Just how dumb are Obama voters? Well…dumb enough to have elected a man to the highest office based upon the same credentials that “earned” him the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
So what’s their excuse today, now that they are witnessing President Obama’s executive leadership in action? Well, for one, more Americans are discovering their inner conservative. If 8 years of President Bush in no small measure lost us the ’08 election and set the conservative movement one step back, President Obama in one year’s worth of governance will most likely cost the Democrats 2010 (actually, Dems in Congress who choose to ignore the voices of their constituency will lose seats) and propel conservatism two steps forward.
The other side of this is that Obama supporters might not have jumped ship yet, because they have not been keeping up on the issues, other than to read the latest DNC talking points and Kos misinformation. According to the latest Pew Research Center’s latest News IQ Quiz. Mary Katharine Ham blogs:
Under a section called “Partisan Knowledge Gap,” we find Republicans were more knowledgeable by a double-digit factor on four issues. Although the Glenn Beck question is naturally easier for Republicans, the other three issues are basic political knowledge— what “cap-and-trade” means, who’s in control of the House, and who the new Supreme Court Justice is (a question that should perhaps be easier for Democrats). Republicans also led Democrats on identifying the unemployment rate, Fed chairman, Dow level, Max Baucus’ position. Republicans correctly answered an Iran/Israel question and an Afghanistan question more often than Dems. Republicans and Democrats were even on identifying the “public option” as a health-care plan.But take heart, Democrats: You lead Republicans by five points on a whopping one question.
Take it for what it’s worth, with a grain of salt. But still, a nice bit of irritant to rub under the skin of liberal Democrats.
Hat tip: Patvann
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Glenn Beck was all over this yesterday.
I see that the liberals are begging the young voters to vote in the mid-term elections. I feel that the young voters have done all the damage that this country can stand, and hope they sit this one out. Never in the history of this country have we been left with such a rudderless ship. The only thing they have suceeded in is the destruction of this country. Lets see Obama was going to make the world love us, well they sure don’t fear us anymore . They are getting a good laugh at our expense though.
Not much to crow about, those numbers are really horrible for everyone. Only 2% could answer all 12 questions correctly. These are very basic questions. I’m going to try these on my eight year old, I bet he can beat the the national average…
I see you must belong to our ignorant masses. If no one under the age of thirty had been allowed to vote in the last election, McCain would have only picked up two more states: Indiana and North Carolina.
I still keep hoping to wake up and find out that it was all a nightmare and that Obama did not win the White House.
@Fit Fit #3
You are exactly right. We as an electorate are ignorant, bordering on stupid. I believe this has been done on purpose. We as a group know more about who got kicked off of Dancing with the Stars than how our government works.
I am a Father of 3, with 2 remaining in High School. It is our Liberal-dominated schools that have made us ignorant. I still have my 8th grade history book from when I was at Saint Francis Cabrini elementary school, and it is a 1000 times more complete than my daughter’s present AP History class she is presently enrolled in.
Civics classes used to teach HOW our government works, COMPARED it to other systems, WHY it is superior, and the RAMIFICATIONS of messing with it. Now that same class (in name only) teaches multicultural claptrap. They are tasked with watching TV to determine societal norms and direction.
Science classes only deliver pre-programmed/approved outcomes. They is very little exploration or experimentation.
High School English classes used to teach the science of rhetoric, now it only taught in college-level political courses.
Every other classroom has Che hanging on the wall, while those Old Dead White Slave-owning Land-owners are relegated to 4 pages of intro in a book rarely opened.
This all makes for an electorate that is easy to lead, manage, and program…with very few of them questioning the WHY, the HOW, the WHO, and the WHEN.
We see the results of their efforts in the above test, and in the man occupying the presidency.
It’s not just the knowing of facts and figures that is the Dems Achilles heel, but rather a condition of the human mind that an old professor of mine called “invincible ignorance”.
The condition is characterized by blind indifference to the truth regardless of evidence or logic contrary to the individuals presumptions. How else could so many still continue to bow at the altar of Obama when confronted with the fact of what a bumbling baffoon he really is?
Hey mentally unfit, just saw where Republicans and Independants tested higher than dems on their political IQ.
Who is ignorant?
Apparently a slightly higher “political IQ” doesn’t improve spelling.
Republicans and Independents averaged 5.7 correct over the Democrats 5.0. That’s hardly a blowout and nothing to be proud of.
Ah yes, the spelling attack. It’s used when a troll has nothing else.
Oh, and the results goes to show that folks like you ARE less informed which everyone but your kind is aware of.
This is an illustration of why the Founders had the foresight to make Senators beholden to the States’ legislatures and why they installed the Electoral College. Both elements of our government are being whittled away and turning us into something more akin to a democracy – which the Founders, to a man, abhorred. We are supposed to be a representative republic – not a mindless, ill-informed, swayed by rhetoric mob….which we seem to be heading for rather quickly.
Sorry, but it was a prime target for a spelling attack. Thanks for the laughs.
Maybe it was just a typographical error and not misspelling. I thought you liberals looked at all sides of an issue before rendering opinions. Guess I was wrong.
Another example of how “smart” liberasl are…Lou Dobbs’s wife was the target of an intimidation and a criminal act by those who support Illegal aliens in this country. Lock and load ’cause it is coming.
Meh, fit is right. Its hardly a blow out and probably says more about how (as a culture) we are emasculated from our core and brainwashed at every corner. Take for example t.v., ads, billboards, radio, internet.. all flashy, blingy, tricky, deceptive methods to get someone to do something they would otherwise, not have done on their own. Like buy a hamburger. Or a car. You won’t act on the ads all the time, but you will some times. For the better or worse of course.
Take it a step up, and enter our public schools. All majority run by liberal or left leaning teachers. So in the end, I’m actually surprised the results were as they were. Misinformation is still misinformation no matter who you get it from. I believe it comes back down to the parents to instill in our children, those core fundamental values that have slowly been sucked out through years of neglect. Its not like we stepped on the Enterprise and got beamed here. We slowly allowed these things to happen (as a culture – the disdain and increasing void). It really is up to us to figure these things out, come together as much as possible and unite as a nation. If we can’t do that, we are obviously a stones throw away from another revolution.
Liam, I find it amusing because the left is sooooooo positive they are far better informed than us rethuglicans. More proof their beliefs are not based in reality.
Well the beauty of it all is, they can think whatever they want. We live in a country that supports those freedoms. But you’re correct.. In my experience, there aren’t many hardcore liberals that would die to preserve that same right, for those they disagree with.
@Fit fit:
I’d be happy to take on either of you, OR BOTH in a quiz on knowledge of history and govt. anyday….
How can we set it up?
Can we sell tickets with the proceeds going to either the GOP or the Dems depending on who wins?
@Mike’s America: Not sure what to tell ya Mike.. probably one of the most asinine things I have heard in a while. But lets do it, because I would be happy to win and see all the proceeds go to the GOP ;).
Take it easy internet killer… I am knuckle dragging friend
However, Fit /is/ correct. Those figures are hardly a blow out, and considering the majority of everyone attends public schools mostly run by liberals, I am surprised the stats weren’t more lopsided. When you fill the tank with sugar, you expect at some point to hear the engine stop. Maybe not immediately but at some point..
@Liam: That isn’t the point Liam… let’s do a contest between you, myself and Nit Wit. We can set it up as a live online quiz…
Surely you could handle that?
We’ve elected a president who thinks we have 57 states and whose followers actually say, with a straight face, “President Obama passed a bill that . . . .!” I was considered rather boorish when I very firmly exclaimed that CONGRESS passes a bill and the President signs it into law. And that our President cannot pass a damned thing – although he used campaign language that promised that is what he will do. That is why some of his more deluded adherents are proclaiming that now that they have President Obama, they aren’t going to have to pay their mortgage or their car payments! Bet me!
I blame the parents and the NEA who protect agenda-drive teachers who would prefer to teach the whys and wherefores of homosexuality to our young rather than the whys and wherefores of math, spelling and the function of government!
The Kenyan wetback is causing me to suffer major depression!
@Mike’s America: Even if I had the time Mike, I wouldn’t do it. I have no desire to see how far you can piss. I know these trollers etc can get a little frustrating, but maybe you need to take a couple days off from the ol’ blog and talk to people that would actually show you some respect in real life. You know, like people you can punch if they talk to you with half the tone they project here on FA. You seem very hostile and take things very personally. I tend to hold politics and government in an open hand: we will never get a GOP savior. The dems thought they had theirs, but he is a panty-waste-talking-head. There is only One Savior and one real government. The rest I will contribute in, trying to make my voice heard, but in the end I care more about the person than the policy. That’s just me man…
I concede Mike, you are the bringer of knowledge and truth to the internets. Have a place you would like me to donate to? MikesAmerica.com possibly 😉
Oh yeah? Let’s see your knuckle scars. 😉
@Hard Right: no problem.. the scars go all the way up. Right to the point where I bear arms. Wanna see?
That depends. What caliber and make? 😀
@Liam: I don’t blame you Liam. It wouldn’t be much of a contest anyway. I’d kick your ignorant ass so far and so fast that not even Nit Wit or Larry could save you.
Oh well, don’t say I didn’t offer.
@ Liam
Agreed. It just proves we have a bunch of idiots that vote. Like Patvann said in post #6, we used to have real history classes and Civics. Now, not so much.
And Hard Right, I don’t think Fit can be classified as a troll.