When Muslims Commit Violence

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It seems, though, that when an American military officer who is a practicing Muslim allegedly shoots forty of his fellow soldiers who are about to deploy to the two wars the United States is currently fighting in Muslim countries, some broader meaning might, over time, be discerned, especially if the officer did, in fact, yell “Allahu Akbar” while murdering his fellow soldiers, as some soldiers say he did. This is the second time this year American soldiers on American soil have been gunned down by a Muslim who was reportedly unhappy with America’s wars in the Middle East (the first took place in Arkansas, to modest levels of notice). And, of course, this would not be the first instance of an American Muslim soldier killing fellow soldiers over his disagreements with American foreign policy; in 2003, Army Sgt. Hasan Akbar killed two officers and wounded fourteen others when he rolled a grenade into a tent in a homicidal protest against American policy.

Here’s a simple test: If Nidal Malik Hasan had been a devout Christian with pronounced anti-abortion views, and had he attacked, say, a Planned Parenthood office, would his religion have been considered relevant as we tried to understand the motivation and meaning of the attack? Of course. Elite opinion makers do not, as a rule, try to protect Christians and Christian belief from investigation and criticism. Quite the opposite. It would be useful to apply the same standards of inquiry and criticism to all religions.

QUESTION: Why isn’t the same standard of inquiry and criticism given to Christians and Muslims?

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The answer to your question can be summed up in one word: Cowardice.

They fear Moslems, they do not fear the followers of the Judeo-Christian tenants.

Because they have no real understanding of Islam, (nor of history), they project they’re own world-sense of right and wrong onto those who use terror/lawfare to further their quest. That projection is based on a bastardized and secularized version of the Judeo-Christian belief-system that the Left uses to explain away what is obvious to those of us who DO understand religion, and DO understand history.

Dr. Sanity touched on this. Here’s the link as to why they refuse to even admit he was a terrorist. Yes, this is a psychological issue when it comes to the left.


Speaking of jihadists, John Allen Muhammad will be executed tomorrow (YAY!).
The left also does not want to admit he was a terrorist.


ATTENTION: According to Hot Air hasan tried to contact Al Qaeda and the FBI KNEW THIS!!!!


The Gov seems to know a LOT going on…yet acts VERY LITTLE!! Why is that???

Colin Powell holds news conference on Fort Hood Muslim Murderer and Stopthepresses was there.

Colin Powell: I’d like to speak today about the poor Muslim who is being attacked by the right wing of my very own party for doing what he thought he needed to do. You see much like Major Nidal Malik Hasan, I too was picked on for my beliefs, but fortunately I had a wonderful wise grandmother to talk to, who stopped me from being a mass murderer. Now I’ am going to tell you something my grandmother Lula Tennet would tell me when I was a young child. Sometimes the children at school would be mean to me and call me Colin Crunch, you know like Cap N Crunch, so I would come home crying and wetting up my uniform. Grand ma would fix the gold brushes on my shoulders and say Colin always remember “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Stopthepresses2: What if they hit you with a dictionary?

Colin Powell: You’re right. I hadn’t thought of that, I knew there was something that would never hurt me; I thought it was a dictionary, I mean words.

So, we’ve had TWO terrorist attacks on US soil in the 10 months of the Obumble administration, both of which were preventable. How many did we have when Bush was president for eight years? Just the one big one, right? And that was also preventable, were it not for the likes of Jamie Gorelick and Slick Willie. Oh, I guess if you count the two sniper boys shooting from the trunk of their car, there were multiple attacks but I don’t think those morons were affiliated with Al Qaeda nor did they attend the Muslim Brotherhood mosque that the bad major attended.

SHHHHH, you’re pointing out that a democrat screwed up again!!! that’s a no no now!! Back to your corner…. a counselor will be with you shortly!! Meditate on your sin! Would laugh if it wasn’t so sad!!!

@Patvann: answer to your question can be summed up in one word: Cowardice.

They fear Moslems, they do not fear the followers of the Judeo-Christian tenants.

That is because Christians do not blow people up and they know it.

They are attempting to apply moral equivalency where none exists.

When was the last time we heard of a Christian “extremist” on a homicide bomber mission who yelled “Praise Jesus!” just before he blew himself up?

(crickets chirping……)

Thought so.

When they want to assign the blame for murdering abortionists to a Christian they have to make that part up.

Some of the liberals out there have admitted they do not criticize or make fun of Muslims out of fear that they will be targeted.
In other words, they only pick on those they know will not hurt them. Brave, eh?

The last BRAVE Democrat I can think of DIED in 1963….. and I’ll bet a 100 bucks he could NOT join that party today, with the political stances he had back THEN!! My how the world has changed

The reason is that Christianity is the truth and is the “fragrance of death to those who are perishing 2Cor.2:16.” Atheists attack anything Christian because they know if the new testament in Jesus’ blood is true then they are toast. Jesus’ tomb is empty. You cannot visit where Jesus was buried. Jesus said that the world would hate His followers just as the world hated him. If we are truly following Christ, we will offend atheists. This does not surprise us. The world hates Jesus.

I do not believe that the Koran teaches that the world will hate Islam/Mohammedans. Why would the world hate a religion that follows a dead guy? I do know that converting from Islam to Christianity is punishible by death according to the Qur’an/Sharia law.

Quoting from Wikipedia. “A few months after the farewell pilgrimage, Muhammad fell ill and suffered for several days with head pain and weakness. He died on Monday, June 8, 632, in Medina. He is buried where he died which was in his wife Aisha’s house and is now housed within the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina. Next to Muhammad’s tomb, there is another empty tomb that Muslims believe awaits Jesus.”

They know that Christians will not blow other people up. We use the power of the truth not the power of sword to convince others. Christians do not say “Believe in Jesus or I will cut off your head.” Isn’t there a movie coming out where they wouldn’t show the destruction of Islamic holy sites due to fear of the Muslems proclaiming a Fatwa? Christian sites are ok he said. They don’t come after you.


You’re absolutely right about JFK and the change to that party since his death but don’t forget about Joe Leiberman. I know I don’t agree with the guy on everything but he really does not shirk when it comes to recognizing threats to the United States, external and internal. He is an outspoken advocate of winning this war and a staunch critic of Obama’s putsch in the guise of “health care”. Of course he is now an independent but then again, so am I.

Ok, Ill go along with that!! Joe is no “kiss ass” like most all the others are (this goes for many REPUBS too) and the DEMS ought to remember that the VOTERS thought so too!! (thier guy lost to him as an independant, talk about in your face!) And it’s almost impossible to get a group that will agree to every point every time…. all we can hope for is a good, well thought out concensus.
As to “Independant”…. I consider myself to be a “Constitutional Conservative”… (fiscal too)….. I did not leave the Republicans… they left me (us)….. and they would be well advised to remember just what Joe did when the “party left him!” Hope the REPUBS don’t think THEY are immune from such…..