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Well … Notice WHO he mentions:
Teachers (union)
Policeman (union(all?))
Firefighters (union(all?))

Forget the “non-union plebes/peasants.”

And “The One” will try to say that the reason any of the above got laid off will be because (drum roll…) the local districts failed to do THEIR job.

Remember his mottos:
1: Never accept blame when you can place it on someone else.

Another one under bus
Another one under bus
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one under bus
Hey, Im gonna get you too
Another one under bus

I think the Republicans need to hammer on the Stimulus. Especially exactly where did the money go? Was there waste or fraud? This is what Obama has effectively done to Big Business and no one likes it. Guess what, it can happen in State and local governments.

Also, I guess he doesn’t read California newspapers, teachers, police and fireman are all on the cutting block, thanks to his economy. Sorry Union folks. Keep paying those dues.

It’s a video worth repeating from my earlier post.

Make sure you don’t miss this one too: