The relevant part is about 2 minutes in, but the beginning also shows how the admin contains liars or at a minimum people willing to fib…from top to bottom!
This is the Aesop’s fairy tale final chapter to a story that Curt and I did a dual post on back in January…. INRE Obama’s road to the WH/Inaugural by retracing Lincoln’s steps. Caterpillar was to be a feather in his cap, yet is was nothing but theatrical staging back then. Also remember that Obama had just appointed Owens to his Economic Recovery Advisory Board just five days before.
Will the media remind the viewers of his stage play while traveling to his extravagant Inaugural? Hang no… they are current events challenged. Never able to connect the dots from yesterday’s news to todays. Must be all that prozac in their drinking water.
But one good thing came out of Obama’s SRO Caterpillar flop… the emergence of freshman Rep. Aaron Schock who gave one heck of a slap to Obama after his attempt to embarrass him in public at the Caterpillar event. I posted that video in the above referenced post Curt and I did, but it’s worthy of a repeat here…. a heartwarming reminder that Obama can’t fool some of the people in Congress *any* of the time.
Schock is 27 years old… wise beyond his years and evidently a poster child for the popular youthful mantra, “No Fear”. He stood up against a man who has proven to give free hand in Chicago style thuggery to get his way.
Definitely a young man to keep an eye on. And, speaking as a woman (and I’m sure Skye will confirm) he’s certainly easy on the eyes… LOL
Old Trooper
15 years ago
CAT does NOT make shovels. Obama never worked a day in his life and the Union Leadership that got Obama elected had better be crawling under a rock. A huge one…Taking America back may involve Tall tree, Rope and Traitors..Assembly required.
Some of US consider America worth saving at any cost.
Tom in CA
15 years ago
‘Shovel ready’, ‘green shoots’, ‘transparency’. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am a little tired of the Obama-isms out there.
As far as Cat goes, nothing is breaking ground right now. New construction, renovation is not even flat, it is down close to 50%. Cat won’t be hiring for a while. Sorry Obie, perhaps you should have spend some time in real businesses and not shaking down Chicago banks.
Honestly, you can’t use Caterpillar sales for new moving equipment as a gauge for what projects are breaking ground. Many already own their Cat earth movers, and some may very well be getting busy. But there are not so many “shovel ready” projects on the stimulus table as to increase the demand for more Cat equipment. Cat even said the Euro market was cutting back, and they get quite a bit of business from them as well as an int’l company.
I’d say the only thing “shovel ready” is the deep pile Obama BS we have to dig thru….
Real American Patriot
15 years ago
the following statement you made is nothing but misleading RIGHT WING SPIN with NOTHING to back it up!
Typical BS from an Obama hater
“Someone needs to do a correlation with spending from the stimulus bill and campaign contributions to Democrats and Obama!”
15 years ago
Real American Patriot-
Judging by the spastic, drool flecked denunciation of anything remotely resembling criticism of your gold plated plastic messiah, I’ll take it you’ve volunteered to figure out the correlation Mike speaks of.
Run along now, scat shoo- you’ve work to do, lil’ obot!
So are you going to back up your own claims or just be a hypocrite?
That is classic misleading leftwing spin to deny the fact that Obama repeatedly claimed Caterpillar would be able to rehire some of the company’s 20,000 laid-off workers if Congress passed the stimulus plan. Even though James Owens, the CEO, correctly contradicted him that more layoffs were on the way even if the stimulus was passed.
The facts have backed up this scenario, while all you have is hatred and misinformation.
If you are looking for misleading spin just look in the mirror…
Mike suggests there is a relationship between ARRA money and the Big Zero’s favorite slush funds. CRAP, as usual, adequately demonstrates his political senility.
Probably a good idea to repost since you missed it not only once, but twice. And I’m quite sure that since facts that portray your fearless leader in less than complimentary views don’t stick in your head, you’ll forget it yet again.
But of course, ACORN’s less than “transparent” efforts to aid Obama… self-proclaimed “Mr. Transparency”… to the top job in the US are rewarded handsomely with ARRA of 2009 money. Having the same group that specializes in registering dead voters to also do the census just doesn’t give me confidence in it’s accuracy.
Then of course there are the alternative energy types, other special interest groups, cap and trade advocates, and Obama’care advocates that are already rewarded via ARRA, or waiting in line for their piece of the American pie that Obama is busy slicing with planned legislation upcoming.
Of course, no quid pro quo there either, according to you.
But I’ll toss you a bone, CRAP. Since only about 15% of the ARRA monies are to be allocated this year, technically you may be right since it’s unlikely anyone’s actually received their funds … yet. Semantics, but you might score a point or two on that for a few years because of the delay. That, of course, doesn’t apply to ACORN, who already has some of their census people out, getting GPS coordinates within 40 ft of everyone’s front door. Of course, you’ll find that story in places like the WorldNetDaily, InfoWars and CanadianFreePress. But do you hear of this from CNN, MSNBC, or even Fox News? But nooooo…
But of course, according to Obama, the money that hasn’t been spent yet is reponsible for a more stable looking economy.
uh huh….
Here’s your choices, CRAP:
1: stick to your story because few have technically gotten Obama handouts yet (except ACORN for sure), but then admit that Obama’s spending has nothing to to with economic stability starting to happen.
2: give Obama credit for the economic slow reversal (regardless of the facts), and then admit to the quid pro quo to Obama’s pet projects and special interests.
Not to mention his “job creations” are likely to be government heavy, and temporary to boot (for both census and construction of alternative energy facilities and grids). But then hey… if he can say he has so many temporary jobs while he’s still POTUS, he can’t be blamed for when they go away after he’s booted out of office (hopefully 2012… don’t know if we can afford him any more than that)
Truth sure is ugly at times, eh?
Like shooting fish in a barrel, CRAP is….
Old Trooper
15 years ago
Phony American Patriot: Buffoonery personified and not credible.
Some of US are very credible and will take America back, regardless of your concerns. Go buy a shovel, dig a hole 6′ x3′ and 6′ deep, jump in and wait for Obama to turn the economy around.
Don’t hold your breath…..
AF Sarge (Ret)
15 years ago
Hey Mike,
Maybe if it weren’t for the porkulus package, Cat. would be in their 5th round of layoffs! 😛 /s
Someone posted a link once on a thread, linking to an BHO website with a map of the states. Pass your mouse over and it gave you the amount of jobs saved by the “stimulus” bill. How in the heck do you measure jobs “saved”? More numbers pulled from “you-know-where”, me thinks, since very little, if any, money has gone out.
15 years ago
Obama lied, economy died, America died, babies dies, etc, etc……….
The relevant part is about 2 minutes in, but the beginning also shows how the admin contains liars or at a minimum people willing to fib…from top to bottom!
This is the Aesop’s fairy tale final chapter to a story that Curt and I did a dual post on back in January…. INRE Obama’s road to the WH/Inaugural by retracing Lincoln’s steps. Caterpillar was to be a feather in his cap, yet is was nothing but theatrical staging back then. Also remember that Obama had just appointed Owens to his Economic Recovery Advisory Board just five days before.
Will the media remind the viewers of his stage play while traveling to his extravagant Inaugural? Hang no… they are current events challenged. Never able to connect the dots from yesterday’s news to todays. Must be all that prozac in their drinking water.
But one good thing came out of Obama’s SRO Caterpillar flop… the emergence of freshman Rep. Aaron Schock who gave one heck of a slap to Obama after his attempt to embarrass him in public at the Caterpillar event. I posted that video in the above referenced post Curt and I did, but it’s worthy of a repeat here…. a heartwarming reminder that Obama can’t fool some of the people in Congress *any* of the time.
Chicago Mag ran a piece about him in March.
Schock is 27 years old… wise beyond his years and evidently a poster child for the popular youthful mantra, “No Fear”. He stood up against a man who has proven to give free hand in Chicago style thuggery to get his way.
He’s the young rising star in the GOP and definitely has the new age communication media in place relying on spreading his message with YouTube and a Facebook presence.
Definitely a young man to keep an eye on. And, speaking as a woman (and I’m sure Skye will confirm) he’s certainly easy on the eyes… LOL
CAT does NOT make shovels. Obama never worked a day in his life and the Union Leadership that got Obama elected had better be crawling under a rock. A huge one…Taking America back may involve Tall tree, Rope and Traitors..Assembly required.
Some of US consider America worth saving at any cost.
‘Shovel ready’, ‘green shoots’, ‘transparency’. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am a little tired of the Obama-isms out there.
As far as Cat goes, nothing is breaking ground right now. New construction, renovation is not even flat, it is down close to 50%. Cat won’t be hiring for a while. Sorry Obie, perhaps you should have spend some time in real businesses and not shaking down Chicago banks.
Honestly, you can’t use Caterpillar sales for new moving equipment as a gauge for what projects are breaking ground. Many already own their Cat earth movers, and some may very well be getting busy. But there are not so many “shovel ready” projects on the stimulus table as to increase the demand for more Cat equipment. Cat even said the Euro market was cutting back, and they get quite a bit of business from them as well as an int’l company.
I’d say the only thing “shovel ready” is the deep pile Obama BS we have to dig thru….
the following statement you made is nothing but misleading RIGHT WING SPIN with NOTHING to back it up!
Typical BS from an Obama hater
“Someone needs to do a correlation with spending from the stimulus bill and campaign contributions to Democrats and Obama!”
Real American Patriot-
Judging by the spastic, drool flecked denunciation of anything remotely resembling criticism of your gold plated plastic messiah, I’ll take it you’ve volunteered to figure out the correlation Mike speaks of.
Run along now, scat shoo- you’ve work to do, lil’ obot!
So are you going to back up your own claims or just be a hypocrite?
That is classic misleading leftwing spin to deny the fact that Obama repeatedly claimed Caterpillar would be able to rehire some of the company’s 20,000 laid-off workers if Congress passed the stimulus plan. Even though James Owens, the CEO, correctly contradicted him that more layoffs were on the way even if the stimulus was passed.
The facts have backed up this scenario, while all you have is hatred and misinformation.
If you are looking for misleading spin just look in the mirror…
@Real American Patriot: Obama has already shown that “pay for play the Chicago way” is an important part of his political upbrining.
I merely ask a question. Your sputtering attack merely draws MORE attention to my question.
Mike suggests there is a relationship between ARRA money and the Big Zero’s favorite slush funds. CRAP, as usual, adequately demonstrates his political senility.
One such example of sleazy quid pro quo you so seek, CRAP, would be ACORN, as I originally posted on back on Mar 30th, and Curt reposted about on May 18th.
Probably a good idea to repost since you missed it not only once, but twice. And I’m quite sure that since facts that portray your fearless leader in less than complimentary views don’t stick in your head, you’ll forget it yet again.
But of course, ACORN’s less than “transparent” efforts to aid Obama… self-proclaimed “Mr. Transparency”… to the top job in the US are rewarded handsomely with ARRA of 2009 money. Having the same group that specializes in registering dead voters to also do the census just doesn’t give me confidence in it’s accuracy.
Then of course there are the alternative energy types, other special interest groups, cap and trade advocates, and Obama’care advocates that are already rewarded via ARRA, or waiting in line for their piece of the American pie that Obama is busy slicing with planned legislation upcoming.
Of course, no quid pro quo there either, according to you.
But I’ll toss you a bone, CRAP. Since only about 15% of the ARRA monies are to be allocated this year, technically you may be right since it’s unlikely anyone’s actually received their funds … yet. Semantics, but you might score a point or two on that for a few years because of the delay. That, of course, doesn’t apply to ACORN, who already has some of their census people out, getting GPS coordinates within 40 ft of everyone’s front door. Of course, you’ll find that story in places like the WorldNetDaily, InfoWars and CanadianFreePress. But do you hear of this from CNN, MSNBC, or even Fox News? But nooooo…
But of course, according to Obama, the money that hasn’t been spent yet is reponsible for a more stable looking economy.
uh huh….
Here’s your choices, CRAP:
1: stick to your story because few have technically gotten Obama handouts yet (except ACORN for sure), but then admit that Obama’s spending has nothing to to with economic stability starting to happen.
2: give Obama credit for the economic slow reversal (regardless of the facts), and then admit to the quid pro quo to Obama’s pet projects and special interests.
Not to mention his “job creations” are likely to be government heavy, and temporary to boot (for both census and construction of alternative energy facilities and grids). But then hey… if he can say he has so many temporary jobs while he’s still POTUS, he can’t be blamed for when they go away after he’s booted out of office (hopefully 2012… don’t know if we can afford him any more than that)
Truth sure is ugly at times, eh?
Like shooting fish in a barrel, CRAP is….
Phony American Patriot: Buffoonery personified and not credible.
Some of US are very credible and will take America back, regardless of your concerns. Go buy a shovel, dig a hole 6′ x3′ and 6′ deep, jump in and wait for Obama to turn the economy around.
Don’t hold your breath…..
Hey Mike,
Maybe if it weren’t for the porkulus package, Cat. would be in their 5th round of layoffs! 😛 /s
Someone posted a link once on a thread, linking to an BHO website with a map of the states. Pass your mouse over and it gave you the amount of jobs saved by the “stimulus” bill. How in the heck do you measure jobs “saved”? More numbers pulled from “you-know-where”, me thinks, since very little, if any, money has gone out.
Obama lied, economy died, America died, babies dies, etc, etc……….