OBAMA PLAYS “THE DOZENS” AT FORT HOOD MASSACRE ADDRESS (But at least he shows some compassion.)
(Obama)— I want to thank everyone for this wonderful conference and I want to send a shout out to that Congressional Medal of Honor winner Joe Medicine Crow. Stand up Joe. There he is, let me tell you all, me and Joe have been good friends for a long time. I knew Joe when he was on the wagon, and I new Joe when he fell off the wagon, but unfortunately he fell right into a box of whiskey. (Laughs to himself) Joe say a few words.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Thanks Barry, but if I am Joe Medicine Crow then you must be Barry Socialized Medicine Crow. (Crowd laughter).
(Obama)— No Joe, but that’s what the Republicans call Pelosi “Nancy Old Socialized Medicine Crow”. (Laughs to himself)
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Don’t forget Barry I’ve known you for many moons. I remember when you fell off the wagon too. Unfortunately you fell into a big box of yourself. (Crowd laughter).
(Obama)— Joe you’re always the kidder.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Yeh, I remember you had to use a stick to try to get some of the shit off you. (Crowd laughter).
(Obama)— Oh I see you want to play the Dozens, OK Joe well, yo Indian mama’s so fat, when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Yo white mamma’s so fat, when the medicine man diagnosed her with the flesh eating disease; he gave her 5 years to live.
(Obama)— Oh it’s on. Yo Indian mamma’s so fat, her ass has its own congressman.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Yo white mama’so fat and old that when the Great Spirit said “Let there be Light”, he told her to move her fat ass out of the way.
(Obama)— Yo Indian mama’s so ugly, her mom had to be drunk to breastfeed her.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Yo white mama’s so ugly, I took her to a haunted house and she came out with a job application.
(Obama)— Yo Indiana mama’s so ugly, people go as her for Halloween.
(Joe Medicine Crow)—Yo father so ugly it’s a good thing you never saw him.
(Obama)— Damn Joe that hurt. By the way there was a massacre at Fort Hood. That’s too bad. I got to go now….
15 years ago
Stopthepresses2 – Too funny for words. But, some truth to it. He would much rather delve into himself before lowering himself to do his job. What a worthless POS he is. Thankfully even tho our country is on the brink of disaster, we can still find a little humor in life. Thank you for your post.
“But instead of a somber chief executive offering reassuring words and expressions of sympathy and compassion, viewers saw a wildly disconnected and inappropriately light president making introductory remarks.”
I know this must upset all those who would otherwise say “Oh, it’s FOX, you can’t take them seriously!” This is “one of their own” so this must sting a bit. And none of my liberal friends/co-workers haven’t shot back with their usual responses so …
So, did Zero learn something about “leaping to conclusions” or is it still the same and just not “ok” for anyone else to jump to conclusions.
Red 73
15 years ago
OMG does the insanity ever stop with this putz???
Which putz you ask? The chief Marxist living at 1600. He has no respect for the military or the citizenry.
15 years ago
That was the most pathetic speech… he spent a whole four minutes talking about the tragedy and the rest of the 10 minutes going on about his Obama care. Un-f@ck!ng-real! Who gives CRAP about his healthcare reform… innocent people just died you idiot!
15 years ago
Obama is our Caligula. A lot of us knew this from the beginning several years ago. OBAMA is not concerned with anything that does not affect him or his agenda positively. That includes US SOldiers, White Americans, Israeli Jews, Allied countries, Students and most any business.
Way to go, Aye!
OBAMA PLAYS “THE DOZENS” AT FORT HOOD MASSACRE ADDRESS (But at least he shows some compassion.)
(Obama)— I want to thank everyone for this wonderful conference and I want to send a shout out to that Congressional Medal of Honor winner Joe Medicine Crow. Stand up Joe. There he is, let me tell you all, me and Joe have been good friends for a long time. I knew Joe when he was on the wagon, and I new Joe when he fell off the wagon, but unfortunately he fell right into a box of whiskey. (Laughs to himself) Joe say a few words.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Thanks Barry, but if I am Joe Medicine Crow then you must be Barry Socialized Medicine Crow. (Crowd laughter).
(Obama)— No Joe, but that’s what the Republicans call Pelosi “Nancy Old Socialized Medicine Crow”. (Laughs to himself)
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Don’t forget Barry I’ve known you for many moons. I remember when you fell off the wagon too. Unfortunately you fell into a big box of yourself. (Crowd laughter).
(Obama)— Joe you’re always the kidder.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Yeh, I remember you had to use a stick to try to get some of the shit off you. (Crowd laughter).
(Obama)— Oh I see you want to play the Dozens, OK Joe well, yo Indian mama’s so fat, when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Yo white mamma’s so fat, when the medicine man diagnosed her with the flesh eating disease; he gave her 5 years to live.
(Obama)— Oh it’s on. Yo Indian mamma’s so fat, her ass has its own congressman.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Yo white mama’so fat and old that when the Great Spirit said “Let there be Light”, he told her to move her fat ass out of the way.
(Obama)— Yo Indian mama’s so ugly, her mom had to be drunk to breastfeed her.
(Joe Medicine Crow)— Yo white mama’s so ugly, I took her to a haunted house and she came out with a job application.
(Obama)— Yo Indiana mama’s so ugly, people go as her for Halloween.
(Joe Medicine Crow)—Yo father so ugly it’s a good thing you never saw him.
(Obama)— Damn Joe that hurt. By the way there was a massacre at Fort Hood. That’s too bad. I got to go now….
Stopthepresses2 – Too funny for words. But, some truth to it. He would much rather delve into himself before lowering himself to do his job. What a worthless POS he is. Thankfully even tho our country is on the brink of disaster, we can still find a little humor in life. Thank you for your post.
stopthepresses2: That about sums up how I feel in his statements so far.
“Some people were killed at Ft. Hood. It sucks, but they’re looking into it. Now, let me talk to you about something really important ….”
Even NBC took a swing at him:
Obama’s Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting
“But instead of a somber chief executive offering reassuring words and expressions of sympathy and compassion, viewers saw a wildly disconnected and inappropriately light president making introductory remarks.”
I know this must upset all those who would otherwise say “Oh, it’s FOX, you can’t take them seriously!” This is “one of their own” so this must sting a bit. And none of my liberal friends/co-workers haven’t shot back with their usual responses so …
So, did Zero learn something about “leaping to conclusions” or is it still the same and just not “ok” for anyone else to jump to conclusions.
OMG does the insanity ever stop with this putz???
Which putz you ask? The chief Marxist living at 1600. He has no respect for the military or the citizenry.
That was the most pathetic speech… he spent a whole four minutes talking about the tragedy and the rest of the 10 minutes going on about his Obama care. Un-f@ck!ng-real! Who gives CRAP about his healthcare reform… innocent people just died you idiot!
Obama is our Caligula. A lot of us knew this from the beginning several years ago. OBAMA is not concerned with anything that does not affect him or his agenda positively. That includes US SOldiers, White Americans, Israeli Jews, Allied countries, Students and most any business.