Here are Rove’s exact words:
Mr. Obama either had very little grasp of what governing would involve or, if he did, he used words meant to mislead the public. Neither option is particularly encouraging. America now has a president quite different from the person who advertised himself for the job last year. Over time, those things can catch up to a politician.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
Misleading, Clueless and not Qualified By Citizenship to be President.
Narcissistic, pathological liar, socialist, ass kisser to the world and just plain un-American!!!
“Over time, these things can catch up to a politician”
Faster, please. 2010 elections are coming up.
Amen to all three comments….well said
More from Rove:
Ok…this is Way over simplified, but it kind of reminds me of a movie that sucks but had a great trailer to lure you in.
The koolaid drinking minions got sucked in by the campaign “trailer” Obama with wonderful promises…..but the Obama presidency SUCKS.
If the gasbag in chief is deep enough into narcissism, he’d have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
These are some of the textbook signs of someone with NPD:
Not capable of empathy.
They are Never wrong.
They don’t respond well to criticism at all.
Horrible sense of entitlement.
Regardless of an adult’s age or intelligence, they are emotionally 6 years old.
More traits here, including “disappointing gift givers” :
I truly hope no one reading this knows someone with NPD.
If you Do…give them as little personal information about yourself as possible when you don’t have a choice but to be around them.
Otherwise avoid them like the plague.
this is the old bait and switch and it is pretty sad that so many americans feel let down. never, ever look a gift horse in the mouth, can’t wait for the mid terms, they will vote out so many dems it won’t be funny. they will be cut off at the knees. i think rove is a bit mean, but he speaks the trueth most of the time.
Old Trooper you are a real piece of work. You have grasped onto the right wing lies so hard you actually believe Obama wasn’t born in the US. I bet you even believe he is a muslim still.
You need help!! serious help.
As far as what Karl Rove thinks who cares.. Thank God He is yesterdays news!!
Apparently he’s not yesterday’s news.
@Real American Patriot:
Hey Bruce,
If Obie has nothing to hide, then why has he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to prevent his birth certificate from being released?
As to the Muslim business, you’ve been schooled on that topic already. Surely you don’t want an encore of that brutal experience.
Apologies to RAP – but what are we supposed to believe from a guy who could settle the issue of a birth certificate in about 10 minutes? WHY IS IT A SECRET? I had to produce mine to get my driver’s license when I moved a few years ago. It wasn’t a big deal for me. Why is it a big deal for him…especially when it is also for US – remember, “we the people”? I am also forced to conclude that he is not a natural born citizen and should not have been qualified to run for the presidency, and might I add, I am happy to change that view. Just need some real proof.
The Presidential election of 2008 was not an election at all. It was a coup.
The reason we don’t have proof of his birth is it took place in Kenya. The reason we don’t have copies of his college transcripts is that they list him as a foriegn student. The reason we don’t have copies of his passport is that he traveled to Pakistan as an Indonesian at age 20.
Any one of these documents would de-throne the King, which is why (according to WND) he’s spent MILLIONS to hide them.
As for the clueless, like Real American Patriot, well, what can you say? Two plus two IS four, whether he believes it or not.
“As far as what Karl Rove thinks who cares.. Thank God He is yesterdays news!!”
Odd, believe Rove’s article was in today’s newspaper.
You were saying?
CoCo Joe
You are so delusional it’s really sad. Do you actually believe that right wing spew?
As for Aye the Muslim business I have no reason to believe what you spew about that either.
The birth certificate… OMG you won’t give up on your rumors and stupidity will you?
@Real American Patriot:
A “Certification of Live Birth” is not the same as a birth certificate.
Are you this dunderheaded via genetics or through lots of practice?
I didn’t think you really wanted to revisit the Muslim issue. Perhaps you’re learning after all.
I wonder…
Is Ignorance Really Bliss?
I’m sure Real American Patriot can tell us.
CoCo Joe, Aye & Old Trooper:
Read this article:
pay close attention to the last paragraph.. then when you do maybe even you will realize this hoax you have been believing about Obama not being born in the US will finally sink into your thick skulls..
I suggest ignoring the birth certificate business, and the Muslim business.
Let’s grant, for the sake of argument, that Obama is an American and some flavor of Christian. He’s still the worst President we have ever had, and that by light-years. I suspect that this is what is really bugging the Left: they gave us eight years of BDS and threw lying, screaming tantrums all that time, with the media along for the ride, and they gave us someone who is an awful lot worse than Bush. After all, since Watergate: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. What a disgrace to a political party, not to mention their LOSING candidates (Kerry, Gore, Mondale, etc.).
Right now is a really good time to be George Bush!
Methinks there are truckloads of popcorn in Crawford, Texas!
CRAP, I’m not a birther. But it is a fact that Obama’s had his legal team spending big bucks with motions to dismiss and dodge rather than produce the original document of his birth record from Hawaii in a court of law.
One would think it would be cheaper to fly the lady from the health department with the precious document in a lock box to appear than continue with the litigation of the ga’zillion suits that were filed, and still continue to be filed. This refusal to comply with the lawsuit’s demands just fuels the birthers. His appearance makes him look guilty, whether he is or not.
Then again, it’s also a great political strategy. Obama can afford the cash, and the more the birthers pile on and louder they get, the more they embarrass conservatives. The O’faithful publicly link the GOP and conservatives with birthers as part of their PR when… for the large part.. it seems to be mostly the Ron Paul and Libertarian movement. It’s a gift to the progressives that just keeps on giving.
Nor is the Muslim bit applicable. Whether he is or not, this country is founded on freedom of religion. *All* religions. You cannot pick and choose.
I agree with Jaafar. The birther/Muslim nonsense is a loser. Obama does plenty on his own to provide ample fodder for dissent.