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The number who disapprove of the job President Obama are doing has risen 8 points, to 33% from the March 4, 2009 survey while those who approve have dropped by 2% to 57%

This HAS to be bogus! Or, no one is paying any attention to what he is doing.

Guess BO is going to have to get on AF1 and do some campaigning…sure hope TOTUS is up to it!

In all the polls, Obama’s approval is, at minimum, in high 50s and disapproval is 20 points lower. Considering all the economic bad news, those remain very good numbers.

Obama got it right. If the economy improves, he’ll be re-elected. If the economy doesn’t improve, he won’t be re-elected.

To be sitting at + 20 points on approval/disapproval, when unemployment has risen to levels not predicted and when members of his own economic team concede that things are going worse than projected is a very strong situation in which to be. If the economy does come back, he’ll be untouchable.

So, who wants to bet against the economy, over the next two years?

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

@openid.aol.com/runnswim: What economic bad news? Democratic Governors were testifying today that the stimulus was saving countless jobs! Oh, wait, unemployment numbers are up again?!

Actually Larry, “all the polls” don’t say what you say. Read the numbers on that Rasmussen poll. 52% “somewhat” approve or better, and 48% “somewhat” disapprove or worse. That is only a +4 points on approval/disapproval. The 52% is important because, as the Rasmussen article points out, this is the first time that his approval has slipped below his election number (53%).

Additionally, as Mike’s graph showed, and most pollsters see as a much more important indicator, his “strongly” approve/disapprove numbers are 32% (strongly approve) and 37% (strongly disapprove) giving him a -5 points. This is much more indicative of where he stands, because those who indicate that they “strongly” believe one way or the other are much more likely to vote their beliefs in future elections.

Basically, the numbers in your comment just don’t wash (+20 points is quite a stretch), and the economic indicators continue to slide, regardless of the fact that the Dems keep saying otherwise. In fact, they are so bad the Democrats are talking about a second stimulus. America is waking up from it’s stupor, and the Obama dust is getting wiped out of their eyes.

@Wisdom: You nailed it! Good Ole Larry is spinning so fast he’s dizzy.

Mike, he’s not spinning anything. Larry actually believes what he says. Scary, eh?
If the economy improves he MIGHT win re-election but don’t bet on it. A lot of people ARE NOT happy with what he is proposing in health care and crap-and trade. Seeing how radical he and the dems are has shaken a number of people who normally wouldn’t break from supporting them.

I know I’ve written this in the past, but will restate it. Obama’s “goal” is not to be re-elected. Well, at least his “main” goal, as I am quite sure the Obamas would not want to give up the party house, Air Force One, and 1500 mile pizza deliveries.

It should be obvious to both sides (as it FINALLY is to Colin Power), that Obama is playing “beat the clock.” Everything Obama, pupeted by the Soros/Alinsky masters, has to REMAKE, he needs to have into law or action by 2010. After that, he will never again, have this kind of power.

It’s also more than obvious that Obama has no intention of helping the economy. He was put into that office to DESTROY the economy. I’ve said that from day one, and finally heard Mark Levin say the same thing. All one has to do is read his “Alinsky Bible”, ‘Rules for Radicals’; no need to keep guessing.

Obama’s plan is clearly to destroy and “remake” America.

The downward spiral continues.


With the polls the way they are going,
Somebody has to get thrown under the bus…

“”So, who wants to bet against the economy, over the next two years?””

Well if Cap and Trade and Health Care pass, I will

Obama’s polling numbers are falling because of his handling of Iran and Biden and Tyson’s remarks on the economy last weekend