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Ahhhh… that gives me the warm fuzzies when the prez promised that we, who make under $250,000 will not have our taxes raised by one dime! Yup… definately the warm fuzzies. After all, he wouldn’t lie to us, now would he??

Awww man, he thought the teleprompter meant it.

Yeah, well…he also pledged to the Poles that he would follow through on the missile defense system. Remember, all Obama promises come with an expiration date.

When Obama made the invitation to the opposition, to sit down at the White House and go over healthcare reform line by line, was his lips moving? Enough said. Just don’t call him a liar or you will be a racist.

Just empty words from the empty suit.

savage24… I no longer care what they think….


Please send me a food (wine would be good too) when I get to the re-education camp…


Classic line:

“Both Reps. Roe and Burgess are Physicians and their expertise would certainly be useful to a President whose experience is limited to community organizing and running for public office.”

It still amazes me when you look back at his journey through life that there is almost no area that is not covered by lies. Pick any time in his life that HE has commented on and you will see lies or misstatements. His book, if you want to give him credit for it, is so full of lies and half truths that it should be listed under Fiction. His life as a state senator is full of lies and misstatements as well as obfuscations. His campaign was full of soaring speeches and promises but as we have learned by now, most if not all have been lies. In a world envisioned by our forefathers the press would have made us aware of these personality traits long before the election. Alas, they were in the lying business with him.

“Another example of how Obama’s speeches are nothing more than empty words!”

That is so blatantly unfair and racist toward empty words.

Geez you would think he would have at least let 1 republican in so he could challenge these kind of comments. But, once a liar, always a liar. He has so much practice, even the press believes him! Makes you wonder what is coming next? No earmarks in bills? HA HA HA! No new taxes? HA HA HA! Complete transparency? HA HA HA! The picture is perfectly clear, and once certain left-leaning zombies start thinking for themselves, all hell will break loose. He doesn’t know what “Racism” is until his kind turns on him.

I think they should each send ONE MORE letter to the White House that simply says: YOU LIE!

@tfhr: Thank you! I do try!

@Madalyn: Obama has that same peculiar pathology that causes him to believe what he says when he says it. Later, when the consequences of his words are clear, he can claim he never said it the way everyone else heard it.

It’s the sign that Obama finds reality to be something he can bend at will and the rest of us are just supposed to take it.


Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to call the boy a liar…let’s just say that he seldom deviates into veracity.

Remember the Whorehouse Organizer In Chief used to teach ACORN employees how to help out pimps and whores to use illegal immigrant children as sex-slaves. Obama promotes child slavery in the sex trade. It is who Obama is and it is what he does.

So this is what community organizing means!

Damn, I did it again. Why is that spam my email box with every follow up post from now on always on by default? Every day I have to go and delete dozens of emails. I do not want to be spamed for follow ups or new comments. And there is no obvious place here to turn it off. And if I do manage to turn it off then the next time I post I fall into the same old trap again because NO OTHER BLOG uses the default of spamming you with every comment. I beleive you can turn it on at will on some blogs but here it is on by default.

Please, please, please change that or move the check boxes Above the submit button.

Thank You!

@Steve In Tulsa: In the emails sent to you of follow up posts there is a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.

I think the term you are looking for to describe Teh One’s “particular pathology” is:
Narcissist with un-resolved abandonment issues, complicated by cognitive dissonance. 🙂

@Patvann: I agree with all the above but I don’t want to limit myself. Surely, there is more to follow.

Obama also promised a tort reform measure. Neither the Senate bill and nor any version of the House bill have it. Does this mean we can call him a LIAR?

Corky Boyd, Yes We can. The deception continues with every speech the Pretender makes.