Not So Sure About Obamacare

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Colin Hannah, founder of Let Freedom Ring, has been busy lately with his Pledge To Read – a pledge requesting politicians to first read a bill before voting on it. It seems quite academic – you typically read any binding contract before you sign it – but this is the Age of Obama where reading a bill that will alter 1/6th of our economy is discouraged. His group has posted two videos that provide a great perspective on the change in health care being proposed by the Democrats:

Please share these videos far and wide!

Are you so certain government is the answer to healthcare? Are you comfortable with increased taxation in exchange for lower standard of care? Just watched on YouTube a CBS Report from 2008 extolling the virtues of socialized medicine in France – ignoring the commentary and  focusing on the health care workers, I found the SAMU breaking numerous infection control practices when treating a patient on the scene. That is bad medicine. This is care we cannot afford!