This is just unbelievable. And Harry Alford? My hats off to you, sir. This is an exchange not to be missed… made especially delicious by a respectful man, lashing out at a woman with the chutzpah to be offended at being addressed as “maam” instead of “Senator” by Brigadier General Michael Walsh, with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, not long ago.
Brief WSJ story here, but the biggest H/T goes to Mark Levin’s broadcast of the audio on his show today.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Harry Alford is right.
She can call me Sir and drop and give me 50!
I earned that!
They really don’t get it don’t they?
They’ve been (both sides of the isle) in their lofty PC towers for so long I really don’t think they know what an “average” person is or the problems they face.
Boxer is just plain stupid, as is MOST of the Democrapic contingent in Washington. I’m just so disheartened to see what this great country is becoming. I’ll never quit, but I must admit I’m really bothered.
Great find Mata! I heard about this and knew it had to be posted. Can you believe that Boxer woman? What a bitch!
I’m glad Alford stood up to her. He should run for Senate.
My hat is of to Harry Alford. He brought down the pompous ass boxer. She still doesn’t get it. Her staff of morons hand her things to read and prompt her response and she chatters like a monkey on a chain.
This isn’t the first time Boxer has made a fool of herself, remember her remark to Condi Rice? She didn’t think she should be making decisions about the Iraq War because she didn’t have children to sacrifice.
She’s Biden’s evil twin. Biden is stupid, Boxer is stupid and cruel. I wonder how the ulcer rate, blood pressure and hair loss(from ripping it out) of their staff members compares to the rest of the employed citizens of this country. They do all the preparation, write up everything for them just to simply read from, but can’t control their mouths when they go off script.
Here’s a 21 minute interview of Harry Alford that Breitbart did.
It’s audio only and worth every minute.
h/t – RedState
Nice post Aye. Thanks for that
“I want to build support.” — Boxer
Facts be damned, she has lots of opinions.
Nope. No “agenda” to see here.