Obamanomics Baby!

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Most of the authors here at Flopping Aces have a genuine distaste for polls. When they showed support for things we supported we didn’t like them anymore then when it was vice versa since 1000 people do not speak for millions. But over the years many on the left have lived and died by them. What do they say to this? (h/t The Strata Sphere)

President Obama’s job approval in Ohio has dropped significantly in the last two months, dipping under the 50% mark for the first time, according to a new poll by Quinnipiac University. In the last Quinnipiac poll in Ohio taken in early May, Obama enjoyed a healthy 62% job approval rating, with only 31% disapproving. Today, Obama’s job approval stands at 49%, with 44% disapproving – a twenty-five point net drop in just eight weeks.

Not surprsingly, Obama has seen a corresponding drop among voters’ approval of his handling of the economy: two months ago he had a net +21 approval (57/36), today it is -2 (46/48).

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I think that poll is still a little high, it should be reversed and be more accurate. I know it’s just anecdotal but even the people that voted for Obama that I speak to, are now totally anti- Obama. Change is coming!


I know it’s just anecdotal but even the people that voted for Obama that I speak to, are now totally anti- Obama.

It’s interesting that you would say that.

We have a couple at our church who are staunchly, unapologetically, argue you into the ground type Democrats. During the past two presidential election seasons, we agreed to disagree and went on. We simply could not discuss the subject of politics with one another without the volume and passion level rising to an uncomfortable level.

Back in February of this year I wrote an op-ed for the local newspaper in which I laid out all of the reasons that BO was shaping up to be a massive mistake.

Three weeks ago, at our annual church picnic/swim day, both the husband and the wife approached me separately to tell me that they had read my article in the paper. I expected another deep political discussion which, quite frankly, I was in no mood for. Instead, they both told me how afraid they are for the country and how they had no idea that Obie would be doing the things that he is doing.

Ronnie and Karen both told me that they are both seriously rethinking whether they can continue to remain Democrats after this ongoing fiasco.

I know it’s just another anecdotal example which will be dismissed by those who don’t want to see the light, but I can tell you one thing for sure, if this couple is rethinking their political convictions then you can rest assured that there are a lot more out there who are doing the same.

… and this begets talk of another “stimulus”. Let’s now even consider another “stimulus” until they actually manage to spent the first “stimulus”. So far,less than 1% of the money budgeted in February for job creating “stimulus” has been spent.

If Obama and the Democrats in Congress who put this last one together had been a bit more bipartisan, it would have been more stimulating. Of course, we will never know if that money taken out for Nancy’s condoms would have had a stimulating effect.

Next up is the Universal Health Care that no one wants or needs.

Everything Team Obama and the Parliament of Whores fool with has costs yet to be determined. No one reads the Bill before voting and that has some very evil consequences in store for both This and Future Generations. Everything that is done is too urgent to debate and not Bi Partisan.

to me, what really is significant is the speed of the drop in the polls, less than six full months in office. if the reepublicans play this right we may see a landslide change in Congress next year. if so, it may make Obama a lame duck President sooner than expected.

The old ticking time bomb of unemployment will not be denied it’s boom.

What isvery interesting is that many people who NEVAH, EVAH discussed politics of any stripe are now coming out of the woodwork – and NOT in favor of His Ultimate Altitude.

2010 is going to be very interesting. But Wait!!! This November is going to be a clue… NJ and VA governor races. Can’t wait for them!

I can also attest to Obama voters finally seeing the light. I had a conversation with a friend the other day. She said that all her friends and clients who voted for Obama are now regretting their votes. I ran into a nurse at a meeting the other day. She said that most of the people she knows in the hospital now regret their vote. And another friend who works at a dental office is saying that while before the election, the entire office was for Obama, no one even wants to talk about him any more. Co-workers are pulling my friend aside and privately stating that they had no idea what Obama really was all about. They want their votes back. Finally, my husband is an engineer and no one at his office ever talks about politics–until now. They talk about politics regularly because no one likes what is happening. Obama has broken open a hornet’s nest…. He does not represent most of us Americans. Thank goodness that America is finally waking up. I just wish they had been paying attention before the election. Better late than never I suppose.

Falling poll numbers? Big surprise. Every president goes through this kind of thing. It is the way of things. I, however, suspect that Obama is really unnerved by this. Agree or disagree with his policies, one of the (many) positives of Bush was that he didn’t appear to sweat his poll numbers. He did what he felt was right – not just what he thought what may improve his numbers. Obama strikes me as the kind of person, though, that will panic and flip-flop like a maniac.

Of course, this poll is technically meaningless simply because it’s months even before the governor races this November. And it’s over a year to go ’til the midterms. A lot can happen in that time, though I personally doubt Obama will have an easy time of things. (Imagine that. Things not being easy for a president. With any luck, maybe junior will at least learn that doing things is a lot harder than saying things.)

And I’m not so much interested in what people that voted for Obama are now thinking. I’m more interested in what those who stayed home on election to protest Bush are now thinking.

Here’s something interesting from Gallup via Don Surber:

39% say they have grown more conservative since Election Day.

Another 18% say they are more liberal.

But wait. There’s more.

Among independents, 37% said they are more conservative now that President Obama is actually president, while 19% say more liberal.

Among Democrats, 34% say they are growing more conservative under President Obama, while 23% say they are more liberal.

Among other findings, 52% now say the government has too much power, versus 42% just 5 years ago.

Last year, he was change and hope. This year, he is reality.

We had a monster-sized 4th of July party here this weekend (well, three days of 24/7 party). During it, I noticed 2 things new this year:
1) my left-leaning and far left friends are returning to their January 2007 sense of apathy, frustration and disdain
2) There’s a very low level sense of uneasiness. You can see it in everyone’s eyes this year. Each and every person who came had concerns for the future; unknowns for the future-immediate and long term.

The party was better than ever, but it’s there. Here in Ohio…something’s happening.

A new low:

Check out the first term vs second term job approval ratings of various presidents. Reagan’s first term; George W Bush’s first term; Clinton’s first term — vs. 2nd term.


Happiness is proportional to the degree to which expectations are met. Meeting low expectations is always easier than meeting high expectations.

Will the economy show signs of strong recovery by 2010? 2012?

The best thing which could happen to Obama would be strong GOP gains in 2010. This was an elixir for Clinton in 1994.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA


There were really two elixirs for Clinton in 1996; Bob Dole’s doddering candidacy and Ross Perot siphoning off a margin of libertarian types. I doubt the 1994 GoP gains helped his reelection prospects.

Does your comment indicate that you too believe that the scales are coming off the eyes of the grazers?

Hey Mike!


Ummmm larry, forget a little something called the internet boom? If not for that major engine of the economy the Clinton economic years would not be looked upon so favorably. Obama has no such hope and his change will further destroy the economy. Keep dreaming tho.

@Hard Right: Yeah, but Gore invented the internet so Clinton should get credit for it’s benefits, right? 😉

Ya got me there Wisdom.

I’m sure obama’s next step will be to create the euthanasia machine so the elderly suffering from pain, but denied care by the Fed. Govt. can end it all without wasting “valuable and scarce medical resources”.
I have no doubt larry will hale such an invention as proof of his brilliance and the excellent job he’s doing.