The Commander In Chief And Todays Disaster In Texas [Reader Post]

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As I watched the first news reports of the Fort Hood Military Base shootings, I wondered what the right response from the Commander In Chief should be to this disaster. At around 2:00PM, we all witnessed the actual response from the sitting President, but what would you have done?

Twelve members of America’s troops are dead, and at least another 31 have been wounded. These 42 soldiers and their comrades were preparing for deployment to the front. This is major calamity, not just because it occurred on American soil, but this crime was committed, it appears, by one some of their own, on an American base. The shock to hundreds of individuals comprising the related families will last a lifetime.

The priority for the Commander In Chief, IMHO, would be to bypass any planned speech and immediately fly to Austin, Texas, act like a Commander In Chief, go to the site of the shootings, meet with senior staff, assess the situation and events that led to the shootings, speak to the troops, particularly the injured, demonstrate concern and take action based on the findings of your assessment. Such actions should include addressing the families of the fallen and the injured. Assure the American people that their military bases and the security of the bases are not compromised and all possible measures will be taken to tighten what already has been established to safeguard the safety of soldiers.

Once satisfied that orders have been issued on all potential fronts of the follow-up, fly back to the White House, and get on with the addressing the challenges of the Nation.

Would you have remained in Washington, and while giving a speech, mentioned the killings in a “by the way,” addendum? Perhaps not.

Crossposted from The Pacific Gate Post

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James Raider,

The President – and any other politicians – need to stay clear of FT Hood and let the authorities on the scene do their job without the additional burden of having to deal with VIP visits. They can ask questions and get answers through the appropriate channels without tying up resources that should be focused on the event in question.

Like Bush and Katrina. that worked out well, huh, Bush not flying to New Orleans because he did not want to get in the way.

It’s so awful. If you watched his his address, he spent the first few minutes thanking various folks who showed up to his event, while promising that he’d follow up on whatever it was that they had gathered for. He even did a few shout-outs to his buddies before remembering that something happened. It was only after chatting up his followers for the first few minutes that he deigned to mention the fact that there had been an attack on a US Army base in the US, and only then did he express his regrets and concern.

This was an utter disgrace. I’ve never seen a President do that. Not even Clinton had the lack of character to behave in such a wretched manner.

J R, everyone has priorities, the shrink obviously had or has his own priorities, just like our CIC has his own priorities. Being overly concerned with our troops and their mission is not a priority for this President. His golf game and basketball game deserve more time, after all, those are his stress relieving hobbies. But above all else, being overly concerned with military personnel can compromise the image he wishes to project in the Middle East and to the rest of the world. Being a winner of the Nobel Peace prize requires restraint in all matters pertaining to the military; otherwise, the Prize becomes meaningless.

@ tfhr,

That is absolutely NOT the way a Commander In Chief or CEO should act.

Throughout my career, when there was a major problem, and particularly a potentially disastrous problem in any corner of any company I ran, I made sure I was on the spot to deal with it. Hiding behind a teleprompter is no way to Demonstrate leadership. People have to perceive that you know what you’re doing, that you are concerned, and that you have things under control.

Of course subordinates can handle the “problem,” … they are likely all competent people who will do their jobs. That’s not the screw up here.

This is simply another sign of inexperience … never having run anything other than run for office.

I think the GOP needs to go on an Apology tour…..and start making public apologies on behalf of the lack of leadership we have as a President. I watched and I watched and he just kept blah blah blah blahing away and then Shout out to Joe Medicine…..Who the Frig cares about Joe ???

What a disgrace !

He is to wrapped up in himself to give a shit !!!

@ Karl,

Absolutely my sentiment, … when I watched the beginning of yet another speech today.

Obama launched into a speech, then threw out a strange response regarding the killings before getting on with his address.

Abby, the left would have atacked Bush no matter what he did. He stayed away to allow badly needed air traffic in that was carrying supplies and rescuers in addition to not fouling up roads with his security motorcade, etc. Had he gone he would have been attacked for the above reasons.

I will cut the obamination slack on not going, but not acting as though it’s some award speech and giving shout outs. Lousy POS.

@James Raider:

Don’t mistake my disagreement with your idea as approval for Obama.

I would equate the complaints of the left regarding Bush for not hopping on Air Force One and flying into the eye of Katrina, or the aftermath, with premature calls for the President to show his overexposed face at FT Hood.

In fact, I’d say he’d be better off keeping his mouth shut until he gets all the facts, if you can remember his hip shot response to the police v. Harvard prof incident.

Let the FT Hood’s CG deal with this issue and let all the LEA people do their jobs. Bringing in the President will just add to confusion at a time when people are still trying to get straight answers. There is nothing wrong with your leadership style but when you have a three star general running the show, I think you’ve got enough real leadership and experience on hand unless you need some community organizing done or maybe some pretty speeches made, then you can call the White House.

This president’s response to today’s tragedy left me feeling sick to my stomach. Even after such a horrific event, he had to make sure that people know that the military was NOT foremost on his small mind.

Mr. obamadammadoo will never be my president!

My prayers go out to the soldiers and their families! May God watch over them and envelop them in His Love.

As for the shooter, may he suffer long and terribly.

If you can disregard his insensitivity to the men and women at Ft. Hood, you cannot forgive him for his rambling unemotional blather about the tradegy. He looked like a man reading directions on how to assemble a childs bicycle. It was flat and devoid of ONE emotion or sincere gesture.
This was a lot like the Sgt. Crowley incident at Harvard where he started talking without knowing what he was talking about. Just blather. God help our country!

James, I’m going to agree with tfhr here, and for the same reasons. Having the POTUS around, with his security detail, would only be a distraction to the business at hand. You, as a lesser critter in the chain of command, fall under a different set of rules. Obama showing up would merely be a convenient and disingenuous photo op. Not to mean I think that he doesn’t care. I may disagree with his Euro-socialist/Marxist style beliefs, but I don’t believe him to be heartless.

In this instance, Obama is nothing more than an ill-placed speed bump. And he… for whatever reasons… chose to avoid being just that.

This also means I agree with Abby, if I read her statement correctly. Meaning the real irony is that the press will not chastise Obama for rightly *not* infringing on the business at hand by showing up for a photo op as they chastised Bush for doing the same.

face it, he only cares about himself. I wonder what would have happened if that IslamoFascist Takfiri had committed the murders in Walter Reed?

Okay… I only caught a portion of Obama’s piss poor performance as a CiC today inbetween work. Or shall I revamp that and say it was a stellar performance by a Eunuch in Chief. Just what kind of man needs to “read” a prepared statement about such an event, not to mention reading it badly after addressing lesser important events like his idiotic WH conference??

So let me say mea culpa, and retract something I said above…. about not believing him to be heartless. I was wrong. The man is a selfish, heartless, cowardly bastard, and a pure embarrassment as leader of our military. Below, the full visual of a “man child” (since I know that so irks him and the O’faithful), revealing to the world his inability to answer that 3AM phone call.

But I still hold that Obama showing up at Fort Hood would be a mistake. Now, however, I suspect he did not even entertain going just because he didn’t give a damn.

@ MataHarley,

Perhaps in another time, another age, I might have agreed, but not here, not in the context of serious doubts evolving about this administration’s ability to “govern,” (read Lead) or to lead the military or demonstrate any serious leadership on any front whatsoever.

The world is waiting for a decision on Afghanistan, and Obama has completely reversed the firm campaigning commitments he made to pull out of Iraq. Rumblings of “dithering” are gaining db. Dithering is no way to boost morale. Make a decision either way, but make one.

Showing leadership would have been preferable here. Certainly preferable to what we witnessed behind the podium.

What does the ability to govern/lead have to do with him traipsing down to the base for a photo op with secret service in tow, and mucking up a crime scene, James?

Totally disagree about his presence there as a move he should have done. However, I will agree the man is unworthy of flushing my toilet, let alone commanding my nation’s military.

@ MataHarley,

The key to achieving successful leadership is understanding, and grasping, both action and perception. Narcissism understands neither.

Troops have to perceive that their leader is more than leader in name only. He should have made a bee line for Air Force One, which he seems to be very familiar with and enjoys perhaps a little too much.

and do what, James?

@James Raider:

The decision to support the commander on the ground in Afghanistan, which is long overdue, has nothing to do with the events at FT Hood and the President’s reaction to the news.

I pray that no linkage is ever suggested in the MSM or from the White House as this would only add to the obscenity of what transpired in Texas.

@James Raider:

The decision to support the commander on the ground in Afghanistan, which is long overdue, has nothing to do with the events at FT Hood and the President’s reaction to the news.

I pray that no linkage is ever suggested in the MSM or from the White House as this would only add to the obscenity of what transpired in Texas.

Here is something to consider:

If you were the FT Hood CG, would you want attend to the survivors of the dead, and handle the needs of the wounded and their families and restore the post to working order as soon as possible so that the mission continues fully supported or do you want to play tour guide, hospitality hostess and nursemaid to the President and hundreds of his strap-hangers? Do you have any idea what a Presidential visit would do to local law enforcement agencies and communications?

Look, I’m all for hands on leadership (from someone with something to offer) but this is not the time and Obama really isn’t the man, so I say drop it.

Hey wait a minute, I never said that I thought he would either know what to do, or do the right thing even if he showed up. I just stated what I believed a CIC or CEO should do under the current circumstances, and particularly given the number of lives lost and families destroyed.

Looks like I’m caught in the spam filter. Help please.

We don’t need hundreds of staff and secret service agents walking all over a crime scene. It would just be conflicting. Imaginine the secret service wanting to put a man at a location because the spot offered a great view, yet it offered the criminal a great view too when he gunned downed some people.

The families of the victems would be too busy assessing their situation in order to be bothered by reporters, police investigators and a host of other people to now have to deal with the president trying to advertise himself more. “Hey could you cry just a little more for the cameras.”

James, as I think a few of us agree here, Obama running off with secret service and cameras in tow to the base is no more acceptable than Bush running willy nilly to Katrina. I defended Bush staying put, and I will defend Obama staying put. In both situations, the presence of the POTUS is nothing more than interference with the authorities investigating the events.

You want leadership? He doesn’t need to be physically present to speak from the bully/comfort podium to give that (which he demonstrated a distinct excellence in failure when attempting to do so…).

Therefore, I’m 100% in agreement that his performance as a CiC is completely indefensible at the podium. (and shame on TOTUS, in whom I have more faith… LOL). But then, I’m also not surprised. It’s not a position in which he is comfortable. The only “community” he can’t inspire and organize is our military because he is… quite simply… a eunuch. He is just not cut from the same cloth of patriotism as our enlisted military volunteers. There is not enough “reward” for him to do so.

However I can’t see you criticizing him for not making the mad dash down to Texas on Air Force One, then not even giving a plausible plan of action for what he’s supposed to do to accommodate for your demand of “leadership”. Don’t want to be difficult, but this is a nitpick moment here, guy. He’s already embarrassed himself making it an “all about me” moment, and what his admin is going to do by “monitoring” and having conference updates. Not to mention how “responsible” he is for keeping our military safe. The man is obviously self-consumed.

But our military doesn’t draw their strength merely from the CiC. They draw it from their comrades in arms, their family, and the nation at large. And the outpouring from that more important body seriously trumps our eunuch in the Oval Office.

I think the military has already written Obama off and don’t expect much from him. Just as half of the country has.

Absolutely the Last thing that the Post Commander at Ft. Hood needs right now is the three ring circus of a POTUS visit. Let the smoke clear and the dust settle there. Let the Chain of Command deal with the situation. There are Family notifications that need to be made, care for the wounded and restoration of order on that Post and in the Community. A POTUS visit needlessly complicates that. The Civilian Chain of Command needs to stay out of this at this point. Period.

Regardless of the MAJ’s religion, he will be given a trial under the UCMJ and that will be that. An Article 32 Investigation will be done, witness interviews and the rest. From what is presently available We are looking at an Officer that should have been separated from the Military long before this and certainly NOT deployable due to his issues noted during his internship at Walter Reed. The Army screwed up. The Army will be forced to deal with him now. The fact that the Army selected and trained him as a Mental Health Professional completely confounds me. Some of the oddest characters in the Army are in the Medical Branch. Not Grunts or Airborne Ranger or SF types, from my experience.

As a Soldier on Active Duty He is subject to the UCMJ which has competent Judicial Legal Authority and automatic reviews of findings. It is more fair than any Civilian Court, State or Federal. Until the Article 32 Investigation is completed, any further comments from me are not warranted.

My Prayers go out to the Wounded, the Families of the Dead, the Ft. Hood Community and the Post Commander who has his hands full right now. Among other things, there are Security issues that need to be addressed immediately as the weapons used were not Military issue.

It is just a huge tragedy. Period. My heart goes out to Ft. Hood.

I think someone uploaded the wrong speech onto his teleprompter. Heh.

Perhaps Mr Hussain Barack Obama is afraid that he would create panic if he showed up on the scene. Afterall, he has an arabic name just like the shooter and also holds a position of trust! Its enough to send jitters down my spine. Maybe its best if he sits this one out in the White House and keeps a low profile for a while.

I want to know why this news conference was at 5:05 et when the shootings were were at 1:30 ct. That’s 2 1/2 hours later. What was he doing and what was his reaction when the news came in. He mentioned this shooting during a news conference that was already scheduled. Why didn’t he address the county from the Oval Office, or would that have been too presidential. Oh wait, his handlers needed time to prepare what he was going to say, and why speak from the Office of the President when you can be in front of a room full of people. Go Barry! Go Barry! Go Barry!

Another thing that irritates me, the House had a moment of silence for the victims of this tragedy, yet not until it was convenient to their schedule. They continued with business as usual and then had their moment of silence. Once they did finally get around to it the cameras showed them carrying on conversations, wandering around handing out papers and passing notes and basically carrying on the business of the house as usual between votes or discussion. A moment of silence is more than turning off the house microphones, or at least it should be. I am sure there were a few that stood silent with their heads bowed in prayer but the lack of respect for those that died or were wounded and their family’s by the majority present was a disgrace. I am disgusted by the lack of reverence by our government for those that were affected by this. When they had a moment of silence for Ted Kennedy I bet you could have heard a pin drop and nobody moved. Oh wait a minute, my bad, he was royalty and deserved their attention, these were just soldiers, grunts, commoners, peasants, and deserved nothing more than a gesture of caring. Heck they signed up to be shot at and were going to war anyway. Why should they do more than pretend to care. This was nothing more than an inconvenient distraction to business as usual to those in power.

This is another reason to throw the whole lot out in 2010!

My deepest condolences go to the victims and family of this tragedy and I apologize for the lack of respect for you by our government. True Americans do appreciate what you do and mourn your losses. God Bless you all.

Yesterday was a day of horror, like 911, my day was spent hoping and praying for the troops and their families, the numbers kept increasing, it seemed hopeless and never ending. Then this morning reading about Jenn’s loss of her husband, heart breaking. I’m hoping maybe FA authors can keep in touch, maybe send her an e-mail and let her know she will be in our thoughts and prayers.

As it had been announced several times that Obama would be speaking about our country’s horrific tragedy, a fresh wound to the hearts of our citizenry, he eventually showed up, finished his closing comment to the group at the Interior Dept. and then added his BTW, we just had a tragedy at Ft. Hood. What a pathetic address to this country, cold, absent of compassion, just words, nothing to get our thoughts around or bring us out of the pain and shock.

At the time I didn’t know he was at the Interior Department and wondered why he wasn’t addressing this horrific tragedy from the Oval Office. Now I find out that he knew earlier in the day that troops had died and a large number injured. Maybe he just didn’t grasp the impact this is having on our country.

Instead of using the weight and dignity of the Oval Office to address the death and injury of our troops, the families wracked with anguish for hours not knowing about their loved ones, schools and Ft. Hood in lock down for hours not being able to connect with loved ones. He decided to RETURN to the Interior Department for closing comments and the BTW even though he had already addressed this group earlier yesterday morning. I’m personally sickened.

First opportunity?

Obama curtailed his prepared remarks for a tribal assembly that he had addressed in the morning and the returned to this afternoon for closing comments, which offered him the first opportunity to address the Fort Hood shootings in public.

Don’t you get it? Obama is by for and about Obama, not anyone else or anything else. He lacks compassion and empathy. The only time he shows any emotion is when he personally is offended about something about him. He doesn’t care about the troops at all. He cares about himself. He is his own top priority.

I don’t think it would have been a good idea for Obama to drop everything and fly to Texas. Even at 8pm last night when I was watching the situation was still fluid. As for his speech, again, the first responders were still in the midst of figuring things out. It wasn’t until late last night that we learned that the shooter was still alive. I think its best to just mention something happened and that the military is working on the situation and as more details become available we’ll share them with the public. But I think a lot of you would have had a problem with his response no matter what he did – but the people that really matter in this situation responded as they are trained and now its just a matter of getting justice for the victims and prayer for their families.

Shout outs?? Thanking people? There is something seriously wrong with this man.

I think President Obama’s speech from what I had heard (I saw a clip of it on FOX, not all of it) seemed very robotic and unemotional. I was disappointed. I was heartbroken for the soldiers, the families, and the surviving soldiers. I cannot even begin to imagine how they must have felt wondering who was dead, and mourning their friends who were shot down. In the army, the guys in this unit get close and they form very deep friendships. I imagine the anger and the rage they must be feeling. My husband and I watched the coverage in horror and sadness. My prayers go out for all of the soldiers and their families.

I know how I felt when Obama came on. This is it! His comments were so brief and mechanical. He had more empathy and passion in his remarks over the death of abortionist George Tiller than he could express concern for the men and woman who serve him in protecting this country. Did I expect him to get on a plane and rush to Ft. Hood? No. The whole situation down there was chaotic with the press running all over the place, getting in the way, and the authorities trying to gather their evidence and oversee their security procedures.
He would have been in the way. So he was right in that regard. However to treat the deaths of these soldiers as an announcement or an afterthought in a speech.

@ theblackcommenter,

“The only time he shows any emotion is when he personally is offended about something about him.”

Agreed, … unfortunately. I’ve long written about his tendency to narcissism, however, here was a chance to turn a corner in how his nation and his troops perceive him. He missed it completely. Just when America, AND the world really need leadership. Where’s Reagan when you need him. And the Congress minute of silence? What kind of display was that?

@ MataHarley,

“…. But our military doesn’t draw their strength merely from the CiC. They draw it from their comrades in arms, their family, and the nation at large.”

Of course, however, leadership comes from the top, and it is simply not being demonstrated in any form, act or perception, by this President. It’s actually more lacking than anyone would have predicted during the election campaign. It’s almost as if he is the epitome of the “empty suit.”

I’ve got “NEVER” in the over/under as to whether Maj. Hasan gets what’s coming to him or not. Heaven forbid we (i.e., Barry) offend the huge population of the world out to destroy our civilization by shooting, hanging, or staking-to-an-ant-bed the sorry piece of dung that shot our soldiers.

Ditto to what Karl said:
[It’s so awful. If you watched his his address, he spent the first few minutes thanking various folks who showed up to his event, while promising that he’d follow up on whatever it was that they had gathered for. He even did a few shout-outs to his buddies before remembering that something happened. It was only after chatting up his followers for the first few minutes that he deigned to mention the fact that there had been an attack on a US Army base in the US, and only then did he express his regrets and concern.]

Part of me doesn’t even want to dignify this president with a remark here, but one thing I surmised was that he was ticked off that “it” (“it” being the killing of 12 of our own soldiers on American soil preparing to fight for their country, and the wounding of many others) got in the way of his Tribal Nations (campaign-type) speech! Or, who knows? Perhaps he was glad this act of violence demonstrated his anti-war agenda so profoundly? So, he waited–what–2-3 minutes or so before even mentioning it??? I don’t care what his motive was, he will most definitely answer to God on this one through the outcry of those family members of the fallen, as well as all of us who are voicing our outrage as well. I am really, really angry, so sorry if I jumped off a cliff here. He has some serious answering to do on this one.

Seems a Chicago based website had definite questions as well (they actually have quite a bit of coverage on the horrific event, including that a pregnant woman from Chicago was one of the victims):

@ RatDog,

Did you happen to catch CIC’s comment today about “jumping to conclusions?” We can now expect the apologists to begin their dance. CNN has just launched into exploration of the Post Traumatic Disorder BY ASSOCIATION Syndrome. …

As in, ….. if you’ve spent time (including counselling) with those who have come back from the front, you might have a “beak” yourself. ? ? ? How’s that for a new twist on excuses for committing crimes?

I fear that Hasan was transferred from Walter Reed based upon political correctness instead of the needs of the Army. The U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) is a world of its own, has it’s own promotion boards, etc. Perhaps someone at Walter Reed did not want to confront the issue of having to eliminate a muslim from active duty as “unfit” or “unsuitable”. Easier to transfer him out and give the problem to someone else. I hope that is not so. Why he would subsequently be promoted is something only the applicable promotion board knows, and again, I hope it was not political correctness, like a “goal” for selection of minority muslim officers. (Oh yes, the regular Army promotion boards have had “goals” for minorities and women for years.)

The Army recruited at the 14th Annual Arab International Festival in Dearborn, Michigan last June. It is obvious the Army needs Arabic speakers. Perhaps the PC alternative may have contributed to this tragedy.

I hope I am wrong. Time will tell.

If I am correct in my assessment, there is no chance Obama would try to curtail the political correctness that contributed to this carnage.