With Obama’s Numbers Slipping He Hides Latest Economic Report That Shows How Wrong He Was

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We’ve seen Obama’s numbers slipping for some time now, no surprise of most of us.

And now those numbers are slipping hard when it comes to his latest Socialist push:

Heading into a critical period in the debate over health-care reform, public approval of President Obama’s stewardship on the issue has dropped below the 50 percent threshold for the first time, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Obama’s approval ratings on other front-burner issues, such as the economy and the federal budget deficit, have also slipped over the summer, as rising concern about spending and continuing worries about the economy combine to challenge his administration. Barely more than half approve of the way he is handling unemployment, which now tops 10 percent in 15 states and the District.

The president’s overall approval rating remains higher than his marks on particular domestic issues, with 59 percent giving him positive reviews and 37 percent disapproving. But this is the first time in his presidency that Obama has fallen under 60 percent in Post-ABC polling, and the rating is six percentage points lower than it was a month ago. …

Since April, approval of Obama’s handling of health care has dropped from 57 percent to 49 percent, with disapproval rising from 29 percent to 44 percent. Obama still maintains a large advantage over congressional Republicans in terms of public trust on the issue, even as the GOP has closed the gap.

The erosion in Obama’s overall rating on health care is particularly notable among political independents: While positive in their assessments of his handling of health-care reform at the 100-day mark of his presidency (53 percent approved and 30 percent disapproved), independents now are divided at 44 percent positive and 49 percent negative.

And this is with a sample that includes 22% Republicans, 33% Democrats, and 41% independents. Just a bit skewed…/sarc

Kind of explains why he will hold another press conference on Wednesday eh? He is desperately trying to shore up support….even if that means delaying the latest bad economic news:

The White House is being forced to acknowledge the wide gap between its once-upbeat predictions about the economy and today’s bleak landscape.

The administration’s annual midsummer budget update is sure to show higher deficits and unemployment and slower growth than projected in President Barack Obama’s budget in February and update in May, and that could complicate his efforts to get his signature health care and global-warming proposals through Congress.

The release of the update — usually scheduled for mid-July — has been put off until the middle of next month, giving rise to speculation the White House is delaying the bad news at least until Congress leaves town on its August 7 summer recess.

The administration is pressing for votes before then on its $1 trillion health care initiative, which lawmakers are arguing over how to finance.

Funny…..you would think our MSM would be shrieking about this. How dare our elected President purposely delay a report on ANOTHER miscalculation on the economy (they calculated growth occurring by Q2). This is the kind of news our lawmakers need to see to make an informed decision on the upcoming Socialist bills, but Obama hides them.

With the poll numbers slipping he understands he has to hide any news that he was wrong, to push a wrong agenda.

And our MSM and Obama faithful won’t say a thing.

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Kind of explains why he will hold another press conference on Wednesday eh? He is desperately trying to shore up support….even if that means delaying the latest bad economic news

I know this game is almost farce comedy by now, but imagine the screaming coming out of the Washington press corps and the far left-but I repeat myself-if the evil Bush/Cheney administration had done something like this.

It is amazing just how much the MSM lets their annointed candidate get away with.

State run media. Hugo must be proud.

Please consider the following brief analysis of the dismal results of Obama’s constitutionally unauthorized stimulus package so far. The reason that Obama’s stimulus package isn’t working is largely because most of it hasn’t been spent yet. In other words, despite Obama’s rush to sign the stimulus package into law, Obama is sitting on it. But why? Here’s a relevant link.


People are speculating that Obama is allowing people sink further in their financial woes so that he can do the following. Obama is said to be planning to release stimulus funds in time to make Democrats look good in the 2010 elections so that people will vote for those pirates again.

Hey everyone, it’s Mike Volpe. That’s my link you referred to. Obviously, no one can get into another’s head, but I doubt that this is done for some nefarious reason. The real reason is that it’s very difficult to spend all this money quickly by the government. One of the fatal flaws of such a policy is that getting it out the door is very difficult.

That said, if Obama thinks that holding onto the money until 2010 for electoral purposes is wise, he will be in for a big suprise. In the meantime, unemployment will cross 11% maybe even more. We aren’t going to see single digit unemployment next year if he tries to do this.

In my opinion, this isn’t nefarious just flawed. The real fraud was the claim that we needed to pass it ASAP. We could have spent an extra couple months to pass something that could have been spent more quickly.

Today was supposed to be the day that Obama and his cabinet cut one hundred million DOLLARS (each or collectively, I was never sure of that promise). Anyone hear anything about such budget cuts? I doubt it. Obama is going to bury them just like he buried the inconvenient truth about the economy until the Congressional recess.

Continuing to hide the truth is the trade mark of this administration. Between the White House and the Congress, midnight deals and all other sneaky things are the word of the day. Daylight scares these clowns. These people scare the hell out of me.

Where is Fit Fit the Nit Wit on this–surely he has a good explanantion for Obama hiding the truth!

I don’t usually bother with the bullshit claims that are this transparent. Check out other administrations release dates for this “mid July” report for yourself…

I am simply baffled as to how any person with a brain can support socialized medicine. We have the evidence all around us as to how poorly it works in other countries. We have the postal system, the IRS, etc. in the US as examples of how well the government does things. Does anybody think anymore?? This is completely insane!

For those that are overwhelmed with compassion for those without health insurance, surely there is a way to accomplish that without destroying what we have. For the sake of a small percentage of the country, they want to wreck the entire system and impoverish all of us. We are living in an insane asylum!

“…his latest Socialist push…”

I think you misspelled that…

Did you mean “putsch”?

Another problem with the spending of the stimulus money…

As I understand it, there was language in the stimulus bill that restricted money to contractors with union workers. Only about 6% of workers in the US are union members. If you limit stimulus funds to 6% of the workers, that’s got to put a crimp in speed with which the money can be disbursed.

I know this is probably a bit nit-picky, yet it’s hard to pass up. Perhaps it’s a Freudian slip? 😉


If Palin had said anything remotely similar we would see the elitist outrage at her non Ivy League education–further justification of her inferior intellect. Levi johnston would be on the morning shows talking about how she used double negatives or something. What a load of horsecrap this administration is shoving down our throats.

my husband is a union member, not by choice, his work is a “closed shop”. the company has bent over backwards to try and screw their workers this new contract. they have again lost ground, they had orders stacking up and the boss’ shut them down for days saying that there was no work. they also shoved obama at all of the workers.

@SoCal Chris:

Obama had the three astronauts in front of the press today, stuttered through the whole thing, kept going on and on, I thought he’d never get through it. No teleprompter.

If Obama received an “Ivy League” education from Columbia, and he’s so intelligent and all, then where are the transcripts to prove it? My guess is that we have another “D” student masquerading as a “genius.” You know, like John Kerry did until the transcripts showed him to be the dunce that he truly is. The liberals are forever inflating their IQs to fit their egos.

@Fit fit:

Interesting observation. I would like to compare them. Do you by any chance have a few links handy to get me started? I think it might be a worthwhile exercise. Thanks in advance.

It is amazing just how much the MSM lets their annointed candidate get away with.

Doesn’t surprise me one bit to be honest. Media got him elected, and media has to keep him golden.

So whats this now about ethical behavior and all? You know fair and un-bias press… *insert joke drum-line* (da da tss)


LOL! I saw that earlier, too, and thought that although all the astronauts were all being polite, it looked like they were about to fall asleep standing up while BO was talking/stuttering/floundering, rambling, etc. Buzz Aldrin looked like he was quickly loosing patience and wanted to say towards the end, “okay, ENOUGH already, Barry!! Let’s call it a wrap!!” Was a bit embarrassing, honestly.


Is the word American in this POSOTUS’s vocabulary? What a tool. The CNN quotes say Commends “True American Heroes”, sorry I didn’t hear that…Is it 2012 yet?

OK he said it (I had to replay and listen close as he glossed over it). I stand by my comment…Is it so hard to say American for this Kenyan impostor?


“We’ll wait till the stimulus kicks in and we have something positive to report.” — O’Bunko

. . . any day now . . .

And, speaking of getting old, has anyone here noticed how fast Obama is aging?

We all know that the job takes a lot out of a person, some more than others. But, in the case of O’Blanko, at this rate I don’t think he’s gonna make it to 2012, let alone be able to run again.


We couldn’t wait…..for the monstrous bills to be read, or for them to be posted online as promised, everything was hurry up, rush them through, now he’s discovered patience because he’s got something to hide?

@SoCal Chris:

I was thinking Buzz Aldrin wanted to bonk him.

@ yonason
So far, every article I’ve read said Bush was a few weeks late for the 2001 budget review.

“Because of the unique circumstances of a transition year, we — like President George W. Bush in 2001 – are releasing the Mid-Session Review a few weeks later than as is usual in non-transition years,” said Kenneth Baer, the communications director for the Office of Management and Budget.

What I liked most about this quote was: like President George W. Bush…Really? I thought Obama was running on the “we’re tired of the last eight years” platform. Guess that’s only when it suits his needs.


Yeah, they aren’t like those mean old Republicans, but they’ll hide behind them when it suits, as you say. Thanks.

[And, speaking of getting old, has anyone here noticed how fast Obama is aging?]

I noticed that, too.(nice pic). Hmm, it’s also possible that he used to color his hair and his make-up person suggested he let it go gray so as to look like he’s not so young and clueless, but distinguished and tired, as though he’s actually working hard as DA GREAT OBAMI, aka POTUS.

Oy vay.