RangerUp 2nd Amendment Shirt Contest – Caption Finals

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Ok, we’re on the home stretch. The top 12 entries are now up below. Vote for your favorite and the top two get a free RangerUp 2nd Amendment shirt.

Pick the best caption for the below picture:


The below polls will close on Aug 11th at 8pm PST.

The essay’s for the third shirt and a few items from the Flopping Aces store will be up shortly.

[poll id=”56″]

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What catches my eye isn’t the map, it’s Obama squatting on the Great Seal of the United States.

I know this is a late response………

WTF……I know there are 57 …. 1.. Alabama ..2…Alaska….


Mr. B. Hussein Soetero is just looking for non reciprocity nations and Montana is NOT one of them.

Wow! I can’t believe I made it to the finals! Thanks for the votes, everyone! (I’m responsible for “Damn! I’m running out of places to apologize for America.”)

Umm, I count 48, but aren’t these up here ours, or not? Over here? Uhhh, teleprompter help me here…

But when do my history books arrive? Geography’s a snap…58 states and all. I need to bone up on my history. Axelrod keeps feeding my bad historical references.

Just in case they do find the birth certificate where in the hell is Kenya?

Wow, I can’t believe I won!!