I live in Pennsylvania, in pre-Corzine days we used to drive to NJ malls to shop. After Gov. Corzine raised state tax to 7% and added clothing and footwear to taxable items many families drive to PA outlet malls to shop where state tax is 6% and there is no state tax on clothing and footwear.
Raising taxes on families is no way to get re-elected as Gov. Gorzine will discover tomorrow morning when he is (god and voters willing) no longer Governor of the state of New Jersey.
15 years ago
An F/A-18 in a tutu. How cool is that? It’s a pity that the only way you can see this any more is to join the military – heck, because of liability costs (thanks trial lawyers) our local, really big, airshow was killed 20 or so years ago.
Go Navy (or Marines, can’t tell)
15 years ago
Rep. Mike Pence offers a superb video “Let Your Voice Be Heard, encourages opposition to Pelosi’s health care bill. Transcript also provided.
It is one of the best views on what needs to be done, that I have ever seen.
All that’s missing to see this happen is political fortitude.
John VanHell
15 years ago
Hello to all you Flopperz!
You might be able to guess who my Dad is. 🙂
He’s been telling me about some of you guys, and what kind of site this is for a while. I’ve been home for a few days now, and he’s been showing me the posts and comments that he thought I might like.
You guys are awesome!
I can’t begin to tell you how great it makes me feel, to know how much you guys support us while we are out there. We don’t get to hear it out there, and most of what we do hear sucks.
You old vets make me want to fight twice as hard, and I feel like i can go back even stronger because of it. Thank you for going before me, and for being here for me now. OOOOAAAH!!
I have volunteered to be part of a PRT, and I am back here for training. I will be working with the State Department, and the officers to help them go into the places that we have wrecked, and offer payment and help. We will also be coordinating some projects to get them good water and sewage. I will mostly be protecting them at first, but I will also be helping the local Afghans to protect themselves.
While I was there, I was part of a artillery battalion. (I plot death from above) But we don’t have much of a need for batteries of 155’s in this war anymore, and if we do, they are still there. There are effective!
God bless you all, and thank you all for all that you do and say. If you keep fighting here, I can keep fighting there. I will tell all my fellow Devildogs about you. thankyouthankyouthankyou!!
I cannot begin to put into words how much our family appreciates what you, your fellow Devildogs, and the remainder of the fine men and women in uniform do for our country and for us.
If you’re ever in the neighborhood of Parris Island, SC or Savannah, GA please drop me a line.
It would be my honor and pleasure to meet you and take you out for a meal. (You can even bring your Dad. :))
Thanks again for all you do and remember that there is a family in GA that is thinking of you and praying for you daily.
What an honor it is to have you here! We can’t begin to thank you for all you do in the service of this great country, when you go back, be safe and let your buddies know how greatful we are.
Your dad is a peach of a guy, just love him, proud dad that loves his kids and very, very proud of his Marine, rightly so.
Eagle's Dominion
15 years ago
As a Vietnam Vet 69-70 with an active duty son currently on deployment in Afghanistan with 2-508th PIR, 82nd Airborne Div. I thank you for your service to this Great Nation!! Enjoy your leave and keep your arse down and your head lower. LOL
Thank you so much for your service! We know all of you over there are giving your all for us and we are grateful.
Do indeed enjoy your leave.
(I am new here so I can’t guess who your dad is.)
15 years ago
I am that young man’s Father.
*Stands straight, and puffs out chest* 🙂
15 years ago
Puffs chest indeed! 🙂
It sounds like you have a fine son in whom to be most proud.
Old Ez
15 years ago
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Lance Corporal John V. If you can fight over there for us, the least we can do give you our full support in what few and meager ways that we can. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Keep up the great job. You guys are the best in the world. Period.
15 years ago
John VanHell – There are many special people in this world, but the most special are those who are willing to put their lives on the line for all of us. Thank you to all of our brave military and those who have served in the past. God bless you.
15 years ago
L/cpl Van, is there a way to ship you guys razors, soap, Louis Lamour novels? We used to read those and trade them till they fell apart. If there is an address to ship things or a method or if there are things that are hard to get, let us know!
Some of us think of you guys every day. Godspeed young Marine!
John VanHell
15 years ago
Hi Skookum
The DoD will not let us post our addresses on the net, or media. BUT, there is several battalions worth of parents, friends, and relatives who work their butts off to get packages from civies who don’t have specific addresses, to the guys out in the fleet who need them the most. Us Marines keep an eye out for those that don’t get much, or very little, and send out word through MarineMoms to get them some lovin.
My mom and dad adopted my platoon, and sent them everything we ever wanted (‘cept girls) including the time they sent us all laptops! Before I left, they were kinda bummed because they didn’t think they would keep getting stuff, but they are going to be surprised as hell in a week or so. 🙂
L/Corp “VanHell”
15 years ago
L/Corp “VanHell” thanks for the info, you have great parents.
Don’t worry too much about those girls. There are too many and life is so short!
My dad caught me in the loft of the barn with a native girl when I was quite young. We didn’t have color TV, so young people had to devise their own entertainment; hell, we didn’t have power.
My dad, being a man of the cloth, was upset with me and lectured me hard, eventually he told me that if I kept up that kind of behavior I would go blind. This scared me, so he told me to think about it and let him know in a few days what my intentions were. After several days of deep thought, I told him that I would quit the behavior once I got to the point I needed glasses. I still don’t need glasses, but I don’t see as well as I once did.
On more serious stuff, take it from someone who couldn’t wait to get out, I wish I’d have stayed in, those were the best years of my life. I’ve been up and I’ve been down, right now it doesn’t look good. Make your choices well, my young friend, you live with them for a long time. Once we get rid of this Communist Thug in the White House, the military will be more attractive.
“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I am pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me I will kill you all.”
General James Mattis to Iraqi tribal leaders.
“It’s fun to shoot some people” General James Mattis, 2004.
There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion.
Gen. William Thornson, U.S. Army
Hell, these are Marines. Men like them held Guadalcanal and took Iwo Jima. Bagdad ain’t shit.
Marine Major General John F. Kelly
The safest place in Korea was right behind a platoon of Marines. Lord, how they could fight!
MGen. Frank E. Lowe, USA; Korea, 26 January 1952
Marines know how to use their bayonets. Army bayonets may as well be paper-weights.
Navy Times; November 1994
Why in hell can’t the Army do it if the Marines can. They are the same kind of men; why can’t they be like Marines.
Gen. John J. “Black Jack” Pershing, USA; 12 February 1918
I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world!
General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur; Korea, 21 September 1950
We have two companies of Marines running rampant all over the northern half of this island, and three Army regiments pinned down in the southwestern corner, doing nothing. What the hell is going on?
Gen. John W. Vessey Jr., USA, Chairman of the the Joint Chiefs of Staff
during the assault on Grenada, 1983
The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!
Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don’t have that problem.
Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985
Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They’re aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They’ve got really short hair and they always go for the throat.
RAdm. “Jay” R. Stark, USN; 10 November 1995
They told (us) to open up the Embassy, or “we’ll blow you away.” And then they looked up and saw the Marines on the roof with these really big guns, and they said in Somali, “Igaralli ahow,” which means “Excuse me, I didn’t mean it, my mistake”.
Karen Aquilar, in the U.S. Embassy; Mogadishu, Somalia, 1991
For over 221 years our Corps has done two things for this great Nation. We make Marines, and we win battles.
Gen. Charles C. Krulak, USMC (CMC); 5 May 1997
Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?
GySgt. Daniel J. “Dan” Daly, USMC near Lucy-`le-Bocage as he led the 5th Marines’ attack into Belleau Wood, 6 June 1918
Gone to Florida to fight the Indians. Will be back when the war is over.
Colonel Commandant Archibald Henderson, USMC in a note pinned to his office door, 1836
Don’t you forget that you’re First Marines! Not all the communists in Hell can overrun you!
Col. Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC rallying his First Marine Regiment near Chosin Reservoir, Korea, December 1950
You’ll never get a Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!
Capt. Henry P. Crowe, USMC; Guadalcanal, 13 January 1943
I have only two men out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold.
1stLt. Clifton B. Cates, USMC in Belleau Wood, 19 July 1918
Courage is endurance for one moment more…
Unknown Marine Second Lieutenant in Vietnam
My only answer as to why the Marines get the toughest jobs is because the average Leatherneck is a much better fighter. He has far more guts, courage, and better officers… These boys out here have a pride in the Marine Corps and will fight to the end no matter what the cost.
2nd Lt. Richard C. Kennard, Peleliu, World War II
A Marine should be sworn to the patient endurance of hardships, like the ancient knights; and it is not the least of these necessary hardships to have to serve with sailors.
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery
The wonderful love of a beautiful maid,
The love of a staunch true man,
The love of a baby, unafraid,
Have existed since time began.
But the greatest of loves, The quintessence of loves.
even greater than that of a mother,
Is the tender, passionate, infinite love,
of one drunken Marine for another.
“Semper Fidelis”
General Louis H. Wilson
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Toast given at 203rd Marine Corps Birthday Ball
Camp Lejueune, N.C. 1978
You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth- and the amusing thing about it is that they are.
Father Kevin Keaney
1st Marine Division Chaplain
Korean War
The bended knee is not a tradition of our Corps.
General Alexander A. Vandergrift, USMC to the Senate Naval Affairs Committee, 5 May 1946
Among the Americans who served on Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue.
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, U.S. Navy
I can’t say enough about the two Marine divisions. If I use words like ‘brilliant,’ it would really be an under description of the absolutely superb job that they did in breaching the so-called ‘impenetrable barrier.’ It was a classic- absolutely classic- military breaching of a very very tough minefield, barbed wire, fire trenches-type barrier.
Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, U. S. Army
Commander, Operation Desert Storm, February 1991
The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle.
Gen. John “Black Jack” Pershing, U.S. Army Commander of American Forces in World War I
Do not attack the First Marine Division. Leave the yellowlegs alone. Strike the American Army.
Orders given to Communist troops in the Korean War; shortly afterward, the Marines were ordered to not wear their khaki leggings.
The American Marines have it [pride], and benefit from it. They are tough, cocky, sure of themselves and their buddies. They can fight and they know it.
General Mark Clark, U.S. Army
Every Marine is, first and foremost, a rifleman. All other conditions are secondary.
Gen. A. M. Gray, USMC
Commandant of the Marine Corps
A Ship without Marines is like a garment without buttons.
Adm. David Dixon Porter, USN in a letter to Colonel Commandant John Harris, USMC, 1863
The Marines have landed and the situation is well in hand.
Attributed to Richard Harding Davis (1864-1916)
If I had one more division like this First Marine Division I could win this war.
General of the Armies Douglas McArthur in Korea, overheard and reported by Marine Staff Sergeant Bill Houghton, Weapons/2/5
Where the hell do you put the bayonet on this sunbitch? “Chesty” Puller when shown a flame thrower for the first time.
You don’t hurt ‘em if you don’t hit ‘em.” (Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller, USMC, 1962.)
Retreat Hell! We’re just attacking in another direction.” (Attributed to Major General Oliver P. Smith, USMC, Korea, December 1950.)
Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning.” (Colonel David M. Shoup, USMC, Tarawa, 21 November 1943.)
“We’re surrounded. That simplifies the problem!”
“Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge-hammer!”
“I can never again see a United States Marine without experiencing a feeling of reverence.”
“Retreat hell! We just got here!”
CAPT. LLOYD WILLIAMS, USMC to a retreating French officer on the approach march to the Battle of Belleau Wood.
Stand gentlemen! He served on Samar!
—A command given by Marines whenever a recognized survivor of the 1902 expedition to that island in the Philippines entered the mess or club.
I live in Pennsylvania, in pre-Corzine days we used to drive to NJ malls to shop. After Gov. Corzine raised state tax to 7% and added clothing and footwear to taxable items many families drive to PA outlet malls to shop where state tax is 6% and there is no state tax on clothing and footwear.
Raising taxes on families is no way to get re-elected as Gov. Gorzine will discover tomorrow morning when he is (god and voters willing) no longer Governor of the state of New Jersey.
An F/A-18 in a tutu. How cool is that? It’s a pity that the only way you can see this any more is to join the military – heck, because of liability costs (thanks trial lawyers) our local, really big, airshow was killed 20 or so years ago.
Go Navy (or Marines, can’t tell)
Rep. Mike Pence offers a superb video “Let Your Voice Be Heard, encourages opposition to Pelosi’s health care bill. Transcript also provided.
I guess they had 10,000 tea partiers show up at Sam Houston Park, Houston, TX. Fantastic!
Got that video up on the featured video…its a good one
I didn’t even see it. Maybe my cold meds are causing me to space out, not a very good couple of days. Think I’ll just read til I get over this.
If no one has yet read Jim Gant’s report of the way forward in Afghanistan, he is a link to the PDF.
It is one of the best views on what needs to be done, that I have ever seen.
All that’s missing to see this happen is political fortitude.
Hello to all you Flopperz!
You might be able to guess who my Dad is. 🙂
He’s been telling me about some of you guys, and what kind of site this is for a while. I’ve been home for a few days now, and he’s been showing me the posts and comments that he thought I might like.
You guys are awesome!
I can’t begin to tell you how great it makes me feel, to know how much you guys support us while we are out there. We don’t get to hear it out there, and most of what we do hear sucks.
You old vets make me want to fight twice as hard, and I feel like i can go back even stronger because of it. Thank you for going before me, and for being here for me now. OOOOAAAH!!
I have volunteered to be part of a PRT, and I am back here for training. I will be working with the State Department, and the officers to help them go into the places that we have wrecked, and offer payment and help. We will also be coordinating some projects to get them good water and sewage. I will mostly be protecting them at first, but I will also be helping the local Afghans to protect themselves.
While I was there, I was part of a artillery battalion. (I plot death from above) But we don’t have much of a need for batteries of 155’s in this war anymore, and if we do, they are still there. There are effective!
God bless you all, and thank you all for all that you do and say. If you keep fighting here, I can keep fighting there. I will tell all my fellow Devildogs about you. thankyouthankyouthankyou!!
Lance Corporal John “VanHell”.
Well Lance Corporal, Howdy to you too!
I cannot begin to put into words how much our family appreciates what you, your fellow Devildogs, and the remainder of the fine men and women in uniform do for our country and for us.
If you’re ever in the neighborhood of Parris Island, SC or Savannah, GA please drop me a line.
It would be my honor and pleasure to meet you and take you out for a meal. (You can even bring your Dad. :))
Thanks again for all you do and remember that there is a family in GA that is thinking of you and praying for you daily.
@John VanHell:
What an honor it is to have you here! We can’t begin to thank you for all you do in the service of this great country, when you go back, be safe and let your buddies know how greatful we are.
Your dad is a peach of a guy, just love him, proud dad that loves his kids and very, very proud of his Marine, rightly so.
As a Vietnam Vet 69-70 with an active duty son currently on deployment in Afghanistan with 2-508th PIR, 82nd Airborne Div. I thank you for your service to this Great Nation!! Enjoy your leave and keep your arse down and your head lower. LOL
@John VanHell: Hi Lance Corporal VanHell-
Thank you so much for your service! We know all of you over there are giving your all for us and we are grateful.
Do indeed enjoy your leave.
(I am new here so I can’t guess who your dad is.)
I am that young man’s Father.
*Stands straight, and puffs out chest* 🙂
Puffs chest indeed! 🙂
It sounds like you have a fine son in whom to be most proud.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Lance Corporal John V. If you can fight over there for us, the least we can do give you our full support in what few and meager ways that we can. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Keep up the great job. You guys are the best in the world. Period.
John VanHell – There are many special people in this world, but the most special are those who are willing to put their lives on the line for all of us. Thank you to all of our brave military and those who have served in the past. God bless you.
L/cpl Van, is there a way to ship you guys razors, soap, Louis Lamour novels? We used to read those and trade them till they fell apart. If there is an address to ship things or a method or if there are things that are hard to get, let us know!
Some of us think of you guys every day. Godspeed young Marine!
Hi Skookum
The DoD will not let us post our addresses on the net, or media. BUT, there is several battalions worth of parents, friends, and relatives who work their butts off to get packages from civies who don’t have specific addresses, to the guys out in the fleet who need them the most. Us Marines keep an eye out for those that don’t get much, or very little, and send out word through MarineMoms to get them some lovin.
Use these addresses to get the info.
My mom and dad adopted my platoon, and sent them everything we ever wanted (‘cept girls) including the time they sent us all laptops! Before I left, they were kinda bummed because they didn’t think they would keep getting stuff, but they are going to be surprised as hell in a week or so. 🙂
L/Corp “VanHell”
L/Corp “VanHell” thanks for the info, you have great parents.
Don’t worry too much about those girls. There are too many and life is so short!
My dad caught me in the loft of the barn with a native girl when I was quite young. We didn’t have color TV, so young people had to devise their own entertainment; hell, we didn’t have power.
My dad, being a man of the cloth, was upset with me and lectured me hard, eventually he told me that if I kept up that kind of behavior I would go blind. This scared me, so he told me to think about it and let him know in a few days what my intentions were. After several days of deep thought, I told him that I would quit the behavior once I got to the point I needed glasses. I still don’t need glasses, but I don’t see as well as I once did.
On more serious stuff, take it from someone who couldn’t wait to get out, I wish I’d have stayed in, those were the best years of my life. I’ve been up and I’ve been down, right now it doesn’t look good. Make your choices well, my young friend, you live with them for a long time. Once we get rid of this Communist Thug in the White House, the military will be more attractive.
Happy 234th!!!!
(The following from Rott’s empire)
“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I am pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me I will kill you all.”
General James Mattis to Iraqi tribal leaders.
“It’s fun to shoot some people” General James Mattis, 2004.
There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion.
Gen. William Thornson, U.S. Army
Hell, these are Marines. Men like them held Guadalcanal and took Iwo Jima. Bagdad ain’t shit.
Marine Major General John F. Kelly
The safest place in Korea was right behind a platoon of Marines. Lord, how they could fight!
MGen. Frank E. Lowe, USA; Korea, 26 January 1952
Marines know how to use their bayonets. Army bayonets may as well be paper-weights.
Navy Times; November 1994
Why in hell can’t the Army do it if the Marines can. They are the same kind of men; why can’t they be like Marines.
Gen. John J. “Black Jack” Pershing, USA; 12 February 1918
I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world!
General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur; Korea, 21 September 1950
We have two companies of Marines running rampant all over the northern half of this island, and three Army regiments pinned down in the southwestern corner, doing nothing. What the hell is going on?
Gen. John W. Vessey Jr., USA, Chairman of the the Joint Chiefs of Staff
during the assault on Grenada, 1983
The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!
Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don’t have that problem.
Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985
Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They’re aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They’ve got really short hair and they always go for the throat.
RAdm. “Jay” R. Stark, USN; 10 November 1995
They told (us) to open up the Embassy, or “we’ll blow you away.” And then they looked up and saw the Marines on the roof with these really big guns, and they said in Somali, “Igaralli ahow,” which means “Excuse me, I didn’t mean it, my mistake”.
Karen Aquilar, in the U.S. Embassy; Mogadishu, Somalia, 1991
For over 221 years our Corps has done two things for this great Nation. We make Marines, and we win battles.
Gen. Charles C. Krulak, USMC (CMC); 5 May 1997
Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?
GySgt. Daniel J. “Dan” Daly, USMC near Lucy-`le-Bocage as he led the 5th Marines’ attack into Belleau Wood, 6 June 1918
Gone to Florida to fight the Indians. Will be back when the war is over.
Colonel Commandant Archibald Henderson, USMC in a note pinned to his office door, 1836
Don’t you forget that you’re First Marines! Not all the communists in Hell can overrun you!
Col. Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC rallying his First Marine Regiment near Chosin Reservoir, Korea, December 1950
You’ll never get a Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!
Capt. Henry P. Crowe, USMC; Guadalcanal, 13 January 1943
I have only two men out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold.
1stLt. Clifton B. Cates, USMC in Belleau Wood, 19 July 1918
Courage is endurance for one moment more…
Unknown Marine Second Lieutenant in Vietnam
My only answer as to why the Marines get the toughest jobs is because the average Leatherneck is a much better fighter. He has far more guts, courage, and better officers… These boys out here have a pride in the Marine Corps and will fight to the end no matter what the cost.
2nd Lt. Richard C. Kennard, Peleliu, World War II
A Marine should be sworn to the patient endurance of hardships, like the ancient knights; and it is not the least of these necessary hardships to have to serve with sailors.
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery
The wonderful love of a beautiful maid,
The love of a staunch true man,
The love of a baby, unafraid,
Have existed since time began.
But the greatest of loves, The quintessence of loves.
even greater than that of a mother,
Is the tender, passionate, infinite love,
of one drunken Marine for another.
“Semper Fidelis”
General Louis H. Wilson
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Toast given at 203rd Marine Corps Birthday Ball
Camp Lejueune, N.C. 1978
You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth- and the amusing thing about it is that they are.
Father Kevin Keaney
1st Marine Division Chaplain
Korean War
The bended knee is not a tradition of our Corps.
General Alexander A. Vandergrift, USMC to the Senate Naval Affairs Committee, 5 May 1946
Among the Americans who served on Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue.
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, U.S. Navy
I can’t say enough about the two Marine divisions. If I use words like ‘brilliant,’ it would really be an under description of the absolutely superb job that they did in breaching the so-called ‘impenetrable barrier.’ It was a classic- absolutely classic- military breaching of a very very tough minefield, barbed wire, fire trenches-type barrier.
Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, U. S. Army
Commander, Operation Desert Storm, February 1991
The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle.
Gen. John “Black Jack” Pershing, U.S. Army Commander of American Forces in World War I
Do not attack the First Marine Division. Leave the yellowlegs alone. Strike the American Army.
Orders given to Communist troops in the Korean War; shortly afterward, the Marines were ordered to not wear their khaki leggings.
The American Marines have it [pride], and benefit from it. They are tough, cocky, sure of themselves and their buddies. They can fight and they know it.
General Mark Clark, U.S. Army
Every Marine is, first and foremost, a rifleman. All other conditions are secondary.
Gen. A. M. Gray, USMC
Commandant of the Marine Corps
A Ship without Marines is like a garment without buttons.
Adm. David Dixon Porter, USN in a letter to Colonel Commandant John Harris, USMC, 1863
The Marines have landed and the situation is well in hand.
Attributed to Richard Harding Davis (1864-1916)
If I had one more division like this First Marine Division I could win this war.
General of the Armies Douglas McArthur in Korea, overheard and reported by Marine Staff Sergeant Bill Houghton, Weapons/2/5
Where the hell do you put the bayonet on this sunbitch? “Chesty” Puller when shown a flame thrower for the first time.
You don’t hurt ‘em if you don’t hit ‘em.” (Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller, USMC, 1962.)
Retreat Hell! We’re just attacking in another direction.” (Attributed to Major General Oliver P. Smith, USMC, Korea, December 1950.)
Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning.” (Colonel David M. Shoup, USMC, Tarawa, 21 November 1943.)
“We’re surrounded. That simplifies the problem!”
“Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge-hammer!”
“I can never again see a United States Marine without experiencing a feeling of reverence.”
“Retreat hell! We just got here!”
CAPT. LLOYD WILLIAMS, USMC to a retreating French officer on the approach march to the Battle of Belleau Wood.
Stand gentlemen! He served on Samar!
—A command given by Marines whenever a recognized survivor of the 1902 expedition to that island in the Philippines entered the mess or club.
An add/edit for comment #19 is caught in spam…