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“I Pledge!” An Alternative [Reader Post]

So the Obama Administration has prepared what can only be described as a liberal propaganda video, tempered with some vaguer platitudes yet sprinkled with every color in the ethnic rainbow, and spiced with sage wisdom about “the united funk of funkadelica”, trading in “obnoxious” cars for hybrids, and not flushing after going pee-pee.  And our kids will be forced to view it during school next week.

It also includes Obama-mantras about “being the change” (whatever that means).  Anthony Keidis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers actually pledges “my service to Barack [kisses one bicep] Obama [kisses the other bicep].”  The video ends with the group of celebs pledging to be “a servant to the president and to all mankind.”  All the celeb video screens then morph into the iconic poster of President Obama.

For the custodians’ sake, let’s hope they show the video before lunch.

Truth be told, buried in the 4-minute video are some good things about being nice and helping neighbors and the needy in our communities.  But to my knowledge, no one has asked for equal time to present alternatives.

So I will fill the void.  If I knew how to work the equipment, I’d make my own video.  Since I don’t, here is a pledge that I’d prefer our children take:

I pledge to respect, listen to and obey my parents and elders because they have life experiences, wisdom and knowledge that I need to learn and which will guide me almost invariably to make better decisions.

I pledge to learn how to read, and read voraciously, because understanding the written word is critical to succeeding in life.

I pledge to learn mathematics because I will need to use it every day as I grow up and into adulthood.

I pledge to listen to my teachers because they are eager to prepare me for my future by working with me in the classroom.

I pledge to learn about the history of our great nation and its Judeo-Christian heritage, the wisdom of its founders, and the blessings that have flowed from our shores to the rest of the world.

I pledge to support strong national security against our enemies because it is one of the few things the federal government is truly in the best position to handle.

I pledge to support our soldiers, sailors and airmen, and our law enforcement and emergency responders, as they carry out their duties to secure, protect and defend the liberty and freedom God has graciously granted us.

I pledge to be a good friend, reliable, truthful and caring, placing the needs of others ahead of my own.

I pledge to care for our environment because of its beauty, wonder, resources and its evidence of God’s creative hand.

I pledge to conserve energy and our natural resources because it is important not to be wasteful.

I pledge to honor the sanctity of life by working to ensure policies and resources are in place to protect it, especially for the most vulnerable among us—the unborn and young, and the infirm and elderly.

I pledge to welcome immigrants from other nations who come to America through legal process seeking better lives and wanting to work hard to legitimately achieve the American Dream.

I pledge to treat with respect and dignity people of different races, creeds and cultures who intend no harm to my nation and her traditions, communities and families.

I pledge to behave both publicly and privately in ways that meet or exceed high standards of ethical conduct.

Finally, I will never to be a “servant” to anyone, especially not the president or any other government official.  On the contrary, I recognize that our leaders are in office to serve us and represent the best interests of us and our nation.  Therefore, I pledge to serve my country joyfully and selflessly, as an equal member of our society and without a political agenda, by seeking out and serving the needs of my family, friends, neighbors, fellow churchgoers and community.

And I don’t need President Obama, the federal government or self-righteous celebrities to tell me how to do it.

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