Senator Dodd Running Scared…Sics Party On His Challenger Over Youtube Vids

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The proven liar, Senator Chris Dodd, who is in a tough reelection race, has the gall to sick his Democrat’s after his challenger about some kind of supposed help from the WWE: (h/t Doug Ross)

Asserting that World Wrestling Entertainment has made illegal in-kind campaign contributions to the U.S. Senate campaign of its former CEO Linda McMahon, state Democratic party Chairwoman Nancy DiNardo filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission.

DiNardo says WWE staffers ordered YouTube to remove sexually-provocative WWE videos from its website after those videos became campaign fodder.


The videos, which depict simulated rape and necrophilia, were the subject of an Oct. 16 press release from state Democrats. Almost immediately after the political news website Talking Points Memo and other blogs published items about the videos, they were removed from YouTube.

“In sum, WWE has selectively enforced its rights only insofar as they benefit Ms. McMahon’s candidacy,” DiNardo’s complaint states. “The facts demonstrate that WWE made expenditures in connection with an election, in clear violation of FECA. WWE expended its corporate resources – including the time of Zimmerman and other corporate personnel, and its attorneys – all used in the service of Ms. McMahon’s campaign to force YouTube to remove only the videos that reflected poorly on Ms. McMahon, while ignoring the multitude of other WWE-owned material still hosted on YouTube.”

This coming from the man who out right lied on CNN about the help he gave to insurance giant AIG:

Senate Banking committee Chairman Christopher Dodd told CNN’s Dana Bash and Wolf Blitzer Wednesday that he was responsible for adding the bonus loophole into the stimulus package that permitted AIG and other companies that received bailout funds to pay bonuses.

On Tuesday, Dodd denied to CNN that he had anything to do with the adding of that provision.

And the same man who helped a criminal out in exchange for some reduced real-estate:

Senator Dodd appeared at a hearing on behalf of Edward Downe, Jr. in 1993 to help Downe obtain a reduced sentence for violations involving tax and securities laws. In 2001, Dodd ultimately helped Downe secure a full presidential pardon for his crimes on President Clinton’s last day in office bypassing the normal pardon vetting process. In 2002, Dodd allegedly received a significantly reduced, below-market sales price, for a two-thirds interest in a property located in County Galway, Ireland, from Downe’s associate, William Kessinger. (Dodd already owned a one-third interest in the property.) Downe’s signature appears on the property transfer documents. He is listed as a witness.

According to the complaint, Senator Dodd, Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, allegedly failed to report the gift in 2002 and may have filed inaccurate Senate Financial Disclosure forms related to the property ever since, in violation of the 1978 Ethics in Government Act. The penalty for filing false financial disclosure forms is $50,000 and up to one year in prison.

“This seems a straight-up quid pro quo. Dodd helped his apparently crooked friend and seems to have received a cut-rate real estate deal on a property in Ireland in exchange. Moreover, it appears Dodd attempted to cover up the gift by failing to disclose it on his financial disclosure forms. To put it mildly, this type of behavior clearly does not reflect well on the United States Senate. We hope the Senate Ethics Committee does a thorough and speedy investigation. Federal prosecutors also need to take a look at this, as knowingly filing false financial forms is a crime,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

And now his party lackeys are upset because the WWE removed some videos from YouTube.

Classic hypocrisy.

Response from the McMahon campaign:

“It’s absolutely stunning to witness the faux indignation of Chris Dodd’s campaign machinery. These are the same people who, in March, sat by quietly as the Senator knowingly and deliberately misled the country when he vehemently insisted several times over to a CNN producer that he had absolutely nothing to do with sneaking in a bonus exemption for his contributor friends at AIG. We all know what happened with that.”

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Dodd is a crook and a liar. Been in Office too long. Someone needs to tell him that his Tenure means Nothing if an honest Ethics Committee can get the full dope on him. I’d love to see him get sacked and sent off to prison. Let him lie under Oath and the fun starts from there. Sworn Testimony and not some BS in Closed Committee.

I guess that means he won’t be accepting any donations, or donations in kind, from the organized crime unit called ACORN. A donation in kind from the criminals/thugs at ACORN/SEIU consist of boxes of pre-marked ballots with 100% of them for Dodd. What a dip-shit and the people who vote for him are as criminal as he is.

Re: #1 O. T.:

How can you use the words “honest” and “ethics committee” in the same sentence much less together in that sentence? Must have forgotten the sarc tag eh?

Secondly, “sacked and sent off to prison” doesn’t apply to democRATS. You’ve been around long enough to know that. Only republicans/conservatives are held accountable.


ScrapI, Community Organizers just received a 5 billion dollar graft with the health care bill. That will keep Acorn scamming and committing voter fraud for decades.