Tigre Hill is a one man machine who has something to say about the cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. He is currently editing a documentary that will be released soon that many should see. Here is the trailer:
And a good article by Amy S. Rosenberg from Philly.com about Hill and his movie:
Tigre Hill has only released the trailer to his film, The Barrel of a Gun, but already Mumia Inc. has begun mobilizing against him.
At 57th and Christian Streets, over an offering of rice and beans and salad prepared by her grandchildren, Pam Africa labels Hill an attack dog, the second coming of
Wilson Goode, and says his film will be a racist “hit piece” against Mumia Abu-Jamal.
In Germany, writer and academic Michael Schiffman spent 5,600 words aimed at debunking the 3 1/2-minute trailer in a piece that circulated widely online. Schiffman wrote that the case made in Hill’s film, at least as indicated by the trailer, “will be built on sand.”
On death row, meanwhile, former radio newsman Mumia Abu-Jamal, 55, is as close as he’s ever been to a final judgment on his original death sentence for the 1981 killing of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. The U.S. Supreme Court in April rejected a last appeal for a new trial. A petition by the Philadelphia district attorney demanding reinstatement of Abu-Jamal’s death penalty, which was thrown out by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, is pending.
But over convenience-store coffee, sitting in the backyard of his childhood home in Wynnefield where he still lives and where his film is being edited in a room upstairs, Hill is taking it all in stride in his trademark Ben Roethlisberger jersey.
He’s laid-back, naturally friendly, and comfortable in taking on the sacred cows of black political, cultural and social-justice power structures, and he’s knocking down a few assumptions himself as an African American with a love of George W. Bush and a Philly kid who roots for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
~~~His Mumia thesis is provocative: that placed in the context of prior acts by the Black Panthers, the history of political revolutionaries, various influences on Abu-Jamal’s thinking, police killings in other cities that eerily presage Faulkner’s, statements and actions Jamal had made before that night, the idea that Abu-Jamal may have set out to deliberately kill a police officer becomes chillingly plausible.
~~~Always intrigued by the case, Hill was hooked. He says he understands the impulse to defend Abu-Jamal, to see him as a victim of larger forces, especially viewed through the lens of police brutality. “You see the way his story has been manipulated,” he said. “People take him on as a hero like Che Guevara and other freedom fighters.”
Hill says his goal was not so much to take the story out of its global gauze wrap and expose it as a straightforward Philadelphia homicide, but to place it in its larger context.
Hill believes Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther and MOVE supporter, was influenced by prior violence by those groups against police. The film cites tactics used by the Chicago 7 and Panther activists Bobby Seale and Huey Newton to address police brutality – in part by provoking violent encounters.
“I believe Mumia and his brother [William Cooke] had it out for cops in the area,” Hill said. “You’re talking about 13th and Locust, a seedy area. [Cooke is] driving down the street in a beat-up car, tag hanging; it’s no shock that he gets stopped. He starts a scuffle with the officer. Mumia comes running across the street. Why was he there? That’s the million-dollar question.”
William Cooke has never spoken publicly about the Faulkner killing. Hill said he had located Cooke in North Philadelphia but decided against pursuing an interview.
Joseph McGill, the trial prosecutor who has been vilified globally, says he welcomes Hill’s analysis. McGill never established a motive, but believes the encounter between Faulkner and Mumia was set up as a political or revolutionary act.
“That’s why I am very anxious to see this film,” said McGill. “I was aware at the time of Jamal’s affiliation with MOVE, aware of Bobby Seale Chicago 7 tactics. I was not aware of the really in-depth history regarding all of the movements.”
“I have confidence in Tigre’s analysis and his really authentic research,” he said. “I’ve often stated that the further you get from Philadelphia, the less clear the entire case becomes.”
The movie is set to come out on the anniversary of the killing, December 9th.

See author page
Good luck Tigre. You’re going to need it.
Looks refreshingly stark and revealing. I doubt this documentary will get the wide watching it deserves unless cable grabs it and puts it on. I would be dumbfounded if PBS did as , though this is the type of thing they should be showing, the seem too smitten with PC themes to rock the boat with this. I guess we’ll see.
Kill a cop, you should die. Support the cop-killer, you can go to hell.
Any word on when this POS gets his date with death?
un real the fame and fortune criminals become in this society..ugh!..great find..hadn’t seen this yet!:)
So now Obama has the head of the New Black Panthers M. Sh#tbags come visit him in the White House and be a reelection element beside Acorn. We sure have a classy guy in the White House.
Good luck with the film Tigre, you have nerves and cajones of steel. I am confident you will have some more projects in other parts of the country. Hang Tough!
I’ll be looking for this when it comes out.
Oh. Fabulous. More crap built on “plausible” theories (read: not facts) leading to “conclusions” about “what might have happened.”
Whether the man did it or not, he did not get a fair trial. Why is that so hard to grasp? It’s not intellectually complicated. It isn’t even a question. And it happens every single day in this country. Why do you need him to be guilty so badly? Why this black man and not another one?
The truth is this: just because a jury says it, doesn’t mean it happened that way. The truth is this: black men get unjustly convicted ALL.THE.TIME in this country. This overly-emotional need for him to be guilty? Pathetic. Truly.
Actually, your “overly-emotional need for him to be” NOT guilty is what’s pathetic. Why? Because he’s a black guy?
The Supreme Court….the highest court in the land….has heard FOUR appeals from this piece of filth and each time they have looked at the case and turned him down. He was completely guilty, and justly convicted. The real crime is that he will probably not be executed.
Your white washing of his crimes is sad.
I couldn’t care less whether he’s guilty or not. Read the comment again. I said quite clearly I don’t have the first clue whether he is or isn’t. What I SAID was he didn’t get a fair trial. The appeals process in the US is NOT designed to alleviate JURY mistakes. It’s designed to remedy JUDGE mistakes, which is why direct appeals are limited to judicial error and sufficiency of evidence isn’t grounds for a direct appeal. Even in collateral attacks (PCR and habeas actions), the system simply doesn’t entertain actual innocence claims, absent DNA conflicts (and even then, hardly ever).
And just where in the hell did I “whitewash” the underlying crime here? Please, point it out to me.
I do care whether he’s guilty or not and your excuses are just that….excuses. It was a fair and just trial, as the appeals process has shown.
By trying to minimize and gloss over the crime committed by this scumbag with emotional bulls&%t like this:
Oh please. Threatened by a fact? You know who gets threatened by facts? People who are wrong.
Excuses? What excuses? That black men get wrongly convicted in this country all the time? Again: it’s a fact. You know who confuses facts with excuses? People who are wrong and KNOW they’re wrong.
Really, it’s like talking to goldfish.
The first crime was this slug killing the Police Officer, the second crime is he is still sucking air. oh yeah, F*k the eurotrash.
Coming from a person who burred his best friend who was killed in the line of duty in Philadelphia In 2009. I would like to say, if you have questions or concerns about this case. Just google it, and read the entire case law. the one thing you should really know is Mumia was actually shot by Officer Faulkner at the time of this incident, Mumias car was found right across the street from the incident, mumia was wearing a shoulder holster for the gun that killed Danny Faulkner. These are just a few things. My best friend was shot and killed at Broad and Olney Ave at 8pm in front of a crowd of people. So when that piece of shit gets convicted for the Killing of Police Officer John Pawlowski, is that just because he is black, or because he was in face without question the person who murdered Pawlowski, also the POS was shot by police. I should know i saw them working on him in the ER as my friend lay in the bed next to him dead. Please read some info before you offer ill advised opinions.