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We can arm ourselves with camcorders every townhall we go to. Of course, will they then disallow camcorders there, or any other cameras? Only the Democrats will get to have cameras, I suppose?

I think we are seeing 8 years of emotions being pent up in conservatives (after hearing Pres. Bush be bashed relentlessly, disrespectfully, and unjustifiably by the liberal left), expressing their anger in a non-violent, yet not a little vociferous, way.

And, we are seeing the true bullying, violent nature of liberals unleashed. This is a good thing for all to see them exposed for the intolerant bullies they are.

What the hell …. employ their tactics. How many times have we seen “undercover pictures” shot by this or that person attempting to expose some nefarious conservative group? Turn the tables: go get some small, wearable camera equipment and install it under an “Obama 08” baseball cap, and you’ll be assured of unfettered access to any beatings you wish to film.

I have lived in Mo. Went to school there…where are the decent hard working Black folks from Missouri? How can they go along with this administration?… We all work hard for a better future, and if I don’t make it, our children will. Is this the Richard Nixon Part Deux?. Please…we need the Black Conservative people of this country. The spirit of this nation is under attack!

Where the hell is the hate crime brigade? Didn’t anyone tell Al Sharpton about this? He’d want to know. I’m sure of it. Or maybe not. [crickets]

Welcome to Chicago Politics. It is nation wide now.

Obama is stupid, a brutus and a weirdo. He is a president that calls for violence from his bought constituents. This is utterly bazaar.

Obama’s dingo ate my baby!

The SEIU thugs from the video should be identified, investigated and never given a moment’s rest. We should know everything about them. They should be harassed at their homes and so should their families.

Hold a sit-in at their local SEIU headquarters and takeover their building.

They want to suckle at teat of thuggery then they deserve to get that teat smacked out of their mouths as well.

Wear a camera? Wear a Glock!

The big guy who comitted the assault and got arrested hung around! If he had took off he would have escaped arrest. What arrogance!

Murphy, he probably considers it a badge of honor. Gang members consider jail time as a badge too.

Perhaps we need a number of Conservatives with brass knuckles at the protests guarding Conservative protestors?

Brass Knuckle Conservatives. I like the sound of that…

The seiu is the organization that tried to shut Houston down a couple of years by blocking major intersections and blackmailed companies into recognizing the janitors as being members of the union. The seiu is the same group that supported the illegal immigation support parades around the country.

There is evidence that the seiu is tightly associated with the group formerly known as acorn.

I am not a union supporter, but I believe the unions did do good for the working man in the past. I am curious, where do the Teamsters stand on this? If the Teamsters decide they have had enough of the anti-American crap that the seiu and afl-cio unions are pushing things could change in a hurry.

I know where the afl-cio stand, they sold out to obama and their members did nothing while the current administration destroyed the companies they work for.

The Teamsters had better wake up and take a stand before the Crap and Tax bill becomes law and fuel prices are pushed to over $4.00 a gallon. Not much profit for a driver there. And, just think; if this health care bill gets passed what will individual contractors get out of it? I travel for a living, what happens if I need care two states away? I wouldn’t want to be on the road and hope I get permission to get treated.

Obama and Nancy Eva Braun Pelosi will wine and dine at Eagle’s Nest the white house while the brown shirt union goons do their dirty work.

Then Goebbels/Gibbs will appear once again on TV to try and convince us we didn’t see or hear what we saw/heard.

Violence is old hat for unions. Unions have even used bombs to get their way.

Those who want to let their Congress people to know how they feel. Stay cool. Be patriotic and wear the US flag. And bring camers to document everything. Then when the left goes bonkers and attacks, survive and protect the info. Then bring charges like assault and attempted murder against the thugs. And keep the video broadcasting.

Lenin seized Russia by intimidation. Hitler did the same thing. Chavez is doing the same thing. What wonderful company Obama is keeping.

Living here in Chicago I can tell you this is business as usual. The Chicago machine is in power, get used to it.

I’ve never been to an organized protest. Now I’m going to the next one where I live hoping and praying that some goons show up. I’m going by myself because I don’t need back up. The lefty goons better not push around anyone in my line of sight because I promise they will regret it.

Next time the real people confront the astroturf thugs from SIEU or whatever other paid storm troopers show up, they should start singing “Look For The Union Label!”

Shouldn’t the officers be getting statements from WITNESSES?

Isn’t that always the defense? “You attacked him first!”
Gotta love union thugs!

Glad to see he was arrested. Funny how the other one booked out. He knew he had done wrong.

Citing safety concerns, U. City cancels McCaskills event


St. Louis County police arrested six people, including a Post-Dispatch reporter, during a demonstration Thursday evening outside a forum on aging called by U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis.

Two of the people were arrested on suspicion of assault, one of resisting arrest and three on suspicion of committing peace disturbances, police say.


Ok, 6 arrests, McCaskill cancels the next traveling snake oil medicine show because of “safety concerns”???? Whose safety? The only injured was a guy beaten and kicked by Union Thugs that are on the DNC payroll. Did she get wise to the fact that the only Criminals present were the ones that She invited?

This is good news. The stench of violence committed by her Union Thugs is now Nation Wide News. The Cat is out of the bag now. I hope this taints every Town Hall Meeting that the Dems set up from now on. The event was captured for all time now. I hope the old gal has a grand recess. I hope the Socialists take note of the results of inviting Punks & Thugs for that duty.

Doesn’t it strike you that there is something seriously wrong when the message from the President of the United States is to “get in their faces”? He has lost all sense of perspective about his office, and he sees himself back in the community organizer role, the only job he ever had. He is surely NOT doing the job of President.


Doesn’t it strike you that there is something seriously wrong when the message from the President of the United States is to “get in their faces”?

That is exactly my sentiments, Dr. D. Just yesterday I started realizing that he is talking about American citizens the same way President Bush talked about terrorists abroad. Can you imagine President Bush EVER saying anything like that? I know some accused Pres. Bush of being too soft and not defending himself against his opponents, but I think he realized that he was Commander in Chief over ALL of the nation, not just his supporters, so to defend himself would divide the country even more. That’s what this current president seems to want to do, is to divide the nation even more. I have to admit, it is very unnerving. I don’t think any Democrat president has ever done that to this extent that I know of, once they became president. They may have done it when in campaign mode trying to get elected, but didn’t verbalize it so outlandishly like Obama has done after taking office.

How about we focus on the real terrorists who hate this country and want to do us ALL harm? They don’t care if we are Republican, Democrat, Independent, or apolitical–they just don’t like our freedoms.

(p.s. I think my first post got caught in lala land, so sorry if I post twice!)

@Dr.D: That’s why I wrote the post that Obama is President of the Left. NOT President of the United States. Recent comments reveal how the Obama White House views everything from an us vs. them political prism!

@ SoCal Chris

“How about we focus on the real terrorists who hate this country and want to do us ALL harm?”

A significant portion of the REAL Terrorists are called Dems today, unfortuantely, and they are thw ones closest to us today.

While I understand your thoughts on the constant battle with the statist, big government mentality of some in our country (which is a constant struggle, to be sure), I always remember back on Sept. 11, 2001, when, if only for a brief window of time, we were all Americans, not Democrat or Republican, etc. In my opinion, that time in our nation’s history showed that we have the “country first” mentality as a shared value when faced with something so tragic as on that day.

Of course, I in no way want another attack in order to experience the unity we held briefly!!! My point is, that when it comes to national security and immediate threats to it, I think MOST Americans are agreed on the desire to keep our homeland safe, first and foremost. That may be the only thing the left and right agree on, but it’s something! 😉

@SoCal Chris: I remember too that we were all Americans after 9/11. For about a week. Then Democrats started carping that we weren’t bombing anyone yet. And after we did start bombing in Afghanistan they started saying we were in “a quagmire… another Vietnam.”

They’ve poisoned the well of civil political discourse in this country and now they are complaining about how bad the water tastes!

@ SoCal Chris

You said, “I think MOST Americans are agreed on the desire to keep our homeland safe, first and foremost.” I’d like to think that, but I can’t. Some time since 9/11, something has changed. For one thing, (and this was definitely while GWB was in the White House), there has ceased to be any interest whatsoever in guarding our borders. To talk about securing our borders is to brand yourself as an enemy of the (alien) people.

There was a time when politics was seen as something that gentlemen could do. It involved honest debate, thought, skill, integrity. Today all of those things are gone from the scene, replaced by political posturing, spouting endless nonsense that persuades no one, and mid-night deal making. Today’s pols are the scum of the earth, both in congress (no capital letter any more), and in the executive (no capital here either) branch. Good people do not want to submit themselves to the sort of low life, unethical existence that is required to be a pol today. There are very few exceptions, such as Dr. Ron Paul, but I honestly don’t understand why they bother.

If Washington, DC were to wash away into the Atlantic, it would do a lot to clean up the country, although we would have to worry about the water pollution on the east coast. It would certainly mean no more Maryland crabs for many generations!

@Dr.D: I disagree that all policians are “scum.” That’s just the kind of thinking that Dems encourage. Since their voters don’t care about principles, only power, such thinking only turns off votes for Republicans/conservatives who have values, even if they never attain the perfection they seek. At least they seek to be better than they are.

I could put together a long list of names of our current leaders who are doing a very good job of expressing the will of the people on our side of the fence. And they deserve our full support, including financial support, in the weeks and months ahead.

@Mike’s America:
[Then Democrats started carping that we weren’t bombing anyone yet. And after we did start bombing in Afghanistan they started saying we were in “a quagmire… another Vietnam.”]

You are right. It frustrates the heck out of me. The ol’ darned if you do and darned it you don’t seems to always apply to everything Republicans do in the Democrats eyes! I know, too, that no one should appease these folks when it comes to doing what’s best for the country. Because if you did, as you said, then they’d not be happy with that either. It’s really quite childish if you ask me.

[There was a time when politics was seen as something that gentlemen could do. It involved honest debate, thought, skill, integrity.]

Dr. D, I had a thought to run past you (and I’m being sincere, btw). Why don’t you, if you aren’t already involved, run for a local office in your county or district? We need people who have those qualities!! 🙂

Perhaps this is appropriate for the sake of remembering that day so as to do all we can do as a nation to not repeat history:

@ SoCal Chris

Thanks for the recommendation, but I’m quite a bit too old for that sort of thing now. Perhaps about 25 years ago it would have been a good idea, but I was pretty busy then and the need did not seem so pressing. Now I’m just waiting for Zero’s Death Panel to euthanize me.

You are out of your mind.

@Nate Rose: Care to expand on that?