Sunday Funnies

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Bennett editorial cartoon




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Bennett editorial cartoon







Bennett editorial cartoon











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Between us, I think we’ve got this Sunday funnies thing covered… lol. And you guys really outdid yourselves this week!

Plenty of material to work with, too… cartoonists are having a field day with this comical crew of bumbling Bolsheviks- a rare green shoot of economic growth!

Where is Helen Thomas?

I know you are not allow the comment, but:

This place stinks.

Speedy, FA isn’t heavy on the “ban free speech” list, save for those that abuse the basic rules.

But we most especially welcome comments like yours. They do so speak loudly for you and your ilk. Makes our job pointing out how nasty the self-described pious types are *much* easier. Thank you so much!

Hey Speedy… if ya don’t like the aroma… don’t let the door hit ya in the kiester on the way out!! Bye now… the way… cool site!

ooopppssss … doesn’t it?

Thanks for sharing : )

You said….. “This place stinks.”

So why’d you come back??? You LIKE “smelly places”??? Or are you just a closet righty…. you know, a guy who just CANNOT admit in public that Liberalism is for idiots…. those with an under developed brain… but longs to hang with “righties”… because he KNOWS they are right!!! Won’t admit it to them or anyone else, but can’t stay away either…. maddening isn’t it!!! Never suffered the affliction, tho I have SEEN many cases of it!!

The best cure I have seen is a massive infusion of Patriotism (the Constitutional/Jeffersonian/Washington kind) a HEALTHY dose of COMMON SENSE….. and a swearing off of kleptomania

(Kleptomania (also spelled cleptomania) (Greek: κλέπτειν, kleptein, “to steal”, μανία, “mania”) is the condition of not being able to resist the urge to collect or hoard things. People with this disorder are compelled to steal things,…..
common disease seen among Liberals and Democrats…. usual manifestation appears as an unstoppable desire to rid working class/ and business types of people of thier money!!!
(footnote # also sometimes called the “robin hood” syndrome, altho he did it to HELP the poor, THESE folks to it to BUY VOTES/sell influence and thier vote in chambers/ and stay in office forever…)

And lastly, the (and really meaning it!) Swearing to uphold the laws and Constitution of the United States… you cannot do that AND not pay taxes you owe.. or as a SCOTUS Justice INVENTING law instead of READING it from the “rulebook”… (Constitution….)

Can you handle it??? Hankster58

Won’t allow the comment speedy? I get so tired of you leftists projecting your hateful ways onto us.
You must be thinking of the the kos, DUNG, or puffho where they ban anyone who posts a Conservative point of view no matter how politely. Liberal fascist decribes your side quite well.

I liked most of these, but the comic about Federal Hate Crime legislation is idiotic. I’m willing to bet the person who wrote it was a Republican; the whole point of the legislation is to protect people from HATE CRIMES, not thoughts that contradict those protected groups’ lifestyles.


Dear (un)friends. First of all and to promote a healthy exchange of insults, I must tell you that I am a lawful citizen of this republic.

Second: I do not owe a dime in taxes. I pay my debts in time and have no complaints from those who choose to do business with me.

You know very well that there is a whole lot of shit going on when it comes to conservativism. You know that and must disagree, otherwise you would be compromised.

I really loved to see those old fear mongerings promoted by your hero Reagan on old TV ads. He was an actor and took great avantage from his acting skills.

Thirdly: Your Geroge Bush administration did, in did, got us in the biggest hole (of shit) ever in the history of this nation. We were just f#$$$%”##$! You included.

That’s why when I found this place I placed a common sensical comment.

I do understand that by law you are entitled to your opinions. Even those that are bias and that, most of you in politics do what you are very good at doing:

SELLING FEAR and abusing the masses. With a bible in your hands.

How about that? Have a good and productive day.

Selling fear? You mean like claiming by killing terrorists we are only making things worse and should talk to them? If we don’t give you control and do what you say on the environment the planet will die? How about if the people elect a Republican people will lose their rights including the ability to get abortions?
Hate? You mean like the endless hate spewed at those of faith? Refering to the south and other not so blue states as flyover country? Calling Republicans racist, evil, rednecks, and hate filled (massive projection). Denying us our freedom of speech? Like I said you mentally ill hypocrite, go back to kos. You know, that place where dissenting opinions aren’t tolerated. You and kai can drop dead for all I care.
BTW, many Mexicans find Speedy Gonzalez racist and offensive.

Pure and simple fear selling:
“Sadam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction” —you know the quote. I am surprised they actually did not “find” any…

Faith. You know very well that men has oppressed others in the name of faith. It took another dictator ( Napoleon ) to get rid of the inquisition in Spain. You know very well that if we ( you and I ) have spoken back then about anything we do be “prosecuted” and executed for our ideals. Note: This happened long ago but the principle still remains.

My parents ( yours too ) thought me ( us ) about goodness and respect. I do respect your views but, when I see a preacher fear mongering I get to stand up! Tell me that it is not a tool in the hand of so called “conservatives”.

I did not say conservatives are racist. They never say that. They only think and feel it. Deep down you know it. You can deny but you can’t lie to yourself. Actually denial is what brought us to the current economic crisis, values crisis, democratic crisis ad nauseam.

I am not denying you freedom to say whatever you want to say —where did you see or read I said that? Wishing someone to drop dead is what? Huh?

I have chosen Speedy Gonzales exactly for the effect you have pointed out: A reminder that racism is a fact and therefore undeniable. I am not anti-mexican. Are you?

Lordy you are stupid.
You project upon us how you are, but cannot stand what you are you mentally ill hypocrite. I have shown how you are lying and accusing us of what your kind is guilty of. You didn’t address that-big surprise. You are self deluded and have no insight into yourself, but I do. Respect? Ha! You hate us for merely disagreeing with you. You are what is called a selfless narcissist. Look it up.

Also, read this link:

I’m done wasting time on you, troll.


>>> why are you addressing me???? if you are, why didn’t you answer any questions I posed??

Dear (un)friends. First of all and to promote a healthy exchange of insults, I must tell you that I am a lawful citizen of this republic.

>>>Umm, WHO said that you weren’t???

Second: I do not owe a dime in taxes. I pay my debts in time and have no complaints from those who choose to do business with me.

>> again, where did I say that you didn’t pay??? You seeing things???

You know very well that there is a whole lot of shit going on when it comes to conservativism.

>> What the heck does this mean???

You know that and must disagree, otherwise you would be compromised.

>> What?? instead of wacky comments, how about rational QUESTION, or STATEMENTS????

I really loved to see those old fear mongerings promoted by your hero Reagan on old TV ads. He was an actor and took great avantage from his acting skills.

>>Obama IS A GREAT ORATOR, And USED that to get elected, all the while lying through his teeth as to his “political stances”…. SO???? Pot calling the kettle black??? And do NOT now say i made a racist comment or innuendo!!!

Thirdly: Your Geroge Bush administration did, in did, got us in the biggest hole (of shit) ever in the history of this nation. We were just f#$$$%”##$! You included.

>>Do some RESEARCH into the Fannie/Freddie meltdown…. WHO was in charge of the Controlling Committee??? Barney WHO??? A Democrat??? Hmmmmm Who took payoffs(special loan deals) from Countrywide etc to let things “slide”…. Chris Dodd?? A WHAT? Democrat??? you want to track it ALL the way back??? Two CLINTON appointees started the whole deal!! YEAH!! DEMOCRATS PAL!! They “cooked the books” at Fannie and Freddie to get MAXIMUM bonus payouts to themselves….there was a whole investigation into this!!! But , oh yeah, the MSM kind of, um, “FORGOT” to report this perhaps??? Guess that’s why you don’t know JACK about what’s been going on, and WHO sold your dumb ass out!!! Did you know that BARNEY (i had a gay prostitution ring running in my house but i didn’t know it) Frank, the DAY that Freddie/Fannie was CRASHING was STILL saying “they are sound and all right”???? Is he NUTS??? And , then, are YOU BLIND??? STUDY the subject, HARD!! READ instead of flapping your gums, THEN come back and take me on!!! Right now, you are UNARMED!!!

That’s why when I found this place I placed a common sensical comment.

>> Which was??? Must have missed that….

I do understand that by law you are entitled to your opinions. Even those that are bias and that, most of you in politics do what you are very good at doing:

>>> the right to free speech, the right to succeed, the right to fail, the right to be stupid…. thank GOODNESS for America!!! So, why do you want an idiot like OBAMA to ruin it all???

SELLING FEAR and abusing the masses.

>> Selling fear?? You blather on, without making CLEAR your comments??? What fear was “sold”???? Terrorism??? Gee.. I don’t know for certain, but i’ll be there was a LOT of “fear” om 911……. and it was being handed out for FREE!! you want MORE???? I’ll bet ther was a lot of “fear” at Fort HOOD in Texas yesterday too….. don’t think anyone had to do a hard sell there either!!! geez……

With a bible in your hands.

>> typical generalizing liberal… you see me with a Bible in my hands??? Might interest you to know I’m a PAGAN!!! yeah, sorry to destroy your perfect little DREAMWORLD.. but not ALL Conservatives are bible thumpers, frankly they tend to drive me nuts….

How about that? Have a good and productive day.

>> always do sport!

Pure and simple fear selling:
“Sadam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction” —you know the quote. I am surprised they actually did not “find” any…

>> hey dummy, i’m BACK!! God you guys make it easy!! Don’t you check out ANYTHING before you bumble about!!! You’ll get eaten ALIVE in a place like this!! You want to really know who first LIED about “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION??? guess who!! SADDAM HUSSEIN!! Now would you like to know WHY?? Since he was getting his ass kicked in the war with IRAN…. out of HIS FEAR of getting attacked and LOSING, he spread stories of his “super weapons” in an effort to keep IRAN from coming after him,,,,, it worked. Well sort of… it kept IRAN out all right, but it made US want to go in!! OOOPS!!! Oh, and who do you think told us this??? Nooooo, not George Bush. Saddam Hussein himself, in interrogations before he was tried and sentenced. So sorry, big bad Bush is NOT the “Darth Vader” the Democrats tried to crucify him into…. now you also know why they were not found!! Saddam LIED!! there weren’t any!! Now, to show you how LUDICROUS your belief is… Bush would have had to convince the Brits, Europeans, RUSSIANS (not easy to do) as well as all the DEMOCRATS ..even those who “voted for before voting against”…. you really think he is THAT good???? Not likely… everyone else had the same (flawed, thanks to Saddam) intel we did… and all thought the same facts we did… only hate filled liberals believe Bush took on the world to…. do what??? What was his goal??? You think he did this for some reason…. so TELL US!! I can’t WAIT to know!!

Faith. You know very well that men has oppressed others in the name of faith. It took another dictator ( Napoleon ) to get rid of the inquisition in Spain. You know very well that if we ( you and I ) have spoken back then about anything we do be “prosecuted” and executed for our ideals. Note: This happened long ago but the principle still remains.

>> faith and religion are very DANGEROUS things… handled wrong!! Then again, we are a free society. But, go up to some Muslem holyroller, then tell him what you think of ALLAH the way you talk down Conservatives here and see what happens… come back and tell us about it, umm, if you still have a head!!

My parents ( yours too ) thought me ( us ) about goodness and respect. I do respect your views but, when I see a preacher fear mongering I get to stand up! Tell me that it is not a tool in the hand of so called “conservatives”.

>>Um dude, don’t you ever look in the Mirror??? OBAMA!!! Health care NOW or we’ll all die!! Republicans plan is for you to DIE QUICKLY!! (this just off the news a week ago,stated by a democrat!Spend TRILLIONS NOW!!! or the whole world economy will crash !!! yadda yadda…. the LEFT has been doing this before Obama, but SINCE he got in they have gone into OVERDRIVE!! Now, you want to say guys like BECK, Hannity. or O’Reilly etc are “hate mongers”…. because, they TELL IT LIKE IT IS????? Remember “A few good men”??? TRUTH!! YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! boy is THAT obvious…seems NO lefty can!

I did not say conservatives are racist. They never say that. They only think and feel it. Deep down you know it. You can deny but you can’t lie to yourself. Actually denial is what brought us to the current economic crisis, values crisis, democratic crisis ad nauseam.

>>> you know you guys are as predictable as the sunrise???? LOL!!! The old “RACISM” ploy!! When you can’t win on FACTS… DIVERT ATTENTION!!!! Liberal rule #1!!!! LOL!! You want RACISM??? Jeremiah Wright!! Or.. how about Obama himself!! When he did even have all the facts in, HE called the “white” cops STUPID in dealing with a BLACK friend of his… even when it was the BLACK guy who INSTIGATED the “race topic” into the situation…. need I go on??

I am not denying you freedom to say whatever you want to say —where did you see or read I said that? Wishing someone to drop dead is what? Huh?

>> Free Speech???

I have chosen Speedy Gonzales exactly for the effect you have pointed out: A reminder that racism is a fact and therefore undeniable. I am not anti-mexican. Are you?

>>So now you are “race baiting” people…. you’re a fun guy!! Me?? I’m 1st Generation American… both my parents came over on the boat!! LEGALLY by the way, via Ellis Island etc…..New York Immigration…. so don’t try and hand me that “racist, or anti immigrant, anti foreigner” shit pal…. we’ve BEEN THERE and DONE THAT!! Both are “Naturalized” citizens..funny thing is, they had to take a TEST!! Found numerous times they knew more about how the Government works than people BORN here…. and I find that APPALLING!!

Nuff for now….

Hank, he’s just another leftist badly in need of clozapine, zyprexa, or seroquel-or all of the above. He does nothing but attack because anything eles would require analysis of his views.
Even the slightest admital of how wrong he is would practically cause a mental breakdown. He didn’t come here to debate. He came here to p*ss on those he hates while making himself feel better about himself and superior. His kind has a HUGE need to feel good about themselves and superior to others. So that is why he constantly spews severely discredited leftist talking points as tho they’ve never been mentioned. If they aren’t true he is the bad guy. Therefore anything that doesn’t fit into his fantasy is ignored as if it had never been brought up.

I apologize to the rest of you for getting to wordy… wish guys like this would address a simple single topic!! Hank

HR…. 😉

1 – Your Iraq war has given Iran the upper hand: We spent billions ( hey Halliburton ) and then give up the influence to Iran. As we speak the Iraqi government is cutting deals with them.

2 – I suppose for the above you would come up with another invasion.

3 – The persians are in the politics business for thousands of years.

4 – Can you match that?

5 – I am sorry for those kids that perished fighting on an illegal war.

6 – I suppose you are okay with insurance companies cashing on people and denying coverage. By the way, I just learn about my deductable when I needed medical services. It wasn’t in the small print. I am okay on doing business with a Health Agency created by the US government.

7 – As we speak ol’Bushey is having a drop of liquor and a 214 dollars cigar. On you.

8 – Karsay is the “elected” president of Afghanistan. His opponent “dropped” the ball.

9 – More?