After President Obama made fun of the Special Olympics and endured a significant backlash for it in the early days of his presidency one would think that the Democrats would be especially cautious not to use language that could be construed as offensive.
Well, if one thought that, one would be wrong.
In the House version of the health care reform bill, the NY Post found a glaring jab in the eye to those of us who have physically or mentally challenged people in our lives.
The exact wording is as follows:
“A hospital or a nursing facility or intermediate-care facility for the mentally retarded . . .”
Page 389, line 24 through Page 390, Line 1
It’s really a shame that the people who wrote this bill didn’t listen to Obama when he told us all that “Words Matter”:
It’s really a shame that the people who are on the Congressional payroll have not read this bill.
If they had, then they probably would have been the ones to find this, and quietly correct it, prior to the media discovering it.
In a week that has already shown us the importance of not speaking or acting “stupidly” the Democrats continue to demonstrate that they are still on the front side of the learning curve.
And then there’s good ol’, “lovable” Joe:
He says this after saying:
It’s “foot-in-the-mouth” diplomacy, at its finest.
Peter Feaver:
“Normally” (having a beautiful 9 yr old daughter with Down Syndrome) the term “mentally retarded” doesn’t bother me.
However, what bothers me about [them] using it is the fact they are being mentioned with the ‘group’ of US citizens this government and this bill seek to brow-beat (every 5 yrs I believe) about just SingTFU and dealing with the “end of life” … as in “die already and get off the public coffers …”
The mentally retarded were some of the first Hitler had exterminated.
The mentally retarded is the #1 reason for pro-abortion.
Having a mentally retarded son brought to full term after being given the prenatal testing news is what makes [them] hate Sarah Palin so much …
It’s a real shame when people have a hearing problem and cannot hear , But it is worst that a large majority of the people just don’t listen. In this country, today you better start listening! We are in big trouble.
We are a nation being lead by seriously underdeveloped intellects with juvenile level maturity.
In your rush to judgment, you obviously overlooked that these are the “normal” facilities for Congressional Democrats.
ThomNJ:”We are a nation being lead by seriously underdeveloped intellects with juvenile level maturity.”
One has to look no further than Gibbs to realize this. It would not surprise me if tomorrow he said “I know you are but what are we?”
I mourn for this country and can only count the days until this empty suit of a man is out of office.
The term “intermediate-care facility for the mentally retarded” or ICF/MR is a facility defined by the Social Security Act and federal regulation. Check out HHS’s website devoted to the topic:
it is a statutory definition in 1905 (d)
(d) The term “intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded” means an institution (or distinct part thereof) for the mentally retarded or persons with related conditions if—
(1) the primary purpose of such institution (or distinct part thereof) is to provide health or rehabilitative services for mentally retarded individuals and the institution meets such standards as may be prescribed by the Secretary;
(2) the mentally retarded individual with respect to whom a request for payment is made under a plan approved under this title is receiving active treatment under such a program; and
(3) in the case of a public institution, the State or political subdivision responsible for the operation of such institution has agreed that the non-Federal expenditures in any calendar quarter prior to January 1, 1975, with respect to services furnished to patients in such institution (or distinct part thereof) in the State will not, because of payments made under this title, be reduced below the average amount expended for such services in such institution in the four quarters immediately preceding the quarter in which the State in which such institution is located elected to make such services available under its plan approved under this title.
I’ve read that this bill was created in part by Rahm Emanuel’s brother, something he’s been working on for many years. Probably lifted that part from something he wrote WAY back when that term was in use. From what I’ve read, Dr. Emanuel doesn’t have much use for seniors or people with disabilities. VERY SCARY!!