U.S. ‘Likely’ Could Intercept North Korean Missile

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“if North Korea launched a missile or two against us, we wouldn’t sit back and say, ‘I wonder if we have enough test data in order to launch,’” McQueary said. “We would launch.”

The only thing missing is the will to defend the United States; to give the order

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A missile fired from N.Korea could/would take approx 33 minutes to hit the USA ?

I would imagine if N. Korea or any other country launched a missile towards the USA, knowing there would be a response they would launch the best they have, probably nuclear.

If the US successfully intercepted a nuclear missile what happens ?
Is there a danger from nuclear fall out carried by weather ?


“If the US successfully intercepted a nuclear missile what happens ?
Is there a danger from nuclear fall out carried by weather ?”

It depends on where the missile is intercepted. Right off the pad it would crumble there and be DPRKs problem.

If it is intercepted in mid-course flight by say the GMD system in Alaska the warhead would be destroyed out/in the atmosphere by a kinetic kill vehicle. Destroying it outside of the atmosphere leaves little to no chance of debris or radiation issues.

If intercepted in terminal phase by say the THAAD system, there is the possibility of a kill in or out of the atmosphere. If outside of it then as I said no problem. Inside there could be possible issues. But due to the distance from land that the intercept would take place it would be very unlikely for any danger to exist.



Right off the pad it would crumble there and be DPRKs problem.

I could live with that 😉

I think it would take quick action to actually intercept the missle, and nothing about PEBO shows that he is either quick or willing to take action in a timely manner.

Obama has mismanaged foreign affairs to the point where He is inviting additional risks. Intercepting the misslie should be done to deprive the North of valuable delivery data and to confirm the US ability to defend the country.

Kim Jong Il is a savvy despot, though.. He understands that Obama is treating foreign policy like a father would handle a two-year old temper tantrum. ( http://firstconservative.com/blog/political-humor/political-humor-childproofing-north-korea ) One wonders, though, whether it is Obama or Kim Jong Il who is the adult in this relationship.

BHO is less concerned about foreign policy than about his domestic agenda. The only thing about a NoKo missile launch that would concern him would be how it would affect his health care agenda or his date night plans. So, I’m betting, no, he wouldn’t launch. In fact, he pulled back during their earlier launch, if that’s any indication.

MAS1916, the Commander of the Alaska National Guard and the Missile Defense Command there will act without hesitation like shooting down a flying moose if Kim Ding Hill sends one. The Governor of Alaska can do that. Title Ten, US Constitution. Believe it. She will do that. I have met her and I trust her. I trust Obama about as far as I can throw Air Force One.

Three hours from departure for France now. The TSA underwear sniffers cleared me and my gear. I just called the best Mackinac Island fudge shop in Michigan to send my Daughter and her roommate at USAFA some goodies. First Year Cadets need that for all of the PT and morale purposes. Her boot camp at USAFA. She can receive packages and letters but no comms from outside.

Obama will be on agenda and basically hesitant because he is way over his head. Sarah Palin has the judgment and authority to knock down anything in that airspace by Law. Sarah runs a resource laden State and Commands Obama is still running for office…You All knew that already… Sarah Commands…Obama demands and is largely ignored.


Headed off for the England, the Normandy Coast but feel safer with Sarah watching my Home than a punk community organizer that is no more than a Pretender at best.

Take Care

Oh and Marcell, the cure for ignorance is information, the cure for stupid is hopefully an early demise of your own design.

They’d be able to intercept a NoKo missile with a weapon George Bush promoted and that they derided?

Old Trooper,
Governors of states cannot supercede the control of the Department of Defense in regards to use of federal assets, such as the GMD. The DoD receives its orders from the Executive Branch. Regardless of whether you like the current CinC, you start screwing with that and it will break the military command and control in to chaos.

As a matter of fact Posse Comitatus was meant to make sure that the LOCAL could not use federal assets.


mdconservative: not in this case. ASDF is a STRATCOM Asset for Defense purposes. Permission from STRATCOM for Defense for incoming response is immediate by electronic comms.

For launch of ICBM or Air assets for Offense, POTUS has the bag. For ASDF, there are immediate issues and you were not briefed or cleared for, I reckon. The ASDF is Active Duty Military as is NORAD and STRATCOM. Posse Comitatus is not at all relevant so get off of that business.

Having served as a Commissioned Officer for 28+ years and being a graduate of the War College, I understand the command and legal aspects keenly. The ASDF Commander can defend on threat recognition with STRATCOM on incoming threats. POTUS gets notification for action and is handed the ball from there. By then missiles have intercepted or We have been hit.

The LOCAL , as You call it is Active Duty Military with funding from Joint Forces from DOD and is 40% Full time Alaska National Guard but falls under STRATCOM. If they hesitate, they will be like the folks at Pearl Harbor. It is not States using Federal assets. It is a DOD plan. Need to Know is everything and now You know the unclassified portion of that. Don’t blame Bush for that. Blame or thank Reagan. Your Free Education stops here but thanks for asking.

Do You want them to ask for permission. They will not. They are authorized by policy that Obama and You have never seen or read.

Waiting at JFK for the next flight to Heathrow. Compared to any town in Montana, JFK is a zoo.
Rude folks and just a way station like the Star Wars Bar Scene.

@ mdconservative

The Posse Comitatus Act basically prohibits the military from enforcing law on U.S. soil. I think that’s the easiest way to put it. As for the very find Governor of Alaska, she’s the CinC of the Alaska National Guard. And according to the Alaska Constitution:
19. Military Authority
The governor is commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the State. He may call out these forces to execute the laws, suppress or prevent insurrection or lawless violence, or repel invasion. The governor, as provided by law, shall appoint all general and flag officers of the armed forces of the State, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of the legislature in joint session. He shall appoint and commission all other officers.

As for what Old Trooper said, I certainly believe him.

“she’s the CinC of the Alaska National Guard. And according to the Alaska Constitution”

Yes, she can do as she wishes with AK assets. The Governor CANNOT just usurp power and use federal forces (which missile defense falls under) without authority of the President of the United States.

Aqua, try reading this. I have had this fight so many times…just read the post. Like it or not it is fact.


I have tried to post in reply to Old Trooper but it keeps saying AI have already posted that. I will continue to try and get it to post. Let me try to break it down in to a few comments.

Well Aqua that proves how foolish both you and Old Trooper are!

” Sarah Palin has the judgment and authority to knock down anything in that airspace by Law.”

That comment is patently false.

NORAD/NORTHCOM talk to the GMI guys in Alaska
AND there’s no need to consult Palin anywhere in that equation.

NORAD is the responsible authority for handling air defense emergencies.

Here are the ASDF units
no THAAD or GMI guys in there
they’re not even federal by the looks of it

Everything about missile defense is federal
missile warning — federal
Nuclear Command and Control (handles air threats) — federal
missile defense agency and army which own the shooters – federal

And for the record: Old Trooper ego has been known to get the better of him on many occasions.
Just because someone served for 28 years doesn’t really mean anything – You can serve in the AF and not be a pilot.

My friend who has provided me with the above info has worked with nukes his whole career but couldn’t tell you a damn thing about their yield, construction. Old Trooper’s arrogance speaks volumes – that arrogance usually masks a lack of real knowledge about the subject he professes to “know ” so much about.

Bottom line when it comes to NorkS Nukes: Our Works, Theirs Don’t.
And Palin has nothing to do with Nukes!

From MDConservative in Response to Old Trooper:

“USSTRATCOM is one of 10 U.S. unified commands under the Department of Defense (DoD).”

So correct me if I am wrong, but that falls under chain of command through executive in the Pentagon and up to the Oval Office. NOT Gov. Palin’s office. And which unit is controlling the GMDs exactly (from the following list.)


Command comes from NMCC, USSTRATCOM, USNORTHCOM, USPACOM, EUCOM, and CENTCOM in regards to missile defense. At no point does chain of command go through the Governors office, National Guard, or ASDF.

I am just awaiting your justification that a state can use federal assets. ALL National Guard weapons and vehicles are owned by the Federal Govt. As is EVERY part of the missile defense system, so pardon me if I simply think your vision of what really happens is misguided. I do not believe either Fort Greely, or Vandenberg are under direct control of the NG, ASDF… are they?

“Your Free Education stops here but thanks for asking.”

I didn’t ask for, nor do I need an ill-informed “education” from someone who obviously wants to promote Gov. Palin as something larger than she is.

@ mdconservative
I read the post the first time you put it up. I understand the posse comitatus act. It’s the main reason troops aren’t allowed to be deployed along the southern border. And you’re right, federal assets belong to the feds, not the states.

@ DangerGirl

I found this before your post. Tough to find information about the workings of NORAD on the web. Prolly a reason for that. NORAD and Sarah

Too bad though. Sarah has more balls than the President will ever be able to muster.

Danger Girl, your post did send me on an cyber education mission. In my not-so-lofty military position in life, I would tend to agree that the Governor of a State is not given the permission to launch missiles in defense. Then again, I did start checking on just how involved the Governor would be in the event of an assault.

The 49th MP Brigade, aka the ASDF until their 2004 name change, is a state militia. They answer to the Alaskan state Adjutant General, who must also advise, counsel and ultimately answer to the Governor. State militia are also a force asset that Homeland Security depends upon, however no federal entity can command the State Militia. You can find their procedures for State Active duty here. Plus here’s the history of the 49th MP Brigade/ASDF.

Another informative piece is a military report, State Defense Forces and Homeland Security by Arthur Tulak, Robert Kraftr and Don Silbaugh published in 2003-2004 that goes thru Homeland Security’s relationship with state defense militias thru USNORTHCOM in case too many Guard have been federalized for overseas operations. Homeland Security, of course, has no standing army and depends upon local forces.

Ft. Greeley is the epicenter of the US GMD – Ground-Based Midcourse Defense program. Which I assume you meant when you typed GMI… don’t know a GMI. A GMD and GBI yes…. GMI? Either you translated your friend incorrectly, or you are speaking of something of which I can’t relate. But back to Ft. Greeley. They are manned by Alaskan Guard Members, who can be federalized (I believe that requires changing them under Title 32 – hardly time in the event of a missile launch), or the POTUS must declare martial law and take over the Guard without the Governor’s consent via an amendment to the Insurrection Act in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007.

You’ll also find Alaska National Guard manning the Space Surveillance mission at Clear Air Force Station near Anderson – a relatively new task for the Guard – on the State Payroll and evidenced in their 2010 state budget.

So while I don’t think they’ll be calling Sarah to personally hit the launch button, there must be rapid fire contingencies in place for USNORTHCOM, who commands NORAD, to assume control of the Alaskan Guard – normalized under the Governor’s control – within a narrow window of time. Perhaps this is what Old Trooper, alludes to with “immediate issues” and briefings and procedures that you and I are not in the “need to know” category. He also stated they cannot launch offensive action.

There is an exercise that takes place in Alaska every other year called Alaska Shield/Northern Edge which tests the communications and operational structure between military and civilian authorities and the military. Obviously for quick mobilization under assault with short notice, contingencies that we will not find on the internet are in place. But again, there is no way to leave a Governor completely out of the mix for all the defense active duty personnel, equipment and services that must be scrambled, and work in harmony.

As far as your personal assault on Old Trooper, he’s been around here for awhile and you can find a bit more about who the man on one of his comments here. He’s 1/4 Lakota Sioux, son of a Carlisle grad (see the military report above), and served in Middle East, Bosnia, Korea, the Philippines, Japan, Germany and Somalia. He’s trained Rangers, served with Col James Rowe of the US Special Forces and [Rowe] a man instrumental for implementing SERE techniques.

I’d say his experience trumps your (as well as my former similar past career life) experiences in LaLa land. While I do appreciate you setting me on a research trip for more info, I can also say your personal comments about Trooper do not give him his due respect. I suspect he knows more about the inside channels than you or I can dream about.

I’d just like to update my above comment with this observation. In fact, after my reading about Alaska’s role as central to the GMD, the Space Survelliance mission, combined with their Alaskan naval forces and plethora of both federal and state installations, I consider Palin to be infinitely more qualified as a CIC than a governor of the lower 48. They are not only a first line of defense there, they are a hop, skip and jump away from Russia via land, and a short missile flight away from North Korea and China. And obviously targeting the US missile defense headquarters is a prime target.

So I’d say that too many are selling Palin and her state considerably short on their defense status for the US.

There was no personal attack on Old Trooper. Look if he wants to start posting in a snotty tone he should expect it in return.

As for all his experience, that is all fine and good. But just because you are at the top of you game on certain issues does not mean you know all. How does involvement in SERE training mean you have ANYTHING to do with missile defense?

Also in regards to your point that since Alaska has military targets, so they are tasked with defense of those assets… am I to believe that the State of Virginia is to be expected to defend the Pentagon because it is in the state?

This is futile task, since no one is going to give in.

WHOA, noticed something. I read the history of the ASDF last evening before you posted it

“aerial photography, reconnaissance” -ASDF

Does NOT mean they have anything to do with space assets. Every major city does aerial reconnaissance… from helicopters.

@ mdconservative

I understand your argument md. I’m positive the 49th GMD has standing orders. I have no idea what those orders are. There mission statement says that “on orders” they will fire to intercept an incoming missile in midcourse. Whose orders? I would imagine that order would come from CinC NORAD. Having to wait for National Command Authority for an intercept seems counter-productive.

I had a Top Secret security clearance when I was in the Air Force. I can tell you that a Top Secret Clearance doesn’t mean crap. There are way higher levels, all “need to know.” As a graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Old Trooper would be one of those with the way higher levels. And as far as his post, I didn’t really see anything snotty about it. Maybe I was in the military too long. He’s just to the point.

A cursory Google search on a few States showed that all of them had the “right to repel attacks” written into their constitution. States are sovereign. If NCA was needed to intercept a missile with Alaska as its destination and was denied, I completely believe that Governor Palin would have the authority to order the intercept.

That is how it works.
Need to know is Sacred and held to my death.

That is how it keeps America safe.
Neither md conservative or danger girl understand that.

Take Care, Old Trooper Out.

mdconservative, Danger Girl most certainly launched a personal attack on Old Trooper. I wasn’t speaking to you INRE that comment. Nor was Old Trooper rude to Danger Girl, so it had nothing to do with a personal exchange between the two. I felt her comment was self-serving. Especially since what she contributed happened to be fed to her from another party, and an unknown source.

What I said was Old Trooper served with Col. Rowe, who’s escape tactics were utilized to implement SERE training. No idea why you’re going off on that tangent. However if you look at Trooper’s experience, and the fact he worked in JAG and legal, the level of military leadership with whom he was associated, I would wager he knows things of which he cannot speak. I also believe he’s probably closer to knowing what situations may have “immediate issues” contingencies in place.

mdconservative: Also in regards to your point that since Alaska has military targets, so they are tasked with defense of those assets… am I to believe that the State of Virginia is to be expected to defend the Pentagon because it is in the state?

Boy do you leap frog to extremes, guy. Your attempt at an analogy is somewhat bizarre. Alaska is relatively isolated from resources and assets compared to the Pentagon, wouldn’t you say? Huge Naval base in Norfolk, central AF bases with easy scramble and a short flight to the Pentagon. Surrounded and well padded with military might, as is the beltway.

By contrast, Alaska is more self-contained, separated by Canada to the south. When time is crucial, do you scramble from the local assets, or sent up someone long distance? If you’re attempting missile attack, do you bomb the Pentagon first and ignore Colorado Springs and other command locations, or knock out the missile defense launch capability first? Or maybe you think they would take out the San Diego naval installation first… duh wuh

And you are confusing the Space Surveillance with normal recon, mdconservative. As FAS points out, there is a network to monitor orbiting satellites…. i.e. track and identify them. Nothing to do with aerial photos and recon.

Subsequent to the launch of Sputnik in 1957, DOD established a space tracking mission and a network of radars and telescopes to monitor orbiting satellites. During the 1960s, DOD built radars to support two missions–space tracking and ballistic missile warning. The Naval Space Surveillance System (known as the Fence) is a chain of radar equipment extending from California to Georgia that was constructed to detect foreign reconnaissance satellites and provide warning to Navy ships of such satellite overflights. The system is still operational, and the Navy plans to modernize it beginning in 2003 to improve its maintainability.

Also, Ballistic Missile Early Warning System radars were constructed in Alaska, Greenland, and England to detect and track intercontinental ballistic missiles that could be launched at North America. A secondary mission for these missile warning radars has always been space surveillance. Finally, a prototype phased-array radar was built in Florida to support the space surveillance mission.

As I said above, the Space Surveillance mission is based at Clear AFB, where they have 1961 vintage radar arrays which, according to FAS, has a 99% reliability rate. The 213th Space Warning and Surveillance Squadron is manned by approx 100 members of the Alaska Air National Guard… and they aren’t just running around in helicopters with cameras.