What We Have Here, Is A Refusal To Communicate [Reader Post]

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We all know the level of ineptitude and narcissism that dwells in Barack Obama. The evidence is overwhelming, and it has manifested itself in an unending parade of nightly, or at least weekly gaffs and mistakes that if the media weren’t so sycophantic, would have resulted in a his complete abandonment by the American people, a short 10 months after his inauguration. For now, I will ignore the 20% or so of Americans, and the politicians that see him as “sort of like god”, and who would follow him straight into Dante’s hell, even as he beat his own child on live TV…These people are hopeless, but for the purposes of this essay, possibly made useful.

We on the Right knew instinctively what the media and this administration’s reaction to the most recent case of (not so) Sudden Jihadi Syndrome that occurred at Fort Hood. We knew without prompting that they would attempt to diminish the rage and anger that they knew was dwelling in the hearts of all patriotic, and life-loving Americans as they saw the event unfold. They wrongly assumed that we angered-Americans would seek out and “punish” the first Moslem we stumbled upon. This assumption on their part has angered us almost as much as the actual murders did. Are we not to be angry at whoever killed 12 of our finest, standing unarmed, and unsuspecting in their skivvies? Are we so little though-of, that they assume we are on the razors edge of abandoning of our law-abiding, Judeo-Christian culture for one of animalistic revenge? Those 20%’ers made those assumptions. They label our anger misplaced, and they label us as savages, equal or worse than the shooter, even though a grand total of ONE Moslem has been killed in vigilante-style revenge in 40 years, and only after 911, and that person is now in prison for life.

According to my numbers, the score is now 1 dead Moslem vs. approx 3500 dead Americans killed on our own soil, beginning with a certain Moslem killing a certain Kennedy, all the way through last weeks carnage.

There is certainly many Islamist’s living here at least verbally willing to continue this mayhem as taught by Mohammed. We read their words in their blogs, and we hear them on the corners of New York and Dearborn. We see them in our colleges, and yet we protect them via our laws and our customs. In some cases, we even pay their way here and pay their tuition, while our taxes help them with medical care and foodstamps if necessary.

In the minds of these tough-talkers, we do these things not because we are benevolent, but because we either “owe” them for being unbelievers, or we are simply stupid fools. In most polls taken, these verbal wanna-be Jihadi’s make up about 15-25% of Moslems worldwide. Here in America, the worse numbers show about 1-2%. Considering there are approximately 3 million Moslems living here, the potential numbers of Warriors for Allah is still significant, even if we assume only 1% of those would actually carry out jihad.

So what’s stopping them? The other 80% of us are, including the cops, and the FBI. They know full well that this isn’t England, and not only do we have armed cops, we have an armed to-the-teeth populace, and that together we can stop them fairly quickly. Strange as it sounds, Fort Hood might be “safer” for a Jihadi than my local Oak Ridge Mall is, because all of the soldier’s weapons are in lockers. But mine, and many others are on our collective hips. They may talk the big talk about martyrdom, but when it all goes down, they don’t want to die before making a big-enough splash to be counted among the “heroes” of Jihadville. They know that for as multiculturally blind as our politicians, teachers and commentators are, a big section of us still have it in us to fight, as the folks on flight 93 showed.

Some of you might be asking; Yeah, but for how long? The “long race” between those who will submit and those who will never submit is for a different discussion, but I know in my heart, the finish line is a long way off. There is another shorter, more pressing race going on between those of us who will fight when cornered, and those of us who will lash out because we perceive that our government is doing nothing to mitigate the potential for our harm. If several back-to-back episodes of solitary or small-group attacks occur, and we get the same sort of condescending pap we saw in this latest round, I sadly feel the odds of those who will lash-out against innocent Moslems will increase exponentially.

It is the race between “lashers” and the cornered that I focus on in this screed, and what our present “leaders” should be doing about it. We already know what they are NOT doing about it, and how ham-handed they’ve been in lecturing us to “behave” in light of what we’ve been seeing these past 40 years on our own soil.

More than any president we’ve ever had, Obama has the opportunity to nip two bad buds at once: The fed up zealot-vigilante, and the wanna-be holy-Jihadi.

Obama has an “in” with the Moslem populace of this country, and some say the world. His attendance of Islamic schools during childhood, and his kind words toward it, gives him credence when he talks about the faith, like no other previous president has ever had.

He needs to come out forcefully against Sunni Wahabism, and Shia Khomenism in one grand speech. (It is the speech he should have given in Egypt, but didn’t.) He can talk directly to the Moslems in this country, and give them a clear choice: Peaceful Islam, or prison/deportation.

He needs to back it up by having Congress and the Senate give the FBI, the police, and the courts the power to remove those who espouse violent Islam from our midst, instead of waiting for them to act out their twisted beliefs. He could even define all religious-based violence as akin to present (1st-amendment-questionable) hate-crime laws against minorities and gays. They hide behind our First Amendment to spread their filth, when we all know that this filth motivates others to their cause. There are some who will bring up the freedom of religion aspect of the Constitution. To those he should remind them of the history of Utah statehood, and how they had to denounce polygamy before they were admitted to the Union, and once in, they could not re-instate it. The Bushido religion of Imperial Japan is not allowed here, and neither is the virgin sacrifice of the Mayans, so there IS precedence for religious controls by the State. After all, Obama sure was quick to publicly condemn the man who shot and killed an abortion doctor, and rightfully took his religious extremism to task.

There of course needs to be solid demarcation lines within these laws, so that only calls-to-violence is prosecuted, and there needs to be zero-tolerance for this filth within our government and military. The lawyers can find a way.

Obama could pull this off, because he not only has some credibility within the Islamic community, he also will be supported by the media, and the 20%’ers. Of course the ACLU might put up some token resistance, but we all know it will be muted at best. Bush tried the tact of morally separating the peaceful from the violent, but because he was NOT a progressive-socialist, he was spit upon for even attempting it, even though he got the (un-reported) support of many peaceful Moslems in the country for shining a light on what they themselves are up against.

These religious extremists, primarily of the Islamic sort, need to be treated like the Klan was in the 70’s. Obama should emphasize their intolerance of gays, of Blacks, of women, of atheist’s. Include every bias close to the heart of Progressives everywhere. If he did all these things, he would be re-elected by a landslide by both the Left and Right, and the vigilante would be forever in his hole.

We are beginning to see what happens when the authorities treat Islamists with kid gloves. We are seeing the rise of un-healthy nationalism in England and Europe. We will see more of this, and I feel strongly, that mass violence will occur there within 5 years. It will not be pretty, and it will escalate. Multiculturalism will have failed, and good, positive acceptance along with it.

We can safely assume that Obama will not do what truly needs to be done in this regard. Some cynics might say that these Leftists actually want the rabid-nativist to rise up in a violent fashion, so that the Left can pointedly vilify them, and gain political power. I personally think that the Left is simply ignorant, and see historical Western/American culture as an impediment to their “progress”. I also see radical Islam using that same ignorance as a tool to kill us with. And by “us”, I mean moonbats and wingnuts, Black and White, gay and straight, men and women, etc and etc.

In light of the fact that Obama will never lift a finger to mitigate the fears of the fed-up among us, and that the Islamist knows he will never speak truthfully about their 7th-century outlook on life, we can expect many more incidents of solo and small-group attacks. Followed by acts of miss-directed vigilantism. Followed up with an over-reaction by government against all of us.

I wonder if someday Obama will ever come to the realization that the American/Western society he so despises and apologizes for, is the same one, and the only one, that made him possible?

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The left projects their own mental instability onto us. This is why they are so afraid we will “lash out.” It also gives them yet another excuse to play down what hasan did in order to protect muslims and “diversity”.
In addition to that, they have no understanding of us at all, just the stereotype they’ve been indoctrinated with.

The sad thing is the left has a history of lashing out violently, much more so than the right and the average person on the street has no idea of this.

Well written, Patvann.

He could even define all religious-based violence as akin to present (1st-amendment-questionable) hate-crime laws against minorities and gays.

As redundant and stupid as hate crime legislation is, if it’s to be applied, it should apply to Islamists. If President Obama saw fit to sign into law the Matthew Shepard (who was not murdered because he was gay) Act to expand the 1969 Federal Hate Crime Law, maybe he could sign a Ft. Hood Act to cover dhimmis/infidels? [/mostly sarcasm] No one hates like a deranged jihadi hates, which covers “willingly injures, intimidates or interferes with another person, or attempts to do so, by force because of the other person’s race, color, religion or national origin” and now includes “a victim’s actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability”, and most likely would occur under the federally-protected activity of “patronizing a public place/facility”.

Sadly, it is only a matter of time before some folks feel pushed to the point of reacting to the political correctness in our society and the takeover of the country by the leftists. Someone or group will probably do what the left is hoping for…. react. Push good people far enough and they’ll react. Some though react in inappropriate ways; that’s human nature.

So the anger that is building and the absence of common sense of MOST of the public has to go somewhere. Obama is not only NOT helping defuse this tension, his speeches and statements are stoking it.

Hopefully it can wait until the election(s). The left can exploit and damage and over-react all they want and the press will carry their water. When someone on the right does it, it will be the excuse for crackdown and proof of racism and intolerance. We cannot win and that is what will drive some to act. Once a man realizes he has nothing to lose or cannot win by playing by the rule of law ( usually seen as unfair or unjust law) then he’ll do what suits him to rectify the situation. Obama and the leftists are seemingly stoking this on purpose…

Good post and a lot to think about.

AMEN and AMEN!!! We have ALL known of this cretinous tomfoolery and, hopefully, so will the rest of the Nation.

Comments (12)
“Islam is the only relig… (Below threshold)
1. Posted by Victory is Ours | November 11, 2009 2:24 PM | Score: -5 (5 votes cast)

Victory is Ours:
“Islam is the only religion which, after its members participate in acts of violence, automatically comes with the caveat that “they do not represent all members of that faith, and admonishes us not to brand all Muslims as “extremists.”

Says who? There you go making up crap – creating a construct of lies through which you can spread hateful messages. We get that you’re a Christian scared shitless about Islam. That comes through loud and clear.

But no acts of any individual speaks for an entire religion.

What are you? 12 years old?


1. Posted by Victory is Ours | November 11, 2009 2:24 PM | Score: -5 (5 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 14:24

When will the burden fall o… (Below threshold)
2. Posted by RB | November 11, 2009 2:43 PM | Score: 3 (3 votes cast)

When will the burden fall on the supporters (both active and passive) of Islamic terror to win OUR hearts and minds? It’s always the victims’ fault. Phooey!

2. Posted by RB | November 11, 2009 2:43 PM | Score: 3 (3 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 14:43

“But no acts of any individ… (Below threshold)
3. Posted by pjay | November 11, 2009 2:53 PM | Score: 2 (2 votes cast)

“But no acts of any individual speaks for an entire religion.”

Except when it’s a deranged man who kills an abortion doctor.

3. Posted by pjay | November 11, 2009 2:53 PM | Score: 2 (2 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 14:53

Well Shawn, you hit the nai… (Below threshold)
4. Posted by Chad | November 11, 2009 2:55 PM | Score: 1 (1 votes cast)

Well Shawn, you hit the nail on the head. Vic is definitely a justifier. When they come to kill some more of us here (it’s a matter of when, not if) Vic will still say it’s all our fault, our christian imperialistic ways create all the problems for the world.

4. Posted by Chad | November 11, 2009 2:55 PM | Score: 1 (1 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 14:55

Ummm, did you ever hear of … (Below threshold)
5. Posted by Still An Unrepentant Democrat | November 11, 2009 2:58 PM | Score: -2 (2 votes cast)

Still An Unrepentant Democrat:
Ummm, did you ever hear of Northern Ireland? Did you ever hear of The Crusades? Did you ever hear of the Inquisition?

You religious bigots are becoming stale and even more stupid than one can imagine. Go back to selling shoes or whatever the hell it is you do Mallow. You’re so damn ignorant it’s frightening.

5. Posted by Still An Unrepentant Democrat | November 11, 2009 2:58 PM | Score: -2 (2 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 14:58

When, after 1400 years o… (Below threshold)
6. Posted by Shawn | November 11, 2009 3:03 PM | Score: 2 (2 votes cast)

When, after 1400 years of existence, will Islam finally come to have its own version of an “enlightenment?”

Guess you conveniently missed that line, huh, SAUD?


6. Posted by Shawn | November 11, 2009 3:03 PM | Score: 2 (2 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 15:03

Ah shoot, Mr. Copy and Past… (Below threshold)
7. Posted by ac | November 11, 2009 3:04 PM | Score: 1 (1 votes cast)

Ah shoot, Mr. Copy and Paste is among us again. Little Vickers could you find some more original Dem talking points? We’ve heard these all before. C’mon sugar pop. We’re waiting with baited breath.

7. Posted by ac | November 11, 2009 3:04 PM | Score: 1 (1 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 15:04

Very good post Shawn. Fille… (Below threshold)
8. Posted by 914 | November 11, 2009 3:04 PM | Score: 0 (0 votes cast)

Very good post Shawn. Filled with all kinds of common sense.

8. Posted by 914 | November 11, 2009 3:04 PM | Score: 0 (0 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 15:04

SAUD/JFO, didn’t maggie ban… (Below threshold)
9. Posted by Jay Tea | November 11, 2009 3:06 PM | Score: 1 (1 votes cast)

Jay Tea:
SAUD/JFO, didn’t maggie ban your ass?

Oh, and you’re bringing up a point I’ve been meaning to make for some time. You are correct, generally, about the history of Christianity.

It might have escaped your notice, though, that we’re not talking about history. We’re talking about the here and now.

How many centuries ago was the last Crusade, anyway?


9. Posted by Jay Tea | November 11, 2009 3:06 PM | Score: 1 (1 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 15:06

Unrepentant Dem..Y… (Below threshold)
10. Posted by ac | November 11, 2009 3:11 PM | Score: 0 (0 votes cast)

Unrepentant Dem..

Yikes! The moral equivalence game. I can tell you are a first class scholar. LOL

10. Posted by ac | November 11, 2009 3:11 PM | Score: 0 (0 votes cast)

Posted on November 11, 2009 15:11

11. Posted by Stopthepresses2 | November 11, 2009 3:13 PM | Score: 0 (0 votes cast)




13 American men and women murdered. 30 American men and women wounded.

THE OFFENDER: Major Nidal Hasan


THE PUBLIC DEFENDER TEAM: Barack Obama and General Casey.

What is you verdict on count one? Was this murdering coward involved in a Muslim Terrorist attack.
What is you verdict on count two? Are President Barack Obama and General George Casey worthless piece of shit.

13 American men and women murdered. 30 American men and women wounded.
THE OFFENDER: Major Nidal Hasan
THE PUBLIC DEFENDER TEAM: Barack Obama and General Casey.
What is you verdict on count one? Was this murdering coward involved in a Muslim Terrorist attack?
What is you verdict on count two? Are President Barack Obama and General George Casey worthless piece of shit?

Yippie 21…I read somewhere recently that “America was in a very difficult situation…….it was too late for us to work within the law, but that it was too early to shoot the bastards.”
I understood your post completely. You are right. They are waiting for us to do something. They have to make the first move or we are the ones that are wrong.
The only thing is…..I do believe the military (in the majority) will be on our side. And for that I say, Praise the Lord

It is extremely difficult to obtain a death sentence that will stand through the review process and myriad appeals via a general courts martial. Most are mitigated or reduced to life (which could mean eligibility for parole in as little as 10 years). The Army last executed an individual in 1961 at Ft. Leavenworth.
The recent massacre deserves the death penalty as surely as any death penalty adjudicated against a soldier ever has. So if the PC whining can be contained, and they surprise me and find him guilty and sentence him to death in a courts martial, even then it is not over. In the case of soldiers, the President himself must sign off on every execution. Does anyone really believe Mr. Obama has the intestinal fortitude or political stones for this?

Well written, Patvann.

Coming from you, it is all the accolade I need. Thank you.

Lorraine, they are HOPING some loon will do something. That would be a welcome distraction and be used to justify a closer look at us, perhaps even specific measures against us.
The feeding frenzy would far surpass what we saw in the Oklahoma bombing as would the slanted reporting on “right wing extremists.”

Temujin, by the time his execution will be coming about, obama will not be the president. I’m guessing it will happen at least 10 years down the line if not longer.

Thanks PV, you have a way with words that allows some of us to put things in a more clear perspective.

I hope to read more of your analysis, soon! Skook

This reaction to an obvious religious jihad by the MSM is sad for several reasons. The first is that the MSM seem to picture us, America, as a bad cowboy flick where the main character is framed by the bad guys and the cops go after him, even though he is innocent, because it is the politically correct thing to do. We all grew up with this crap and know not to fall for the BS line of the Hollywood crowd and we know better to not fall for the MSM crap as well. The American public is very open minded and judge events very fairly. The MSM would have you believe that if it weren’t for them this guy would be strung up tomorrow. We are a fair people and we don’t need a bunch of liberal press hounds to tell us how to act. The fact that many in the MSM are not calling this a terrorist act is unbelievable considering that he shouted Allah Akbar as he shot people. Try that line on an anti-abortionist who shouts Jesus saves as he shoots an abortionist. We are a good people and deserve better treatment than we are getting from Obama’s people and the liberal press.

Patvan: Thoughtful and well written post, I’m impressed with your suggestions for evening the treatment of Islamic extremism along with other hate groups like the Klan, that is really only being evenhanded and fair. Hate, Threats and Death should be seen for what they are and any mask removed to expose it for what it is. There is too much politically correct culture war crap going on, and as Americans, we have more in common than we do in disagreements with each other. The big issues require some agreement on the facts and common cause in terms of dealing with them. It is hard to get past the fact that radical Islamic extremists, like the Klan, have and do want to do harm. We should all be able to agree with that.

The hardest part about home grown terrorists (Islamic or otherwise…Tim McVeigh) is knowing what is in peoples hearts, and as humans and not God, we can search, suspect, and draw conclusions, but warning signs often don’t rise to the level of pre emptive action being taken towards just a citizen, unless we are willing to further surrender our privacy and some freedoms to Government and enforcement agencies for the good of society. Not to mention the sheer number of people or groups who could be viewed as “extreme” for one subjective reason or another, which would result in an unbelievable increase in personnel to monitor suspected individuals or groups. This in effect results in a “win’ for the terrorists because either way, they either inflict terrible damage, or cause us to fundamentally alter who we are as a people in order to deal with them, which of course we must. What raises alarm or suspicion can often fall short of actionable unlawful acts, and changing our laws to allow subjective detainment of citizens for potential beliefs and threatening talk and writings, while assuming said law entities are playing it straight and fair and just in their actions is a place America and liberty was never designed to go. Add to that the sharp and sometimes bitter division among Americans themselves in regards to dealing with the FACT of terrorist threats and consequences, sometimes I think the terrorists are very happy to see us turning our anger and exploiting ours own divisions against each other in context with having to deal with them.

The shooter Hasan, being in the Military, should have been under close eye and drummed out for many of his statements that were on record before he ever had the chance to kill our Soldiers. I have to agree that Political Correctness contributed to the tolerance of his espoused hate and sympathy for suicide bombers. The military has always had a stricter and higher standard of conduct for good reason. Politically correctness in the military is not a good thing, and perhaps contributed to the terrible loss of life.

One of the things I told my Mom on the day 9/11 happened (that was also her birthday) was that the world will be changed and things will be different from now on. I will gladly argue politics and defend my views, but one of the bitter side effects of the age of terror in America is the division between political schools of thought and a lack of common ground we as a nation engage in regarding how we are to deal with it. If ever common ground as Americans was required, this would be the issue and the time. We are all too willing to vilify each other to satisfy a political base or gain advantage politically. Both sides of this issue are guilty and no better than the other, and contribute to to a lack of unified and sustained effort to deal with the threats. Why frame the terrorism issue in term of Liberal VS Conservative and American VS American, it only helps the terrorists achieve their goal of destroying our Country. It is time for all Americans to get it together, if only for this issue, lest our other sharp differences seem trivial someday in hindsight.

The terrorist act at Fort Hood has me in doubt of my own personal safety.
The obvious failure of the authorities, given the unambiguous job of keeping us safe, to do their jobs has convinced me that terrorist actions in the United States will not be deterred.
One has the choice: either stop the terrorist act before it takes place (military) or wait until the terrorist act has happened (civilian).
Subsequent actions (finger-pointing, recrimination, false news reports) have only made the situation worse.
The ultimate insult was conveyed by President Obama. His false assertion that there is no religion which approves of the terrorist act of Major Hassan displays a total lack of historical understanding. Obama is speaking falsehood when he denies the existence of the Wahabi branch of Islam, as amplified by Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood and then Al Khaida. He is denying the written history of the spread of Islam by the sword. He is explicitly refusing to admit the teaching that jihad is obligatory on all Muslim males, a teaching central to the Wahabis.
He is refusing to countenance the teaching that those who die in jihad, in the act of slaying infidels (non-Muslims), receive immediate admission to Paradise, accompanied by 72 virgins. There is more, but you will have to discover the rest of the story yourselves, as I cannot bring myself to post the remainder of the teaching here.
My impression of Obama’s speech is that it was written in some back room, and that Obama did not even see the speech before he gave it. The speech expressed noble sentiments; they were not the sentiments of Obama or of any of his coterie of closest advisers.

Hard Right, you are probably correct. The last one took 6 years from sentencing to execution. Still faster than most civilian courts and follow on processes. But a lot has changed since 1961 too. I certainly hope Obama will not still be in the Whitehouse in 6 years. However, if the American people do not throw off this PC cancer, we well could have someone else in the driver’s seat, post Obama, who also would not want to incite the muslims by putting one prominent in the news to death. Having served 3 years in the middle east before the current unpleasantness, I can think of little that would send a better message than having the Ft. Hood shooter’s head on a stick at the front gate of post into perpetuity as his legacy. That seems to be the only kind of message that would get through without obfuscation. Our actions are often beyond comprehension in many quarters of the sandbox. For example, why has not KSM assumed room temperature yet? It makes as much sense there as would any hesitancy in slitting the throat of the goat they had for dinner the night before. Inconceivable to the workaday Ahmed.

Patvann: Bright lights are the best deterrent, and we as a country should not be afraid to shine the light where it is needed. My fear of reducing our freedoms stems from intrusion into emails, internet and library usage, and related snooping. It is understandable that some action is indeed warranted, but it is akin to opening up and reading all the US mail to ferret out who might be a terrorist, or aiding a terrorist. I just think there is a fine line between what should be done to combat legitimate threats and crossing into territory that could tomorrow be used in the wrong way and not as it was intended in the pursuit of “justice” by Government. Today I may be in agreement with the ends justifying the means, tomorrow, I may regret how laws are used against future now unknown perceived threats the Government deems justified.

I’m not sure it is a fair statement to lay all the blame for multiculturalism at the feet of Liberals. The history of our country for the last 130 years has been to allow and embrace immigrants, and they bring their culture and traditions with them. Most Americans, including Conservatives have taken pride in the fact that many of the religious beliefs folks brought here from oppressed countries resulted in these immigrants being more free to practice their faith here in America than they could in their own country. Business leaders also love the cheap labor they provide, and this was true even in the first big wave of immigration thru Ellis Island at the turn of last century during the Industrial Revolution.

The multicultural “crap” has gone on for a long, long time, we have just absorbed it into our culture and call it our own in a generation or two. If folks can make money from it, it becomes acceptable. Italians, Irish and St. Patrick’s Day, Germans and Oktober fest, Native American traditions and lookout for Cinco De Mayo…you name it, it is not in and of itself a bad thing. What is very bad is to have an enemy who can wait for hundreds of years if needed, doesn’t mind killing themselves, women and children, sending young children out to suicide bomb and die, just plain and simple not adhering to the normal rules that sane people would live by, even in war. If the Soviets had no problem dying and going to their own 20 Virgins Gulag in the sky, then mutually assured destruction would not have been an effective deterrent. It is the nature of the enemy we have that takes advantage of the freedoms, and takes advantage of our embracing of people who want to be free that is the real problem.

So I will ask you: What should be done? Should all Muslims be condemned, cast out, because of the ones who are radical and kill others?

Is the next step for Conservatives now, since this Ft. Hood attack is probably a terrorist act, to try and figure out how to stop this type of carnage and senseless loss of life, or is it just going to be to loudly trumpet that the President has allowed a terrorist attack on American soil for political gain and offer no input or solutions to prevent this from happening again?

You said: “I suggest that you talk with you buddies in the Nutroots, and in the Democrat-Socialist party, and make them see that their refusal to see the zit on their collective noses, will get them killed by those they now protect and give excuses for”

Here is where I see part of the problem: in administering Justice, the process matters greatly. It is all well to convict someone of their guilt in a Murder, and meet out justice, it is not well at all if the process involved sets a precedent that would also allow an innocent person to be convicted under the same investigative and trial procedures. This is why it is imperative that even guilty rotten scum like the Ft. Hood shooter gets his day in court, is defended, and the requirements of the prosecution proving it’s case is upheld. Sad but true, protecting the guilty traitor scum’s rights is required in order to maintain the protections that law abiding citizens need to prevent intrusive government in the future from investigating, detaining or convicting them with less than the legal standard of proof that Humanity is entitled to and our Country stands for.

So your characterization of “protecting and give(ing) excuses for” terrorists by Liberals is off the mark, and Conservatives have in the past and should now be able to rally to the cause of preserving due process and protection of the average citizen from abuse of intrusive loss of freedom and due process. I think this issue, as much as the terrorist threat we face is what is really being grappled with.

I would be interested in hearing what you think should be done regarding the terrorists who live among us and how to deal with them and maintain the good citizen’s rights and freedoms….

If we allow the enemy to fundamentally change who we are and what we stand for in our efforts to protect our citizens and to defeat them, then they still “win” by default.

I think I’m in the spam filter…..could someone dig me out? Thanks.


And why does the MSM always ask them for their views pertaining to Islam, when they only represent less than 1% of the nations Moslem’s?

Because CAIR is the Rainbow Push Coalition for all Muslims.


My fear of reducing our freedoms stems from intrusion into emails, internet and library usage, and related snooping. It is understandable that some action is indeed warranted, but it is akin to opening up and reading all the US mail to ferret out who might be a terrorist, or aiding a terrorist.

I seriously doubt the Federal government cares one wit that you’re dialing up 1-800 FON-ESEX. They don’t have the manpower nor the interest to pour through everything. What they zero in on, what they are sifting for, are those calls, those emails, those messages that are related to communications between Islamic radicals who wish to do us grave harm.

If you can’t trust FBI agents to wiretap professionally and ethically, why trust them with carrying weapons?

Btw, 5 years after the enactment of the Patriot Act, for all the scare-mongering over “library usage”, the number of searches of charge-out or computer records at libraries under the business records provision was ONE.

I just think there is a fine line between what should be done to combat legitimate threats and crossing into territory that could tomorrow be used in the wrong way and not as it was intended in the pursuit of “justice” by Government. Today I may be in agreement with the ends justifying the means, tomorrow, I may regret how laws are used against future now unknown perceived threats the Government deems justified.


Anything can be taken to the level of abuse. Do you accept law enforcement officers being privileged to carry firearms in states with stiff gun control laws? Couldn’t the citizenry be victimized by officers abusing their authority? It does happen, after all. But the frequency isn’t such that it negates the system we have in place; and violators get punished.

I’m not sure it is a fair statement to lay all the blame for multiculturalism at the feet of Liberals. The history of our country for the last 130 years has been to allow and embrace immigrants, and they bring their culture and traditions with them.

I’m not sure if you understand where conservatives are coming from when they denounce “diversity” and “multiculturalism”. In the hands of liberals, these concepts aren’t about celebrating ethnic pride and heritage, but in promoting a sense of “all cultures are created equal”. It’s a mindset that says, “Well, every culture needs to have equal representation”; as if all cultures contributed equally in the shaping of our nation’s history. Multiculturalism, as practiced by liberals, promotes “out of one, many” rather than “out of many, one”. Instead of appreciating assimilation and the virtues of shared language and shared cultural traditions, diversity-minded multiculturalists encourage separatism and segregation of cultures that says “you don’t need to assimilate”, equating assimilation with being “white-washed”. They promote bilingualism as a good thing. There’s nothing wrong with knowing as many languages as possible; however, English needs to remain the predominate language- all else being secondary or tertiary to its mastery.

The multicultural “crap” has gone on for a long, long time, we have just absorbed it into our culture and call it our own in a generation or two. If folks can make money from it, it becomes acceptable. Italians, Irish and St. Patrick’s Day, Germans and Oktober fest, Native American traditions and lookout for Cinco De Mayo…you name it, it is not in and of itself a bad thing.

It is very American to absorb the best of all cultures and make it uniquely American. However, blending other cultures into the predominate “native/established” “American” culture is a lot different than setting up a bunch of rival cultures alongside it. What we end up with is a bunch of mini nations within a nation. Immigrants need to adopt our values and traditions or not call themselves American. It’s the difference between the concept of a melting pot and a salad bowl.

So I will ask you: What should be done? Should all Muslims be condemned, cast out, because of the ones who are radical and kill others?

No. But it shouldn’t be anything more alarming to be scrutinized all the more closely than a non-Muslim. It shouldn’t warrant offense. Our society is so hypersensitive to issues of race and religion, that we’ve become docile to the point of stupidity. It’s what leads us to treating grandmother on the plane as a potential terrorist with the equal amount of scrutiny as we would the 20 year old Middle Eastern-looking male student. Grandma might well be a terrorist, but the percentage probability is astronomically low in comparison to the young Arab-looking male.

If we were at war with a cult whose tradition was to wear white t-shirts and Nikes, would that mean because we scrutinized every person wearing a white t-shirt and Nikes that we were being unreasonable in our inquiry? Violating civil rights? Being prejudiced? The majority on the planet who wear white t’s and Nikes aren’t terrorists; however, it remained that those committing terrorist acts belonging to this particular cult can be readily identified by their tradition of white T’s and Nikes. It’s just one on a checklist of traits to look for. Profiling is good. It is sane. It is normal.

Patvan: There is plenty of criticism and blame being leveled in all directions, and has been for some time. We could debate the politics and blame game forever and get nowhere.


It is a hard claim to make to state that it has not been known for a very long time the nature of the Islamic extremists, the Presidents and policies that have enabled and partnered with them and our involvement in funding, supporting and arming the Freedom Fighters, who “morphed” into the Taliban. (they always lived and believed and WERE the Taliban) As long as the snake we helped feed would only bite our enemies, the nature of the snake itself was no problem. The snake has turned on us and we hate the snake…..but we have always known the snake for it’s true nature.

The Saudis are not our friends, just business partners, and business and staying in power for the Family of Saud trumps ideology…for now. They do their work for Allah under the table. We currently need the relationship to exist too so we can maintain our standard of living. Bush embraced the Saudis, Obama has his advisers, should have Bush and now Obama spurn any and all Islamic countries and believers, or engage them? Is either option a good one?

Where do we go from here? Do we continue the same approach or do we try, on this one issue to responsibly deal with this tragedy, and work together, or gain political advantage at the expense of American lives?