The UN – A New World Power Through Climate Change Fears? [Reader Post]

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The international movement to provide the United Nations (UN) with unprecedented power and influence over world affairs has found a seemingly innocuous, but deceptive train to ride. The North American perception of this world body founded in 1945 has become that of a vast, but vapid and corrupt organization. The UN “Climate Change” train will change that impression, but not for the better. With support from the Obama administration, the path ahead will place the UN on a track toward receiving an irreversible influence over our lives. The continuing corruption will render untold dividends for the corrupt and morally repugnant.

There are currently 192 countries making up the United Nations members list. The vast majority of the member nations are dictatorships by any other name. You can dress their leaders in fancy robes and toss an occasional crown on a head, but from Saudi Arabia to Libya and Gambia, their leaders oppress their populations. They loot as much as they can from their economies, while enjoying a comforting credibility rubbing shoulders with other narcissistic misanthropes under the opulent umbrella of the UN General Assembly.

The UN has never been an effective vehicle for achieving real peace and security, although it was intended to achieve exactly that when it replaced the impotent League of Nations. The overwhelming power of the United States has been the major underlying force that has prevented major international wars since WWII. The UN has been an inept bystander to international affairs. America’s power and influence has generated kick-back that has been fomented within the UN where jealousy found broad fertile ground amongst a majority of member nations, including Europeans such as Norway, and Denmark. No need here to extend the list of envious pretenders that easily includes the likes of Russia.

The reaction against the U.S. found new energy when the world found itself in an economic recession, and fingers could be pointed at America for having been too self serving. In slide the opportunists. Beating the newfound drums of climate change fear and catastrophe, they will mutate the upcoming Copenhagen meeting on climate change into a perfect vehicle through which begrudging usurpers will once again attempt elevating the UN to status of world power, “over” the U.S.

We can rest confident that the contemplated Copenhagen Treaty emanating from this meeting will find elements to mirror in the cap-and-trade bill now being promoted by Obama and Congress. This, along with the December 10 Nobel Peace Prize presentation, will lock-in support from Washington for the agreement. Obama and Congress will have unwittingly signed on for the formation of Two disasters. The first will be a UN managed onerous extraction of cash from the United States and Canada for what can only be described as payment of a “climate debt.” The second will be the unprecedented endowment of the UN with sweeping powers over the economies of all nations. The text currently contemplated for signing by the membership will provide this body with incisive absolutism over the economic engines that have fuelled both America’s hegemony, as well as its population’s independence of thought and freedoms.

Keep in mind that many, if not most, of the enlightened leaders of UN member countries are the same ones responsible for crimes against humanity, … their own humanities within their own home borders. This is also a membership heavily populated by misogynistic individuals who believe in the subjugation of women and criminalization of homosexuality, all the while pretending to promote the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

The time has long passed for the UN’s charter to be changed. The UN has no ability or capacity to act as a world peace maker. It could remain as an organization directed toward humanitarian efforts, and provide a meeting place for resolving broad international challenges pertaining to education, population, or agriculture. It cannot, however, be allowed to morph into a world power. The United States, which funds almost one quarter of the UN’s budget, should not allow it. Obama and Congress should refuse signing America on to the Copenhagen agreement, or any version of it. Copenhagen has nothing to do with cleaning up our refuse or CO2.

I should add a Third ensuing disaster if Copenhagen materializes: A weaker America would not be positive for long term prospects of world peace.

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We’re not going to have to pay Obama’s climate debt are we? The White House is emitting the equivalent of the farts of 10 thousands cows per day.

Read the U.N. Agenda 21! It spells out this dissalution of national soveriegnty for all democracies in the name of “climate change”. Like your private property? Under Agenda 21, it will be a thing of the past. Like your firearms? Under Agenda 21 they will be slowly confiscated. Like your national parks? Under Agenda 21, they become property of the U.N. Like your ability to control your children? Under Agenda 21, they become wards of the U.N. Under Agenda 21 all wildnerness areas will be owned by the U.N. and “no tresspassing” signs will be placed to keep out all but the world elite. Ever hear the term “sustainable”? It’s a code word meaning : NO HUMANS to be ALLOWED out of pre-developed mega-cities. The left is pressing hard to contain humanity into “sustainable” living by herding us into “green” communities.

Also, the U.N. has determined the total human population on earth should NOT be more than 500 million. Guess what they plan on doing with the other 6.1 billion of us!

If we do somehow manage to survive as a county what fools we will look like in 50 years. For the life of me I can’t understand how we all get played for being so stupid. We should have thrown the cesspool UN out the country years ago, taken back our pricey New York real estate, and used those well needed “UN dues (of which the US pays the highest percentage)”, for hey, healthcare!

Cap and Trade, if it actually makes it, will without question be the largest global scam ever, and probably the last, as it will be a guarantee to financial obliteration. Anyone paying attention knew years ago that this “global welfare”, disguised as man-made global warming climate change, was the scam of all scams.

Isn’t it interesting that the ‘carbon underwriter’, who will make TRILLIONS, is Goldman Sachs? Next to rake it in of course will be big Al, who for some strange reason had no problem using daddy’s “coal money” to get where he is today, and of course GE.

At least if we are going to be bamboozled into the epitome of theft and corruption, couldn’t we at least work in some of the ‘carbon windfall’ to pay for American healthcare? Gee I wonder if anyone will slip THAT proviso into the cap and trade bill during the wee hours of the night?



A few examples of the GLOBAL WARMING we in Denver experienced this week:

(out my back door)

How did we ever let this little Marxist P*ss Ant get into a position to destroy this country that was built by some of the greatest intellects that ever lived. With a bunch of Mao loving sycophants that have probably never read anything but the barest essentials of Leftist propaganda. Now Pelosi presents a mega-bill as if she wrote it herself and I doubt if she could read a page and tell you what she had just read.

Yes let’s give away our country so that every P*SS HOLE Country Dictator can get rich off of this country’s wealth. I am glad I have lived the greatest part of my life as a free man, because I refuse to wear the Communist yoke for Obama and his Socialist Pigs.

That’s a really funny post. I hope you end up red before you end up dead.

@ Rides A Pale Horse,

Thanks for the pictures of early winter arriving. The good news is that you’ll get invigorating “forced” exercise out it.

@ Skookum,

Very much like probably 85% of anyone breathing on this continent, I remain perplexed at the fact that the MSM has not reacted collectively to the reality that someone in the White House actually embraces Mao’s philosophy.

It is beyond comprehension or common sense that such moronic philosophical thought, rooted in narcissism, would “be OK” in Washington.

Didn’t 55,000 American boys die, and hundreds of thousands more get permanently, and seriously maimed fighting against the spread of abuse inflicted by Mao and his communism?

There is little doubt that millions of Chinese families related to the 50-70 million he wiped out are puzzled by what is emanating out of this White House.


In further confirmation of some of the opinion presented in the above article, the news out of Europe today suggests a breakdown between “members” as to how much they will agree to “transfer” to developing countries. The accent is on TRANSFER. The truth of this boondoggle is finally getting out.

They are squeezed between two considerations: What amount they can afford, while in fact they can’t afford anything and will have to borrow it; and, what amount will they present in demand to the United States so as to NOT scare the U.S. population away for the negotiating table.

Again, the White House should walk away from this one. ……. Don’t get sucked in.

JR, we should not forget Korea.

Catchy phrase there, JR, “the MSM has not reacted collectively to the reality,” they seem interested in reacting to collective thought as a rule. JR, do you realize how close we are to dissolution of this country in the name of saving the planet for the “Collective Good” of everyone in the world. While O struts around in his girlie jeans with his limp wrist behavior, not that I think he is Light in the Loafers; but he sure has passed up an excellent opportunity if he isn’t. Not an attack, just an observation.

I’ve been thinking of OT all day. One day he is enjoying his horses, cattle, and ranch; then bingo off to Kabul, we know how he feels and we appreciate his dedication. I don’t pray much, but I will pray for OT. I suggest the rest of you try your best, God probably listens up to us sinners a little more carefully, also you might mention the other guys over there.

Brooke, I presume by your post that you are willing or perhaps hoping to be red, if, as you stated, you hope that I become red before I die. I think it is safe to say you have never traveled to a Communist country or studied 20th century political history to any appreciable degree; otherwise you would realize the ignorance of your statement. If you have some knowledge of Socialism or Communism that has filled your heart with pride, I invite you to impress us with your wisdom. If you are as ignorant as you sound, you can practice bowing to petty dictators like Fearless Reader, practice will improve your skills.

Re: #7 James,

Lol……..jokes on you!! I’ve got a Mexican neighbor that does the shoveling and the lawn care etc.

Life is good!!!

JR, Fearless Reader will give them the farm, as an example. European leaders are elected also, perhaps they see it as political suicide and that the only ones to benefit will be the UN Graft Office and the International Insiders or Leftist Elites and their tin horn dictators from the third world P*ss Holes around the world. Obama has situated himself to be a major benefactor in this lunacy of Wealth Redistribution.

I don’t believe the White House should walk away, they should set a world land speed record getting away; but this is the dream of Obama’s Marxism, bringing the US to its knees. Obama will be doing a Michael Jackson Moon Walk for the media on the way to the podium just before he signs to give away our country. Of course the Senate has to ratify a treaty, are they as treasonous as Fearless Reader? Hopefully, the Europeans will scuttle the whole deal, before Obama and the Senate can sell us out!


It gets better. You can’t make this stuff up, ……

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs just announced that it has selected international communications firm Hill & Knowlton (based in New York) as official media sponsor for the UN Conference on Climate Change. H&K is the world’s oldest and largest PR firm with more than 81 offices in 43 countries. Surprise, surprise, ….. It has a dedicated environmental practice.

The Chairman & CEO of Hill & Knowlton, Paul Taaffe, said: “Climate change is the world’s number one issue and a huge and complex challenge for us all.” This firm has amazing clout and reach. They’ll be working overtime schmoozing everyone they can pour a gallon of Dom Pérignon for in Washington. Washington will be their only audience, since no one and nowhere else matters to get this deal done.

@ pdill,

Good point on Goldman Sachs. Such a program as is contemplated would require a “clearing house” capacity very few organizations in the world have the ability to carry out.

A brokerage like Goldman would be the likely contender, and it has stacked the Administration’s payroll with its alum and goffers. What a deal that would be for them. Anyone doubt that the “buying” of politicians doesn’t pay?

James the Cap & Trade is a far bigger scam than most realize, and Goldman Sachs is for the most part, the Federal Reserve at this point. It’s the mother of all Ponzi schemes. Wall Street now pretty much ‘owns’ the Fed , and is poised to make trillions on C&T.

Can anyone at this point believe it was a “coincidence” that Goldman Sachs biggest competitors were allowed to fail while AIG (which BTW, owed Goldman Sachs 13 billion which was paid back before the ink was dry on the “bail out” deal), was bailed out?

If we had a congress “for the people”, the Feds would not be allowed to keep secret the TWO TRILLION dollars that has been paid out (from our tax monies of course). It’s one big corrupt “White House to Wall Street” Ponzi scheme that will soon be crashing down. That is the real “power” behind climate change, but it’s not going to be able to work for much longer. The “Feds” are running out of tricks.

In the bigger picture, of course it’s the global banking cabal (which is of course incestuous throughout the White House/Fed Reserve/Treasury), who has always been running the show for the “global warming” motherload of all scams.

There’s plenty of evidence to support this but when it all comes crashing down, most will of course be “shocked.” But then, we let Obama put Geithner (the fox), to guard the hen house.

@ Pdill,

AIG was a perfect example of corruption spread wide in Washington. Some thoughts…

And more on the egos running the game:

It is also high time American tax payers demanded a dissolution of The Fed, ….

Obama just does not know or understand enough about economics or business to do anything constructive. A speech a day and a flight on Air Force One seems all that is needed to make him happy, and his fans applaud, while Washington disintegrates further into corruption.

They all believe the mantra that it was all Bush’s fault. All of it. And that justifies anything Obama now does or does NOT do.