Democrats Attacking Obama and Each Other

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That beeping sound you hear is your microwave telling you the popcorn is ready.

Healthcare for Christmas: Reid under pressure to slow down
-Turns out moderate Dems will not approve healthcare in Senate if there’s a public option

Whip count shows Democrats lack votes on ‘robust’ public option for healthcare
-Hmph…House Democrats don’t like the far left wingers public option either. Something about it being too expensive to give 300million people a min of $1mil in coverage ($30TRILLION). Who does math in Congress anymore anyways?

Abortion divides House Dems in health care debate
-Geesh, is there anything Democrats can agree on re healthcare? Oh yeah…it’s the Republicans fault somehow. That much they can agree on.

Two Democrats buck Rep. Towns, call for Countrywide probe

-Ask a Dem what caused the Great Recession, and they’ll tell you the DNC talking points (presented by NYT, DailyKOS, and MSNBC): Bush tax cuts for the wealthy investors and business leaders who create jobs, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They’ll ignore the entire Countrywide, homeloans, AIG mess, but….not all Dems will. They all know the reality, and some want it fixed.

Obama hints Afghan decision may wait
-At least on foreign policy the world loves us, right? Um, not so much. Seems the new strategy Obama started in March…in ain’t working. It’s been a few months since his generals in the field asked for more troops and equipment, and despite his promise to the VFW that he’d always provide…Obama’s still clueless on what to do/how to respond to the simplest question ever. Your general tells you he needs more troops and material or the war is lost. What do you do? You send the guy more troops and matl or you lose. Simple

Iran fails to accept UN uranium enrichment plan
-Damn, that open-hand opens a clenched fist thing sounded so cool too. Yeah, no one believed it for a second, but it sounded great….as great as all the other sizzle sans steak. Now what-just let Israel bomb Iran and start a regional or even world war? How will Keith Olbermann respond to a call for war in Iran based on alleged WMD threats and ties to terror? Will we get a countdown every night saying how many days it’s been since Obama threatened harsh sanctions? Please, stop laughing now people as even the Dems are frustrated w Obama’s incompetence here.

Dems face uphill climb on immigration reform
-Guess changing the subject from healthcare to foreign policy to immigration’s probably not a good idea 😉

White House attacks worry moderate Democrats

-Man, you know you’re having a bad week when Democrats give you grief for complaining about FOX News!

The Dem eats Dem list goes on and on. Yeah, they’ll fill 24hrs on MSNBC w White House ordered distraction about how Republicans are to blame, but anyone who knows that the Dems have a supermajority and the WH and the House…those independent minds ain’t buying it. Dems are running the show, and Dems are fouling it up.

Have a GREAT weekend!

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Much like roaches, they eat their own.

I was thinking that much like my dog, they eat their own poo. But hey, I think only dems can make jokes like that. Hopefully they don’t track me down, arrest me, and force me to listen to their party’s music over and over again. Some would call it torture, some would consider it great and give them trophies at MTV award shows.

I love the smell of popcorn in the morning. It smells like…victory.

Bush and the Russians offered to enrich uranium in 2002 or 03 I think, for Iran, and they were turned down. Remember it was one of Kerry’s bright ideas during the campaign. I remember that the media made a big deal of it because it was one of Kerry’s ideas. Maybe Obama thought that a second offering and his charm would work this time. Will Obama learn that the Iranians really want a bomb? Probably not.


me, and force me to listen to their party’s music over and over again

How about we all just sing for ya? Mmmmmm -mmmmmmm- mmmmmmmm 🙂


Kathie is correct in the offer for out of Iran enrichment has always been there by the Bush regime. In fact, Threatswatch reports yet another media moment INRE Condi’s similar offer in 2006.

You know… that satanic US regime that did nothing and never tried, according to the left talking points?

Reading media reaction, whether as reportage or editorial, to yesterday’s statement by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that the United States is open to direct talks with Iran on the nuclear crisis is largely disappointing. Nearly every report or editorial places an inappropriate emphasis upon the offer to Iran of direct talks without understanding – or at least properly explaining to news consumers – the profound significance of the prerequisite condition of the cessation of all enrichment activities.

The enrichment cessation demand – decidedly not a policy shift, reversal or concession – is mentioned by each, but readily discarded and supplanted by lengthy conversation and coverage of what direct talks with Iran may mean. This misplaced focus on ends rather than means puts the proverbial cart clearly and ill-advisedly before the horse.

Let us be clear: The enrichment cessation demand has never been nor will it become a negotiable point for the Bush Administration.

Let us also be clear: Tehran has made it unmistakable that enrichment is their right and that enrichment has never been nor will it become a negotiable point.

The cessation demand has each time in the past been rejected out of hand by the Iranian regime, whether made by the US, the EU-3 or Russia. The question is not whether the US will hold direct talks with Iran. The question is more appropriately: Will Iran’s enrichment cessation stance change in pursuit of direct one-on-one talks with the US?

That one of Iran’s reactions yesterday was to dismiss the American offer as “propaganda” certainly buttresses this stalwart position by the mullah regime.

The fact that junior Iranian negotiators showed up in Vienna, demanding at least 5% enrichment rights in the country, for the chit chat was a show. And El Baradei’s construction of that agreement… which, as Scott mentioned, was rejected out of hand by the true Iranian authority… would not have been a victory for the west. It would, however have been a victory for Iran in buying more time. As Wired’s Joshua Pollack reported two days ago: (BTW, H/T to Curt on this one…)

We are buying something like seven to 10 months,” a nameless insider told the Christian Science Monitor. And even that short timeline might be an overstatement.

There are at least 50 cascades of 164 centrifuges each now installed at the Natanz enrichment facility, although many were still under vacuum in August. According to Alexander Glaser, a single cascade of 164 IR-1 centrifuges could be expected to produce up to 113 kilograms of 3.5 percent low-enriched uranium (LEU) a year. Discount the efficiency of operations somewhat (Geoff Forden suggests 85 percent based on past performance at Natanz), and Iran could recreate 1,200 kilograms of LEU in a shade over four months using 36 cascades. With 54 cascades going, it would take less than three months.

I’m not predicting that Iran will go flat-out to recreate its present LEU stockpile, but I would expect them to keep enriching at some rate. That rate may vary; having discovered what sort of safeguarded LEU stockpile the West, Russia and China are prepared to tolerate, the Iranian side might seek to influence the pace and urgency of future talks by the pace of operations at Natanz.

Israel’s Haaretz has a more accurate perspective… it’s a victory for Iran to buy time as it removes all justification for an Israeli intervention for 18 months.

At the end of the day, any compromise agreement buys time for all involved. Iran gets relief from international pressures without stopping the uranium enrichment, and the West gets a time-out, while maintaining vigilance over the Tehran’s nuclear program.

The agreement can become a landmark in a long journey toward trust and understanding between Iran and the West. But there is also the risk the deal is a one-off, or that Iran will break it, continuing to develop knowledge, technology and materials needed for nuclear weaponry. This possibility considered, the Mossad’s estimate Iran could begin producing nuclear arms by 2014 remains as valid as it ever was.

That was yesterday, and as we know, today brings the predictable rejection from Iran’s leaders.

Haaretz did suggest that even the presence of junior Iranian negotiators signaled that Iran was vunerable to int’l pressures. Ahmadinejad has pretty much run the Iranian economy into the toilet. Thus the protests in the street as his bogus re’election. They know that every time he opened his mouth, the Bush admin slapped tighter and tighter financial sanctions on them. 2008 was a particularly harsh year for Iran, with Bush’s financial net getting wider and wider. That trigged Iran’s loss of contracts with Total, the French oil/gas conglomerate.

Yes… Iran will likely find itself more pliable over time if Obama keeps the Bush implemented financial noose around their neck. In the meantime, they made a play to buy some time… watch my right hand and ignore that man behind the curtain, please.


INRE any decision on Af/PAK… I heard Gates say a decision is still two to three weeks out in the past 24 hours. Coincidently very close to Thanksgiving… Pelosi and Obama’s target date for slamming health care thru in the dark of night. Perhaps the CiC doesn’t want to be CiC until he’s “remade” America’s health care. He is, IMHO, quite willing to spend every bit of political capital in order to get what he wants on the health care front.