Bush or Obama: The Quiz

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1. President Bush was famous for lacking “intellectual curiosity”, while President Obama has been called “the smartest guy ever to become President.” Which one reads more books, Bush or Obama?

2. Bush was often considered to be in the grip of Big Oil. In contrast, Obama was a Harvard educated lawyer. Which industry contributed more than five times as much as the other to politicians: the oil & gas industry or lawyers/law firms?

3. Bush’s Christian faith was at the core of his political identity, and he was considered to be in the grip of the “religious right”, while Obama is considered more open-minded. In fact, Obama has said, “my faith is one that admits some doubt.” Which one refers to Jesus more in public speeches?

4. Bush was criticized for excessive federal spending and running up huge deficits. Bush’s deficit in 2008 was the largest in history. In fact, President Obama said,

“It’s a little hard for me to take criticism from folks about this recovery package after they’ve presided over a doubling of the national debt… What I won’t do is return to the failed theories of the last eight years that got us into this fix in the first place.”

Whose deficit was more than triple the size of the other’s: Bush’s 2008 deficit or Obama’s 2009 deficit?

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1. How many prominent Republicans in the last year and a half have run for election or relection based on a platform supporting the Bush policies and not on “change”?

2. How many Republican Governors who won last Tuesday sought an endorsement from Sarah Palin?

3. Who got the most votes and electoral college votes in the 2008 Presidential election?

4. Why would America allow the folks whose policies were rejected by the majority pretend they won and have the majority of support when the election results clearly show this not true?

5. How many prominent Republicans, Conservatives and Blogs emulate the exact same behavior that they found so distasteful when it was employed against President Bush?

6. How many people at your workplace who continually grumble, find fault, point fingers, and are not actively engaged in working to solve problems and work for the shared interests of the employer and the employees are viewed as leaders who should be trusted running the company?

7. Why did the Republican Party itself run a Presidential campaign in 2008 that was based on change and treated George Bush as a liability?

Hey mooseturd, instead of thowing out a bunch of strawmen, how about addressing the question? I know, trolls like you aren’t about debate, just hate.

Hard Right said: “Hey mooseturd, instead of thowing out a bunch of strawmen, how about addressing the question? I know, trolls like you aren’t about debate, just hate.”

The questions I asked are valid questions, and are my response to the questions posed.

I don’t hate anyone

“There are none so blind as those that will not see, and none so deaf as those that will not listen.” That sums up the supporters of the Obama administration. Bush was not a great President, but he is head and shoulders above this idiot that is in there now.

Savage 24 said: ““There are none so blind as those that will not see, and none so deaf as those that will not listen.” That sums up the supporters of the Obama administration”

We see and hear ya, we just don’t agree

You didn’t answer the questions. Try again.
And you don’t hear and see, and you certainly do hate. It’s what makes you a liberal.

“We see and hear ya, we just don’t agree”

and why is that? because you see and hear but dont have a clue. You support this obama joker for what? Because he gives you a reason to throw a hissy fit?

Youre clueless and your questions are just plain irrelevant.

To be fair, I’ll wait 8 years to answer the questions, just like we had 8 years to judge Bush, and let my quiz questions stand for my response only 10 months into this Presidency.

Mooseburger, this is too easy;

1. How many democrats voted to cripple the economy by taxing small business into bankruptcy?

All of them.

2. How many democrats voted to cripple the economy by forcing all small business owners to provide health insurance or close the business?

All of them.

3. How many democrats voted to remove your ability to have competing insurance companies plans to choose from?

Everyone who voted for Obamacare.

4. How many democrats are sitting on their hands waiting for the Bush Tax cuts to expire effectively raising taxes on every single person who pays taxes by thousands every year?

All of them.

5. How many democrats voted no on amendments to force Congress to use the ‘public option’ the rest of us will be forced into?

All of them

6. How many democrats voted no on amendments to provide tort reform which would lower health care costs across the board by 30% to 45%?

All of them.

7. How many democrats have voted against setting up a national database that citizens could use to see who got what earmarks and provide transparency?

All of them.

This is just too easy. I could do it all day.

Steve In Tulsa: Had Republicans governed well, you would have been entrusted with running our country again. What is going on now is a direct result of the majority of voters perception of the leadership provided while Republicans held the Presidency, the House and the Senate, and sweeping them out of office into minority status. Republicans brought the repudiation from the voters onto themselves. You may not care for the current administration, but judgement day for them will happen in November of 2012. Until then, you can continue to cry and weep for your country like ‘ole Glen Beck does……

Mooseburger, The election of 2008 was an abberation, not a trend. The GOP took a shelacking in 2008 to be sure. This was due to the endless capitulation of the Party Leaders in trying to pander for, “Moderate,” voters, and not sticking to core conservative values. The Zero actually ran on a platform of being a tax reforming hawk in front of many voters. The American people have serious buyers remorse. The, “couple of Gubenetorial elections,” as you so dismissively put it pales in comparison to the overwhelming GOP victories in every local election and State Wide election held. The GOP gained a majority in state legislatures for the first time in our nations history. Prepare yourself for a butt whooping in 2010. This train is rolling baby, and I invite you to stay on the tracks if you don’t believe that to be the case.

As usual, Mossy tries to change the subject then harangues and filibusters anyone who dares to speak up.

What an ass and how very typical of an Obamaton.

Yes Scott, your post and Mossy’s harangue make it perfectly clear that Obama is a hypocrite and a world class one at that.

Pfft..Obama won because of several things:

1. Obama lying his ass off to Indies/Right about spending, influence-peddling, and transparency.
1a. Obama lying his ass off to Demo’s about Gitmo, wiretaps, renditions, Iraq, and lobbyists.

2. The press.

3. White guilt/Black herd-mentality.

It mattered not who the Repubs put up. To watch the libs now defend Obama for doing THE EXACT SAME THINGS BUSH DID (but back than was vilified for) only serves to point out their total hypocrisy in all things political.

Flyovercountry said: “Mooseburger, The election of 2008 was an abberation, not a trend”

The election was valid, it is in the “books” and you will have to live with it. If Republicans can show leadership again and get the people behind them, and win back the votes and trust of the majority, then they will be deserving of the victory, and I hope they govern well next time. Until then, It’s Obama’s time to lead and do the things he promised to do, and he will face the judgement of the voters at the appointed time. Until then, I am sure that Kleenex sales will skyrocket in Red States everywhere.

Patvann said: “To watch the libs now defend Obama for doing THE EXACT SAME THINGS BUSH DID (but back than was vilified for) only serves to point out their total hypocrisy in all things political.”

It seems odd that you would premise your argument on Obama doing the exact same things Bush did, and if Libs are defending Obama just as Republicans did for 7 years until the Presidential campaign started and Bush became a liability, they are only acting like Republicans did.

Republicans used to be upset at those trashing Bush, and now they are doing it to the President. It is hypocrisy on both sides to a degree and also a reversal of roles that both sides easily slide into ignoring their own past. It is also part of our politics, so, folks say what they say, the voters vote, and the media on both sides spin. It comes with the free speech thing, and overall, it’s a good thing. Most folks are smart enough to see the BS, and talking points don’t do much to change that.

I think I’m stuck in the Spam filter…..

Um… Mooseburger…. WHO was in Control of BOTH houses during the last of Bush’s term in office???? DEMOCRATS

Who Chaired ALL the Financial committees that got intel, reports etc, in other words KNEW EVERYTHING about Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae BEFORE the self destructed???? DEMOCRATS

So lastly, WHO knew just EXACTLY what was coming, did NOTHING to stop it, INTENTIONALLY let the nations(Worlds?) economy COLLAPSE, just to win an election/make a POWER grab???
yeah , guy, it’s out there do the research!! The very day the Fred/Fannie crash occurred Barney Frank was STILL claiming “they were sound”!!!! LIAR, or DUMBASS?

You decide, if LIAR, a Traitor. Criminal Charges should be brought… If DUMBASS, Criminal charges ought to be brought……. see any???
Bush did a LOT I don’t agree with, but at LEAST he wasn’t a “criminal”!!!! Most Dems up there ARE!!

Republicans had the Senate and the House in 2004, in 2006 the tide started to turn, by 2008, the party was over for them. Many folks talk about Bush and Cheney being war criminals, and they build up a very wordy case for their arguments, as I’m sure some do for Dems being criminals. You sound just like like the folks who say Bush and Cheney are criminals, I say, if any of them are, file charges and prosecute. Short of that, it’s just hot air and politics and nothing more.

You’re hiding from the truth…. If the Democrats COULD have made the case, they WOULD have!! Think they would INTENTIONALLY let a chance to nail the REPUBS pass by??? Be real….
As to the others I mentioned??? I can show you at LEAST 10 Barney Frank Quotes on the “soundness of F&F…. all LIES!! the day they CRASHED he said they were “SOUND”!!! the entire collapse is on his back!!!! So why, besides not being charged with intentionally allowed the economic collapse of the WORLD….. does he still CHAIR that same Finance Committee????
Dems will never out another Democrat… THATS why. and besides, who’s lap dog is the “Prosecutor”??? Never bite the hand that feeds you!! Politics….
So be happy in your foolish beliefs…. oh by the way, remember Clinton, you know the guy who wore his suits based on polling numbers??? Polls were EVERYTHING back then….
Check OBUMMER’s Support numbers and polling numbers…. STILL think “everyone” is behind this guy??? People are WAKING UP….. more that SEE, the LOWER those numbers will go…..


It seems odd that you would premise your argument on Obama doing the exact same things Bush did, and if Libs are defending Obama just as Republicans did for 7 years until the Presidential campaign started and Bush became a liability, they are only acting like Republicans did.

You miss the point on the comparison.

President Bush and President Obama are not pursuing the same policies and are world’s apart in what their direction was/is for the country.

However, what’s remarkable is in areas where Bush took a pounding for which Obama gets the free pass; now that Obama is in power, some of those criticisms no longer apply. (wiretaps, renditions, Gitmo problem….). Even Code Pink is rethinking its Afghanistan position.

As Scott often says, much of the opposition to Bush policies was about politics over patriotism.

And how can you charge hypocrisy when fiscally responsible conservatives were also criticizing the spending under Bush?

I don’t know, sometimes I think Mooseburger is just here attempting to pick up the Obama turd by the clean end and other times I think it’s just because he wants to agitate his opposition.

Missy, he used to try and debate, but finally learned he was in was over his head. He stopped trying and the result is the current mooseturd.
He is here trying to aggravate us and that’s pretty much it.

This whole administration is in over its head much to the detriment of the country and the people.

BTW I suppose MB does not believe the Fort Hood massacre was terrorism and that we must have sympathy for the terrorist shooter. Fool.

Wordsmith said: “And how can you charge hypocrisy when fiscally responsible conservatives were also criticizing the spending under Bush?”

That is a valid point, and I respect the folks who have on principle advocated fiscal responsibility over partisanship come what may or who may.

I think here is one of the problems Republicans have in Obama’s case: When you point out things that are obvious and true, most folks know it and can agree. When you go over the top, being against of every every move, every policy, throw in the Hitler, Marxist, pallin’ with terrorist thing, he hates America, he is purposely trying to destroy the country, ect., as part and parcel of your core arguments, folks tend to take up for the guy who is getting those type of attacks, even when they might know he is no saint himself. It doesn’t help that this talk was started and was going strong long before he even took office.

I don’t think the “press conference” the Republicans held last Thursday with the Hitler signs, concentration camp signs comparing the health care reform to dead bodies piled up, all sponsored by the Republicans helps them out with the reasonable folks in the middle, who are the key voting block that decides who the President is in every election. Eric Cantor kind of backpedaled on that one himself. It seems they are working against the very thing they want: a reasonable accounting of what the administration is doing. Most people are just tuning that hate Obama stuff out nowdays. It used to be scary and political poison to accuse your opponent of hating America and hangin’ with terrorists, but this last election that seemed to have lost it’s magic and it’s really not working that well now either. It;s like watching a rerun that we didn’t like the first time. If that is the best Republicans can offer the American people, they are just buying more time and sympathy for Obama by doing it and preaching to their true believers at best.

Buckeye said: “BTW I suppose MB does not believe the Fort Hood massacre was terrorism and that we must have sympathy for the terrorist shooter. Fool.”

You would be supposing wrong on that one. I think it raises some uncomfortable issues that have to be addressed, and plenty or warning signs existed to get that guy drummed out of the Military and keep close tabs on him before this ever happened. I would bet that in spite of what the press says, the Military is taking this seriously and corrective action is now underway. The guy didn’t just snap, he planned it out, and that is terrorism. I’m glad the guy didn’t die, he can take his punishment here on Earth before he gets his final judgement later.

Again, the topic of this post is Obama’s hypocrisy. Something Moosie might want to keep in mind before trying AGAIN to change the subject.


Mooseburger, what you don’t seem to get is all these protesters are not Republican. That’s why in the beginning they stopped allowing politicians to speak at their protests. Protesters in DC were there because of Bachman’s invitation, Independents, Democrats and Republicans all showed up, so did the LaRouchies.

In addition, information the dems are so put off with started in the democratic primaries. It was out of the dem camp the birther movement was born, same with the “whitey tapes.” The Hitler signs started with the LaRouche democrats. Some posters, I would not doubt would be people remembering what happened to President Bush for eight years and are dishing back. Scroll up to the source I posted earlier, compare the difference between past Bush and present Obama health care protests.

BTW, there have been more beatings by the SEIU than the media wants to report, and why should we not broad brush the democrats with the illegal shennanigans of ACORN, or violence stemming from protests involving groups like ANSWER or Code Pink mocking and swearing at soldiers at Walter Reese and recruiting stations, and showing up at Senate hearings shrieking and shoving their hands with fake blood on it in Condi’s face?

And you are miffed with repubs and the tea party movement. Sheesh, get some skin on that nose.

@Mike’s America:

He succeeded in turning it into Mooseburgers hypocrisy.

Mooseburger… Whatever makes you think I am a Republican? I certainly am not. I have been independent for decades. Sometimes I vote for Republicans and sometimes I vote independent.

Cry and weep? I think not. Is that all you have? Accuse me of being Glen Beck? Inventing strawmen doesn’t win arguments. It is a fallacy you know…

Missy said: “Mooseburger, what you don’t seem to get is all these protesters are not Republican.”

True enough, but the Republicans took ownership of the event as a “Press conference” and therefore tie themselves in people minds to the fringies. Some of the things you mentioned may well be true, but it sounds ho hum compared to what Limbaugh, Beck, and the fringed out nutjobs call Obama everyday. Like the boy who cried wolf, folks are just tuning it out, and promenent elected Republican leaders embracing these type of protests are only hurting their cause. If folks think your biggest issues are over the line in character, they will pay scant attention to the lesser issues you present. Limbaugh and Beck have more influence with those protesters than almost any of the elected Republicans do, Limbaugh and Beck are the best thing Obama could ask for. Examples of over the top nuttiness he can paint his opposition with, and the Republican “press conference” only helps him tie them even more to the fringies….


Your big mistake is selling people short. All the spending that has been rammed down our throats, unkept promises, strong armed tactics by this ‘ahem’ transparent administration is what has people thinking. It’s not stemming from Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, or crazies, it’s public opposition to the Obama we got and the ‘American people’ are not liking it.

Now, since you have used up a lot of bandwidth dancing, I’m sure Scott would appreciate it if you just took his quiz. I can give you the answers if you can’t figure them out, just don’t tell Scott.

My advise to everyone is do what I do: scroll through mooseburger’s and other troll’s rantings. It keeps my blood pressure lower and I escape the aggravation.

Ah.. Mooseburger….. you miss the real deal here….. you claim that the “conservatives” (or just plain anti-socialist agenda types) are getting their info from Beck and Rush…..

ORRRRRRR….. are Beck and Rush getting good stuff to talk about by WATCHING and LISTENING to these same “protesters” ???? I’ve seen Beck have people who participated in these “events” on his show, AFTER the event to tell their sides…. all sorts of people, many of DIFFERING political persuasion…ALL saying what they are seeing is NOT what they WANT to get!!!!

And you are confusing “being there and REPORTING” with “being behind” the event!!
The REAL question you should ask isn’t why FOX was there, but WHY WEREN’T ABC,CBS,NBC, MSNBC, CNN etc etc ?????? Too busy back at the studio doing character assassination attacks to “Go out and GET the news”???? REPORT ON SITE??? Be a FRIGGING REPORTER and not just read a “prepared by someone else scripted statement”!!!!


*58% of those polled today said that the NEXT PRESIDENT would be a REPUBLICAN.

*Rasmussen Reports.

Go hug your Obama doll and suck the Cheeto dust off your thumbs.

Hey, can’t you guys get a better class of troll than mooseburger on this site?

Moosburger said: It’s Obama’s time to lead and do the things he promised to do,

Moose, I couldn’t agree more. Obama promised on multiple occasions to be a tax cutting hawk. Where is that Obama? He ran as a centrist, and is governing as a Marxist. When those of us on the right screamed that this man was going to govern as a marxist, we were called racist. Get ready for the backlash. It’s going to be worse for the Demoncrats than the 1980 Reagan Revolution. President Newt in 2012 baby!

There’s lots of things being said on both sides of the aisle that probably are better left unsaid.
However, that being said, between Bush and Obama, only one of them has attempted to control the media, stifle free speech on radio, brought race into a political debate and is seeking to control the content of this internet. Bush had lots of detractors who weren’t shy in their opinions of him, but at least he had enough respect for the Constitution to let them just rant on. The ghost of Nixon still walks the corridors of the White House.

Mooseburger – You are out of your league here. These people deal in facts. You don’t. Libs demeaned the Bush admin from day one. Bush kept our country safe for over 7 years. O’slobo has been in office for less than 1 year, and we already have a terrorist attack here. Do the math. Now, go back to mamma and cry about how bad we all are.