladiator, Speaking to Caesar in the arena, a pivotal and emotionally charged moment of the film.

Nice try Mr. President, but using the same line as an apologist for the United States and a President who doesn’t seek victory in war, once again you are left looking like an incompetent and impotent fool. Hint: Hire competent speech writers and get rid of the Marxist Yes Men that you surround yourself with.

You said it, “the same extremists” these are the people we need to slip our dogs of war onto. They need to be hunted down and slaughtered in a very undiplomatic and politically incorrect method. We realize you have a Socialist Agenda planned to cripple our economy and enslave the American People, but at this moment we are engaged in a war that has unnecessarily become a slow war of attrition against our troops and soon against our civilian population. Perhaps you should consider priorities and crush these Islamo Fascists before you implement your Marxist Agenda and weaken our economy to the point that we can no longer afford to carry the war to the aggressor or is that your intention?

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Wow this should be posted everywhere.

In the Fort Hood shooting of November 5, 2009, a gunman opened fire in the Soldier Readiness Center of Fort Hood, Texas—the most populous US military base in the world—located just outside Killeen, killing 13 people and wounding 30 others.

13 American men and women murdered. 30 American men and women wounded.
Major Nidal Hasan
EVIDENCE: Federal investigators were looking into months of contacts between Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and extremist imam Anwar al-Awlaki. The imam who knew three of the Sept. 11 hijackers and hailed Maj. Hasan as a “hero” after the shooting last week at Fort Hood that left 13 people dead. Anwar al Awlaki, who now lives in Yemen and runs a web site that promotes jihad around the world against the U.S.
Hasan gave a PowerPoint presentation to fellow Army doctors in 2007 in which he said, “It’s getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims.” He recommended that Muslim soldiers be given the option of being released from the military as conscientious objectors to decrease what he called “adverse events.” Under “comments,” he wrote, “We love death more than you love life.”
Former Hasan colleague Col. Terry Lee as saying, “[Hasan] was making outlandish comments condemning our foreign policy and claimed Muslims had the right to rise up and attack Americans”; that Hasan admitted to being “happy” upon learning of the Muslim who killed a soldier at an Arkansas military recruitment center; and that he once said, “maybe people should strap bombs on themselves and go to Time Square.” reports that Hasan had created “Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats,” and that “one of the Web postings that authorities reviewed is a blog that equates suicide bombers with a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save the lives of his comrades.”
Hasan walked among the “aggressors” and yelled Allahu Akbar before punctuating his story with a burst of violence.
His name appears on radical Internet postings. A fellow officer says he fought his deployment to Iraq and argued with soldiers who supported U.S. wars. He required counseling as a medical student because of problems with patients.
We know that he often wore a long gown and skull cap, called by some “native Arab dress” but, whatever it was, it was clearly intended by him to be Muslim dress, non-American dress.
THE PUBLIC DEFENDER TEAM: Barack Obama and General Casey.
THE DEFENCE: Deversity,Don’t rush to judgment,Multi-culturalism, Political correctness
What is you verdict on count one? Was this murdering coward involved in a Muslim Terrorist attack.
What is you verdict on count two? Are President Barack Obama and General George Casey worthless piece of shit.

Almost forgot. Curt upgrade WordPress to 2.8.6.The newest rendition.

This is an example of what happens when you overdose on cheeto dust and ambient light from a computer monitor – you get aggressive in a “lets you and him fight” kind of way, and show for all the world the vapidity and mindlessness that is Big C Conservatism.

*Stands and applauds*

Skookum… well written. The President is off on his own now. It’s not about the US or her citizens. It’s all about Barack and his agenda and the left of the DNC. As far as he’s concerned, the rest of us can just go screw off.

@Michael… ironic your comment reflects so well on you…. Vapid. Your only retort is to attack the writer personally. Very impressive , er, wait, no, not so much.

War? Didn’t you get the memo?

We are no longer at war. The actions of these alleged suspects will be investigated as alleged criminal activities and they will be tried in civilian courts with full U.S. Constitutional rights and protections – allegedly.

There are no longer “terrorists”, they are just people that have been mistreated and mocked and they are lashing out in self-defense at their antaganizers – the U.S. – and though we can understand and feel their pain, we can not let their allegedly illegal activities go unpunished by civilian courts.

After all, in the 233 years of our countries’ history, any time we have been attacked as a nation, we have retaliated with the best law enforcement and court system in the world.

Because of our not reading Miranda rights to Khalid, he may get a pass on the murder stuff, but not to worry, there are other charges we can get him on if he is acquitted. We can get him on RICO, or income tax evasion. He looks a little heavy. Maybe we can get him for eating transfats and twinkies and failing to pay the fat tax. He probably hasn’t signed up for government healthcare, so maybe we can fine him and jail him for that.

But don’t make the mistake that we are at war anymore.

So much wrong with this post. First, these terrorists have the RIGHT to a trial because the Supreme Court, by a 7-2 decision or something, said they have that right. If you have a problem with that, alter the Constitution so that the government can identify, arrest and indefinately detain and torture anyone at their whim. Unless and until that amendment is made, that is not our law.

In addtion, no one on the right has explained why it is a BAD thing to do the trials in the jurisdiction where the crimes occurred, where the victims families can attend and be involved, and the communities that were directly affected can pass judgment. Totalitarian, communist, and fascistic regimes do their “justice” out of sight; we don’t.

There is a reason that the “al Queda would not give anyone a trial” comeback is so useless — mainly because we are better than them. To use LeBron James’s analogy, “Comparing the US to al Queda is like comparing Jay Z to Soldier Boy.” Why would you use THEM as the standard for our behavior, instead of a country that is like ours, such as Great Britain?

KSM and Co. will get the same due process as Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols, US terrorists — a trial by jury before a competent judge with hyper-competent attorneys representing their interests. It will be a “show trial” in the sense that the entire world will see that we do things the right way: holding the government to the rule of law, excluding improper evidence, making people swear to tell the truth, providing counsel, and an impartial judge.

I have not yet heard any conservatives make anything other than an emotional argument that the justice metted out to John Gotti, the blind sheik, and Terry Nichols is somehow inappropriate for these people. If there is not enough evidence to convict them, then the Bush administration should not have held them in the first place. On the other hand, if the evidence is there, they will be convicted. That is how our system has worked for the last 200 plus years. No one has made a rational argument to change it yet.

I think I know what the real con fear is though: convictions of these mopes during 2012, when Obama is running for re-election. Picture it — the economy has turned around, we have fewer soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, AND a conviction of the 9/11 conspirators . . . yep, that explains the opposition perfectly.


Should have nabbed them, I.D. ‘d them, then shot them in the field. Justice served and the deal done. They should NOT have been kept around to be used as some sort of “political football” to be used in some sort of power play for politically correct brownie points game….. sick…. do you worry about the “rights” of a RABID DOG???? These guys are at the same level…. SUB HUMAN!!

There is no comparison between a civilian trial and the trial of war. The evidence to convict and render the punishment (death) on a field of battle is clear and swift. The enemy shows himself, he is killed. No trial, no jury, no Miranda rights.
In the liberal’s world with obama there will be puppy dogs, rainbows and lollypops. There may also be the stark reality that you cannot negotiate with terrorists. The sad day will come when our guard is lowered even more and liberals will look for someone to blame for their naive stupidity.


These are foreign terrorists, ununiformed, and picked up in most instances on the battlefield. They have NO internationally recognized rights. They enjoy NO rights under our constitution. To bring up McVay in the same reference speaks volumes about your point of reference and point of view.

It is incredible to compare the trials and rights afforded to american citizens charged with crimes against society and stateless international terrorists picked up in war. There is a long enough history in this country on how to deal with wartime captives. The fact that they are freelance fighters does not bestow upon them some made-up rights that have never existed before now because the left and some of the isolationist right in this country were against the war(s) and the President.

Your argument and the decision made by the attorney general yesterday and this administration are contemptible and disgusting to me and should be to americans who value our rights as citizens and who respect and defend the constitution of the United States as written.

Military tribunals should be the only avenue and politics should be left out of the process. Alas, this is too juicy a process for the democrats and this administration… anything for power and no new low in character should be left untried.. for they do not love our country and her traditions as is,…. America is flawed in their eyes and must be brought down a few pegs… Good luck with that

B-Rob: The obvious. McVeigh and Nichols were US citizens. These cretins are not and do not have the same rights. The very best punishment would be a military trial, life sentence, keeping them out of public and letting them live a very long life in obscurity. Let them rot at Gitmo and never be heard from again.

I can agree with one premise: The entire agenda is political. Yes, make the American people suffer economically by withholding any actions/policies that would put people back to work until just before the 2010 and 2012 elections. Hold off the trials until 2011 for potential influence of general elections and try to make 0zer0 look heroic. Sorry, that ship has sailed. We know when we’re being used as the DNC’s political pawn and they will pay the price in 2010. The majority of Americans don’t drink your Kool-Aid and know when they are being manipulated by filthy politicians.

Yes, overall we are better than them but if we don’t get tougher than them, you can kiss your freedom goodbye. That might be alright with you but not for me and my future generations. Your fuzzy logic is at least as dangerous to my grandchildren as Al Queda.

They say Husan is paralyzed from the waist down. Don’tcha think he should be allowed to sue whoever shot him? How many millions will this clueless administration spend on PT getting him in shape for his trial? But heck, here’s another chance for political points and show the world our compassion. I don’t even feel confident that he’ll be convicted of murder.

@Hankster,… I agree with you. These guys have no rights. They should have been interrogated and then executed. Period. War is not a parlor game and it is ruthless. When these terrorists exist outside of acceptable definitions of War , they’ll suffer the consequences of their actions. Dip the bullets in pigs blood first though…. right in front of them. Your mileage may vary, but I’m frankly fed up with muslims and they’re encroachment into our lives.

why bother?this guy killed for hate reasons so he is an ennemy so they should save taxpayer money and execute him,no publicity at all,thank you.

@ yippie 21 and AnnMonterey —

You both said, in essence, “they are terrorists and they have no rights.” The US Supreme Court begs to differ. In a nutshell, the Constitution stands for the premise that the US government simply is not allowed to grab someone and hold them without trial, or torture them. The United States government may not ignore the Geneva Convention, which was signed and championed by the US in the aftermath of the Holocaust. That is the law in this country.

You both appear to want to live in a country that operates differently. I bet you Russian courts would permit its government to arrest a person and hold them forever; ditto Libya. You might try thinking about moving to a country that is more in tune with your sense of justice. When you find one that suits you more than this one, invite me to your going away party. I’ll bring champagne.

B-Rob, truly you are embarrassing yourself. Constitutional rights are not “world wide”. Try the 14th Amendment…. aka the “due process” amendment.

. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Born or naturalized citizen. Catch the difference?.

Outside of that, an illegal entry in the the US… ala Moussoui (apprehended on US soil)… is tried in the US courts because of where he was apprehended…. on US soil. This is similar to any illegal alien caught in a crime within our borders. In the case of Padilla, he is a US citizen, and is automatically granted the rights where ever he is.

Now, perhaps you’ll tell us where KSM, a non-US citizen apprehended as an enemy combatant in Afghanistan and murderer of Daniel Pearl, fits any definition of the due process Constitutional amendment?

INRE the Boumedien SCOTUS decision… which you erroneously assumed granted Constitutional rights world wide (duh) – and is the *only* way they get away with importing KSM into the US federal system… I posted on it here on FA, and it’s one piss poor precedent that I couldn’t disagree with more. What they did was redefine the century old Cuban SOFA, labeling that base (priorly assumed as Cuban sovereign soil) as US sovereign territory.

In essence, what they believe the Bush admin did was akin to extraditing KSM into what the SCOTUS (re)defined as US soil, thereby granting him US Constitutional rights… even tho he is not a citizen, nor apprehended on US soil Read more here.

Now, the irony of all of this is Bagram… Obama’s “Gitmo”… aka Bagram in Afghanistan… where all apprehended enemy combatants (like Gitmo) are still held without habeaus corpus with his and his admin’s blessing. You don’t find humor in that?

Amazing…. it’s because you don’t get politics of convenience.

B-Rob this discussion is discussed further in the preceding article. Because of FDR and his hand picked court, the situation has been muddied up for all time or until a statesman straightens out the problem.

Please note that FDR tried saboteurs with a military tribunal and had them executed within six hours of being found guilty. Although their purpose was sabotage, they didn’t kill anyone or even try. Unlike Obama’s ghost writer and close confidant William Ayers.

These guys killed 3,000 without remorse. If Bush would have followed the Supreme Courts’ precedent of Ex Parte Quirin the argument would be academic, because the terrorists would be dead.

These men that you site, love their country and rather than seeing this court case being exploited by a Narcissist to put his image in front of the world for personal glory and to serve as a diversion, while America is sodomized with Obama’s confused version of Marxism; they would take personal satisfaction in sending these homicidal maniacs, who have already confessed to 9/11, to meet Allah in the great cesspool where they get their perpetual virgins.

Unlike Obama’s Great Lemming Horde, these men have no compassion for homicidal maniacs, they reserve their compassion for the innocent victims of these diseased vermin of Islamo Fascism, who bring nothing but pain and death to the world.

You and Obama can champion these degenerates, but the fairy dust is fast wasting away and Obama is building resentment and hatred that was strictly reserved for terrorists, not many Americans are left that can find pity and forgiveness in their heart for these bastards. Thus Obama with his corrupt political machine is designing his own political demise through even greater efforts at incompetence and ineptness and members of the faithful Lemming Horde like yourself will be cheering Obama on to the end. Personally I say keep him headed to his personal Waterloo, I and my many friends here will raise a glass of wine or beer when Obama crashes and burns as a result of his own stupidity.

R-Bob… When THEY follow the “Geneva Convention” THEN they can claim rights under it…. until then, they are like the “Pirates” of old….. outside the norm of human law…. and treated as such. They were CAUGHT, they were HUNG!! End of story…. Todays “Terrorist” is equal, and deserves NO LESS…..

And you claim the “Supreme Court” says…. the same one who declared “eminent Domain” now means that the Gov can take land merely because the NEW owner will pay MORE taxes (revenue to Gov) on it?? (new London case) or the one where one of our “justices”( used loosely) claims she wants to use FOREIGN law and court decisions in HER rulings, In SPITE of this VIOLATING her own OATH of Office???? The one who doesn’t know the meaning of “shall not infringe”??? THAT court???
You throw out the “Liberal Activist” Judges, and i’ll give them some credence…. as they stand now??? Worthless……

I love it when these lefties start squawking about the Geneva Conventions in relation to terrorists captured on the battlefield.

They go on and on pontificating about the “rights” that these animals supposedly have under the GCs while conveniently ignoring what the GCs have to say about those who are fighting out of uniform and/or hiding among civilian populations.

Those that fall into those groups are specifically DENIED coverage by the GCs. They are subject to immediate execution.

Too bad we didn’t have the stomach to do that.

Bravo!!! Its long past time for Obama to start acting like a Commander instead of someone who is still on the running for the office. Someone might want to tell him he won, and Has been sworn in


If there is not enough evidence to convict them, then the Bush administration should not have held them in the first place.

The Bush Administration was seeking to keep them off the battlefield in a time of war; the CIA in gathering intell; the FBI, in its law-enforcement mentality, was concerned with evidence-gathering to build legal cases for prosecutions.

“Cry Uncle, and let slip the poodles of appeasement” is the Obama Battle-Cry.

@MataHarley: Thank you. B-Rod is part of the “Read them their rights on the battlefield” crowd. He is for world government when it’s convenient; imposing our constitution on people around the world to make a point yet ready to savage the constitution for its own citizens.

As a former life long democrat (yellow dog), I can only wonder how he explains this:

There are actually 4 parts posted on YouTube. As a SFO (Sucker for Obama) I doubt you’ll be able to watch even one…too threatening to lose that cotton in your ears and blindfold over your eyes. If the election hadn’t been stolen, we wouldn’t even be discussing this. The videos show how the corrupt Obamacrats destroyed what was left of the Democrat party. Good viewing for anyone (you don’t have to feel any sympathies for Hillary) because they repeated these tactics in the GE and this is what they will try again. BTW, most of the people in these videos left the Democrat party in disgust, becoming New Independents. My ancestors fought along side Washington, donated their crops to save the troops from starvation. What became abundantly clear to me after the last debacle is that I will always belong to the Country Before Party crowd.

So save the champagne, B-Rod because I’m not going anywhere. It’s the traitorous goons (were you a thug for Obama?) discussed by the former Democratic women in “We Will Not Be Silenced” who belong with the Russians and your guy’s pal in Libya.

Rockman, that was classic, I’m sure Will Shakespeare would have laughed his arse off, well done and so appropriate for our chief and his light in the loafers crowd. Great material, do you kow what makes sarcasm funny? When it is the truth, but then it becomes a tragedy. Keep them coming, I need humor.

@ B-Rob

Late to this one too. I guess you’re talking about Rasul v. Bush, which was decided 6-3, not 7-2 or something. I’m not a lawyer, but I think that was a ruling saying prisoners that proclaimed their innocence couldn’t be held indefinitely. It said nothing about a right to a U.S. trial.

Regardless, you’re rant about the rights of terrorists fall short. Civil law focuses on protecting the rights of an individual against the overwhelming power of the state.

I’m pretty sure that KSM and the other terrorists weren’t read their rights. I’m pretty sure that the chain of evidence procedures weren’t followed. This is because we are at war with them, not trying to convict them on the RICO act. The only right they have is to a new rope.

Thanks kids for your participation. This one was like lifting a great weight from my heart, it is reassuring to know I am with kindred spirits and not alone with my feelings.

Thanks again, G-dspeed. Long live the Republic. Skook

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