In the following post, I’m not seeking to argue the merits of any particular political position; in other words, I’m not seeking to defend Obama and/or the Democratic Party in general. I’m simply stating the following from a political analyst point of view.
As I’ve stated before, the GOP has bet the farm on the economy remaining in the tank. If the economy comes back strong, particularly before expected, Obama will be untouchable. You may argue that Obama gets none of the credit for the recovery, but, remember, it was not long ago that you were saying that Obama “owned” the economy, now. That’s what all the GOP talking heads were saying, and that’s what the people will think. Clinton was wildly popular, right up through the end of his Presidency, because the economy was good. Bush 41 and Bush 43 were dreadfully unpopular, at the end of their Presidencies, because the economy was not doing well, despite their argued military successes.
There is a funny thing about socialized medicine, also. The American people love it. They love Medicare and they love the Bush 43 Medicare prescription drug benefit, despite the Medicare Prescription Drug benefit being enormously controversial at the time — passing the House by only a single vote. The only thing which would harm Obama would be failure of a health care reform bill to pass. If a health care reform bill passes — any bill — Obama will get the credit, and any bill will be perceived by the American people as being better than what we now have. The GOP may argue that they get the credit for “moderating” what ever passes. That may be true, but Obama will get overall credit for getting something done, and he’ll get additional credit for having “listened” to the opposition.
It all comes down to the economy, though. The GOP bet the ranch that the economy will stay in the tank. Yeah, seniors love medicare so much that retired physicians like my father had to go out and buy expensive supplemental insurance to bridge the gap between what medicare does and what he as a physician deems necessary to preserve and protect his health.
Stop spinning Larry before you fall down.
Stick to what you know and leave political analysis to the people who do, or have (ahem) done it for a living.
Hard Right
15 years ago
Ummm larry, I you just happened to miss this poll which isn’t as favorable.
I alos noticed the Gallup poll was rather vague on who they polled and what the questions were (unless I missed a link). Rasmussen was fairly clear. Hmmm, wonder why Gallup wasn’t?
Poor larry, he’ll grab onto any life preserver of hope when it comes to dope and change.
The recession is starving the government of tax revenue, just as the president and Congress are piling a major expansion of health care and other programs on the nation’s plate and struggling to find money to pay the tab.
Tax receipts are on pace to drop 18 percent this year, the biggest single-year decline since the Great Depression, while the federal deficit balloons to a record $1.8 trillion.
Individual income tax receipts are down 22 percent from a year ago. Corporate income taxes are down 57 percent. Social Security tax receipts could drop for only the second time since 1940, and Medicare taxes are on pace to drop for only the third time ever.
The last time the government’s revenues were this bleak, the year was 1932 in the midst of the Depression.
“Our tax system is already inadequate to support the promises our government has made,” said Eugene Steuerle, a former Treasury Department official in the Reagan administration who is now vice president of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation.
Social Security is in danger of running out of money earlier than the government projected just a few month ago. Highway, mass transit and airport projects are at risk because fuel and industry taxes are declining.
You can post all you want regarding Obie’s poll numbers but by doing so you’re addressing the popularity of his personality rather than the popularity of his policies.
Unfortunately, the economy is still suffering and is only being made worse by Obie and the Dims.
Even people in LA are discovering what Obie is all about:
h/t – Tammy Bruce
Hard Right
15 years ago
Love the guerrilla tactics of the poster pasters.
The left is trying to fight the poster in the same tired and discredited way as always. They scream racism. (roll eyes)
15 years ago
As for the economy Larry, I’m not a member of the GOP but I will continue to “bet the farm” against it as long as Obama is calling the shots. Being that we now live in times when “words have different meanings to different people”, especially conservatives and liberals, I find it necessary to explain what exactly I mean by “betting against it .”
I hope you aren’t staying within the confines of “technical rhetoric”, i.e., 2 consecutive quarters of a decreased GDP. Speaking “technically”, how could we not have an increase in GDP after all of the money that was pumped in, consequently, I would agree that “technically”, by “printed” money, we will, if not already, be “out of the recession” soon.
However, if you or anyone else thinks that the go-go years of consumer spending are months away, think again. That isn’t likely to happen for at least, a decade, maybe longer, if at all, depending to some extent on who follows Obama into office!
At best, and with many thanks to our anti-business, i.e., Marxist president, we will have years of STAGFLATION. Consequently, unemployment will continue to climb, home prices will continue to fall, , and wages, unless one works on Wall Street, will also continue to decline or be stagnant.
I find it hard to believe, regardless of how “Yeah the recession is over, thanks to Obama” the MSM spins it, people with upside down mortgages and no jobs are going to fall for it a 2nd time. As for the stock market, it may or may not have bottomed. Another dip to the lows wouldn’t surprise me, but either way, it’s not going up up and away anytime soon. It would be highly unlikely that even by 2012, much of the money lost in retirement fund 401K’s will be anywhere near full recovery, if ever.
Meanwhile, the debt will continue to climb to outrageous levels. If Cap and Trade and/or Healthcare pass (at least as is), it’s REALLY over, as they are both not only more stealth theft, but full of deceit and hidden agendas.
I continue to make my point that Obama’s wasn’t “groomed into office to win the next election.” Most of the damage of his doings won’t even hit their nadir until the middle or end of his 2nd term, even if he could pull it off. It’s “Beat the Clock”, destroy America, at least as we know and love it. Only when we are on our knees will many “get it”, but by then it will be too late. We will not only be bankrupt, we will have lost the worst of all, our liberty.
I couldn’t disagree with you more that Americans LOVE socialized medicine. Where we are going is far from Medicare and drug plans. It will only take one loved family member to be “counseled to euthanasia” or one sick/disabled child to be deemed “non economical” , or one middle aged ‘over weight’ parent to be declined a knee replacement, for America to finally wake up to the eugenic horror many don’t see coming. And even if we are one of the “lucky ones” to get medical care, good luck getting a doc who isn’t an affirmative action loser who’s indebted and walks in lock step with Obama politics.
This could all be so simple, IF simple solutions were the goal. How is that I can’t use my credit card one state away from my home without the “security alert” going off and a phone call from Visa requiring me to prove I am who I say I am while at the same time, BILLIONS are lost to Medicare Theft and Scam yearly? Did it ever occur to anyone in the WH to simply go after Medicare Fraud (I suggest hiring the same people who monitor our credit cards) and use those monies to help the few who really want and can’t get insurance?
The other answer is in small businesses, the biggest creator of jobs in America, of which Obama has done NOTHING but stymy and discourage. In addition to making the country “small business friendly” from a financial standpoint, why not also create a small business healthcare plan, even if it means subsidizing a major carrier, where all self employed can be insured as a group, consequently lowering cost and allowing the pre existing conditions?
There is only one answer why “common sense” solutions aren’t considered: it’s not about “healthcare or ‘stimulating’ the economy.” It’s about power and control, all part of the bigger plan to take the country into Marxism/Communism and of course for Obama and friends to “even out the score.”
It pains me that you don’t see it coming Larry. By the time Obama is done and the scars are visible, Obama will have made Jimmy Carter look like Mother Theresa! In fact, Calcutta might be a fitting way to describe the pain that awaits. That’s quite a different scenario than you seem to envision.
15 years ago
Can someone please get me out of spam (#6). Thanks
Americans love the Bush RX plan? Not this Independent. The premiums I pay equal the reimbursement they pay…so the insurance company gets the money from me rather than my paying the pharmacy…and how does that benefit me?
I won’t be loving Medicare if my doctors can’t afford to keep me as a patient due to low reimbursement. How does it benefit me if I am denied surgery because Medicare protocols necessitate shots and pain meds as the alternative? That is already in place and being practiced. Just make the damned insurance companies do what they are contracted to do and disallow their dumping patients when they actually use their plans; stop this nonsense of not being able to shop for different plans because of pre-existing conditions. More reasonable premiums and better pay. There’s no reason my kids should pay $700 for lab tests out of pocket along with $1000/mo premiums when the crooked CEO’s are making $40million. I’m not for regulating salaries but can we just be reasonable? And, it’s not reasonable to interfere with our method of health care. Our physicians and hospitals are the world’s best.
Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET
15 years ago
This from a guy who has never done anything in his life. Not a bloody thing, especially when it comes to the well being of the Republic. And 60 some million of our own citizens voted for this commie.
The GOP should make Obambi eat that phrase for the rest of his term.
Joe Doakes
15 years ago
It amazes me that doctors support a government single-payer plan.
Hey, Doc. Do you remember sneering at the social science majors protesting outside the Quad while you were scurrying off to the lab to polish your 4.0? Remember thinking what morons they were, because they weren’t studying “hard science” like you?
Guess what, Doc: the people in charge of designing the system are Poli Sci majors. The people in charge of operating it will be Econ and Finance majors. The only say doctors will have is when they decide to quit practicing medicine.
The morons you despised in college are going to decide what specialty of medicine you can practice, in what geographical location, for what pay. They’re even going to decide whether you prescribe the red pill or the blue pill. They’re going to do all this because they’re convinced that they are so much smarter than you.
And you support them in this plan to destroy your career? Really?
You know what, Doc, they may be right. They ARE smarter than you.
In the following post, I’m not seeking to argue the merits of any particular political position; in other words, I’m not seeking to defend Obama and/or the Democratic Party in general. I’m simply stating the following from a political analyst point of view.
As I’ve stated before, the GOP has bet the farm on the economy remaining in the tank. If the economy comes back strong, particularly before expected, Obama will be untouchable. You may argue that Obama gets none of the credit for the recovery, but, remember, it was not long ago that you were saying that Obama “owned” the economy, now. That’s what all the GOP talking heads were saying, and that’s what the people will think. Clinton was wildly popular, right up through the end of his Presidency, because the economy was good. Bush 41 and Bush 43 were dreadfully unpopular, at the end of their Presidencies, because the economy was not doing well, despite their argued military successes.
There is a funny thing about socialized medicine, also. The American people love it. They love Medicare and they love the Bush 43 Medicare prescription drug benefit, despite the Medicare Prescription Drug benefit being enormously controversial at the time — passing the House by only a single vote. The only thing which would harm Obama would be failure of a health care reform bill to pass. If a health care reform bill passes — any bill — Obama will get the credit, and any bill will be perceived by the American people as being better than what we now have. The GOP may argue that they get the credit for “moderating” what ever passes. That may be true, but Obama will get overall credit for getting something done, and he’ll get additional credit for having “listened” to the opposition.
It all comes down to the economy, though. The GOP bet the ranch that the economy will stay in the tank.
It’s looking to be a risky bet.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA Yeah, seniors love medicare so much that retired physicians like my father had to go out and buy expensive supplemental insurance to bridge the gap between what medicare does and what he as a physician deems necessary to preserve and protect his health.
Stop spinning Larry before you fall down.
Stick to what you know and leave political analysis to the people who do, or have (ahem) done it for a living.
Ummm larry, I you just happened to miss this poll which isn’t as favorable.
I alos noticed the Gallup poll was rather vague on who they polled and what the questions were (unless I missed a link). Rasmussen was fairly clear. Hmmm, wonder why Gallup wasn’t?
Poor larry, he’ll grab onto any life preserver of hope when it comes to dope and change.
Really Larry?
A risky bet you say….
Let’s look:
61% of those polled say that America is on the wrong track. Only 34% say that America is on the right track.
Not a good sign:
49% of those polled say that America’s best days are behind her.
A good sign:
In the Congressional Generic Ballot, the Rep’s lead the Dem’s by three points (42 v. 39) which is a net gain of six points since Obama was Immaculated.
Could this be why seed sales were up 40%:
64% expect grocery prices to rise in the next year.
Wow, the American people trust themselves more than they trust Obama:
60% of those polled say that they trust themselves more than Obama on economic issues. That number is up from 49% in Feb.
More people blame Obama’s policies for the economic situation:
39% now blame Obama’s policies for the current economic situation. That number is up from 27% in May.
Fewer people expect to earn more money next year:
Only 35% expect to earn more next year than this year, down 14 points since April.
From the AP today:
Biggest Revenue Drop since 1932
Some highlights from the article:
Rail traffic, a reliable economic incidator remains down 17.9% compared with last year.
Truck freight levels continue to show decreases as well.
Sorry Larry.
You can post all you want regarding Obie’s poll numbers but by doing so you’re addressing the popularity of his personality rather than the popularity of his policies.
Unfortunately, the economy is still suffering and is only being made worse by Obie and the Dims.
Even people in LA are discovering what Obie is all about:
h/t – Tammy Bruce
Love the guerrilla tactics of the poster pasters.
The left is trying to fight the poster in the same tired and discredited way as always. They scream racism. (roll eyes)
As for the economy Larry, I’m not a member of the GOP but I will continue to “bet the farm” against it as long as Obama is calling the shots. Being that we now live in times when “words have different meanings to different people”, especially conservatives and liberals, I find it necessary to explain what exactly I mean by “betting against it .”
I hope you aren’t staying within the confines of “technical rhetoric”, i.e., 2 consecutive quarters of a decreased GDP. Speaking “technically”, how could we not have an increase in GDP after all of the money that was pumped in, consequently, I would agree that “technically”, by “printed” money, we will, if not already, be “out of the recession” soon.
However, if you or anyone else thinks that the go-go years of consumer spending are months away, think again. That isn’t likely to happen for at least, a decade, maybe longer, if at all, depending to some extent on who follows Obama into office!
At best, and with many thanks to our anti-business, i.e., Marxist president, we will have years of STAGFLATION. Consequently, unemployment will continue to climb, home prices will continue to fall, , and wages, unless one works on Wall Street, will also continue to decline or be stagnant.
I find it hard to believe, regardless of how “Yeah the recession is over, thanks to Obama” the MSM spins it, people with upside down mortgages and no jobs are going to fall for it a 2nd time. As for the stock market, it may or may not have bottomed. Another dip to the lows wouldn’t surprise me, but either way, it’s not going up up and away anytime soon. It would be highly unlikely that even by 2012, much of the money lost in retirement fund 401K’s will be anywhere near full recovery, if ever.
Meanwhile, the debt will continue to climb to outrageous levels. If Cap and Trade and/or Healthcare pass (at least as is), it’s REALLY over, as they are both not only more stealth theft, but full of deceit and hidden agendas.
I continue to make my point that Obama’s wasn’t “groomed into office to win the next election.” Most of the damage of his doings won’t even hit their nadir until the middle or end of his 2nd term, even if he could pull it off. It’s “Beat the Clock”, destroy America, at least as we know and love it. Only when we are on our knees will many “get it”, but by then it will be too late. We will not only be bankrupt, we will have lost the worst of all, our liberty.
I couldn’t disagree with you more that Americans LOVE socialized medicine. Where we are going is far from Medicare and drug plans. It will only take one loved family member to be “counseled to euthanasia” or one sick/disabled child to be deemed “non economical” , or one middle aged ‘over weight’ parent to be declined a knee replacement, for America to finally wake up to the eugenic horror many don’t see coming. And even if we are one of the “lucky ones” to get medical care, good luck getting a doc who isn’t an affirmative action loser who’s indebted and walks in lock step with Obama politics.
This could all be so simple, IF simple solutions were the goal. How is that I can’t use my credit card one state away from my home without the “security alert” going off and a phone call from Visa requiring me to prove I am who I say I am while at the same time, BILLIONS are lost to Medicare Theft and Scam yearly? Did it ever occur to anyone in the WH to simply go after Medicare Fraud (I suggest hiring the same people who monitor our credit cards) and use those monies to help the few who really want and can’t get insurance?
The other answer is in small businesses, the biggest creator of jobs in America, of which Obama has done NOTHING but stymy and discourage. In addition to making the country “small business friendly” from a financial standpoint, why not also create a small business healthcare plan, even if it means subsidizing a major carrier, where all self employed can be insured as a group, consequently lowering cost and allowing the pre existing conditions?
There is only one answer why “common sense” solutions aren’t considered: it’s not about “healthcare or ‘stimulating’ the economy.” It’s about power and control, all part of the bigger plan to take the country into Marxism/Communism and of course for Obama and friends to “even out the score.”
It pains me that you don’t see it coming Larry. By the time Obama is done and the scars are visible, Obama will have made Jimmy Carter look like Mother Theresa! In fact, Calcutta might be a fitting way to describe the pain that awaits. That’s quite a different scenario than you seem to envision.
Can someone please get me out of spam (#6). Thanks
Americans love the Bush RX plan? Not this Independent. The premiums I pay equal the reimbursement they pay…so the insurance company gets the money from me rather than my paying the pharmacy…and how does that benefit me?
I won’t be loving Medicare if my doctors can’t afford to keep me as a patient due to low reimbursement. How does it benefit me if I am denied surgery because Medicare protocols necessitate shots and pain meds as the alternative? That is already in place and being practiced. Just make the damned insurance companies do what they are contracted to do and disallow their dumping patients when they actually use their plans; stop this nonsense of not being able to shop for different plans because of pre-existing conditions. More reasonable premiums and better pay. There’s no reason my kids should pay $700 for lab tests out of pocket along with $1000/mo premiums when the crooked CEO’s are making $40million. I’m not for regulating salaries but can we just be reasonable? And, it’s not reasonable to interfere with our method of health care. Our physicians and hospitals are the world’s best.
This from a guy who has never done anything in his life. Not a bloody thing, especially when it comes to the well being of the Republic. And 60 some million of our own citizens voted for this commie.
“Just take a pain pill.”
The GOP should make Obambi eat that phrase for the rest of his term.
It amazes me that doctors support a government single-payer plan.
Hey, Doc. Do you remember sneering at the social science majors protesting outside the Quad while you were scurrying off to the lab to polish your 4.0? Remember thinking what morons they were, because they weren’t studying “hard science” like you?
Guess what, Doc: the people in charge of designing the system are Poli Sci majors. The people in charge of operating it will be Econ and Finance majors. The only say doctors will have is when they decide to quit practicing medicine.
The morons you despised in college are going to decide what specialty of medicine you can practice, in what geographical location, for what pay. They’re even going to decide whether you prescribe the red pill or the blue pill. They’re going to do all this because they’re convinced that they are so much smarter than you.
And you support them in this plan to destroy your career? Really?
You know what, Doc, they may be right. They ARE smarter than you.
I was sure hoping that Larry would stop by this thread to tell us again how great the economy is doing….
He had time to drop in on the Open Thread today.
I guess the questions here are just too hard.