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How many believe the world does not revolve around Europe?

How about it’s the beginning light of dawn on a reformed, conservative Republican party rising up on the horizon!

Someone spilled beer on the floor and a new super contraption will be vacuuming up the contents, and re waxing the floor. *the added feature is the device re filters and chills the beer, so the owner never need cry over spilling his beer.

Okay … I think I may have begun to settle the whole “WTF happened to LGF?”

I am more and more convinced the guy now sits at his computer not in his pajamas but:


To him, the world is now measured with a “creationist” stick that no one is spared from. Somehow, if you dare show an inkling of regard for “Biblical” views on how life began … or snigger at the latest fossil someone dug out of the ground as some Holy Grail of eve-o-lution you are completely discredited and not worth a book of 40 year old S&H Green Stamps …


Gives me whole new meaning on that face-ripping-chimp.

Maggie, LGF has been irrelevant for me for about the past year.

My Mother used to have books of S&H Green stamps. She bought War Bonds, US Savings Bonds and was a product of growing up during the depression on the prairie, read the Bible daily and taught me the Lords Prayer, was heartbroken when I chose the Army for a career but always had a hot meal and a hug for me when I returned from deployments.

Evolution indeed. Green Stamps, worth as much as GM or Chrysler stock or that old Ovaltine decoder ring in a box in my closet that was my Uncles. Sitting by the radio in the 30s listening to Orphan Annie.

The new America just may be reduced to the old one from the 30s. Imagine that…


The world doesn’t revolve around any continent. Which bit of Europe don’t you like – continental Europe, new Europe, old Europe, EU, Eurovision Song Contest, Fascist Europe, Socialist Europe or all of it? Europe came up with democracy – and most Americans are not that long ago came from European stock. Europe isn’t a threat to the US as we are still too busy fighting one another.

I have a question for you…

Now I know some of you believe fascism isn’t far right because Hitler’s party has socialism in it title and Hitler nationalised some industries. So putting that aside – is there such a thing as being too right wing? If so – what does views does being too right-wing mean? And I know you feel that Democrats & RINOs = bad but are there any US politicians you feel are too right-wing and why?

Why is the US economy, politics or anything across the pond any of your concern?
We beat the old UK in two Wars, centuries ago, saved the UK and Europe in two wars and I have served with some of your finest soldiers. You have not enough problems in your own country to solve?

“*Which bit of Europe don’t you like”

The bit that practices multiculturalism, it doesn’t unite people it does the opposite.

@Old Trooper

Ah the old banging of the war drum. Well the war of 1812 was pretty much a draw but I’m sure you argue that one – not that has any relevancy. Although what does US beating the UK have anything to do with whether I can express my opinions on a website or anywhere else? Does that mean Americans can’t express any opinions particularly on Asia as Vietnam beat the US? Don’t tell me that was a draw. lol. Do you express opinions on issues outside of the US? And the US lots of problems as well (don’t all countries) but that never stopped the US or the UK getting involved in other countries affairs for better or worse. Did you tell those fine British soldiers not to express their opinions above any beyond issues regarding their own country?


I think a lot of Britons see Multiculturalism along Political Correctness as import from the States. Whereelse would you have waves of immigrations stemming back over a hundred years where groups haven’t completely assimilated and still call themselves Italian-Americans or Irish-Americans. Interesting that European immigrants and subsequent American citizens chose not to assimilate with the existing culture of native americans. As for multiculturism of the 70s – I agree a lot of that is a failure and has been overstated.

We could all probably benefit from this pithy lesson in discourse.

Here’s an excerpt (well actually, it’s mostly the ending):

The problem with our discourse—are you ready for this brilliant insight?—is that some people are jerks and some people are too nice.


And for the tender ones: Dare to not qualify. Don’t pad your criticisms with fluff praise (Gal. 1:10). If you have affirmations of substances, go for it. But don’t be a self-protective flatterer. Don’t be afraid to be misunderstood. Don’t soften a needed jab of logic. And when you get an ad hominen right hook, don’t take it personally (1 Cor. 4:3–4).

And for everyone: please, please argue with actual arguments. Don’t just emote or dismiss the other side with labels. Explain why your side makes more sense. Try more persuasion, less pouting (2 Cor. 5:11). Give reasons, not just reactions (Acts 18:19).

Here’s hoping against hope that thinking adults, Christians especially, can sustain meaningful discourse without resorting to name-calling or cowardly equivocation. Christ calls us to love, which is something entirely different than being a jerk or playing it safe. A.W. Tozer got it right: “The kingdom of God, has suffered a great deal of harm from fighters—men who would rather fight than pray; but the kingdom of God has also been done great harm by men who would rather be nice than right.”


Solve Your Domestic issues first, then comment on others.

The surprising thing about the whole MPs expenses scandal is that anyone is surprised about the Westminster Village’s profligacy – be it porno movies or swimming pool repairs – they simply can’t spend our money quickly enough in very much the same way that when it comes to policy, every pound of our taxes & more are simply spunked away each year on the latest political whim. & yesterday we had Brown, Cameron & Clegg all trying to say that they were sorry not because of what they & their chummies have done but because they have be caught, to so much with a hand in the cookie jar as looting the biscuit factory.

Despite the lamentations emanating from the bowls of Westminster, the thing that I don’t understand is the entire premise on which MPs are allowed to claim expenses. Because I am a reasonably bloody minded individual, I actually took the time to read my employers expenses policy yesterday afternoon. My, how I laughed! It states right at I top of page 1 that as an underlying principle, when it comes to personal expenses, an employee should be no better or worse off as a result of discharging his or her duties. I suspect that a lot of you have similar clauses in your respective employers T&Cs. Not so in the House of Commons on the Gravy Train & this is why come The Glorious Day, I shall be billing the taxpayer for every foot of rope that I use. I have a sneaking feeling that that that would be the one bill that, in the absence of corporate sponsorship, the overwhelming majority of the electorate wouldn’t mind ponying up for

@ GaffaUK

What is right wing for you? Sarah Palin? That seems to be the leanings of the press and the libbies right now. Why? What laws in Alaska has she passed that would make her policies “right wing?” What policies did she advocate during the elections that were “right wing?” Being conservative isn’t being “right wing.”

As far as I’m concerned, until Congress passes a law stating they must abide by the very same laws they pass, all of them are crooked.

Newt Gingrich is supposedly one of the most divisive Speakers ever. Yet, he promised to have a vote on every item in the “contract with America” in the first 100 days. He did. Pelosi made a similar promise and she did crap. Which of these Speakers best represented America? Put aside the Ad hominem attacks on both and just look at their records as Speaker of the House.

George Bush did what he said he would do. I didn’t agree with everything he did, but you have to admit, the man told the truth and stood by his principles.

Barack Obama will tailor what he says depending on who he’s talking to. Which of these men best represents America best? Again, put aside the Ad hominem attacks and speak to their record.

Now, tell me a policy you believe to be “right wing.”

Beautiful picture…

Obumble sucks…

We’re in deep doodoo…

Let’s start a new party called the Patriot Party…liberals need not apply.

I need, no WANT, a beer.

@Old Trooper

Absolutely agree with you in terms of MPs. They are able to vote (or used to be able to) on their own inflation busting salaries and then they milk the system for all it’s worth. And almost, if not everything they did was legal if not ethical. Still wrong in my opinion. And a lot of their claims were originally accepted. Compared to a lot of corruption cases in continental Europe – it’s a storm in a teacup BUT it sets a bad example to everyone else. Why should we have to pay for their 2nd homes, furnishings etc. Instead the government should provide lodgings for those the majority of MPs who need to stay over in London rather than give them money to buy and profit from 2nd homes.

Okay – change right-wing to conservative. I didn’t think right-wing was an unacceptable term. And I’m not talking media perception. Are there any Conservative thinkers who you feel are too Conservative (economically, socially etc) – defined whatever way you choose.


I’ll try my hand at answering your question:

In my opinion the possible farthest social extremes of “Right-Wing” are serfdom and slavery. All of which are two-caste systems with all power concentrated in the hands of ruling nobility, and everyone else being a lowly worker class. If you include a middle-class of merchants, engineers and similar such intermediary talented individuals, Serfdom becomes Feudalism.

I think a lot of Britons see Multiculturalism along Political Correctness as import from the States. Whereelse would you have waves of immigrations stemming back over a hundred years where groups haven’t completely assimilated and still call themselves Italian-Americans or Irish-Americans. Interesting that European immigrants and subsequent American citizens chose not to assimilate with the existing culture of native americans. As for multiculturism of the 70s – I agree a lot of that is a failure and has been overstated.

I disagree with you GaffaUK….It is true Americans refer to their immigrant roots, Italian American, Irish American, African American, that is their history those folks are Americans first and their culture is as downhome American as apple pie. In the UK (as far as I know) immigrants and naturalized citizens do not refer to themselves as Pakistani British, Polish British, Jamacian British… Do they ?
As for our forefathers not assimilating with with native Americans…there were no Americans till the settlers built America into a country, there was a bunch of nomadic tribes who did not even have a name for the land they roamed.
IMO if the US adopts multiculturalism we will be repeating Europe’s mistake.

Matthew 6:24 IMO perfectly describes multiculturalism
“No one can serve two masters, because either he will hate one and love the other, or be loyal to one and despise the other”

@ GaffaUK

I think you misunderstood. There is a difference between “right wing” and “conservative,” at least in my opinion. Let’s take Pat Robertson for example. I think ole Pat is “right wing.” Although I believe America was founded on Christian principles, we also have religious freedom, including the right to observe no religion at all. I happen to be Catholic. I’m happy being Catholic. I don’t force my views on anyone else, (even though we all know the rest of you are going to hell 😉 in a handbasket).
Michael Savage, a little right wing for my tastes, although he brings up some good points from time to time. I don’t really listen to his show that often. Rush…he’s a true conservative. I don’t agree with him always, but I believe true conservatism forces you to think for yourself. You have to admit, conservatives are the most informed voters out there. It has been proven time and again. Conservatives think, liberals act on feelings. Global warming is a perfect example of that.
I also happen to be half Blackfoot Indian. Old Trooper is from Montana. He can tell you, my people are big, mean and have long memories. I hate Andrew Jackson. Everytime I pull out a $20, I flip him the bird. I believe the Bureau of Indian Affairs is a waste of tax money. It’s nothing but welfare for American Indians, and you see how well it’s worked out for them. If anyone truly needs to see what dependence on the Federal Government will get you, they need look no further than a Reservation, or The Rez if you’re a local. The Rez is a garbage dump. But who can blame the American Indians. If you work the land you have and build something on it, it’s not really yours. The tribe (and the wonderful BIA) decides who gets it when you die. They may even decide you aren’t fit to run it while you’re alive. There is no motivation to succeed. So, I hate liberalism, socialism and communism. You can find all three on The Rez. I thank my great grandparents everyday for leaving The Rez in pursuit of the American Dream. If not for them, I’d be in Montana collecting welfare and picking fights with Old Trooper. And he sounds pretty tough.

One of Mike’s heroes is back in the news…

Charles nuked the fridge long ago…
Saw a couple of the anti-Beck posts on Newsbusters. One sounded like it came from Charles himself. Alex Jones on FOX, Vlaams Belang, neo-nazis, right wing, blah, blah, blah.
Congrats cj, your brainwashing clearly took on that one.


I was always taught that Left wing represented more government control, and Right wing meant less. The extremes being an authoritarian state, and total anarchy. There is also the socialist spectrum invented by the Soviets. Left wing represented international (and more ideologically pure) socialism, and right wing referred to socialists like the Fascists and Nazis who embraced “nation” over “class”, and more or less used socialist tactics to further their own power.

American conservatism roughly equates to classical liberalism but embraces a larger government entity necessary for a vigorous national defense. Hard core social conservatives also drift from classical liberalism when they desire to legislate morality instead of ceasing to legislate immorality (we don’t need to make deviant freaks illegal, only stop granting them protected status above normal folks, then let public opinion do the rest). Libertarians more closely mimic classic liberalism, except they tend to be extremists (if not downright loony tunes) about it. Some of them are basically anarchists.

So, to answer your question, “Are there any conservative/right wing thinkers who are too con/RW?” There are extremists of every stripe. As I said, some social conservatives take it too far, as do some “small government” proponents. The main thrust of American conservatism isn’t really about extremes though. It is about a government that does it’s job and as little as possible extra, and about each person being allowed to prosper or fail. We want the right to reap the rewards if we succeed, and we do not want to be forced to share responsibility for those who fail to succeed (or even try). It is hard to believe that “The government should only do what it was originally intended to do” too strongly. I guess the only example I can think of are those who feel that the United States should retreat into an isolationist/protectionist shell just because George Washington said we should avoid foreign entanglements.

Everyone knows that Monday is Memorial Day. What if Obama does go to Dresden and apologizes for all the horrible things the U.S. did during WWII?

Aqua…What if Obama does go to Dresden and apologizes for all the horrible things the U.S. did during WWII?

What if Obama apologizes to my yet unborn Grand Children for his Record Deficit spending that He & His Band of Idiots are actually responsible for…?

I’m not going to hold my breath. BTW, it was the RAF that firebombed Dresden and the US Marshall Plan that rebuilt it.

Aqua…By the way, I am 1/4 Lakota Sioux and you would be welcome in my home any time.
Never lived on a Reservation but understand your points. My Grand Dad was a Carlisle Grad and never looked back. He raised beef cattle in Montana, married an Irish school teacher with red hair and a temper.

Maybe thats where I got mine.

Larry? Are you out there?

If you are, I’m interested in your opinion about the case of the 13 year old who was ordered to receive chemo by a court. Do you agree with the courts decision? If you do, would you give treatment to someone, even a minor, who refused the treatment?

I’m not going to hold my breath. BTW, it was the RAF that firebombed Dresden and the US Marshall Plan that rebuilt it

The British also unfortunately killed 1297 French sailors during WWII when Churchill ordered the attack to sink the French fleet to ensure it didn’t fall into German hands. Unfortunate in that the French were too stubborn to hand over the ships and loss of life could have been avoided. I don’t think the UK should apologise for this either.

However Russia should apologise over it’s cynical pact with Hitler and the way it invaded East Poland, Finland and the Baltic countries. It also helped the Nazis by giving them plenty of resources until Hitler attacked them and had successfully duped Stalin. UK is complicit in it’s role in the start of the carve up of Czechoslovakia under the Munich agreement along with not having the bravery along with France in standing up to Hitler when he rearmed the Rhineland.

@ Old Trooper

Obama doesn’t apologize for his actions, just those of others. I spent one year on active duty while Jimmy Carter was president. Moral was so low you had to dig 10′ to find a smile. We weren’t even allowed off base while wearing our uniforms unless it was 100% necessary and then it had to be Class A’s.
I have never been a person to say, “that’s not my president, I didn’t vote for him.” Even now, Obama is my president, because this is my country. If he goes over there on one of the most solemn days for our military and others that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and apologizes…I will seriously have to rethink my position.

On another note, my mom is mostly Irish. I can sympathize with the temper thing. And if you’re ever in Georgia, I’d be honored to meet you.

@ GaffaUK

The British also unfortunately killed 1297 French sailors during WWII when Churchill ordered the attack to sink the French fleet to ensure it didn’t fall into German hands.

I watch the Tudors every week. Forgive me if I call into question the UK’s motives. 😉


I haven’t seen the Tudors…is it any good? Whilst I love history I’m not so sure about such dramatisations at least in TV series. Is there any particularly bit of English skulduggery by the Tudors are you referring to?