President Bush Expresses Regret for “Mission Impossible” Banner

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Ah, yes, a post-Bush era Bushism, God bless him!

While Bush’s speech was mostly eloquent and free of the language gaffes he admits he is famous for, he said he regretted appearing in front of a “Mission Impossible” sign during a televised address in 2003. The controversial banner referring to the U.S. mission in Iraq, actually said “Mission Accomplished.”

Last Thursday, about 300 protesters in Montreal brought on the effigy-burning and shoe-throwing, like it was old times again:

Various unions, activist and antiwar groups supported the protest.

Joan Hadrill of the Raging Grannies said she was on the street because Bush was “an alleged war criminal for his invasion of Iraq and torturing prisoners of war.”

Immigration lawyer William Sloan blamed Bush for “cynically causing a war that is responsible for so many deaths and so much destruction.”

“He set back international law into the 1700s, violating every convention possible and seeming to revel in it,” he continued.

Among the main slogan chanters was Jaggi Singh, the Montreal activist who was part of the committee that organized the protest and asked that old shoes be brought, to emulate the Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi who tossed one at Bush during a Baghdad news conference.

Various pieces of footwear were hurled high in the direction of the hotel and the line of riot police, who did not seek to arrest the throwers.

The more these idiots wax idiotic, the more I love George W. Bush!

Inside the regal Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, a relaxed-appearing Bush spoke with very few regrets about some of the most controversial moves of his presidency.

“I am confident that I made decisions based on principle, that I made calls as best I could, and I did not sell my soul,” Bush told an audience of about 1,000 men and women at the $400-a-seat steak luncheon.

The speech, part of a cross-country tour organized in part to promote Bush’s upcoming autobiography, was followed by a question-and-answer period.

Bush began with a series of jokes about what it is like to be a former president, recounting a story of walking into a Dallas hardware store about a month after he left office. An employee of the store asked him if anyone had ever told him he looks a lot like George W. Bush.

I said, “Happens almost every day, actually” and as I’m walking away, I hear the guy saying “Sure must make you mad!”

That’s my president!

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Golly, the man is moral. He has courage. He can make a decision. He stands for something.

Is that what we really need in a President?

You’re darn right we do!

I am so proud to agree with you. He’s also MY president!

The Pink Flamingo

SJR says:

“Golly, the man is moral. He has courage. He can make a decision. He stands for something.”

We have a guy like that here in Britain too. Name’s Blair. Tony Blair. He’s MY Prime Minister.

The more the antis hate him, the more I love him.

Do some “Independent” readers deserve ‘a bullet’?

Cheers to you Blair Supporter!!!!

Tony Blair was a good friend to the United States. He was no Churchill or Thatcher, but he stood up against totalitarianism. Bless his heart!!!


When I lived in the UK I was no fan of Blair but after 9-11, it became very apparent that the Prime Minister was a man that had the clarity of vision to see the threat posed by radical Islam and was willing to risk his career in the fight against it. Their are precious few like him on either side of the Atlantic.

It’s not easy being a Blair Supporter in Britain right now, even as he may, just MAY be about to become EU Council President.

Right now there is, it seems to me, a campaign to destroy him completely in my country – mainly run by the press, on both extremes, Left and Right. It’s easy to get the impression from some of them that there has never been such an ‘evil’ individual as Tony Blair. And this belief seems to have many supporters online.

I don’t say I never have any doubts on The Man. For instance there is presently a story doing the rounds that his government encouraged immigration in order to weaken the indigenous population, make a multi-cultural society the unquestionable norm and to thus weaken the Conservatives’ historical protectionist position. I am watching this develop, since I DO think there has been far too much immigration, especially from the Asian sub-continent and too little effective care or insistence over their integration. Not that this is exactly new. Previous Conservative governments also went big on immigration, something they choose to forget when it suits them.

The Iraq war Inquiry has to be added to the anti-Blair mix. That could prove very difficult even for such a gifted political animal as Blair.

There is a new online petition to Ban Blair-Baiting in the press as the Iraq war Inquiry proceeds. Perhaps readers here wouldn’t mind signing it. There are signatories from Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the decisions made in the run-up to the invasion, if this turns out badly for Blair, it also does for Bush.

I have signed the BBB petition (anonymously). After reading the British tabloids like the Daily Mail and The (puke) Guardian, it seems there is a real blood lust for Blair. I believe the REAL agenda is “getting Bush”. I am sure the likes of Jane Fonda and George Soros are investing their saliva-soaked dollars in the campaign against Blair. It will bring them and their Islamist propagandists a step closer to the target. The left loonasylum is easily taken in by anything they read in the MSM. I suspect most of the blood thirsty commentors at those sites are Islamists. It is very hard to believe that most of the hideous charges and vile comments are coming from the British. Surely they are more civilized than that! That is just the charges against Blair. One does not even bring up the name Bush or the attack language gets so rotten you can almost smell it coming out of the puter.
No, I believe the Iraq Inquiry is the first step in trying to bring down two of the best and most powerful leaders in our recent history, Bush and Blair. What a catch for the Islamists! What a feather in the caps of those such as Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Pyongyang and all the other dear leaders.
I really adore this site, btw. It is in my favorites now.
The Bush supporters and the Blair supporters had better get a megaphone; we need to shout down the loonies who would destroy our heroes and their families. We need to be more vocal.
It would be nice if we could get millions of people to sign that BBB petition. I know they are out there, but how do we reach them? There is a petition on line to stop Blair from becoming the president of the EU and it has 36,000 signatures. It has been on the web for more than a year, but this supportive petition I signed has less than 200 signatures at present. We need many more. I wonder if there are petitions out there to bring Bush to trial for war crimes. The url for the Ban Blair Baiting petition is a start:

Thank you for this supportive comment, and for the mention of the Ban Blair-Baiting petition.

It may well be that there are many whose real agenda is to get Bush, but hardly here in Britain.

Why? Because many Brits actually think Bush was manipulated by Blair, not vice-versa.

Yet others think that Bush was/is not all that bright (they’re wrong, of course, as in so much else) but they believe that Blair was/is bright and knew exactly what he was getting into. Thus, in their minds, Blair is more responsible than Bush!!!

These people put forward all sorts of reasons for getting Blair in front of an international criminal court for this: getting up America’s backside for the sake of his own long-term career; being noticed as a mouthpiece for the “Right”, even though Blair’s party is from the Left. So therefore he is a traitor too.

There is one big difference between the possible fate for Blair in comparison to Bush, though. Britain is a signatory to international laws which make ANY British citizen liable to be charged in the EU courts. America and Americans aren’t.

Having said that, it is my opinion that if Blair goes down, so too does Bush.

The Ban Blair-Baiting petition has only been online for a couple of months, and there are only a few of us plugging it. It really DOEs need many more signatories though. Perhaps in America where people DO seem to recognise real leadership?

Perhaps Fox or some national papers? Any connections there? If so, we Blair Supporters in Britain would really appeciate it.

The comments against Blair are truly sickening. They have prompted me to write several posts at my blog. Sadly it isn’t only Islamists who write like this, though I DO agree that they have infiltrated the Guardian and the Independent.

Their vile intentions towards Mr Blair, imho, should be against the law.

But here’s one I just noticed at a mainstream Conservative website:

At October 26, 2009 10:57 AM , Blogger ILLIBERAL DEMOCRATS said…

Well when Blair becomes EU-President it will make it easier for him to be tried for war crimes/ Instigating a war on a false premis.

It looks to me like a Deal has been done on this and despite common opinion I believe the czech and Poland Presidents have just been using their positions of sceptism to get a better deal for their countries. They were never going to stop the treaty – who can blame them as the next election is not won or lost until the Polls have closed and the Ballots counted, despite what many people think that Labour being booted out is inevitable. Labour count a hung parliament as a win because the LD will help them.

When Blair becomes President of Europe the UK should have an In or Out of the EU referundum. Hopefully it will be a withdrawl win and we can then scrape all the human rights stuff and bring back the death penality. Then most of the current Labour Ministers includeing the One eyed Idiot can be lynched for treason. Blair will get a special execution!

My emphasis above.

It is clear that to many in my country Tony Blair is as bad as Radovan Karodzic, probably worse.

Well, he’s a hero to me.