Well, that “feel good” moment the Dems hoped for, as well as a July 7th photo op, is down the drain. The Dem controlled Senate was smug in their delight of passing a formal apology for past US generations INRE slavery and Jim Crow segregation…. until it hit the House and a face off with House Black Caucus members, that is.
The Senate found that out two weeks ago when it passed a resolution calling on the U.S. to apologize formally for more than three centuries of enslavement and segregation of African-Americans.
Senators thought they’d done the right thing. The feel-good moment was short-lived, however, after several members of the Congressional Black Caucus vowed to fight the measure when it reached the House of Representatives. They object because it contains a disclaimer saying that the resolution can’t be used to support legal claims against the U.S. by those seeking reparations, or cash compensation for the suffering endured by blacks.
Hilary Shelton, the director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau, said the venerable civil rights group has no problem with the resolution and the disclaimer. The group is looking forward to some sort of ceremony during a historically significant year for blacks that includes the NAACP’s 100th anniversary, the 200th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the 80th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and year one of the nation’s first African-American president.“It opens up a discussion, an opportunity for Americans to start a healing process,” Shelton said. “There are those who would like to see us move quickly in the House and have a ceremony.”
However, he quickly added that concerned Black Caucus members should take their time if they “need a moment” to thoroughly study the resolution before making a decision whether or not to try and block it.
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said he’s done that.
“Respectfully, all of us are members of the NAACP, probably,” Thompson said of the Black Caucus membership. “But the vote is vested with us, members of Congress. If they bring the resolution up and it still reads as it does, I’m going to vote against it.”
Yup, folks… comes down to money and trial lawyers yet again. Today’s tax payers are supposed to be responsible for prior Congresses and their legislation. I guess an affirmative action devotee for a POTUS, and a massively expanded welfare state isn’t enough. Offspring of those who lived during genuinely horrendous times will be stepping up with their hands out for free cash they do not deserve, *from* people who had no control over the Congress of that era.
I’ve got an idea… why not write it up so the disgruntled can sue individual members of Congress serving during those terms, and who are still living?
Fat change that will happen.
Seriously tho… as a taxpayer and granddaughter of Ellis Island immigrants, I am not willing to cover the sorry Congressional butts for discriminatory legislation – today, or yesterday – with my tax dollars used to pay out reparations. Count me in for another, big conservative “NO”!
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Yes but will they apologize for the Democrat terror wing the KKK, lynching of blacks and white political opponets? Ought to be one heck of an apology tour.
Is layering on debt so big that it can never be repaid slavery? Should they apologize for that in advance?
You have to wionder, are liberals born brain dead or is it something that happens to them at an early age.
Never bought one, owned one and will fight like hell not to become one of Obama’s slaves.
Get Smart now or Fight for Freedom later and Fight like it Matters.
I say pay the bill at wage levels at the time it happened. That would mean each slave (prove who and how long) would have maybe $100 coming. Put all of it in a fund and notify all the offspring (millions will claim so) they can fight for their share of the money. Millions of liars fighting over a max of $100,000 would be more of a comedy than the racist black clowns/criminals in congress provide daily. I hear there are some really smart blacks, where are they? All is see in government are those who couldn’t qualify for a job at McDonalds on they’re best day.
Maybe O’Messiah will start a bail-out for blacks.
People are arguing over a pipe dream; there’s no way ‘reparations’ can be allotted to any descendants of slaves without the usual racial hucksters forming some quasi ‘foundation’ and stealing every dime of it. The logistics of identifying who will benefit would entail setting up a new government bureacracy with countless ‘committees’, ‘resolutions’, ‘fact-findings’ and, above all, a steep increase in taxes. That’s right, TAXES – how else would these reparations be paid?
Would Black Americans be exempt from the tax? Would it only be levied on White Americans?
What about people, like myself, who have both Black Americans and White Americans in their families? The Black Caucus is playing a shake down game where they hope to be the ones who end up with guilt money in their bank accounts.
Maybe we can repay by handing out 40 acres in New Orleans?
I’m all for the party of the slave owners paying reparations out of their own pockets.
BtW, does anybody remember if Dr. King was a registered voter?
Apology for Slavery ..to the Irish? the first slaves sent to America—
The earliest record of Irish slaves in America was in 1620, followed by African slaves in 1650. It is unfortunate that, while the descendants of black slaves have kept their history alive and not allowed their atrocity to be forgotten, the Irish heritage of slavery in America and the West Indies has been largely ignored or forgotten. An Irish slave was considered lesser than an African slave and was treated accordingly.
It’s the DEMS who owe the apology. Reps have already paid with their blood to free them.
@Larry Sheldon:
Are you just waxing rhetorical, L.S., when you say, “BtW, does anybody remember if Dr. King was a registered voter?”?
I have a problem with reparations period. As elena points to the Irish slaves, there are many others who could sit and claim reparations of some kind. People who were indentured servants, etc. I am sure MANY can claim some kind of wrong going in their family history. If reparations were done, then every “wrong” would become a law suit using that as a basis to spring board from.
There is this black friend I have who was telling me how blacks from Africa treated black Americans badly. He explained that this happened because as far as they were concerned, black Americans were “the conquered tribes” and they were “not worthy of respect.”
He takes issue with the whole reparations issue. His stance is that if slavery wouldn’t have happened, he wouldn’t now be here in America (if he were even born for that matter).
LOL! Very clever, Larry. But considering that 13 of the 44 Presidents owned, or purchased/indentured slaves… the last being U.S. Grant… exactly what party would that be?
As history shows, the parties these presidents represented are no longer in existence.
FYI, here’s the story of which of the US Presidents were involved with slavery.
Empty rhetoric to those who don’t care, and maybe a sense of peace to those who do. I seriously doubt that reparations will ever “truly” be on the table, we have seen public housing support, affirmative action as well as historic things done following the Civil War as well. Bottom line, it is a gesture in my opinion, a part of our history which was unsavory and now the government is on record as stating the obvious. What is wrong with that?
I agree with the notion of recognizing other groups which were also disenfranchised, who cares if it is along list.
Forgive us trespasses as we forgive the trespasses of others.
You would think that the 600,000 who died in the Civil War freeing them would satisfy the Blacks. But no, they ever have their hands out. Think affirmative action, welfare, EEOC and all the other freebies the democrats use to buy the black votes. Maybe we should charge the Blacks for the cost of their freedom. As the above poster stated, if not for slavery the Blacks would be running around the African jungles if they existed at all.
This is true. My brother was in the Navy and I have a few friends that were on carriers. When they pulled into port in African, the African American sailors were strongly advised not to go into town.
The early history of our country is just that…history. There were atrocities against just about every ethnic group. American Indians, Irish, Italians, Chinese, and Africans. I remember history class and the signs they had back in the day that read, “no dogs or Irish.” American Indians were also used as slaves.
Maybe we could set up some reservations for the sons and daugthers of slaves. I’ll go out on a limb and say that after a few visit an American Indian rez, they won’t be so happy about that idea.
Actually, 364,511 died trying to free them, while 260,000 died trying to maintain them in slave status. Once they were freed then they were disenfranchised for the most part from the 1860’s to the 1960’s. To me “hand outs” are anathema, however so is ignorance as it related to the complexity of the race problem in America. Boiling it down to a few charged buzz words and indicating they are better off then in Africa (implied), is a simplistic at best.
Maj General William Sherman issued an order granting freed slaves a quarter of a quarter section of land in Georgia and South Carolina. Pres. Andrew Johnson was the one who revoked that order and gave the land back to the original land owners.
Bennie Thompson and all the other shysters should go after the descendants of Andrew Johnson in a court of law. And watch the court toss out the suit as frivolous because the descendants of Andrew Johnson can not be held accountable for actions they did not commit.
Which is why they are trying to legislate compensation because what they are trying is illegal. And those who are supporting this attempted theft by legislative fiat are also committing a crime, providing material support to a criminal enterprise.
@ Aqua
Actually no, the American Indians were not deemed worth making into slaves. I am half Chiricahua Apache and most of the tribes were hunted down and killed out right as most with a grasp of history can attest to. In fact the Apache had been at war with the nation of Mexico for over 200 years before the white settlers ventured west. Even the Mexican army shot women and children to keep them from reproducing in large enough numbers to cause them problems.
So do I feel I should get money from the existing American governmetn and country for what happened over 100 years ago? Hell no, I don’t want a hand out and a pat on the head to tell me “Sorry about that buddy, heres some money to make you feel better.”
This is all about greed and political agenda’s, nothing more.
“Actually, 364,511 died trying to free them, while 260,000 died trying to maintain them in slave status. “
“Once they were freed then they were disenfranchised for the most part from the 1860’s to the 1960’s.”
by Democrats
“To me “hand outs” are anathema, however so is ignorance as it related to the complexity of the race problem in America.”
“Boiling it down to a few charged buzz words and indicating they are better off then in Africa (implied), is a simplistic at best.”
But true, in the main. It’s an attitude thing. Without a positive outlook, no amount of knowledge will suffice to improve one’s situation.
I’ll check the history again the next time I go up to Rosebud or Pine Ridge, but I thought some of the tribes kept slaves from other slaves.
And I would argue that Whiteclay has slaves from Pine Ridge, but that is a cooperative arrangement, so it probably doesn’t count.
How much of that was under British rule? We got independence and they got theres not much more or less then a century later. Im tired of ppl telling me i should “be sorry”. My ppl were slaves too, longer and under harsher circumstances, whose gonna say sorry to me?
Come on world get passed it already, it happened and for the most part its over.
Nice to call you brother, my brother. I’m half Blackfoot Indian. Blood tribe to be specific. However, you are wrong.
Other Slaves
one more reference
You’re correct to an extent. Most Native American settlements were wiped out in their entirity, however, some women and children were kept as slaves. The men would never submitted.
yonason, you might be engagingly in dialogue, but I was responding to “BarbaraS” comment. Your numbers may or may not be the antithesis of accuracy, neither mine as well… the basic thesis is many died on both sides of the issue and just tossing out a caviler statement like BS did ” You would think that the 600,000 who died in the Civil War freeing them would satisfy the Blacks.” … as if that was accurate, nor Jim Crowe or KKK or disenfranchisement never existed. The complexity is much greater and her comments are thoughtless and uninformed AT BEST.
My hope with having a black president is he can uniquely tell “brothers, pull up your pants”. Time will tell how much an impact he will have. I am keeping an open mind in this arena.
The “Reparations” moment is nothing more than some people from one race demanding guilt money for injustices they never experienced, from everyone else who do not bear any responsibility for claimed injustice. The sins of the ancestors can not be passed on to their descendants.
All races have in their history enslaved, and have been enslaved by others. By virtue of this logic, we are all even. No one owes anyone anything, or else everyone owes everyone. No one born of this country and currently living was a slave, or owned a slave.
The problem is not looking back on ancient slavery past, but of the leading into potential slavery future. The leaders of today are squandering the livelihood of future generations for political gain. This is taxation without representation. It is reprehensible, irresponsible and indecent for one generation to spend greedily and then without remorse, then pass the bill to their children, grandchildren, etc. Whether it is by Republican or Democrat, it is wrong. Everyone who supports this kind of deficit spending have nothing but my contempt.