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That was pretty damned awesome. Made me smile. Thanks Aye.

In these crappy times, it’s nice to start the day with a smile. Thanks for posting this, even though I suddenly feel kinda old. 😉

(Been married for 21 years next month)

Aye,where do you find these things.I havent stopped smiling yet! keep up the good work,you da bomb!!!

Now that’s a wedding celebration… Wow these people rehearsed! Great start to my day! Thanks!

What wonderful memories they’ve created for themselves, their friends and loved ones, and all of us who’ve had the privilege of watching this video!

good stuff – thanks

Dude, that was awesome.

That people still get married is awsome.

That is beyond awesome someplace.

Yep…. first time I’ve started the day in a long time with a smile on my face when powering up the ‘puter.

Thanks for the very endearing insight to “the American people” we’re supposed to be pitted against, Aye. Suspect all of us here in Obama’s “remade America” probably have more in common than the politicians and media want us to believe.

That was wonderful. What is the story behind it?

that was out f’in standing!

I laughed so hard that I cried. Thanks for making my day.

Jill & Kevin – Wishing you Health and Happiness to the end of your days …


LOVE it!

Do you know them? They are so great.
Many happy years!

That was the first wedding I ever cried at… 🙂 Tears of joy, that is. Thanks for making my day.

Now that’s an entrance …. Loved the groom’s flip down the aisle. 🙂

I’ll be the lone voice here – I thought it was inappropriate for a church setting. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the entertainment value.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the ye lands. I love it.

wanted to see this, my computer at home has a heck of a time with videos. it made me smile. weddings are such stuffy affairs and it was great to see people enjoy the walk down the aisle. i think tha they did this their way makes it all the more special.

Reminds me a a tv show I inadvertly surfed to and stayed with facinated at the total tackiness of it all. My Big Fat Redneck Wedding. However, I would say this video surpasses even that show. It would be funny if it had been in another setting but in a church…no. The thought crossed my mind that these people looked like the worshipers if Baal with the undulations of the attendants at the altar. And what, did they recruit ALL their friends who wanted to be on You Tube? People can do what they want (and they will) but I don’t have to like it and can say so. The problem with today’s youth is they have been so indulged that their rule is “anything goes”.