Check out how Democrat Senator Lincoln from Arkansas called those who protest against Obama’s socialism “Un-American” and then apologized:
Efforts to disrupt town hall meetings on health care reform are un-American, U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., said today, though she later issued a statement retracting the remark.
“It’s so sad, because it’s diminishing to the process, it’s diminishing to our outcome,” Lincoln said in a conference call with reporters. “I think it’s sad that they choose to do that. I think it’s un-American and disrespectful.”
A few hours later, Lincoln issued the following statement: “Although I do believe that some of these protesters are disrespectful of other citizens in the audience who truly want to ask questions about health care, I shouldn’t have used the term ‘un-American.’ I support the right of every Arkansan to speak out and have their voices heard. I would just ask that we all continue to work in a constructive way to rebuild our economy and fine-tune out health care system so it works for all of us.”
Of course this didn’t stop her from the other Democrat talking points:
Lincoln said the disruptions are not spontaneous.
“There are Web sites that are out there that are telling people and soliciting people to go and disrupt these meetings and to stop this process and to eliminate the opportunity for our country to become stronger by making our health care delivery system more efficient,” she said.
One such solicitation, in a memo authored by Bob MacGuffie of the Web site Tea Party Patriots, urged opponents of health care reform to “spread out in the hall” wherever a lawmaker is holding a town hall meeting.
“Watch for an opportunity to yell out and challenge the Rep.’s statements early. If he blames Bush for something or offers other excuses — call him on it, yell back and have someone else follow-up with a shout-out,” MacGuffie wrote.
Wow….now that is some smoking gun.
Of course there is more to this story. Mary Katherine Ham:
Enter Think Progress, which unearthed this shocking, secret memo from the leader of a small grassroots conservative organization in Connecticut, which allegedly instructs members on “infiltrating town halls and harassing Democratic members of Congress.”
Right Principles PAC was formed by Bob MacGuffie and four friends in 2008, and has taken in a whopping $5,017 and disbursed $1,777, according to its FEC filing.
“We’re just trying to shake this state up and make a difference up here,” MacGuffie told me during a telephone interview. He’s surprised at his elevation to national rabble-rouser by the Left.
Right Principles has a Facebook group with 23 members and a Twitter account with five followers. MacGuffie describes himself as an “opponent of leftist thinking in America,” and told me he’s “never pulled a lever” for a Republican or Democrat on a federal level. Yet this Connecticut libertarian’s influence over a national, orchestrated Republican health-care push-back is strong, indeed, if you listen to liberal pundits and the Democratic National Committee, who have crafted a nefarious web out of refutable evidence.
Think Progress highlighted his memo’s directives to “‘Yell,’ ‘Stand Up And Shout Out,’ ‘Rattle Him’,” calling it a “right-wing harassment strategy against Dems.” The blog falsely connected MacGuffie to the national conservative group FreedomWorks through the most tenuous of threads.
The George Soros campaign of disinformation is alive and well. Hell, check out the HuffPo story in which they portray those protesting this travesty as jackbooted thugs AND blaming it on Glenn Beck.
Of course that’s not the whole story once again.
And I didn’t hear these cry’s a few years ago.
Hmmmmm, where’s HuffPo on this?

See author page
Funny how easy it is for elected Dems to drop the “unAmerican” label whenever they are criticized. You don’t see elected Republicans behaving that way.
And of course when it comes to mob scenes these people could teach us lessons.
What hypocrites! What phonies! What Ass@#$@^*#!!
I don’t recall her saying anything when Obama told his minions to ‘get in their face and argue’, though…..
both sides have been disrespectful… and there is no doubt that MANY times under the previous administration the patriotism card was played by politicians on the right. Americans are Americans regardless if I agree with them or not. On one here owns the flag, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution…. they are jointly held in trust for all.
Oh, on the caption… is there a video of that? It looks like Mrs Miracle is slapping Mr Osteen.
As to the whole disinformation stuff… what is new about that? Since when do lobbyists, politicians and special interests of any stripe not do what they do… that is grind and ax and spin.
Nothing new.
Can you give examples of what you refer to as “patriotism card” by “politicians on the right”?
The left is so used to their professional protester brigade — toting papiermache puppets, wearing face masks, destroying private property and in need of a shower — that they are incapable of recognizing REAL citizen protesters when they see them.
Kathy Castor’s union thugs beat up a guy (in the green shirt – evidence 3:21) and shut the doors to prevent the opposing opinions from being heard. She then proceeded to leave, not taking any questions.
Kathy Castor – Healthcare Town Hall Meeting in Tampa – 8/6
[Embed by Aye]
White House to Democrats: ‘Punch back twice as hard’
Read more:
Allrighty then… A Town Hall meeting with SEIU or AFL CIO Union organizers bussed in to intimidate the locals and put their hands on them. Try that crap in my neck of the woods and see “organizers” in need of medical care. “Punch Back Twice as Hard?” just try it one time. We know our neighbors here and a bus load of non-locals would be far less than welcome. Lay hands on a single one of my neighbors and the “organizers” will deeply regret it. Try closing the doors on residents here and see them taken off the hinges.
Rural Montana is NOT Chicago.
Thanks Aye!
Suspects Arrested After Racial Assault on Black Conservative at St. Louis Town Hall
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Kenneth Gladney, 38, a conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them.
He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was awaiting treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack.
SEIU T-Shirts on Arrested Thugs. Now lets drop the debate on disrespectful.
This time the Goon Squad Punks were arrested for Assault. Does the Hate Crime Legislation apply here? The DNC funded this mayhem with “organizers” to defeat the exercise of some folks Constitutional Rights. I reckon it will happen again too.
What the SEIU is doing is tandamount to the Union breaking thugs that were employed in the 20’s and 30’s to break up workers trying to organize. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now, so if they want to try and rough people up then better organization on our part to have enough people to protect our friends and families may be needed. I would think most of us with ex military and private defense training won’t have to worry about defending our selves. But if I was present when someone bum rushed a person handing out flyers, that person would have my help in an instant.
Look for the union label, throw, er drop it in the floor and step on it. Never, never will I buy another vehicle connected with union workers. Two Fords in the driveway will be traded for Toyota’s when trading time comes. Fact I should/may trade the old full size Bronco (worn/rusted out) and take advantage of the $4500. Maybe part of the money will come from the few, very few, democrats who work and pay taxes. Be nice to let them pay for part of a new foreign named truck.
Now the DNC is deploying AFL-CIO palookas while hypocritically dismissing Obamacare opponents as paid shills -even running disengenuous TV ads to slander them- meanwhile SanFranNan is halucinating and seeing imaginary Swastikas.
This should make clear to anyone just what these far-left elitists think of your opinion.
Note that whenever Obama, Emanuel, or Gibbs are asked about why polls show SO many people oppose their misguided Cap-n-Trade and Obamacare proposals, they ALWAYS segue-right-into “we need to educate the public…”.
LOL- save your breath… Constitutionally-aware patriots don’t take lectures from Marxists.
i worked in a steel plant for 30 years i had to join the afl-cio just to get a job there we seen that
the unions only cared about how mush they could steal from the workers there were 2500 workers
where i worked we tryed to get rid of the union 85 percent wanted them out but the law kept these
crooks in office. so dont tell me about obomas boys they are bought and paid for so if any of you goons
think your going beat up a 65 year old man well me and smith and wesson will have our say
Meet the Mob, nuf said.
Meet the Mob
Here’s another one, bless her heart:
Where’s the shame?
Sarah Palin (R) with her “real Americans” comment, (fortunately she too apologized like Sen Lincoln)
Rep Michele Bachmann (R) when she questioned (candidate) Obama’s patriotism and then launched into her invective recommending that the news media investigate whether other members of Congress are “pro-America” or “anti-America.”
Rep. Robin Hayes (R) “liberals hate real Americans that work and accomplish and achieve and believe in God.”
I would believe each of those individuals would be considered on the right…
Heavy, heavy stuff you found. Let’s see, how does candidate Obama, and later President Obama, of the United States of America play his “patriotism card?”
Bitter clingers
Cambridge police officers acted “stupidly”
They bring a knife, we bring a gun
get in their face
I won
Is the practice of dividing the citizens of the country you are responsible to govern as a whole…..patriotic?
Missy, I don’t see it as patriotic or not, it just is. Like I said both sides try that game all the time and it is bs.
Honestly, I think that mindless mantra chanter’s of any political persuasion should be absolutely kicked out of meetings. Keep that crap out on the streets as it is not helping, and it is only giving them reason to have disruptive people removed from the meeting. Don’t bring bibles, protest signs etc. in the meeting with you. If they think you are one of them, they are less likely to block you from entering. Use some damn common sense.
It is better to surprise them and focus on asking political Congress-critters tough questions. Get them off guard and hold their feet to the fire when they try to duck answering, or speak meaningless drivel. have follow-up questions to hit them to make them clarify. Have the facts with you, including contradictory commentary, voting records and past promises they have broken. Be prepared also to dispute the “talking points” with facts. If someone else asks your question, support them, and if the politician gives a non-answer, be ready to ask again in a way to bypass the BS.
If you do come with a group, disperse at least into twos, and try to have someone bring an inexpensive video camera.