A left wing version of Protest Warrior:

I suggest the term “dirt-baggers.” They can’t hear the term “tea party” without tittering like Beavis and Butthead over their inside knowledge of gay sexual practices that can be found on the very same page of their urban dictionaries. Oooh, that’s clever. Retards.
The Iranian fellow holding the dirt-bag sign doesn’t care that every one of the thousand plus Tea Partiers in attendance was on the side of the democracy protestors in Iran while his hero Obama just wants Ahmadinijad and Khamenei to lock down their gulag state as quietly as possible.
More of the leftist version of clever:

Conservatives say they dig this Jesus guy see, but since conservatives are anti-communist, they are actually anti-poor, because us commies are pro-poor.
Yes, communism is so pro-poor it makes everyone poor. We are getting to learn that one for ourselves.
REAL Protest Warriors are not just genuinely clever, they are right
Here is how it is supposed to be done:

The first Protest Warrior sign: not foul minded, no meretricious cant, just some obvious truth-telling that unmasks the pious frauds of the left.
The only redeeming quality of the San Jose dirt-baggers was the pretend false flag. Other dirt-baggers had called for genuine false-flag operations, so some of us knew to be on watch for leftists spouting genuinely hateful messages that the press could use to tar the real Tea Partiers.
Our dirtbaggers were not of this slanderous ilk. Their trick was just to put stinkbombs up the noses of unsuspecting readers. Any passerby expecting to read one of the usual insightful Tea Party signs was treated instead to a revolting whiff of dirt and dishonesty, apprising them immediately that these were Obamatons.
The closest I heard them come to actual false-flag activity was shouting: “Commit genocide! Kill all the Palestinians!” It would take a Jennifer Loven paraphrase to tar the Tea Partiers with that one. I can see it now: “Some demonstrators called for the extermination of Arabs and Muslims.”
What’s your sign?
The left-right difference in counter-protest signs follows the left-right difference in protest signs. The liberty-loving wit of the Tea Party signs is a revealing contrast to the foul minded garbage one sees at left-wing protests.
Choose your side. This freedom loving family:

Vs. these world-class dirtbags (from the San Francisco Global Day of Action protest, March 2004, via Zombie):

A couple of my Tea Party signs:


Modeled on Patriot Depot’s “Wrong Way” bumper stickers, but using the actual template for a wrong way sign.
Rolling your own
Click here for a PDF version of my Wrong Way sign that you can print out any size. If you set “page scaling” in the print window to “tile all pages” and “tile scale” to 200%, you should get a print-out on six letter-size sheets that fits a standard 22”x28” poster-board. Just trim the overlaps and apply glue-stick.
For added rigidity, make two and staple one poster to each side of a stick, then staple the edges of the two sides together, working your way in towards the stick. This will tension the sign so that it can stand up to a mild wind without bending.
Only the “preppie” lefties know what tea-bagging is. They learn it from their elietist prep schools and colleges. I didn’t have a clue what tea-bagging refered to until the lefty news media made such a big deal about it months ago. I believe it was Anderson Cooper that brought it up. Makes sense because he’s the son of Gloria Vanderbilt and has suspected homosexual ties.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. One of these day, all the uninformed who are so busy with the prepared texts of the left will wake up to find that they are old people and that they are being screwed by the same fools that they slobbered over. Not one of them have an original thought – just a bunch of squawking parrots (and they are even cute)!
Pity the left. They control the media, the elected branches of the federal government and the majority of state governorships. Yet all they can do is bitch and moan about how the tea parties are meanies for protesting against their elegant man-crush Obama.
I know the liberals are in a position to cripple this country, but I still have some compassion for a group of people so overwhelmingly miserable that they lash out in the most obvious insecure and petty ways. They may have all the legislative power, but they are absolutely pathetic.
@ Slatrat, Anderson Cooper has more than just ties with the Homosexual community, he is part of it since he is one. Hence why he giggled like a school girl when he made the comment.
I attended the July 4th Tea Party here in KY and other than the weather we had a great turn out an very good speakers who didn’t trash people in particular but ideas and institutions that were working against the common man. We had one lefty open his mouth and yell at us from across the street from the crimal court house from all places and he was promptly told what we thought of him. And no he was not a lawyer or court officer, more like a soon to be resident of the grey bar hotel.
It’s called LIQUID FENCE
Stop by your local garden center, get a spray bottle, and you will thank me to no ends
I was at the San Jose Tea Party, and can assure you that what you see there in the picture is all the anti-freedom groupies gathered together on one corner…There was no more than 5 or so, but in all honesty, some may have been behind the mall smoking a joint.
There were so little of them, that even when they tried to get loud, the traffic signal telling the blind when to walk drown them out. (They got flipped off dozens of times)
Now that Tegal Corp (A semiconductor-equipment company) is on it’s way to selling itself to the French subsidiary because of California’s draconian environmental laws, and the overall economy, (and the fact that I no longer have a job there), I will be using my time to help this cause.
I have been on the edge of losing my mind in all of this, but the good wifey has assured me that because we have saved enough to last us and the kids for a couple of decades, that I should not feel bad about not working, and to re-direct my angst, knowledge, and anger toward defeating this fascist bastard and his ilk. She said to forget looking toward yet another company to help out of it’s technical doldrums. She WANTS me to to stay home and fight, instead of working and paying taxes…
God, how I love this woman, and after all these years, I should have known that she knows me better than I know myself.
I have a Mission.
Scott Malensek, I know San Jose, Santa Clara and Sunnyvale from Staff Duty in the early 80’s.
Evacuate the techs, ignore the rest and let the State be quarantined for about 30 years.
I was at the San Jose Tea party and these two assholes were yelling deport all brown people at anyone that stopped in front of them, trying to alienate the mexican- americans driving by or in the crowd.
Yeah – that’s very low and stupid.
As for the tea-bagging reference – it’s fair game as it’s political humour designed to make fun and belittle the political viewpoints of those they oppose. Kinda like when people say O’Dumbo etc. What sauce of the goose is sauce for the gander. Better to either laugh or ignore.
Almost all foods are of plant or animal origin. However water and salt (both inorganic substances) are important parts of the human diet. Salt is often eaten as a flavoring or preservative.
GAFFAUK:that was quick and effective,caught him right in the act, bye 🙄
PATTVAN;you have a smart wife,listen to her advices; best to both of you’s 🙄