Rank-and-file House Democrats resist health care reform plan

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Rank-and-file Democrats don’t like it — and aren’t afraid to say so. The speaker has already backpedaled on a key tax increase — putting her in a weaker negotiating position. And one outspoken Democratic critic doesn’t think his leaders are “even close” to the votes they need to pass it.

But perhaps the biggest blow came from Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf, who told a Senate committee Thursday that legislation offered in both chambers “significantly expands the federal responsibility for health care costs.” In other words, it doesn’t fix the problem of runaway cost.

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Maybe… just maybe, they’d have a better chance at this turkey if they all swore that they’d be the first ones to sign up for it… from BO down to the lowliest gubmint employee!

Nah… like that’ll ever happen.

I’ve been thinking about the House plan making new private health care insurance policies illegal and have begun to think that it is unconstitutional.

Frankly, it’s time that all opponents of Obamacare to embrace “Roe v Wade“.

Don’t think of it as having anything but a cursory attachment to abortion, but rather think of it as a proven endorsement of health care privacy from the intrusion of the government into your health care decisions.

Looking at the GBO director’s comments:

…and why they are not frozen in time.