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We were typing at the same time, it seems!

Fortunately, most people on this blog do understand said concept, and that makes it worthwhile for us in the token loyal opposition to participate.

Agreed. I should modify my above statement that the personal attacks are becoming standard practice here by certain people.


OK, the “Grub” comment wasn’t called for. Ya got me there.

But it is so frustrating when someone spews nonsense about things he obviously doesn’t have the facts about. That isn’t “honest” Larry.

Just because you “think” about something doesn’t mean your opinion is of equal weight to others who have made the effort to get all the facts, and actually understand them. That’s the reason engineers, who HAVE to be right, are more conservative than other “disciplines” (I use the word loosely).

It’s not about “opinion” Larry, it’s about facts, reality, hard data AND their CORRECT interpretation. Until you realize that, you will still be on the learning curve. In fact, as of yet I can’t even see that you are even on the curve.

It isn’t that you are “lying,” it’s that you are consistantly wrong, and don’t seem to give a damn about being right, or even understand what “being right” means.

Whatever happened to that missle attack on Hawaii?


No selective memory here.

That ruse won’t work for you either.

Your contentions have been taken apart and stacked aside with factual references repeatedly.

You made claims and they were proven false.

Now, you continue to spin.


You are indeed a late arrival to this thread. You are also relatively new to this site.

There are multiple documented occasions where Larry’s arguments have been taken apart with factual information yet he continues, in the face of those facts, to tell us that the truth is something else.

That’s called myth purveyance at best, lying or dishonesty at worst.

If that offends your sensibilities then that is a problem that lies with you not us, and your attempts to lecture us on what you deem to be appropriate behavior are misplaced.

Finally, every time you threaten to leave the playground you belittle yourself.

Just sayin’.

@Fit fit:

I don’t know, but here’s one on Israel by Obama’s Placentinian hordes.
You know, the Arabs who have “suffered” as much as Jews in the Holacaust.
Obama is a sick, twisted and evil man who couldn’t give a damn about facts, but is more concerned about widely held opinions.

And that’s a perfect example of why I don’t take folks like Larry W. seriously, people who think that just having an “opinion” justifies being taken seriously. It does NOT! Any damned fool can have an opinion, and, unfortunately, every one of them does.

For some reason this site won’t allow comments through my mobile device, don’t know why. It’s beautiful in NYC today, folks – hope you all can enjoy the weather if it’s as nice where you are!

@Aye Chihuahua:

But, Aye, Larry has an “opinion” and you have to respect that. He said so. //SARC=OFF//


Well, unfortunately, it’s summer here in southern Georgia. If you’ve ever been here, you’ll understand what I mean by that.

Right now, it’s 79 and cloudy with a very high level of humidity, probably near 100%. Very muggy, sticky, and miserable. Just being outside induces sweat.

Today’s high is supposed to be 94 with a heat index of 103.

I’ve got about 400 more square feet of hardwood floor to put down on my front porch. This afternoon will be no fun.

My son, the dog, and I are probably going for a swim before dark (if there is no thunderstorm).

@Aye Chihuahua:

Have a safe and fun swim.

And, before you go, if you could get my comment out of spam, that would be nice.

@Aye Chihuahua:

I’m sorry if it came of as a “lecture” – I’m just commenting as someone reading the discussion with great interest, then coming across ugly personal rhetoric which deflates my own interest when my phone buzzes me with another comment. When the discussion is good – such notification is actually exciting to receive.

Finally, every time you threaten to leave the playground you belittle yourself.

I’ll take that as honest constructive criticism. It has indeed occurred to me that I can bow out of a conversation without announcing it. for whatever reason I choose. Not sure I understand why you think I’m belittling myself for it, but it’s no matter. Once I make my point, I should let it stand – sometimes I think it becomes a battle of who gets the last word – in which case I should be happy to “lose”. And as I type, I understand why THAT would be self belittling!

Anyway, I’m getting away from the computer the day – not because of anything said here, but because I need to get away from the computer!

Have a great day.

@Aye Chihuahua:

Yeah, my acting work has taken me to all but two states in the mainland, so yeah I know what you mean, though I’ve not actually been in GA this time of year, I’ve been nearby. It gets really nasty here in August with the humidity – much of my work is outdoors, too – but July is just how I like it. Have a fun swim… I expect some fire hydrants to open up on my block!

This is the problem with libs
They believe they are the end all and be all they have no understanding of a higher power they think they are the cause and effect.
And in some cases they are.
When the libs can stop an earthquake or a flood or a volcano in progress then we can talk.
I am for picking up your trash OH by the way are astronauts not garbage dumpers just ask any backyard teloscoper of all the space junk.
I don’t believe humans are causing any thing to do with weather humans still can’t even make it rain can we change salt water into fresh water yes.
500 years ago setters understood they needed to build cisterns to have drinking water and water for plants [food] yet today for some reason in Africa they can’t get their head around this?
Well their holy book tells them that they can not farm this maybe their problem.Yet this is what is taught in the old and new testament of the Bible.
So when I pull out a grub of my garden and kill it does this make me a killer or a good Gardner.
The problem with the liberal point of view they can’t tell the difference because as I once heard when Carter was President [sure that video is floating around out there in space] woman said to the press she didn’t care if the Farmers went on strike she got her food from the store?
So if you ask some of the Europeans if they felt the same way last summer when the shelves were empty because of the trucker strike Yet the lib’s keep pushing to drive all out of business again why would I want to work for free why work at all has al gore given up plane car travel no but he has gone from 170 thousand a year to being worth over 100 million in les than 10 years or terry mcaluif who invest 100 thousand in that cable company and in 10 mos had 18 million and how many people lost everything when the union pulled their money out?
What about the GM deal where State pensions lost to the fo bho ie the unions.
How many will freeze to death because bho has shut down the oil leases in Utah and offshore but opened things to his friends in Col.
More people freeze to death than from heat exposure and those people in Minn and other Northern states would like maybe 2 degrease I sure when it is 50 below.
Or that some one with the power to take you money for stupid stuff and says he is worried about GW but sends his plane to fly over NYC for a photo op so he says, but some people Know this was when People were fighting back about those GM bonds and not just going to be walked over in the end they were.
I believe that global warming is just the raping of the people a way to steal their money.
Plane stupid: Mayor Bloomberg outraged over military photo-op involving low-flying presidential jet
[Or this same guy takes 3 planes to go on a date with his wife/ No need to take the press? But telling the American People to put air in their tires and turn down their thermostat? Who’s wife tells people to not get a job but volunteer yet sits on boards making over 300 thousand a year because of who her husband is? No bho doesn’t care about even the USA]
July 11th, 2009 10:27 am
The War Against the Producers

Low energy lightbulbs mailed to British families that cannot use them
Hundreds of millions of old-fashioned low energy lightbulbs have been mailed to British families that often cannot use them, official documents show.
Geoffrey Lean
Published: 8:05PM BST 10 Jul 2009

The Department of Energy and Climate Change admits that it is “concerned” at the mailings – described yesterday by campaigners as a waste – and has agreed to ban them.
But it has decided not so do so for another six months to allow even more of the bulbs to be sent out – even though every home in the country has already, on average, received at least eight of them.
Light manufacturers retailers are worried that potential customers will be discouraged from buying their products.
The bulbs have been distributed by gas and electricity companies as a cheap way of meeting a Government obligation to help their customers save energy, under an official scheme called the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target.

[Now this are the same bulbs that if you break one you have to call a has mat team because of the mercury in them what happens when they end up in the land fills?

I am then reminded if a town that had no running water in comes the peace corps and digs these poor people a well nice but no follow up and the town well with lead pipes 30 years later and most of the towns people have lead poisoning and the children well you know what happens to children who get lead as baby’s?

Then I think about what is going on in the USA someone says salt is bad for you then Women cut salt out of their diet and the body needs a very important thing that is in salt called Iodine well the same result comes to children as lead poisoning why do you think there is so much ADD? Of course in the old testament it does tell you to salt all your food. Again this is something the libs have a problem with is that some who came before might have been smarter then they are?
One of the reasons that Israel was such a rich nation this is why Rome and others fought over her. Which is 1 of only 2 places in the world where the salt has natural Iodine.

Like all things some will tell you the road to Hell is paved with good intentions!]

OOPs how did that get in there
July 11, 2009
Chernobyl offers a holiday in hell
Chernobyl’s tragic secrets are open to anyone. Just watch out for the wild boar and wolves


These guys have an opinion, too….

(Talk about a ‘waste of time’.)

On randomly searching blogs by just clicking on the “next blog” link at the top of the page, I sometimes come across good stuff, like this guy [uh, gal] asking (I paraphrase) – “If the Dems’ Stinkulus is ‘working as planned’, then what the hell was the original plan?”

“The President said on Saturday during his weekly radio address that the stimulus plan has worked according to plan. ( Read it on MarketWatch here. )

This leaves me, and I hope a few other million Americans, asking “So what WAS your plan exactly, Mr. President?”

Because it looks to me like things are looking pretty bad… Michigan’s unemployment rate is expected to hit 20% in the next few weeks. I wouldn’t wish that on any state in our great Union, even Michigan.


@yonason @aye

Do either of you have the slightest idea how much of a challenge it is to try and debate, intelligently and respectfully, on a blog where probably 98% of the readership vehemently opposes one’s points of views? Why don’t both of you take a month and try to tell the readership of the Daily Kos how all of them are liars, simply because they don’t agree with you?

This thread is a great example of the challenge faced by people like me. I’m not a “professional” blogger. I’ve got a busy life, as in the case of most people. I read the news and I read a few blogs and I like to make the odd comment — in this case, on an open thread, about an interesting survey about the political affiliation of American scientists.

I haven’t made a single false statement. I do offer an opinion — that “liberal bias” in academia is a result of self selection. This leads to a productive little discussion with Dr. D, who argues, respectfully, that there is bias in academia beyond self selection. He supports his point of view by stating that most of the engineers he knows are conservatives. I respond, but wait, I think I remember a study which shows that academic engineers are disproportionately Democrats. Eventually, I find the citation to an excellent, scholarly study which backs up my own position — namely, the best academic engineering departments in the country have faculty who are disproportionately Democrats, and these departments didn’t get to be the best by hiring and promoting based on poltical affiliations.

At some point, yonason jumps in and calls me a grub. I object, and then yonason calls me a liar. Aye jumps in and affirms yonason’s opinion that I’m a liar.

I object that I’m not a liar. Aye says, no, he’s proven in the past that I’m a liar. I strongly disagree with this assertion, referring to a thread where I called Aye out on this; he then, at the time, listed alleged “lies,” which, I am confident, I repudiated effectively. Now, Aye says, “no you didn’t” (repudiate his alleged examples of my “lies”). And now I’m supposed to utterly disrupt my work day or my evening ahead with my wife to go digging it all up and rehashing it again and again?

The next thing which must be noted is that, being incredibly outnumbered, I can’t possibly take the time to answer each and every criticism ultimately thrown down at me. What I can do is simply to make a point and perhaps take just a little time to answer one to several rejoinders. I can’t possibly take everything to the bitter end. You more committed conservative bloggers, particularly with your vastly superior numbers, will always outlast me. That’s OK, it’s a conservative blog and a conservative should get the last word.

I just don’t like being called (#1) a liar or (#2) a grub.

Neither does anything, I think, to advance the conservative agenda.

And I continue to feel that people who hide behind the cloak of an anonymous avatar do have a responsibility to be wary about smearing the reputations of those who openly exercise their First Amendment rights, under their own names, which is the only way in which the First Amendment has any important meaning.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA


First, you are very much entitled to have whatever “opinion” you wish to have.

You are not, however, entitled to your very own closely tailored version of the truth.

You are not entitled to cherry pick or tweak facts that you feel support your position while selectively ignoring those that refute your position.

When you choose to repeatedly state something as fact, even after the opposite has been proven to be true, you choose to place yourself into the camp of dishonesty and you can rightfully be expected to be called out on it.

When you choose to ignore the fact that your arguments have been refuted, and then go on to continue to make those same arguments, you can expect to be called out on it.

Your state of discomfort with being called out is a self inflicted condition.

Second, I am quite sure that you are busy, as we all are. Each and every one of us have a limited number of hours in our day. How we choose to spend our self-directed time is largely up to us.

You’re no different in that regard than the rest of us.

If you don’t have time to post here, then don’t. We’ll find some way to carry on.

However, if you do choose to post here, don’t then turn around and gripe, moan, and complain about what a great inconvenience or disruption to you it is to post here.

Finally, I have already detailed for you at least once why I choose to use a pseudonym for my Internet postings. I have no intention of detailing that information for you again.

The screen names that are used here by me or anyone else are irrelevant. The name matters not one iota to the value of the argument.

In America, the tradition of writing under an assumed name goes all way back to at least the time of the Founding Fathers. If the practice was good enough for those men, it’s certainly good enough for me.

When you choose to repeatedly state something as fact, even after the opposite has been proven to be true, you choose to place yourself into the camp of dishonesty and you can rightfully be expected to be called out on it.

That is absolute poppycock.

In America, the tradition of writing under an assumed name goes all way back to at least the time of the Founding Fathers. If the practice was good enough for those men, it’s certainly good enough for me.

Personally smearing people who are guests on a blog which you co-host, while hiding behind an assumed name, is cowardly bad manners.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

“…try to tell the readership of the Daily Kos how all of them are liars, simply because they don’t agree with you?”Larry W.

NO! There you go again!

It is NOT because they “simply don’t agree.” It is because they are wrong, and DELIBERATELY so.

They are liars! PERIOD! They want to destroy America by turning it into a Socialist disaster. They spew falsehood after falsehood, and deserve no respect.

They are propagandists, and this comment of yours proves you don’t have a clue what the difference is between truth and opinion.

I repeat, opinions are NOT facts, and if one’s opinion contradicts facts, than it is wrong. It is OK to be wrong, BUT ….when shown the facts that disprove one’s opinion, an honest person doesn’t demand “respect” for that opinion, and it would be a lie to give it to him.

If you don’t like that, too bad.

“I just don’t like being called (#1) a liar or (#2) a grub.Larry W.

Hey, I already appologized for the grub comment. It was a bit harsher than I should have been, ….maybe, but I’ll give you that. Just stop wriggling about, or I might be tempted to rethink that sentiment.

As to the term “liar,” well, it is a strong term (which you essentially called me first, btw), but what would YOU call someone who keeps spewing falsehoods when he’s been clearly shown to be wrong?

OH, yes, fake names are just right out…. isn’t that correct, Messrs. “Theodore Dalrymple” and “Mark Twain?”


Personally smearing people who are guests on a blog which you co-host, while hiding behind an assumed name, is cowardly bad manners.

Again, you’re entitled to whatever opinion you wish to have related to screen names. I’m sure that King George felt much the same as you when he considered the Founders and their writings.

Can you show me how the use of a pseudonym changes the validity of the information being presented?

No? I didn’t think so.

It’s an irrelevant ruse.


…what would YOU call someone who keeps spewing falsehoods when he’s been clearly shown to be wrong?

I’d call that person an Obama voter.

just don’t like being called (#1) a liar or (#2) a grub.
Neither does anything, I think, to advance the conservative agenda.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Well at least they didn’t call you a sluty air stewardess
On national tv

Larry think you need to grow a set

Hate whinny men


Anyone who saves a human life deserves respect, and for that work you have mine. You should have nothing but success, for your sake but even more so for you patients’. But, Larry, please stick to curing cancer. If you’re good at that, then you have my deepest respect, …for that.

Your political ideas, however, are bubkes.


It’s an irrelevant ruse.

No, it’s not irrelevant. There is nothing wrong with offering political opinions from the comfort and safety of a pseudonym. I think it’s a dreadful waste of one’s First Amendment rights, but to each his own. However, it’s cowardly bad manners for a blog host, hiding behind such a pseudonym, to offer personal smears to a blog guest who is a real person, with a real family, and a real reputation.


…what would YOU call someone who keeps spewing falsehoods when he’s been clearly shown to be wrong?

I won’t take this libel from you, either. A lie is a statement known by the purveyor of the lie to be untruthful, in a willful attempt to deceive. A lie is not a statement believed to be true. It is also not a lie when someone makes a statement, believed to be true, only to have the statement challenged, and then for one to repeat the statement, because one does not accept the nature of the challenge. It is also not a lie when someone makes a statement, is challenged effectively, but happens not to have read the challenge, because one cannot follow each and every thread through to the bitter end.

Here was your complete statement:

As to the term “liar,” well, it is a strong term (which you essentially called me first, btw), but what would YOU call someone who keeps spewing falsehoods when he’s been clearly shown to be wrong?

Now, I NEVER called you a liar. I never intended to do so. I don’t believe that you, or Aye, or anyone else on this blog which whom I’ve exchanged facts and opinions is a liar, either.

Here’s the original transcript of what I wrote, concerning this:


Yonason said:
“OK, so Matta isn’t the only one who, upon seeing a grub, has the urge to step on it.”

To which I replied:

“Life is way too short to waste time talking to people who don’t understand the concept of the honest difference of opinion.”

Now, I was simply stating that it is tedious and tiresome to try and have a civil discussion with people who cannot accept the premise that otherwise honorable people can have fundamental disagreements which are simply honest differences of opinion and not reflections relating to character. I did NOT intend to accuse you of any dishonesty whatsoever and I sincerely apologize if you took it this way.

With regard to the Daily Kos suggestion, I was simply making that point that it’s far easier to be an internet bully when one is supported by a band of brothers than when one is all alone, in an environment which is hostile to one’s own opinions and positions.

It doesn’t have to be the Daily Kos (which I’ve not read more than once or twice, by the way); it could be any left of center blog — pick some liberal equivalent of Flopping Aces. Now go there for a month and try to take and defend your positions there, as I try to do here. For a little more excitement, try to call the bloggers and commentators there “liars.”

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Hate whinny men

Well, you may be in trouble. Like Jerry Jeff Walker, I like my women just a tad on the trashy side 🙂



I’m still looking for the part where the screen name attached to the post changes the factual validity and value of the information presented.

Conspicuously, that part is still missing.

I’ve weighed your opinion against the proven, first hand knowledge that I have regarding the value and necessity of Internet anonymity and I find that your position comes up lacking.

As for “wasting” my free speech rights, I find that amusing because in “real life” I am quite vocal. I am a regular contributor to several newspapers. I am a regular commentator on matters of politics in my city, county, and state. I speak before civic organizations on matters of politics and American history and heritage (specifically the Founders) quite often.

I simply choose not to use the Internet to paint a target on my family and those around me for a worldwide audience of marksmen.

As you’ve said before, I’ll leave it to the readers here to determine my credibility.

With regard to the Daily Kos suggestion, I was simply making that point that it’s far easier to be an internet bully when one is supported by a band of brothers than when one is all alone, in an environment which is hostile to one’s own opinions and positions.

Now go there for a month and try to take and defend your positions there, as I try to do here. For a little more excitement, try to call the bloggers and commentators there “liars.”

Been there. Done that. Still do.

In most cases, the people on those boards are not at all interested in having an honest conversation or debate.

On multiple occasions, I have been banned simply for expressing an opposing opinion and that’s cool if that’s the game they want to play. Their playground, their game, their rules.

FA is radically different in that respect. We tolerate, and yes, even encourage, dissent here. Unless they prove to be simply overwhelmingly disruptive we rarely toss anyone out.

Your continued presence here, as well as that of Fit fit, cRAP (Sky55110), Richard, Wes Morgan, et. al. is a testament to Curt’s position as well as the collective position of the authors and contributors on this site.

Hey this isn’t my fight, but I’m gonna add my two cents anyway.

You guys are nuts to run Larry off of this board (although I suspect he can well take the heat). Do you have any idea how dull some of these discussions would be without a good (and very respectful), liberal such as Larry?

Quite honestly, when Larry and Mata (who is also just as respectful), go at it, it’s truly debate at its finest. IMHO, great debaters require three things: erudition, respectfulness, and the courage to go for the jugular (respectfully of course). I don’t want to sound sappy, but honestly, one of the last big debates between Larry and Mata, was simply “melodic”.

If I were one of the big network or cable guys, I would do whatever it took to get Larry and Mata to be my political pundits. I am certain they would out rate any of the gasbags currently on cable or the major networks.

I like all of you guys, but I like you a lot better when you lay off the ad hominem attacks and just debate the issues. I also agree with Larry (as I have also posted in the past), personal attacks do nothing to add to the conservative movement.

My advice: know and appreciate a good liberal when you have one- and be kind! And for the record, Larry is not a liar, just a liberal (they don’t think like us, remember)!

UPDATE: Aye, to put Larry in the same catagory as above mention is not only unfair, but most disappointing.


UPDATE: Aye, to put Larry in the same catagory as above mention is not only unfair, but most disappointing.

I’m not sure which category you are referring to.

If you’re referring to my analysis regarding Larry’s honesty and integrity during some of the discussions here, I will have to disagree with you.

Larry has, by and large, always been a respectful and worthy debate opponent. When he engages in deception, however, I feel compelled to call him out on it.

Whether it be his false representations regarding Adam Smith or his ridiculous assertion that Obama has put forth no position or policy which can be categorized as socialism or Marxism, appropriate scorn is more than warranted.

During our prior discussions I presented a wide variety of fact and evidence support my positions, as well as to disprove his, and he chose to simply ignore everything I said.

If you’d like links to what I am speaking of I can provide them for you.

Jerry Jeff Walker (born March 16, 1942) is a country music singer.
Walker was born Ronald Clyde Crosby
After high school, Crosby joined the National Guard, but his thirst for adventure led him to go AWOL and roam the country busking for a living in New Orleans and throughout Texas, Florida, and New York. He played mostly ukulele until Harriet Ottenheimer, one of the founders of The Quorum, got him settled on a guitar in 1963. He adopted his stage name “Jerry Jeff Walker” in 1966. He spent his early folk music days in Greenwich Village in the mid 1960s.

AWOL no not my type
And too old.

Did you just call me a little trashy?

Well another democrat takes a walk on the wild side?

Former Pa. senator gets 55 months for corruption
July 14, 2009


PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A federal judge has sentenced former Pennsylvania Sen. Vince Fumo to 55 months in prison for corruption convictions


U.S. District Judge Ronald Buckwalter departed down from the guideline range of about 10 to 20 years, citing Fumo’s public service.


A jury this year found the long-powerful Philadelphia Democrat misused millions in state and nonprofit assets.


Auto Czar Leaves Washington Amidst Pay-to-Play Probe Involving Former Firm

The peculiar timing of Steven Rattner’s departure as White House car czar has raised questions about the course of an investigation that has scrutinized his possible dealings with the New York state pension fund.

Yep as they steal our money and the judges feel sorry for these a-h don’t use guidelines what a bunch of crap


To Aye:

Thanks but I don’t need any links. May I suggest that you consider the fact(s) that you are dealing with someone who is not only a product of the 60’s, but academia? For this group, at least politically, ideology trumps facts.

But to be fair, we are all guilty, at the very least of “being firm in our beliefs.” As much as we are convinced that “our beliefs” are grounded in truth, so do the liberals.

The nice thing about Larry is not only his intelligence, but unlike most liberals, he’s not all emotional and insulting. He actually, intelligently, makes a case. That’s why it’s so much fun to watch Mata knock over all his blocks!

Now Aye, have you ever honestly believed that you were going to change the mind of any liberal on this board? If you don’t mind my saying so, I think you and Mike especially feel like losers when you don’t. If that’s your goal, who am I to try and change it?

The way I see good debate is more for the benefit of others. There’s always someone, usually the lurkers who don’t post, who are open to change. For them, facts DO matter, which is why YOU matter, and why this board matters, regardless if you convert Larry or not.

All said, few people will “stay tuned” when things get personal. How often do you shut off a TV when they all start shouting over each other? It’s the same with blogging.

As Missy pointed out in another thread, many of us feel very lucky, self included, having a board with this level of intellect. The two things that attracted me to FA was firstly the intellect, and secondly, the lack of mudslinging so common on other boards. Now of course, I wouldn’t miss a Larry/Mata debate for anything. That’s not to say that I don’t appreciate the debates of other authors here; only that like a fine symphony, I prefer to hear only the music.

Lastly, while I would label Larry a “unique liberal”, who isn’t all reactionary and full of ‘Janeane Garofalo’ lies. IMO, Larry’s the George Bernard Shaw of blogosphere political debate, with Mata being ‘the Chesterton’. In fact, perhaps a little ‘Shaw/Chesterton’ can put the appreciation I suggest into a better perspective, realizing that even though I don’t put Larry in the “liar and reactionary” camp, he still represents the liberal POV to all reactionary liberals who are watching and reading.

Shaw was a reactionary, intent on rejecting traditional truths and trying to shock his audiences and upend their expectations. He started a dangerous trend, dangerous, that is, to itself. It has gotten harder and harder to shock an audience. It has gotten increasingly difficult to mock a truth that no one remembers. […]

There may be a few Shaw fans left out there. They may even still like his plays. But they don’t like to think about the dark and troubling aspects to Shaw’s ideas: his utter grimness, his mockery of marriage and other good things, and worst of all, his embrace of Nietzsche. Chesterton says – prophetically – that Nietzsche succeeded in putting into Shaw’s head a new superstition “which bids fair to be the chief superstitions of the dark ages which are possibly in front of us…the superstition of what is called the Superman.” The dark ages came indeed, when less than three decades later Hitler enflamed an entire nation with this same superstition. Shaw didn’t see it coming. Chesterton did.

Bottom line, as good intentioned as I know Larry to be, it doesn’t discount the fact that his left leaning ideas are dangerous. To his credit, he’s admitted that much of what we currently debate will be objectively obvious soon enough. Our job, as conservatives, is to just keep the truth flowing. What better way is there to do that than to intelligently debate the left, especially a rare, intelligent, respectful, well meaning liberal?

As for truth, unlike left ideology, it’s timeless!

can someone get me out of spam? Thanks


First, I appreciate the time you took to compose such a well reasoned, thoughtful response.

My goal when I post and respond to comments here is not “winning” but, the presentation of fact and the vigorous, unapologetic defense of the truth.

When anyone comes here and presents mythical information, regardless of how cleverly or clumsily presented, it is incumbent upon all of us to confront those myths and point out why they are wrong.

I don’t necessarily present the Conservative viewpoint in an effort to convince those with whom I am debating. Many, if not most of them, are so deeply entranced and have their blinders so firmly strapped on that they will never be convinced.

It is, as you noted, the lurkers, the casual passers by that benefit the most. In my mind, those people may be dabbling in the issues trying to get a feel for what is correct. They may be trying to get a feel for where they stand on things, trying to get their legs under them, etc.

It is rare that I simply label someone, and it is never done without much consideration.

However, when someone presents a viewpoint, has that view soundly and undeniably refuted by fact and then goes on to continue to peddle that as the truth, it’s time to call it what it is.

I am not hesitant to correct the record regardless of who posted the information in question. I, as the other authors here, have corrected/confronted information coming from all ranges of the political spectrum.

A vigorous defense of the truth demands it.

I sorry to say that I have no musical talent; I’m more of a saw, hammer, chisel, and nails kind of guy.

Beautiful woodworking requires all of those things.

So do pianos. 🙂

Again, thank you for your response.

Thanks Aye. Certainly nothing wrong with men with toolbelts! I’m kind of fond of them myself.

I said all that I really want to say on this, as I only came to the fight with one bullet. I’m with you all the way on a uncompromising defense of the truth. My biggest point was that you have so much to offer, why waste the time in trying to change what you can’t?

The passion is necessary, the personal part, not so much. I say let’s move on with the good fight, never forgetting that hard core liberals are never changed by logic and facts. It’s only our job to keep truth alive, even if it means repeating it over and over and over….



…pick some liberal equivalent of Flopping Aces. Now go there for a month and try to take and defend your positions there, as I try to do here…

No, Larry. I don’t need a kindergarten exercise in how to empathize with someone who’s Leftist sentiments I don’t share, and never will. I don’t play the “how would you feel if you were a victim” game. I don’t do “victim.”

Also, I don’t go to blogs to “debate,” but to get and sometimes provide factual information. I write posts as an excercise to help me incorporate that information into my world view, which is (hopefully) constantly evolving. The Left has nothing to offer. Why would I take time away from getting useful information, simply in order to associate with people who hate me and have nothing to offer but fantasy based failure?

Be that as it may, if you want to waste your time trying to pursuade us of things we already know (not just believe) to be false, that’s your business. But don’t go inviting me to waste my time on an exercise in futility. I don’t trust the judgement of people who confuse ‘wasting time’ with ‘productive activity’. And don’t be surprised if some of us haven’t the patience for your condescending, pedantic and nearly always long-winded pablum.

You know, it’s kind of sadly ironic (not to mention extremely puzzling) how someone who treats cancer in individuals is not only unable to diagnose a cancer of the body politic, but seeks to enable and advance it.

PDill, he repeatedly and strongly claimed obama would govern from the center and that his pickes were moderates. Now that he has been proven to be tremendously wrong, he wants to pretend he never made such claims.
Now he wants to play victim because people challenge the fantasy based statements he makes and call him out when he’s dishonest. I have zero sympathy for him. I could care less if he goes elsewhere to whine.

BTW larry…

Is obama governing from the center? Were his picks moderate?

@Hard Right:

What I especially love is Larry’s use of the “Woe is me, I don’t have time” and the “Everybody’s ganging up on me” excuses.

He’s got time to be here posting on new threads on new topics and stirring up new batches of stink but, oddly enough, doesn’t seem to have the time to post on the threads where he previously stirred up batches of stink. Sometimes he’s even on new threads stirring up fresh batches of stink when he’s previously stirred the same thing elsewhere.

I find that particularly amusing.

PS… I’d love to hear him explain how the new Science Czar is “moderate” or even remotely mainstream. After all, this guy is an advocate of forced abortions, adoption against the will of the natural mother, and a proponent of sterilants being added to drinking water.

For that matter, I’d love to hear him explain how the appointment of nearly 20 unaccountable, unanswerable czars is not an end run around the Constitution and the checks/balances established therein.

You nailed it Aye.
While I had gradually grown to only dislike his opinions, that is no longer the case. He is just a typical liberal.

The only decent liberal leaner we have on this site IMHO is Cary. While I don’t agree with about half of what she says, I can at least respect her.

Whoa!!! Hey don’t think for a minute I’m defending Larry’s position (s). Once in a blue moon, while we might have a slight partial agreement on an issue, for the most part, I hold his and most liberal positions to be extremely dangerous.

Hard Right, I too a few weeks ago reminded Larry that he was wrong about the “center government.” I assumed it was a “given.” Does he need to make a formal FA mea copa? Just asking.

Aye that czar thing (which totally freaks me out), is even worse. Last count was up to THIRTY TWO! Do you know that these “czars” make an average of $170,000 with scores of staffers, costing us millions for what equates to nothing more than “Obama bullies?”

What I do think would be helpful from Larry would be to give his expert opinion of the healthcare bill (an updated option). I wonder Larry if you realize that all of the FOCA stuff that got put on hold, as expected, as all things Obama go in through the back door, is now in the “healthcare reform.”

Is everyone aware that this bill includes everything from mandated funded abortion, the OVERRIDING OF STATE RIGHTS IN SOME CASES, copious new abortion centers, to “street lights” (the sage thinking is, (are you ready?), lighted streets will facilitate more evening walking, consequently, a more “fit” America. And to go behind that door, there is also funding for “Farmers Market” in the plan.

We are in SOOOOO much trouble if healthcare and Cap and Trade Pass.
So yes, I do think Larry it would be nice if you would address the “stealth” abortion and pork issues in the health bill.

For the record, I predicted last summer, before Obama was even elected, that if elected, we would go immediately into socialism with the GOAL to bankrupt America. It’s all out of the Alinsky playbook, along with “create so much going on (i.e, huge bills that no one even reads), that IN THE CONFUSION, it all gets passed before we know what hit us.

I personally think we should take to the streets NOW. After healthcare passes, it’s too late.

Forms are at the bottom of this link re: the stealth abortion proposals


Damn. Spam monster got me. I’m off to sacrifice a can of SPAM to see if that placates the thing.

@ Larry
Larry, like Aye, I’ve posted a couple of times on leftie blogs. HuffPo and Talking Points. I was removed from the thread at HuffPo and Talking Points. Seems the left would rather not have anyone contradict their opinions.

I’d like to point one more thing out about academia and liberals. It is my opinion and I openly admit it is my opinion, that most people that work and produce are actually conservative. Academics would rather sit around and tell those of us that do produce why we’re destroying the world and how we could do things better. We see this being brought to light by the Obama admin right now. Just look at how things are going at GM. It’s easy to sit back and tell a company all the evils they are responsible for. Now that Obama has to run the place, his theories aren’t working out very well for him.
Just a thought.


“…lighted streets will facilitate more evening walking,…”

…street ligts powered by….. all that smoke and mirrors in Washington? We aren’t building new generators, and the ones we have won’t be allowed to run on real fuel, and we won’t have enough energy to cool (or heat) our homes, but we’ll have plenty of energy to burn in order to light up the night when most normal working people are sleeping so they can…. oh, right, they won’t be working under O’Blunder, so they won’t need to worry about staying up late. My bad.

Oh, and one more thing. Larry accused me of calling him a “liar.” I didn’t. I merely implied that he wasn’t being sufficiently “honest.”

And, no, that is not sophistry.

Consider a Dr. who misdiagnoses or mistreats a patient. How does that Dr. explain himself to that patient, or, G-d forbid, to his next of kin? “I made an ‘honest’ mistake.” Of course the Dr didn’t “lie” to the patient when he mislead him, he was just exhibiting gross negligence. …which is why I can’t understand why someone who’s supposedly a very careing and careful physician can’t be bothered to be careful when it comes to his political “opinions,” which affect every one of his fellow citizens.

When the negative consequences of the political opinions Larry espouses cause suffering, or worse, (they already are, and it’s going to get a lot worse) will he invoke the GaffaUK defense and say, “I was just ‘debating’, and besides, it was an ‘honest’ mistake.”?

From the Gaffer I don’t expect any better, but from a physician who’s been trained to think responsibly, I do.

So, what I meant was not that Larry is a liar, but that his “honesty” leaves a LOT to be desired.

I can see Larry in Med School…

Exam Question – How does one treat a gunshot to the thigh?

Larry’s Answer – “Rub his neck with Aloe Vera, and prescribe aspirin.”

Hey, his “opinion” is as good as anyone elses, ….right?

I hope his malpractice insurance is paid up, and that he has LOTS of it.

You know, maybe someone should write to the Doc in the link “Larry” gives and ask him if he’s really the one posting to FA, or if someone has stolen his identity, because there’s a logical disconnect here, and that could explain it.

NOTE – over at Alan Caruba’s excellent website, commentor Rich Kozlovich makes my case for me…


This kind of reminds me of a WWII movie…I think it was Big Red One with Lee Marvin, where they come across an insane asylum and a small battle ensues. People are being killed all over the place and one of the crazies picks up a machine gun and starts killing everyone in sight. Before they take him out he utters, “I am one of you, I am sane.”

When crazies get power people die, whether it is guns or regulations.

In fact….environmental regulations have killed, and are killing more people than any nut with a gun.

This isn’t any different.

July 15, 2009 4:07 PM

His comment was addressing the significance of one of O’Blanko’s “moderate” lunatics, Dr. John Holdren.


From your link, I can hardly wait! sarc!

It adds up, according to USA Today, to “an extra $55,000 a household to cover rising federal commitments made just in the past year…” I don’t know about you, but I don’t have $55,000 to spare. The economy has pretty much wrecked any plans I made to earn enough to cover my present expenses.

According to the Investor’s Business Daily, “American families over the last year already lost 8% of their net worth—in part as a result of inept government meddling, past and present.”

The result will be “Near-record deficits increasing at record rates (that) will push the public debt of the U.S. beyond the economy’s plausible capacity to pay—70% of GDP (Gross Domestic Profit) by 2012, heading quickly to 82% of GDP in 2019 and on pace to be astronomically higher soon thereafter.”

Someone made a comment on FOX & Friends this morning. They quoted a Congress critter critiquing the dems in charge, went something like this…… “this all reminds me of a 14 year old boys bedroom, a mess.”


LOL! “…14 year old boys bedroom…” Yeah, and playing with matches, and fireworks, too.

R Girish Kumar were neonatal nurse practitioner schooling
requirements also present. Emphysema: Loss of lung neonatal nurse practitioner schooling requirements tissue.
Adolph Edward G neonatal nurse practitioner schooling requirements Plaza and Prosperidad Mayor Alvin Magdamit expressed their gratefulness
to CHR for its participation in the Plan. This is God giving us a sign.

WHERE did everybody go?
this is a very good POST, and I know you all,
are you still in 2009 JULY,
that was the time I start to read the POSTS and wish I could write ENGLISH as you all,
but this is the time I fell in love with these POSTS, at FLOPPING ACES,
and I wonder where you are today in end of MAY 2013 why did you go?
WHEN I think you are on 4 years ago, HOW TIME FLY, and more scandals for OBAMA here,
the IRS gone rogue against the CONSERVATIVES, THE TEA PARTY questioning
like the HITLER times are back, the JOURNALIST being search like CRIMINALS,
and the AMBASSADOR IN LIBYA killed in BENGHASI in a bloody attack also killed the SEALS who came to help with another friend expert on some research, they fought for hours ,thinking the OBAMA WOULD SEND MILITARY HELP, but he did not and left them alone in a battle uneven by the number of fighters
came to kill, those TERRORISTS who are all over trying to gain the power
more hate here than ever,
I hope you all show up to be counted, by me,
as you see, my ENGLISH has improved since 2009, and I can hit the KEYBOARD to communicate,
best to you all.