Phil Kerpen Responds to Baseless Allegations

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Americans for Prosperity Policy Director Phil Kerpen responds to baseless allegations from Rachel Maddow that AFP grassroots efforts are not legitimate.

Hello Pot, this is Kettle! My only problem with this rebuttal is the assumption that Maddow is a legitimate reporter!

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The one thing I think on this is that we need to be sure to bury the idiots libtards obviously biased reporters out there.

This guy has points … just like DailyKos had Soros Backing at one point (if it still doesn’t).
And we see what goes on there from time to time. Hit pieces galore (or it was at one point, I can’t imagine it changed).

I mean – she actually pointed out that movements are using web sites to co-ordinate – WOW!
– How long has that happened now? I’m glad she has caught up to the 90s.

And that certain sites have certain backing. WOW! Another brilliant deduction. NOT!

The only thing she seemed to try and do is dismiss all those who are pissed off with the run away government spending and the fact that they are trying so damned hard to shove this down our throats.

If California can get tired of more and more taxes, isn’t it entirely possible that the more conservative democrats are waking up? That those independents that voted for president ZERO are waking up too?

The liberals need to be careful – if we conservatives get to angry and decide to protest more often then we may not have to to work enough to support their welfare checks.

And of course, I reported this post to the White House Orifice of Internet Snitches

Maddow is a Propagandist. Period.

So….they have a problem with Community Organizers????


Darn good stuff Phil. Keep your foot firmly on Rachel’s neck.