The White House is ramping up its message machine to ram government health care through Congress. While Obama diddles in Denmark, two trial lawyers for Obama have concocted a response to a bi-weekly show (Senate Doctors Show) hosted by Repulican Senators Coburn and Barrasso – both are physicians. Politico reports Secretary Sebelius and Senator Whitehouse – both are trial lawyers, not physicians – have crafted their own internet show to respond to Senators Coburn and Barrasso informative health care show.
Does America want or need another Washington takeover, or do we want commonsense,free-market health care reform?
Check out Senate Doctors Show:
Speaking of physicians, This Ain’t Hell caught the action in DC today at the “Million Meds March”. Phyicians and nurses publicly stating their opposition to the Dems Obamacare. It is interesting to note that I’ve never encountered a public rally in support of Obamacare composed of healthcare workers. Why do you supose that is? Check out the embedded video of one of the speakers at this event. I hear similar comments every day in my profession. There is great mistrust and apprehension about what the Dems are trying to ram down the throats of health care workers.
First of all, I am curious as to your profession, and as to your rhetorical question as to why you’ve never heard of a rally by members of the healthcare industry supporting the takeover of their profession, it’s because other than a few who may benefit from this takeover (or think they might), there IS no support for it, from them.
Hi Larry.
Neither at this point in time but the MDs in my neck of the woods are as old as I am and I am in better physical shape than they are and my Doctor smokes cigars.
First, thanks for covering this story. You’re about the only one in the entire world to do so. Second, I salute these doctors for standing up for the idea that they are NOT slaves. Even if there were only 100 of them, they will make a difference.