Mike, everyone’s idea of the good old days is a bit different, but the reality is times HAVE changed. The Republicans have had their chance to govern, and like anything someone promotes and wants people to buy into, when whoever is selling it wonders why it no longer is popular, is comes down to “most people don’t like it”.
I respect that you and 48% felt the country should go a different direction that we are going now, but watching that video made me a bit sad for Bush too, he was rejected by even his own party during the campaign, and was only allowed a video link to the Convention. He didn’t campaign for a single Republican candidate that I can remember. His name was Mudd even amongst conservatives.
It is more sad than anything else watching that video, sad for his legacy. Even amongst the 48% who voted for McCain, few were even speaking Bush’s name. It’s not just the Libs who are down on him, but he had his chance, and across the board, people voted to turn the page from that era. Why weren’t the Republicans and Conservatives standing up and defending Bush a year ago? Why wait until now to feel sad for the loss of his leadership?
@mooseburger: You are awfully fond of citing that 48% number. You might want to check the election results before you repeat it again.
Also, it’s important to note that a great many of those who voted for Obama voted for a lie.
Did they vote to free terrorists from Gitmo on American soil?
Did they vote for a federal government takeover of banks and industry?
Did they vote for the most monstrous deficit spending spree in our history?
Dick Morris suggests that they did not. And sooner or later they will realize they have been had.
Perhaps even you will realize how badly you were lied to at some point.
P.S. I do agree that it was despicable for McCain to dump Bush. It’s another reason he lost. You don’t build the party loyalty necessary to win by dumping on a sitting President who risked everything to keep America safe.
15 years ago
Mike’s America:
THANK YOU for posting the “Wanna Be” video . . . I soooooooooooooo miss President Bush — a real MAN and a genuine LEADER!
BTW: I couldn’t agree more with your comments at post #6 . . . Both McCain and the Republican political establishment (to include virtually all of our Senators/Reps) were beyond dispicable in their treatment of President Bush . . . I will never forgive any of them, which is why my husband and I have donated all of the money we would have given to the RNC/individual politicians to President Bush’s Freedom Institute at SMU!
15 years ago
I’m willing to listen to what true Cons have to say. Unfortunately, all I get is looney birds like Rush and Hannity.
Take your party back and others, along with myself, will notice.
15 years ago
This is a man that lead, not by reaching his hand into my living room, rearranging everything that I know to be true. Turning the world upside down for some preconceived notion of fairness, or past grievances, or what ever the hell our new President is thinking. President Bush let the country know his heart, what he wanted to do, and tried his best to do it. When we were attacked he attacked back. He said you want to hit us, we will hit you back where ever you might be. He put money in our pockets and let us work out our own budgets. Oh boy do I miss him.
As for the list of things people did or didn’t vote for, there will be a referendum vote on that in the future, and if your right, Obama will be gone. If he is reelected, then you may have to face up to the fact that you might be wrong about all the evil Democrats. That is, if we all can retain some faith in the collective wisdom of the People. The 2010 mid term elections should tell us some things about what people think in terms of where the country is going. I still don’t know why Dick Morris is someone that conservatives listen to, that guy has shown some bad judgement in the past, and seems to be a self promoter more than a credible source.
I voted for Obama and I am willing to give him a chance to do what he promised, but that doesn’t mean I or anyone is happy with everything he does. If the far Right and far Left are both unhappy with him, he is probably right where most people in the country would think is the right place. Time will tell…
Several things I do respect about Bush, his commitment to Africa to help stop the Aids epidemic. Like him or hate him, you know where the man stands, which is a rarity in politics. And he has kept his silence while being assailed from all fronts, and in spite of I’m sure his certain disagreements with Obama, still hasn’t said a bad thing about Obama as of yet. Even Cheney is ticked at Bush for not pardoning Scooter, so yeah, I admit I do feel a bit sad for Bush, agree with him or not, he was our President for 8 years.
I wonder sometimes if in ten years or so down the road, I’ll be thinking how much more civil things were back in 2009….if we keep on the road we are on, politics will completely trump the governing, to a far greater extent than it does now. The campaigns don’t end after an election anymore, they just keep on going fighting the same issue battles the election was supposed to settle. What will it take to restore respect and faith in the system itself? When we eventually lose that, we will have lost more than just an election over differing ideologies.
@mooseburger: I’m glad your error regarding the “48%” is now corrected. But let me point out that nearly 60 million voters voted against this socialist masquerade that you have swallowed hook line and stinker.
I look forward to the day when you admit you made a mistake.
@DrDeb, @Shirley, @kathie: I’m glad you all enjoyed the video as much as I did. I came across it again today while I was looking for something else and it just reached out to me and said POST ME!
Real American Patriot
15 years ago
Interesting lead sentence
“In the last 100+ days since Obama took power we’ve witnessed an Administration which seems hell bent on overturning the Bush policies which have guaranteed America’s safety and prosperity.”
Safety and prosperity?? What dream land were you living in during the Bush administration?
What we really had was the 9/11 attacks which the Bush administration was warned about before they happened. Sorry it clearly happened on his watch he was warned and did nothing!
Secondly we now are living with the results of his fiscal policies. A HUGE recession. When did the recession start?? On the Bush administrations watch.
BTW.. The republicans got 46% of the vote.
You can call the Obama administration socialist if you want.. but we all know better than to swallow that kind of right wing BS. We’ve heard it before.
waiting for karma
15 years ago
What stirkes me about the videois the genuineness of the joy in the faces of many of the soldiers, and the honest emotion in the faces of the President and First Lady. Whenever I see Obama and Michelle I always get the impression that they are muttering under their breath.
Did you not witness for yourself the fact that we were not attacked again in this country after 9/11?
Did you not also witness the stock market soar to 14,000 and millions of new jobs?
Obama has yet to wipe all that away. But give him time.
The slide only began to occur after Democrats took control of Congress in 2006.
Real American Patriot
15 years ago
You are the one that is delusional.
You choose to ignore the fact that 9/11 happened on Bushes watch even though he was warned of it’s possibilities.
The slide happened on his watch also. But then again every time there are tax cuts for the wealthy there is a huge balloon in the market then it comes crashing down a few years later…..
I have also noticed the market on the way back up in recent months. Apparently you didn’t notice that.
CRAP, what part of the stimulus money Obama robbed the US taxpayer of has been released to affect the market? Perhaps you’ll enlighten us to what cash has been dolled out that’s made a difference.
Don’t expect an answer soon since most of the cash hasn’t left the Congressional coffers yet.
So far the only credit for lessening the impact of the recession has been given by Bernanke… and that was to the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act passed under the Bush last fall. First in his remarks to Banking Committee back in late February.
The measures taken by the Federal Reserve, other U.S. government entities, and foreign governments since September have helped to restore a degree of stability to some financial markets. In particular, strains in short-term funding markets have eased notably since the fall, and London interbank offered rates (Libor)–upon which borrowing costs for many households and businesses are based–have decreased sharply.
But of course the banks are “stabilizing”… they were bailed out, used their funds to pay off their own debt… sometimes even debt that was owed to other banks who also received taxpayer funds. The only “improvement” you see in the recent months is banks being more solvent than they were… and that’s from receiving funds from the original Bush TARP.
The economy was always going to improve. Generally it does it faster if the feds don’t help. But if you’re planning on giving Obama credit for improving the economy, you’d better point out specificall what he has done. Truth is, what he’s done can be put in a nutshell. He’s allocated spending via legislation… plans on yet more spending… talks about another stimulus when virtually none of the first stimulus has been released… and he started a program to evaluate the banks status back in February. Whoop dee dooo.
Oh, and yes, he’s bad mouthed the economy, hyping and worsening the crisis, until a wiser ventroloquinst got ahold of the TOTUS and said knock it the f*@k off.
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States: The following is the text of an item from the Presidential Daily Brief received by President William J. Clinton on December 4, 1998. Redacted material is indicated in brackets.
SUBJECT: Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks
1. Reporting [-] suggests Bin Ladin and his allies are preparing for attacks in the US, including an aircraft hijacking
Bush had 33 days to act on the information he received August 6, 2001. 778 days passed between the time President Clinton recieved the above warning and the time he left office.
What did Clinton do to protect the American people? Probably about as much as Obama will do in between apology tours to the Arabs.
Bush had 33 days to act on the information he received August 6, 2001. 778 days passed between the time President Clinton recieved the above warning and the time he left office.
What did Clinton do to protect the American people? Probably about as much as Obama will do in between apology tours to the Arabs
If Clinton had information then wasn’t that passed over to Bush? So therefore didn’t Bush have 233 days to act irrespective on the additional info he received in Aug 6th?
And if the current credit crunch can be traced back to Clinton via Freddie & Fannie Mae – then didn’t Bush have 2788 days to sort that out?
You can blame Clinton for so much – but you can’t claim that it wasn’t on Bush’s watch and that he didn’t have time to avert these disasters.
The August 6th report is much less specific than the warning Clinton received which warned of hijacked aircraft.
And yes, I do blame Clinton for a lot in relation to terrorism. His weak, feckless policy emboldened the terrorists and led them to plan 9/11.
The attacks may have occurred on Bush’s watch. But the planning was well underway before Bush took office and was a direct reaction to Clinton’s weakness.
So refreshing for my Friday…thanks, Mike.
thank you, thank you, thank you
Mike, everyone’s idea of the good old days is a bit different, but the reality is times HAVE changed. The Republicans have had their chance to govern, and like anything someone promotes and wants people to buy into, when whoever is selling it wonders why it no longer is popular, is comes down to “most people don’t like it”.
I respect that you and 48% felt the country should go a different direction that we are going now, but watching that video made me a bit sad for Bush too, he was rejected by even his own party during the campaign, and was only allowed a video link to the Convention. He didn’t campaign for a single Republican candidate that I can remember. His name was Mudd even amongst conservatives.
It is more sad than anything else watching that video, sad for his legacy. Even amongst the 48% who voted for McCain, few were even speaking Bush’s name. It’s not just the Libs who are down on him, but he had his chance, and across the board, people voted to turn the page from that era. Why weren’t the Republicans and Conservatives standing up and defending Bush a year ago? Why wait until now to feel sad for the loss of his leadership?
Oh, brother!!
Maybe when more Americans see the freedoms were losing, they’ll look back and be thankful for what we had. Thank you for posting this video.
@mooseburger: You are awfully fond of citing that 48% number. You might want to check the election results before you repeat it again.
Also, it’s important to note that a great many of those who voted for Obama voted for a lie.
Did they vote to free terrorists from Gitmo on American soil?
Did they vote for a federal government takeover of banks and industry?
Did they vote for the most monstrous deficit spending spree in our history?
Dick Morris suggests that they did not. And sooner or later they will realize they have been had.
Perhaps even you will realize how badly you were lied to at some point.
P.S. I do agree that it was despicable for McCain to dump Bush. It’s another reason he lost. You don’t build the party loyalty necessary to win by dumping on a sitting President who risked everything to keep America safe.
Mike’s America:
THANK YOU for posting the “Wanna Be” video . . . I soooooooooooooo miss President Bush — a real MAN and a genuine LEADER!
BTW: I couldn’t agree more with your comments at post #6 . . . Both McCain and the Republican political establishment (to include virtually all of our Senators/Reps) were beyond dispicable in their treatment of President Bush . . . I will never forgive any of them, which is why my husband and I have donated all of the money we would have given to the RNC/individual politicians to President Bush’s Freedom Institute at SMU!
I’m willing to listen to what true Cons have to say. Unfortunately, all I get is looney birds like Rush and Hannity.
Take your party back and others, along with myself, will notice.
This is a man that lead, not by reaching his hand into my living room, rearranging everything that I know to be true. Turning the world upside down for some preconceived notion of fairness, or past grievances, or what ever the hell our new President is thinking. President Bush let the country know his heart, what he wanted to do, and tried his best to do it. When we were attacked he attacked back. He said you want to hit us, we will hit you back where ever you might be. He put money in our pockets and let us work out our own budgets. Oh boy do I miss him.
Mike: I checked that percentage, here’s what I found
As for the list of things people did or didn’t vote for, there will be a referendum vote on that in the future, and if your right, Obama will be gone. If he is reelected, then you may have to face up to the fact that you might be wrong about all the evil Democrats. That is, if we all can retain some faith in the collective wisdom of the People. The 2010 mid term elections should tell us some things about what people think in terms of where the country is going. I still don’t know why Dick Morris is someone that conservatives listen to, that guy has shown some bad judgement in the past, and seems to be a self promoter more than a credible source.
I voted for Obama and I am willing to give him a chance to do what he promised, but that doesn’t mean I or anyone is happy with everything he does. If the far Right and far Left are both unhappy with him, he is probably right where most people in the country would think is the right place. Time will tell…
Several things I do respect about Bush, his commitment to Africa to help stop the Aids epidemic. Like him or hate him, you know where the man stands, which is a rarity in politics. And he has kept his silence while being assailed from all fronts, and in spite of I’m sure his certain disagreements with Obama, still hasn’t said a bad thing about Obama as of yet. Even Cheney is ticked at Bush for not pardoning Scooter, so yeah, I admit I do feel a bit sad for Bush, agree with him or not, he was our President for 8 years.
I wonder sometimes if in ten years or so down the road, I’ll be thinking how much more civil things were back in 2009….if we keep on the road we are on, politics will completely trump the governing, to a far greater extent than it does now. The campaigns don’t end after an election anymore, they just keep on going fighting the same issue battles the election was supposed to settle. What will it take to restore respect and faith in the system itself? When we eventually lose that, we will have lost more than just an election over differing ideologies.
Punks don’t fly jets.
@mooseburger: I’m glad your error regarding the “48%” is now corrected. But let me point out that nearly 60 million voters voted against this socialist masquerade that you have swallowed hook line and stinker.
I look forward to the day when you admit you made a mistake.
@DrDeb, @Shirley, @kathie: I’m glad you all enjoyed the video as much as I did. I came across it again today while I was looking for something else and it just reached out to me and said POST ME!
Interesting lead sentence
“In the last 100+ days since Obama took power we’ve witnessed an Administration which seems hell bent on overturning the Bush policies which have guaranteed America’s safety and prosperity.”
Safety and prosperity?? What dream land were you living in during the Bush administration?
What we really had was the 9/11 attacks which the Bush administration was warned about before they happened. Sorry it clearly happened on his watch he was warned and did nothing!
Secondly we now are living with the results of his fiscal policies. A HUGE recession. When did the recession start?? On the Bush administrations watch.
BTW.. The republicans got 46% of the vote.
You can call the Obama administration socialist if you want.. but we all know better than to swallow that kind of right wing BS. We’ve heard it before.
What stirkes me about the videois the genuineness of the joy in the faces of many of the soldiers, and the honest emotion in the faces of the President and First Lady. Whenever I see Obama and Michelle I always get the impression that they are muttering under their breath.
@Real American Patriot: You live in a land of delusion.
Did you not witness for yourself the fact that we were not attacked again in this country after 9/11?
Did you not also witness the stock market soar to 14,000 and millions of new jobs?
Obama has yet to wipe all that away. But give him time.
The slide only began to occur after Democrats took control of Congress in 2006.
You are the one that is delusional.
You choose to ignore the fact that 9/11 happened on Bushes watch even though he was warned of it’s possibilities.
The slide happened on his watch also. But then again every time there are tax cuts for the wealthy there is a huge balloon in the market then it comes crashing down a few years later…..
I have also noticed the market on the way back up in recent months. Apparently you didn’t notice that.
Obama’s plan seems to be working! Hummmmm
CRAP, what part of the stimulus money Obama robbed the US taxpayer of has been released to affect the market? Perhaps you’ll enlighten us to what cash has been dolled out that’s made a difference.
Don’t expect an answer soon since most of the cash hasn’t left the Congressional coffers yet.
So far the only credit for lessening the impact of the recession has been given by Bernanke… and that was to the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act passed under the Bush last fall. First in his remarks to Banking Committee back in late February.
But of course the banks are “stabilizing”… they were bailed out, used their funds to pay off their own debt… sometimes even debt that was owed to other banks who also received taxpayer funds. The only “improvement” you see in the recent months is banks being more solvent than they were… and that’s from receiving funds from the original Bush TARP.
The economy was always going to improve. Generally it does it faster if the feds don’t help. But if you’re planning on giving Obama credit for improving the economy, you’d better point out specificall what he has done. Truth is, what he’s done can be put in a nutshell. He’s allocated spending via legislation… plans on yet more spending… talks about another stimulus when virtually none of the first stimulus has been released… and he started a program to evaluate the banks status back in February. Whoop dee dooo.
Oh, and yes, he’s bad mouthed the economy, hyping and worsening the crisis, until a wiser ventroloquinst got ahold of the TOTUS and said knock it the f*@k off.
@Real American Patriot: You’re not only a delusional fool you are an ASS as well.
Blaming Bush for 9/11? Did you forget about this?
Bush had 33 days to act on the information he received August 6, 2001. 778 days passed between the time President Clinton recieved the above warning and the time he left office.
What did Clinton do to protect the American people? Probably about as much as Obama will do in between apology tours to the Arabs.
If Clinton had information then wasn’t that passed over to Bush? So therefore didn’t Bush have 233 days to act irrespective on the additional info he received in Aug 6th?
And if the current credit crunch can be traced back to Clinton via Freddie & Fannie Mae – then didn’t Bush have 2788 days to sort that out?
You can blame Clinton for so much – but you can’t claim that it wasn’t on Bush’s watch and that he didn’t have time to avert these disasters.
@GaffaUK: I’d have to go back and check the 9/11 Report to see what Clinton information was passed to Bush.
But the 33 days refers to this Presidential Daily briefing on August 6, 2001:
The August 6th report is much less specific than the warning Clinton received which warned of hijacked aircraft.
And yes, I do blame Clinton for a lot in relation to terrorism. His weak, feckless policy emboldened the terrorists and led them to plan 9/11.
The attacks may have occurred on Bush’s watch. But the planning was well underway before Bush took office and was a direct reaction to Clinton’s weakness.