Obama Delays Promised Gitmo Report AGAIN

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President Obama on Monday extended by six months a task force charged with determining how terrorism suspects should be interrogated, held in custody or handed over to other countries, putting in jeopardy his promise to close the military detention facility at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by January.

The move came on the same day the president pushed back the release of a congressionally mandated report on the nation’s economic conditions, and the White House began to extend a self-imposed deadline for overhauling the nation’s health care system.

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Jeepers, presidenting is hard!

Say, anyone for frozen custard? How ’bout some cheezburgers?

Is it just me or does this look exactly like a corporation that doesn’t want to tell thier employees that they don’t get a raise. The White House now looks like a badly run company with a CEO who has no clue what the company he runs even does let alone how to tell others about it.

From the BBC. I found this very interesting.. now where is the media on this one?

There is also the question of those who cannot be prosecuted under existing legal structures, yet who are deemed too dangerous for release.

The administration is open to the possibility of indefinitely holding these detainees, but says it needs a new legal system to authorise this.

Transparency? We don’t need no stinkin transparency.

Buffalobob, it remains very transparent to me. The Current Regime does not have a clue, can’t balance a checkbook or tell the truth on anything when the truth would have served them far better than deception and half truths.

Team Obama ignores the Law and can’t con anyone into taking the remaining Club GITMO “vacationers” and are too stupid or lazy adjudicate their cases with any sense of reason.
You can’t hold them indefinitely and GITMO is not Devils Island. Obama is just too impulsive and overly ambitious to think anything out or admit when he stepped on his crank. He is a Plotter a Pretender, not a Planner.