Fearmongering is now abbreviated as DNC_ADS
The DNC recently put out an ad claiming that anyone who is upset or not placid about their newest multi-trillion dollar spending plan is apparently a Republican plant, a mindless zombie out to destroy President Obama, apple pie, etc. Those zombies might want to spend some quality time alone with your dog.
Please, if you’re tired of being called unpatriotic, if you’re tired of being called a racist because you don’t agree with the Democratic Party line, if you’re tired of uncontrolled spending in Washington DC, or if you just think this parody of the DNC political ad/propaganda piece is funny, then please share this video with others. If you don’t like it….too bad.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Please see Ed Driscoll on this subject.
And Nutty Nancy is saying: (Watch the video here:)
“Town Hall Protesters Are ‘Carrying Swastikas’…”
I would love to see PROOF. I totally believe she is fabricating that.
Apparently these dumb sOBs want a war not a solution.
If the DNC and the WH continue in this track they will start awar, which has been my greatest fear all along. From the first momebt I studied Obama, I have felt sure he and the DNC would lead this country into complete collapse and civil war, and this kind of crap from the DNC is jst the sort of thing to start it.
Here is a fine example here:
Maddow On “Fake” Protesters At Health Care Town Halls
I shot her an e-mail laying down the challenge for her to examine a liberal movement like this and to show who all the sponsors are and to show their political affiliations AND TO SHOW THOSE FINDINGS ON HER SHOW.
I am as close to a 100% sure that won’t happen as you can get without being 100% sure.
It’s ok to take money from George Soros to protest a war against a dictator, but having the audacity to ask questions about healthcare legislation, daring to read the actual bills, or (worst of all) speaking out against it….well, only racist Republican covert operatives would do such a thing.
Certainly the ” real ” masses are ready and willing to take any medicine (or kool-aid)Obama prescribes, because he’s so brilliant and audacious and all.
Only fake masses would question anything that comes from The One.
@Scott Malensek:
Here come the unions, SEIU and AFL_CIO have been called into action: