Why The Left Loves To Hate Sarah Palin

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I’m busy traveling but wanted to give a heads up to this terrific post by Ric Locke at Protein Wisdom on why the left are completely bats*** crazy angry over Sarah Palin:

Stereotype: Womyn® are good Progressive Democrats.
Reality: Sarah Palin is a Republican.

Stereotype: Only Democrats give power to Womyn®
Reality: Sarah Palin is not just a Governor, she’s Governor of a State where the Governor has real power.

Stereotype: All manly men are part of Teh Patriarchy, dedicated to preventing Womyn® from achievement and deeply resentful of anything resembling a subordinate position.
Reality: Todd Palin is a manly man with a manly occupation; nevertheless he seems quite cheerful and accepting that his wife’s occupation is much higher on the social scale than his.

Stereotype: Good Progressive Womyn® are supposed to abort their babies to prevent career difficulties, especially if they might have medical problems.
Reality: Sarah Palin has several (three?) children, the latest of which has Down’s Syndrome, and seems perfectly capable of handling her duties as Governor despite any child-care difficulties.

Stereotype:Patriarchal manly men don’t participate in child-rearing; they force the Womyn® in their lives to do it all, which is why Progressive Womyn® have to avoid childbearing if possible.
Reality: Todd Palin apparently participates wholeheartedly in child-rearing.

Stereotype: Winger dupes of the Patriarchy are supposed to be disgusted with childbearing out of wedlock, call such girls “sluts” etc., and cast them out.
Reality: Bristol Palin is an unwed mother. The Palin family (all of them, including Todd and the grandparents) has been supportive.

There is more, but you get the idea — the whole Palin family is a direct challenge to the Leftoids’ bigoted (yes, that’s what it is), stereotyped notion of what a family of right-wing God-botherers should be.

It’s a challenge most certainly and they hate it! She can speak without a teleprompter and has way more executive experience then Obama has. On the attractiveness issue one commentor at the site hit the nail on the head:

Naah, attractiveness doesn’t matter. All that matters is the letter after their name.

* hot lefty chick (e.g. random hollywood types): deep, committed political thinkers all, well deserving of higher office

* not-hot lefty (e.g. Hillary, Pelosi, etc.) – gravitas, baby

* hot righty (Palin, Prejean) – ignorant slut

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For the most part liberal ‘womyn’ carry their brains around in their panties.

Gov. and Mr. Palin have 5 children … Their oldest son is in the Army and recently served a tour (may still be in country) in Iraq.

Young ‘mommy’ Bristol

Then 14 yr old butt of dirty old non-funny joker’s joke Willow (funny how A-Rod is steering clear of this shit)

The younger gals age and neme escape me, but loved her lick-the-hand do-over she did on baby brother Trig’s hair at the RNC convention. PIPER! and she’s early in grade school age.

Then Sir Trig, of course … Uncle to sister Bristol’s baby Trip.

The left’s biggest problem is seeing their own blinding hypocrisy where there is NONE with the Palins.


Sorry, I think the oldest son’s name is Track.

And I give the Palins full and deserved credit for their bravery and “audacity” in naming their children.

Sarah knows how to balance a checkbook too!!!

They are still blasting Sarah Palin because the democrats see her as a severe threat in the future. She is capable, she has actually led (don’t tell me the pretender is leading, he never has and is still doing the only thing he knows – campaigning – (I wonder though what would happen if the teleprompter broke)) and she is a minority too! The media will not let up on her because they know she is a threat and if elected she knows how to handle all the butt kissing, media AND she knows how to handle the country.

I don’t want to wish my life away, but 2010 can’t come too soon.

God Bless America and may she always be free

I expect Cuba, Iran, North Korea style election by 2010. Democrats really are that stupid, or let their ego drive their lives and destroy the lives of their children, grandchildren and forward. Actually the ‘real’ democrats are being led by the nose by people who will have no children (homosexuals of all tripes) and those who see themselves as Kings and Queens with three hundred million subjects. Bad news for all of them, when nip comes to tuck millions of them will be eleminated by their own children/grandchildren. BS only floats for a little while then destroys itself and democrats are all BS.

sarah and todd palin are everything the left is not…happily married for one. they have real, normal kids, they do the normal things in life and didn’t grow up with all sorts of advantages that alot of kids of political families have. sarah speaks her mind and she has a very sharp wit, and the let keeps saying she is a news whore and wnats the limelight….umm, they are the ones who are always putting her there.

The more the left/MSM try to beat Gov. Sarah Palin down, the taller she stands.

The GOP/RNC needs to get a damn grip and embrace her already …

The Democrats have a long history of stereotyping and other bigoted attacks on various racial, religious groups, even resorting to manipulation to one group against another. Adding Republican political viewpoint as a target for their hatefulness is simply another facet of their bigotry.

John C. Calhoun’s Bureau of Indian Affairs
Jim Crow laws
Chinese Exclusion Act
Japanese Internment camps
Borking of Miguel Estrada for being Hispanic
Anti-Irish bigotry
Religious persecution of Catholics, Jews, etc (and currently most Christians).
Various sexist attacks on women (Including the Palin family’s females and Condi’ Rice)
Anti-military (and veteran) member antagonism

The Democratic mythology; painting Conservatives and Republicans as racists; was via the creation of the Archie Bunker character. (Oddly enough, the character of Fred Sanford was no less of a bigot than Archie, though it would be hard to paint him a Republican.)

Given the party’s history, it is ridiculous that anyone gives any credence to their hateful, bigoted propaganda and stereotyping, or their hypocritical claims that Republicans and Conservative groups are the “true bigots”

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