The hero cop who ended the bloody rampage at Fort Hood by pumping four bullets into the crazed gunman even though she was wounded is known for her toughness, friends say.
Before relocating to Texas, civilian police Sgt. Kimberly Munley spent about five years as a cop in North Carolina where she forged a reputation as a no-nonsense officer.
“I’d like to say I’m surprised, but I’m really not,” said close friend Drew Peterson, 27.
“She was born and bread to be a police officer. If you were ever to be in a fight, she’d be the first person to stand up next to you and back you up. She’s a tough cookie.”
Munley’s toughness and grace under pressure were on display Thursday when she and her partner responded within three minutes of reported gunfire, said Army Lt. Gen. Bob Cone.
Munley, who had been trained in active-response tactics, rushed into the building and confronted the shooter as he was turning a corner, Cone said.
“It was an amazing and an aggressive performance by this police officer,” Cone said.Munley could not be reached Friday. In a posting on her Twitter page, she wrote: “I live a good life….a hard one, but I go to sleep peacefully @ night knowing that I may have made a difference in someone’s life.”
Munley was only a few feet from Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan when she opened fire.
Wounded in the exchange of bullets, the 34-year-old Munley was reported in stable condition at a local hospital.
The diminutive Munley – she stands 5-foot-4 and weighs about 120 pounds – served as a cop in Wrightsville Beach, N.C., before she moved to Texas to enlist in the military, friends said.
She is married with two daughters and is no longer in the armed forces.
“She’s the happiest, sweetest, most fun-loving girl you’d ever want to be friends with – and never want to cross,” Peterson said.
The hero cop spent Thursday night phoning fellow officers to let them know she was fine and to find out about casualties in the attack – the deadliest ever on a military base in the U.S., Cone said.
Cone said Munley’s aggressive response training taught her that “if you act aggressively to take out a shooter you will have less fatalities.”
“She walked up and engaged him,” he said. He praised her as “one of our most impressive young police officers.”
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
From myself and all my friends in the U.S. Navy Seabees, We all love you Kim. We wish you a speedy and full recovery and a long and happy life!
Thank you, Officer Munley, for your courage, professionalism, and marksmanship.
May you get well soon.
A huge sum of Courage in a small package. Way to go SGT!
What a day for this tiny hero, not only did she get shot facing down an armed to the max killer, she stopped the carnage saving more lives, spent her afternoon worried about those that were harmed and comforted loved ones and friends letting them know she was still alive and ok.
She’s another example of America’s finest, amazing! A courageous, spunky little gal, we all have to be greatful she happened to be there!
Let’s not forget about her daughters, this has to be a frightening time for them and she will be dealing with that for a long time.
God Bless You, Kimberly Munley, from all of Texas. We’ll keep you, your family, and your fellow law enforcement and military family in our daily prayers.
Job well done Kim….most definitely a hero!
How do we nominate her for the highest award possible for her Bravery??
She needs to be held up as an example of what to do when something like this happens. Too many times I have seen in the news when an incident like this occurs and the Police and Special Tactical Units sit outside waiting to react. Doing nothing cost more lives than doing something.
Nice shooting, Tex!
No disrespect to Officer Munley, but why is a civilian police officer ending a shooting spree on an Army base? Are there no MPs? Is the Army in such tough shape that it needs to rely on local LEOs to protect soldiers from a killer on their own base?
The Marines must be laughing themselves silly.
Not to mention the Taliban.
Thank God for people like this Officer. Give her the biggest medal we can find.
@joe doakes:
There are MPs, just not enough. Sgt. Kim Munley and her associates are manning up due to the downsizing of our military. Don’t know if Marine bases are outsourcing in the same manner but I suspect they are.
What a woman! Get well soon Kimberly, and hopefully good things happen from this selfless act of courage.
@joe doakes:
The DoD has hired contract security for many facilities in CONUS. You can see it at Andrews AFB, FT Belvoir, FT Myer, FT Meade, the Washington Navy Yard, and a host of other facilities in the DC area. I’m not happy with that situation but many of the Army’s MPs are deployed where civilian contract security cannot go and should not go. The same is true of the USAF SPs performing vital security roles around the world.
The Marines would not “laugh themselves silly” at the notion – they are too professional for that and know that a situation like this one is impossible to predict and unless you have an armed presence at every possible location where more than a dozen people might gather, impossible to prevent. Credit goes to the collaboration between FT Hood and it’s supporting LEAs.
Is the Taliban laughing? Who the fuck cares? American women kill them like the subhuman swine they are and I laugh about that.
We can agree on this much, joe: Officer Munley, through her courageous actions and selfless service brought great honor upon herself, her colleagues, and all Americans that appreciate how truly fortunate we are to have first responders like her.
Ms. M got the job done and deserves the highest commendation, medal for her expert response. Heard that the Muslim was shot in the torso + 3 other wounds; may be paralyzed. Sob.
God Bless Officer Munley. As a woman who just got back from the shooting range today, I say YOU GO GIRL!
Simply amazing strength and character. A true American hero. God bless you Sgt. Munley!
This seems to be a topic we can agree on right down to the SOB finish. I recently heard that officer Munley was assisted by another police officer that may have also shot Hasan. So in addition to all of the other accolades, let’s add “team player” to the list and hope for her speedy and complete recovery.
@Missy: There are MPs, just not enough. Sgt. Kim Munley and her associates are manning up due to the downsizing of our military. Don’t know if Marine bases are outsourcing in the same manner but I suspect they are.
During a visit to Israel in 1968, I remember a conversation with my Sabra boyfriend about women serving in the military. Back then (and view these comments through the lens of 1968, please) during outbreak of war, female soldiers were assigned police duties to free up the men to go fight. He said when you got a parking ticket from a “Baby Soldier” you never complained; their presence served as a reminder that they were at war and were part of the effort. And of course, having military training, they were perfectly capable of keeping the peace at home. I suppose today, they serve with the men.
Officer Munley, trained military, decided to stay in police service. Lucky for us.
At the USMC’s Henderson Hall adjacent to FT Myer, the gate guard is a contract civilian but at other USMC facilities I think you will still see Marines at the gates, at least at Quantico, MCBH (Kaneohe), and Camp Smith, but they may also have civilians working alongside. It can be a mixed bag but overall, there is vast difference in the approach to security today compared to the months following 9-11. I don’t think I agree with the extent of the relaxation of force protection measures that I’ve seen.
Words cannot express the gratitude I have for Officer Munley and her selfless actions. May she recover quickly. She certainly has my prayers and best wishes.
“Baby soldier” I like that as well as they being a reminder of being at war.
John Dale Dunn, MD, another contract worker at Ft. Hood writes about what they faced and how they handled that day. Another civilian we can be greatful for. Amazing story:
As far as the killer, some are saying he snapped, I don’t see it that way. He used our military to get his education, then after 9/11 he realized he may have to serve in a Muslim country with our troops as they fought against members of his faith. He lawyered up and was fighting his orders. That day he emptied out his apartment, he already had purchased his weapons and ammo. This was not an act of a crazed gunman, it was an act of hate.
I read an article that mentioned he attended a radical mosque while living in DC, we have all read of his internet messages and comments, in my mind he was a terrorist that planned and then acted. I agree that he acted alone and definately, steps should have been taken to remove him from the Army due to his prior messages and comments, that didn’t happen and our troops became the targets in the plan. This was no crazed person that snapped, this was deliberate.
Foolish mortals.
Obama would have opened up a dialog with the killer, thus disarming him with smart power.
America’s Hero! Thank you Officer Munley! Well done, well done indeed!
May you and your family be blessed!
I read over on Free Republic this morning that George and Laura Bush visited the wounded at Fort Hood yesterday evening.
God Bless them for their caring hearts.
And 0bama is scheduled to visit Ft. Hood WHEN?
I’m not surprised that the Bushes paid a visit and I know that it had to go over very well. Now is not the time for Obama to visit because his arrival would be a huge distraction from the real work that must be done. Let FT Hood get settled before it has to accommodate the huge circus of a Presidential visit.
There is such a long list of complaints about Obama’s performance that we could address from now until his exit from office but taking his political roadshow to FT Hood at the worst possible time is not one of them.
Perhaps he could dedicate the time to making a decision about supporting the troops on the ground in Afghanistan.
I think your last line makes the most sense!
High praise and a speedy recovery to officer Kimberly Munley. Her and her partners quick response undoubtedly saved lives and injuries.
I won’t soil my comment with my feelings of the white house’s reaction, I’ll save that for another day.
Well, OK, I’m glad we can agree on that point but if I had to work this situation at FT Hood, and believe me I’m glad I don’t, I would not want to deal with any politicians until I knew I had given my full attention to the wounded and the families of the survivors and the deceased.
Thank you, Kimberly Munley. That was true Americanism in action, not the shallow, me-first sort of thinking that has become so common in our land today. Kimberly should be held up as an example for our young people, and example of what a real American does when other Americans are threatened. May she recover quickly and completely.
Thank you, Kimberly.
Here’s another description of what she did:
America’s newest hero. I know that other cops do this sort of thing and don’t get as much attention, but this case was truly exceptional. Were this a military action against a foreign enemy, she’d get at least a Silver Star.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
You can deal with politicians and then again you can deal with politicians that are morons. The white house response to this incident was deplorable. But I did not expect more.
A true American hero!
Is there an address to which we can send her a card?
evryone knows a hero when we hear of one hope you rcover fast the whole world praise your courage all the best to you,thank you.
@joe doakes:
I was stationed at ft hood; I am wondering the same question? Where were the MP’s……..
Since when does the local law enforcement enforce on-base activities??? Has this changed
on Military reservations? Ft. Hood is bigger than Killenn, the City it is in!
@Missy: We cannot say that he should be ousted because of his religious beliefs, but he takes a oath to protect this country when he joins our Military, to protect it from enemies both foreign and domestic. Here he proved the “Oath” he took had no value. There are many muslims in the Military, spome are and have been to Iraq, Afghanastan, etc. We cannot say that he cannot be Muslim as Christains’ have killed using Gods name.
The Military failed us here, a soldier should not be permitted to be racist or a bigot under any any circumstances. We have enough Cops doing that already. I read too many articles and see too many active duty military personnel aligning themselves with hate groups, so this incident is not isolated as it has happened before on Military reservations; only it was with s0-called Christians.
I appaluad the officer and salute her. shame on you “MP’s”!
hi, thank you for showing us a TRUE HERO REACTION AT WORK, SWIFT AS AN bullet, SMART AND
DO YOU KNOW HOW SHE IS NOW? did she recovered well?
hi again
and who said it was a rampage killing, he must have kill because he was going to be kill.
so this happened in war time, and with the suppose peaceful afghans where sold to the talibans, so he should be free to join his family, because he serve his country which called on him four times in hell, HE ALREADY PAID FOR ANY SIN HE COULD HAVE COMMITED, HELL YES
if someone want to put him in prison , they better put in prison the one who sent him and made the ROE for this war which is a fake war he the commander in chief order, and he should be the guilty one to pay,