Obama’s 9/9/09 Address to Congress Promises to Be One of The Greatest Speeches in the History of Mankind

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Bold headlines are attention grabbers, and rarely does the substance of their supporting text prove them correct, but this is a rare moment when (albeit supported by my humble prose) the headline is true. Tomorrow night President Barack Obama will address Congress and the nation, and it will be one of the greatest speeches in the history of mankind.

Now, how do I know that? Have I seen the speech? Have I spent the 3-day weekend listening to Churchill, Roosevelt, Kennedy, and re-reading the Gettysburg Address? Was I there were Herodocus debated with Namenicus on the floor of the Roman Senate? No, of course not, but the sheer magnitude and audacity of President Obama means that his speech can be nothing shy of a choir of angels. Thankfully, his one of the greatest orators in modern history, and easily the most inspiring teleprompter-reader of the 21st Century.

Think about it. Just two days before the anniversary of the 911 attacks, President Obama will address every American. The war in Afghanistan that the attacks set in motion is in trouble. Commanders in the field want more troops. Democrats, members of Obama’s own party who control Congress, say they will vote against more troops, and instead want an immediate, unilateral withdrawal, as well as an abandonment of our NATO allies and our Afghan allies. Obama’s Admin and the Pentagon have both seen that support for this troubled war is under 50% among the American people, and they worry about increased opposition to the war from….his own party? The Obama Admin and the Pentagon called for Americans to support the war in Afghanistan, and in response his own party demanded a retreat, and anti-war groups have scheduled protests for the G20 Summit in 2wks. Rather than take this moment in history, just 48hrs before the anniversary of the attacks, to try and build political and popular support for a war that is failing, Obama will talk about healthcare instead. Man, that’s bold. He somehow has calculated that the support from his own party, from the American people, and from the world will come because of nothing more than the eloquence of his address on healthcare.

This speech also comes after the worst Labor Day holiday ever. More Americans are unemployed now than at any time before on a Labor Day. The economy is still in the tank despite trillions of dollars in spending. The American people are furious at the out of control spending (as demonstrated by the Town Hall meetings and so-called Tea Parties and-more importantly-as shown in every poll. Independents and moderates from both parties are no longer supporting Obama and the Democrats because of this completely out of control spending; spending that is already 3x more than all the money ever spent by the Federal government COMBINED…..spending that almost 2yrs after the crisis began still has yet to have an effect on the average American. But, President Obama won’t be talking about the Great Recession. He’s calculated that his speech on healthcare will be so good, so full of awe that the independent swing voters and moderates from both parties will ignore the $2trillion accounting error from last week, the 10% of Americans who are unemployed (15-25% in many states), and the huge decline in both gross domestic product and tax revenues. President Obama thinks that his speech will be so inspiring that those Americans who are disheartened will come back, will support he and the Democratic Party even as they add MORE spending with yet another government program: healthcare. He feels he doesn’t need to address Congress and the nation about The Great Recession. That’s confidence. His speech must be fantastic.

Let’s not forget about Iran either. Iran’s been building nuclear bomb factories for the past two decades. No international pressure has ever even deterred them-not even direct talks with the Bush Administration in Baghdad. President Obama offered them an open hand, carrots, and diplomacy, and he set a deadline of September 24th (less than 2wks from now). Over the weekend Iran said that the Obama Admin was lying about nuclear WMD evidence, and that they were willing to have talks, but that the nuclear issue was not to be part of that. Israel has openly said that they’re just waiting for the United States to realize that diplomacy has failed, and then they’re going to bomb Iran. Iran has said if that happens, they’ll retaliate against Israel by shooting missiles over American forces in Iraq and the Persian Gulf, and that Iran’s terrorist allies/proxies will attack the United States. President Obama’s not going to talk about this threat of regional-even world war. Nope. President Obama has decided he doesn’t need to address Congress, the nation, and the world about this threat. His healthcare speech will be so good that the Iranians will stop their belligerence on their own, and they will be inspired towards peace by his healthcare speech in a way that a speech mentioning this very serious threat could never do.

Add to this the healthcare problem itself. Contrary to straw man rhetorical arguments most Americans want healthcare reform. C’mon, everyone has had to fight with an insurance company, rolled their eyes at bills, and we all fear the coverage as much as the disease or injury. However, 2/3’s of the American people do not want a single-payer, government option. The reasons vary, but they don’t want it. The far left extremists of Obama’s party say screw the will of the people, they want a government option, and eventually want a fully socialist healthcare system. 83 House Democrats have said they simply will not vote for any healthcare reform unless it has a government option and can be the first step towards a socialist system. Contrary to that 52 moderate House Democrats will not vote on any healthcare bill that does include a single-payer, government option. Oh, and another 23 House Democrats….yeah, they’re not happy with the healthcare reform bill in any event, so they’re already going to vote against it. Again, Obama’s coolness is astounding as he has somehow envisioned hat his speech tomorrow night will be so good, so moving, so perfect that the Democrats in the House will come together and form a healthcare plan that they can all agree on. (What about Republicans? Who cares-they’re not in power to even oppose let alone support a plan)

I for one can’t wait to see the President’s speech tomorrow night. He’s a great speaker. His task seems impossible, but surely a man doesn’t call a joint session of Congress, ask every major network to cancel their prime time programming to cover his speech, and ask the American people to view it without expecting it to accomplish something. Moreover, there is no something anymore. At this point…it’s all or nothing, and he’s probably not giving the speech for nothing. He’s going for it all.

This should be the greatest speech in the history of mankind.

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This should be the greatest speech in the history of mankind.

He’s going to be trying out his new PortaTelePromTer tonight in order to be more effective in his speechifying.

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

That photo truly is speechifying, Aye.

I’ll give him props, if he ever wears that.

–and the speech is about, government taking over your healthcare, so it can run every single phase of your life, from birth until when they think you should die. Now that’s real dictatorial power over people.

This guy is a disaster. His goal is to bankrupt this country so badly that we can’t defend ourselves much less anyone else. He wants to bring us down so low that we will have to turn to the government for help to survive and then he’s got us. Just look what he has accomplished in half a year. He has insulted our allies and empowered our enemies. He did not come to the aid of the Iranians who protested and let them die. We had been waiting years for a revolution in Iran and Obama willfully let it go by. I no longer doubt whose side he is on. He is with our enemies and against us. Also, he has interfered with the consitutional process of another country, Hondurus. He is in league with the communist dictators of Cuba and South America. There are numerous grounds for impeachment of this guy.

He has filled his administration with czars and others who are communists. He doesn’t even vet them which is not surprising since he was never vetted himself.

Tomorrow a judge, a former marine, will hear the Alan Keyes suit re Obama’s birth certificate. This judge has said this case will not be moved aside based on the things the other suits were settled with like “no standing”. I sense trouble ahead and maybe even a constitutional crisis. Goodness knows the blacks will riot which is something they do so well. They don’t get what they think they should have and they go beserk. IMO these speeches to the kids and to congress are distractions from this trial. Let’s change the subject.

The only way we are going to get rid of this guy is through this trial. Certainly this congress will never impeach him. Most of them agree with him.


THAT was great stuff. Excellent.

You know what, folks?

I actually liked the speech. I think it’s the best speech I’ve heard him deliver.

(Note: Posted in the wrong thread; not his future speech to Congress, but the one he delivered today to schoolkids).

Shameless lies repeated too often to be believed by anyone.

The most nationwide inflaming issue in the Obamacare plan, that KILLS it before it arrives, is that it would provide health care for ILLEGALS! American voters have already SLAMMED Obama’s plans on ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY — TENS OF MILLIONS of voters have ALREADY REJECTED anything of the sort.

Perhaps as many as 20 million illegals will be covered by an obscene Obama healthcare plan unless it is soundly rejected. The whole entire health care structure would be REVAMPED for the benefit of just a few million uninsured??? And, with the extra baggage of no less than 12 million illegals that would benefit … the COST is going to be exhorbitant! The taxation is going to be the MOST ever and the HARDEST ever!

Think about how many illegal aliens would begin to pour into the U.S. just on the notion that they might have complete, free healthcare.

Can we avoid this nonsense? It’s no wonder American voters are FUMING! Obama’s approval RATINGS have dropped faster than any other in history and are lower and falling lower: just 42% approval rating. No more political capital for Obama.

Article: Obama Implies Illegals Will Be Covered by His Health Care Plan

Obama Implies Illegals Will Be Covered by His Health Care Plan

Of course, illegals will be covered. They won’t be illegal for long. Next on the agenda, so called Immigration Reform/

“actuallly liked the speech. I think it’s the best speech I’ve heard him deliver”.

It wasn’t the speech that he delivered that people opposed; it was the lesson plans and the me-me-me that was in them.

Love The Porta-prompter!

BO is giving a big speech on 9/9/09, but it’s a significant day otherwise, too.

I noticed that 9 is not a popular number in Japan, 2nd only to the number 4. How about our President 44? Do they like him in Japan?

In his speech to children, it seems that Obama was addressing mostly Black youth (basketball, rappers) who drop out of high school. White students most often stay in school and do well.

“The only way we are going to get rid of this guy is through this trial. Certainly this congress will never impeach him. Most of them agree with him”

Unfortunately, even if Keyes wins this case again BO, the decision will still be made in Congress.

Do they like him in Japan?

Yes. Especially ga-ga over him in Obama, Japan:

Sorry to put you through that….but you asked.

Scott, great post

Thanks for the kind words guys.

We got the advance scoop on speech. President Obama at his news conference on Wednesday September 9, 2009, will announce that he has put foreword his own health care plan entitled: HEALTH CARE- HOW TO SERVE AMERICANS. Here, http://stopthepresses2.blogspot.com/search/label/Serve%20Americans

I’m starting to miss Jimmy Carter.

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Great post scott! funny, interesting, and very provoking is the question: was talking to the kids before the adults, part of a bigger plan? Some kind of sick strategy? I’m sure they have nooooottthhing to do with each other.

On that note, my wife is an english teacher at a high school. She said she saw two students coming out of the room they were optionally showing the speech in during lunch saying, “that was the biggest waste of 10 minutes i have ever seen. Bipartisan my ass”… I just had to laugh because even at the high school level, these kids managed to see past the glittering-star cast pledges to obama, along with his obvious attempt at gaining some control of the youth.
I leave everyone with two quotes:
“He who controls the media controls the minds of the public” –Noam Chomsky
“He Who Controls The Youth Controls the Future” – Hitler

Scott, a truly awesome article.

Thanks to you and all others at FA for the fine work you do!

Moby sighting Aisle 22.

Moby Aisle 22.

Pssst…..tim…..Just between the two of us…How is it my responsibility to provide you, or anyone else, with insurance of any type?

Do I also have the responsibility to provide you with auto insurance?

How about homeowners’ insurance?

Finally, please show me in the US Constitution where the power to provide national health care is enumerated to the Legislative, the Judicial, or the Executive.


[Well nevermind….seems timmy had no staying power. They make pills for that now you know.]

Yeah…..he had to go Aye. An idiot just hurling insult after insult and bringing nothing to the table gets shown the exit quickly.

I’m Canadian. The right-wing discussion of single-payer health care is, as I hope you smarter folks realize) just propaganda. You want Obama to fail – for good reasons, too – but your discussions of health care in Canada and Europe is just plain silly.
Canadians and Europeans love their health care. Of course, there are always the 5% of malcontents who aren’t happy, and it is easy to relate their stories of the horrors of government health care without understanding how the 95% feel.
I love our system. I have had excellent care, as did my parents with a variety of cancers and heart problems in their later years. My children and grandchildren, friends and neighbours have had super care with some serious medical problems. No waits, unless the problem is insignificant.
I could go on, but this video tells it very well.

It is just fine with me if you want to beat Obama in future elections and it is fun to make him seem a failure – but the stupid things that are said on right-wing blogs, talk radio and Fox about our health care make many Republicans seem very ignorant, looking south from here….. Just don’t believe all you hear!

I know. You’re right. I just wanted to toy with him a bit first.

Sort of like a cat with a mouse.

Just don’t believe all you hear!

That’s good advice there Marge.

I’ll choose to go with reliable media reports of overall system conditions and performance.

I’ll also choose to observe the large quantity of people who are streaming over the border into the US to get the care that they cannot get in the Great White North in a timely basis.

Finally, I’ll choose to weigh the evidence of the number of high risk pregnancies and deliveries the US is handling for the doctors and hospitals who are not capable of providing the care.

I don’t see an observation and evaluation of a mountain of factual data as a sign of ignorance.


‘Reliable’ media reports! You make me laugh!
And the large quantity of people ‘streaming’ over the border? I read it is something under .05%, and 2/3 of this comes from Canadians coming to the US to visit relatives or as tourists and get sick or have an accident. Miniscule. And, if you watched the video, sometimes our specialty hospital wards are full, and the government pays for people to fly to a hospital near the border. Very rare, but it does happen. This is hardly ‘streaming’! Maybe a handful every year.
As for pregnancies, I have no idea where you got that information – but I can assure you that it is incorrect. Our live birth data is better than in the US. We have our share of the best doctors and hospitals in the world.
The reliable, so called ‘factual data’ is, in a word, crap. The mountain of your data is nonsense.
Are you listening to Rush rather than someone who lives here? Did you watch the video? Truth.

Marge is probably a government stooge that gets backroom care the little folks cannot get. Don’t listen to her.

Oh, and I do listen to Rush. Everyday.

Well, Tom, I am sorry to tell you that what I am saying is the TRUTH.
Canadians say ‘sorry’, a LOT. That does not mean that I am apologizing, of course. It means that I am really sorry that you have had too much Kool-Aid and are a bit of a dunce. Pity.
And, BTW, Canadians do not have government stooges, and I AM a little folk.
BTW, did you watch the video? In case you can’t find it, here it is again. Perhaps you could forward it to Rush.

Is Marge a regular on here?

Pray tell Marge-girl, if that is your real name, why is it you are so interested in US political scene?
And Marge, every government has stooges, not just picking on O Canada. Besides, I think we can sort out our political processes and disagreements without foreign pity.

The real problem here sweetie, is that our government has setup the health rules such as Insurance regulation, competition and it FAILED. Now, our AA President tells us he will bring in competition – the very thing they regulated to failure. Nice circle argument, huh? That’s Obama, master of the double talk.

I am a Canadian, eh!

Marge is the prototype mindless, uninformed, emotional driven, useful idiot. Uncle Joe loves ya, Margie!

Canada does NOT have one health care system – the federal government gives each province and the territories a share of federally collected tax money. These lower level governments spend this money and administer their own, separate, and DIFFERENT health care plans. What is covered varies from plan to plan. Canada has about 12 different health plans.

There are some great doctors in Canada, and some great hospitals and research centers. But, just try to get a new doctor if you live in Alberta or British Columbia, and other provinces. All but impossible. So much for the great health care system! You just can’t use it. Walk in clinics often work on wait time rationing – if you can sit in the waiting room for six to eight hours, you can see a doctor for five to 10 minutes.

These health care systems are NOT FREE. You PAY through the nose them via your OBSCENELY HIGH TAXES, Marge. Some province also have a yearly “health care” fee. Yet another form of TAXATION – you cannot, not pay these taxes and fees.

The number of MRI machines in all of Canada is about what it is in any large US city.

The wait times to see a doctor or specialist (GOOD LUCK, there Bucky) in Canada are disgusting.

Need a hip replacement? Your wait to see a specialist can be up to SIX months, and the replacement may be 18 to 24 months after that. In pain? take two aspirin. I know a guy who waited OVER TWO YEARS to get his hip replaced – he could not sit, stand, or lay down

The current and previous two or three heads of the Canadian Doctors Association ALL say the system is broken and needs a MASSIVE overall. It is MASSIVELY Expensive and does NOT work well at all.

Anybody but a mindless, uninformed, emotional driven, useful idiot can see that the Canadian “health” care system is a disaster that needs a complete overhaul, a la the heads of the Canadian Doctors Association.

What I read uniformed, emotional stuff from moonbats like Marge, I am embarrassed to be a Canadian.

No, I’m not. I am a lurker. I am a disenchanted liberal. But when you do not wish to hear the truth about Canada’s health care, you are not smart.
Did you know? Tommy Douglas, the father of our health care, was recently voted the greatest Canadian. (Incidently, he was the father-in-law of Donald Sutherland and grandfather of Kiefer.)
I understand that you do not want Obama to hold the same love in the hearts of Americans. I really don’t think there is much chance of that, as he is a wuss.

I started to listen to excerpts from Barry’s AFL-CIO picnic speech but tuned out when he blatantly lied (once again) about the Republicans — claiming they only say no and never present any ideas for Health Reform….What about Senator Coburn’s Bill, Newt Gingrich Proposal, Heritage Foundation Proposal, Charles Krauthammer’s proposal, successful Tort Reform enacted in the state of Texas, Mayo Clinic program publicized by some media and Republicans as well as the Appleton, Wisc medical system, etc, etc, etc….these have been reported on — in the media and well reviewed.

Is he that big of liar? or very insulated?
I echo others’ remarks thanking you for penning the thought-provoking article on Barry’s upcoming speech.

Oh boy, the grandfather of Kiefer. Now I’m really impressed.

Thank you Terrence, you are a great, honest, Canadian!

Oh dear, looks like Marge has her dander up now….

Guess I’ll have to shoot a few facts her way to show her the truth.

Here’s what I said in #26:

Finally, I’ll choose to weigh the evidence of the number of high risk pregnancies and deliveries the US is handling for the doctors and hospitals who are not capable of providing the care.

And Marge’s response from #27:

As for pregnancies, I have no idea where you got that information – but I can assure you that it is incorrect.




From KOMO news:

Some Canadian mothers forced to give birth in U.S.

SEATTLE — A problem in Canada’s hospitals is sending scores of pregnant women south of the border to have their babies.

Carri Ash of Chilliwack, B.C. was sent to the U.S. to have her baby after her water broke on Sunday, ten weeks ahead of schedule.

“And they came in and said ‘you’re going to Seattle,'” she said.


And a woman from Calgary, one of the wealthiest cities in Canada, had to travel to Montana to give birth to her identical quadruplets.


“You can’t even have a baby near home. It’s horrible,” she said.

Irvine and Ash are questioning Canada’s priorities when it comes to health care spending.

“I think it’s ridiculous that we can have the Olympics but not enough beds so I can have a baby,” said Ash.

Now, about those infant mortality numbers that you were touting.

Here is some reference material for you to bring you up to speed.

And here.

And here.

And here.

And here.

You see Marge, when the definition of a live birth is different from place to place then infant mortality numbers will be different too.

In describing the Canadian health system the word that Dr. Anne Doing used was “imploding”.

The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association says this country’s health-care system is sick and doctors need to develop a plan to cure it.

Dr. Anne Doing says patients are getting less than optimal care and she adds that physicians from across the country – who will gather in Saskatoon on Sunday for their annual meeting – recognize that changes must be made.

“We all agree that the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize,” Doing said in an interview with The Canadian Press.

“We know that there must be change,” she said. “We’re all running flat out, we’re all just trying to stay ahead of the immediate day-to-day demands.

Canadian hospitals are routinely sending people to the US for care that they are incapable of providing.

From Canada’s own Globe and Mail:

Critically ill patients rushed to U.S. for care

More than 150 critically ill Canadians – many with life-threatening cerebral hemorrhages – have been rushed to the United States since the spring of 2006 because they could not obtain intensive-care beds here.

Before patients with bleeding in or outside the brain have been whisked through U.S. operating-room doors, some have languished for as long as eight hours in Canadian emergency wards while health-care workers scrambled to locate care.

The waits, in some instances, have had devastating consequences.


Ontario has the worst problem, though it is not alone.

British Columbia has sent four patients with spine injuries to Washington State hospitals for care from May to September, 2007, though the recruitment of more staff and opening of new beds have helped alleviate the problem. Saskatchewan has sent patients to neighbouring provinces – such as Alberta, which is working at maximum capacity – for specialized neurosurgical services.

But nowhere is the problem of accessing neurosurgery more severe in this country than in Ontario. Since April of 2006, 157 people have been sent to Michigan and New York State hospitals for care. That includes the 62 patients sent so far in fiscal 2007-2008, according to David Jensen, spokesman for the Ontario Health Ministry.

Canadian citizens are choosing the US for care as well:

The grass looks greener: Canadians look to private care,
U.S.-based medical tourism as alternatives

Many American supporters of universal health care look to our northern neighbors as an
example of quality care for all, but is the grass really greener on the other side? With the
average wait time for a CT scan at 4.3 weeks and the average wait for an MRI at 10.3
weeks, most Canadians would say, “probably not.”

The total waiting time for patients between referral from a general practitioner and
treatment was 17.8 weeks in 2006, reports the Fraser Institute. The excessive wait times
have spurred an ironic trend: Canadian patients are traveling to the U.S. for health care
and exploring private health care options


“Canadians traveling to the U.S. for care are doing this because they can’t get timely care
in Canada and they are concerned about their health risks. They are prepared to pay and
the U.S. seems close to home’ and has a good clinical reputation,” says Copeman.


Negative ratings of the country’s health care system are beginning to eclipse positive
ratings and many Canadians support a parallel private system for publicly available

An Ontario Chamber of Commerce survey found over 80% of respondents have some
level of dissatisfaction with the current Canadian health care system


In 2005, a landmark Supreme Court of Canada decision, Chaoulli v. Quebec, overturned
a Quebec health care law preventing residents from seeking medical care outside the
government’s health insurance plan, subjecting many to long wait periods for care.
“In some cases, patients die as a result of waiting lists for public health care,” the courts’
decision said. “The prohibition on obtaining private health insurance … is not
constitutional where the public system fails to deliver reasonable services.”

Even members of Canada’s own gov’t choose the US:

Stronach went to U.S. for cancer treatment: report

Liberal MP Belinda Stronach, who is battling breast cancer, travelled to California last June for an operation that was recommended as part of her treatment, says a report.

Stronach’s spokesman, Greg MacEachern, told the Toronto Star that the MP for Newmarket-Aurora had a “later-stage” operation in the U.S. after a Toronto doctor referred her.

“Belinda had one of her later-stage operations in California, after referral from her personal physicians in Toronto. Prior to this, Belinda had surgery and treatment in Toronto, and continues to receive follow-up treatment there,” said MacEachern.

He said speed was not the reason why she went to California.

Instead, MacEachern said the decision was made because the U.S. hospital was the best place to have it done due to the type of surgery required.

I’ve got more but I know that you’re an old lady and your time is limited.

obama is a jack ass bitch

Terrance, darling. Obviously you know what you are talking about! Yes, each province handles the health care. I cannot speak for all of them – but they all have the same basic principles. I am in BC.
Yes, sometimes it is difficult to get a primary physician. But, as I did, go to a large clinic and see if there is a doctor who is accepting new patients. I went right in and became a patient of a great woman doctor that has been excellent. Otherwise, go to a clinic and ask the doctor you see if you can be a patient of his/hers, and that often works.
Walk-in clinics? Sometimes you might have to wait a couple of hours. It’s free, guys, and you never get asked for payment! And often busy. And if you are truly ill, you will go to Emergency and be seen immediately.
Obcenely high taxes? You joke! Our taxes are just slightly higher than US taxes – and Americans don’t get health care for it, and then pay huge amounts each month for insurance – which may or may not get you actual health care. Companies are out-sourcing US jobs because they can’t pay the huge bills to insurance companies. Some companies are coming to Canada.
MRIs? It was thought that I might have cancer, and I had an MRI within a week and a follow up one when I didn’t have the disease just to double check.
Now, I don’t know about hip replacements, but two friends had knee replacements done within six weeks of referral.
Massively expensive! What a joke! Don’t you realize that health care costs are just half of what it costs in the US? The 2007 figures were under $3000 per person in Canada and $7200 in the US.
Terrance, darling, you are a ‘mindless, uninformed, emotional driven, use’less’ idiot’ – to quote your prose. And I very much doubt you have ever been to Canada – and if you should be a real Canadian, which I very much doubt, please go to the States where medical care is really good, and the first thing they ask you is whether you have insurance – and if you don’t, they ask you about your ability to pay for treatment.
Showing a card is a lot nicer!


No one believes you. Go to bed, sweetie.

Yep. It is useless to argue with teh stoopid.

Your self-referential comment was the ONLY meaningful thing you said, MERGE (you are clearly not capable of spelling someone’s name) “yup. It is useless to argue with teh stoopid” – this all too true of you, ass-wipe – useless, completely useless, and completely STUPID.

Too bad you did not have cancer, you ugly creep. But, I really do NOT think you went through ANYTHING remotely like what you claim you did. And the only friends you have are imaginary ones. Nobody is STUPID enough to spend any time with a jerk like you.

Your ignorance about the Canadian health systems is only out dun by your uninformed idiotic lunacy about American versus Canadian tax systems.

Your really are the most stupid fool I have ever seen on a web site.

MY GOD. What ugly things you are saying. I am very sad for you, and you should be ashamed. But you are funny, too, in a depressing sort of way. Because I am a REAL Canadian. I am 70 years old and I have lived here all my life. And I know the truth about the Canadian system.
Here you are telling me that the wonderful health care I have had all my life isn’t true – because you say so. After all, you read all this crap about the terrible Canadian system on some website or Rush told you. What happened to make you so bitter? Why don’t you think for yourself?
I would never say anything like you did. I would never tell you that it is too bad that you do not have cancer. That is shameful. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But if I get cancer I won’t ever have to worry about getting the best treatment. I won’t have to worry about money, or co-pays, and I will never get a bill from an insurance company. I will get marvelous treatment, quickly and professionally, in great hospitals from wonderful doctors. FREE.
A sensible American Republican person might come to the conclusion that it would be very good for US companies to have government health care. They might be able to compete on the world market instead of shipping factories to China (or Canada) because they can’t afford the huge medical insurance bills. Single-payer would be fabulous for US companies. Surely that should be a Republican consideration….
But I quite understand that beating Obama at this takes precedence over common sense. You want to be back in power. And there is this huge amount of propaganda that all the poor uninformed people believe.
Good luck with this. When you get ill, and your company lays you off because you are costing too much on their insurance, and you end up losing everything – think of the poor Canadians, with their awful system where everyone gets healthcare without even thinking about it. We just take it for granted. You know. Life, liberty and the persuit of happiness.

I didn’t realize your personal experiences with the Canadian medical system were the end all, be all truth, Marge. Rather a pompous, self centered attitude, don’t you think? Assuming you speak for all Canadians, or that they all share your admiration for the system?

Or perhaps the “free” is the charm? For you have little to compare it to for quality care in the US. And BTW, everyone gets emergency room care here in the US… insured or not. Perhaps you’re a victim of some of that “stoopid” media and commentary you mention, yes?

I’m sure we’re all happy you’re thrilled with your health care. We are not thrilled you wish it upon us. And hopefully you will not find yourself in the position to come south of the border for what you cannot get there… or get it in time.


If you think your healthcare is FREE, you need to go get one of those FREE brain scans to check for any activity.

Wonderful post Scott!

I’m sure this isn’t news to you, but have you seen these articles?

Morgenthau’s Message

Venezuela to sign deal for 100 Russian tanks – source


These past links were included in the margin of the above article:

Venezuela-Russia military cooperation to continue -Sechin



Russia welcomes Venezuelan proposals on military cooperation


Just wondering, could this new poster…….Marge……be WeeWeeMary’s twin sister? Posting style and information seem to be identical.

OK, one of you admin type people really need to tell me that Marge’s IP address really traces back to BC Canada. If it does, I bet it’s being bounced out of Chicago. Just saying.

Yes, Aqua. Marge appears to be exactly who she claims to be.

He said to his CIA contact, “They are planning something. A terrorism beyond comprehension. I can tell you it won’t be in Yemen or in Africa. YOU know where it will be. You know. If they kill me then you know they’re coming.”

Eight years ago today, just two days before 9-11-01, our greatest ally and best hope in Afghanistan was assassinated by the enemy that would hit us hard just two days later. He beat back the Soviets as a very young man, and hated the Taliban and AQ. He begged for the Clinton Admin. to trust him and arm him and his men to fight the Taliban, but, he knew Clinton had no balls. He respected Reagan. Longed for a strong and stern American government to be friends and allies with. Was astounded at the Clinton Admin.’s refusal to ‘take out’ UBL when they had him in their sights. He warned our CIA 9-11 was coming. HE was more concerned for us than our own people were.

The “Lion Of Panjshir” http://tinyurl.com/nxpnhv

Eight war years later we are back to square one …

Different parts of Canada, Missy. However finding more than one liberal dupe in Canada, or the US for that matter, isn’t a tough task…

To our host, commentators and readers – I must apologize for feeding the brain-dead Canadian troll. As I said above – I am embarrassed and ashamed to be a Canadian when I read the drivel Marge dumped here. Responding to her uninformed nonsense only encouraged her to dump even more of it. However, the more she dumped, the more she exposed her MASSIVE ignorance. I guess some of my fellow Canadians really are stupid enough to think the health care systems are “free” up here.

For the record, Canadians pay MASSIVELY more direct and indirect taxes than Americans do. The rate of income tax charged up here is obscene.

Furthermore, everything we buy up here is more expensive than in the good ol’ USA – food, clothing, appliances, electronics, housing, utilities. automobiles, gasoline, etc, etc, are ALL taxed along the way, some are taxed at several stages of production, transportation, and distribution.

Canadians line up for two to FIVE hours to cross the border in Washington to go SHOPPING – most everything is CHEAPER in Washington, even after paying 10 to 15 % more with the Canadian dollar. So, Canadians wait in line for HOURS to get into the USA to buy stuff.

And moonbats like Marge think health care is FREE up here! Good grieve, what a brainwashed, brain dead useful idiot.

BTW, I do not believe anything she wrote. If someone checked her ISP address and IT shows she is in BC, I will believe that, but nothing of what she dumped.

Terrence…her IP shows Vancouver Island, Nanaimo which I’m familiar with seeing as how my parents live on the island also. Having extended family up there I know the truth of what you are saying. My uncle who owns his own business always rails against the huge taxes he has to pay and every time I visit I am always shocked at the amount people have to pay taxwise. As far as healthcare my father just recently had to wait 4 months for an MRI. 4 freakin months! I was pissed but they live on a fixed income and they have no choice. It’s a rotten system they have up there and now they want us to have a version of it. Completely insane. I mean, where will the Canadians go to get there healthcare (seeing as how they have to come down here all the time for quality healthcare) if we go to that system too?

He’ s blowing smoke up the ass of the MSM and they’re loving every minute of it. Meanwhile his new rules of engagement are getting our brave young marines killed in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: 4 US Marines Die After Walking Into Taliban Ambush…DENIED Artillery Support Because of Obama Administration’s New Rules of Engagement….


Just heard Rush Limbaugh reading the first page of democrat Max Baucus’s “funding bill” for ObamaCare …

To paraphrase a line from 2001: A Space Odyssey

“My God! It’s full of stars!”

2009: An ObamaCare Odyssey

“Good God! It’s full of taxes … repealings and penalties!”

Yunz do know our Founding Fathers and Founding Patriots went to war over far less government oppression/taxation …

This Marxist-democrat hijacked government is blatantly now inciting violence out of the American people.