A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Maybe the House won last night (due to armtwisting by the speaker & BO), but unless we can convince our Senate (that august body of calm reason and common sense) not to pass any of that crap, the American People have lost until we can elect an administration who will reverse this piece of sh*t!
Morning all. The vote may not have been as close as it seems. I suspect that Pelosi knew full well she had the votes and allowed the “blue dogs” to vote against it to provide some cover for them in 2010. You won’t see any kind of punishment meted out to them for voting against the bill. You may however see the GOP rep Cao in some trouble for voting for the bill. It’s not as if the district he represents is really republican. As I understand it, he beat an unbelievably corrupt democrat to gain his seat. A half way decent democrat candidate in the in 2010 will bring that seat back into the fold and I don’t think the GOP will waste any money or time on a candidate that could pull an “Olympia Snowe” on them.
Ain’t funny, McGee.
Wonderful picture of Pukelosi as she is referred to on the site.
Correcting the site, AnnMonterey:
http://thelotuslaptopoftheunitedstates.blogspot.com/2009/11/pukelosi-madames-latest-facebook-victim.html is the item with the picture.
Not for the weak of the stomach.
scr_north: Isn’t that just the thing though? He is elected to represent his district?
If he doesn’t, he stands the chance to be voted out regardless. I would be pissed at a candidate that did not vote for my district’s interests.
And now that he voted for it and did not stick to party lines, he may be doomed.
Sounds like a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation to me.
Whats up with this voting on Saturday thing?
FedUp: Once passed though, do you think they will repel it? Repubs would have to gain a good bit of control.
There is a lot of discontent with the independent voters out here who are pissed at both parties.
@pookie18: Ah, thank you. My fingers sometimes go astray after viewing Pukelosi.
Takes great self-control & concentration for one to be able to type at all…especially after turning into a pillar of salt…
@pookie18: LOL, thanks. Also to Larry Sheldon for correcting my error.
Dr. Sanity has the latest on the left’s PC tap dance on the Ft. Hood murders.
David Horrowitz’s take.
@Hard Right: Thanks, David Horowitz is one of my heros.
Ann, he’s definitely one of my major sources for info on the left. Thanks to him I learned how widespread the tentacles of the left extended.